IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 #11

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I must of missed it, but I take it there was nothing to make of the search yesterday on the south border of the county?
Well I think by solely focusing on her friends (who I think are the last people that would want any harmed to come to her) the danger becomes of excluding other possibilities. Also try to stay positive as she may still be out there and have a chance for this to conclude in a positive rather than negative fashion. Unfortunately when people impair themselves they may make decisions that (I am not saying she was impaired) that they would not ordinarily make so a wide spectrum of possibilities exist. My prayers and heart go out to the family and loved ones.
And likely the reason that the Captain noticeably joined Mom this morning in offering up adjectives to describe this group's refusal to provide info. Captain, not Mom, took that role this morning. Prior to today, it's been Mom.

Personally, I say good for him.

Didn't sound like they're looking at random abduction at all.
Honestly, if DR didn't have legal representation until recently, that tells me that he had nothing to do with this and probably knows nothing about her disappearance. Personally, I think ANY POI at this point (even HT) would be a complete fool to not have hired an attorney yet - guilty OR innocent. However, if he hadn't had one by now, he likely didn't think he needed one.

Not only is this a horrible thing for LS's parents, as well as for her innocent friends who are also likely shocked and grieving, but this additionally could be a real financial hardship on the parents of the innocent boys (I do believe some are likely guilty but I don't think that EVERY POI played a role and I think some may know NOTHING). None will qualify for a Public Defender unless they are charged and so far, none have (that we know of). Therefore, they must turn to a private attorney and they do not come cheap for something like this.
If the parents don't want to keep paying a lawyer, maybe the son and the lawyer can sit down with LE, answer all their questions, and get themselves cleared...JMO...turn over phone records, take a LD test, whatever....people do get cleared in these types of cases, if they are truly not involved.
A comment about peoples' suspicions of the "friends" cooperation or participation in searches...

HT, JW and DR have all participated at one point or another in volunteer searches. HT and DR have spoken on camera to news media. JW has spoken to LS's parents.

I have seen no report that JR, CR or MB has participated in searches. CR has spoken (a brief, seemingly prepared statement) on camera to news media. JR and MB have not. None have spoken to LS's parents. While one might not expect CR and perhaps especially MB, who had barely met LS and of course don't know her family, to have done so, especially after retaining counsel who may have advised against it, LS's father has made that point especially about CR, who of course was the last confirmed seen with her.

To me, there is a clear difference between these two groups. Yet, much of the continuing suspicion here seems directed especially at the former group. While I believe no one should be 100% above suspicion, I honestly find that attitude hard to understand.

Hi -
Could you please post a link stating that JW has participated in the searches? I must have missed that article. Thank you :)
Bet LS played that song over and over again while at IU with friends. Perhaps, one of her favorites. An appeal to peers' humanity and any shred of empathy they may possess.
Hi -
Could you please post a link stating that JW has participated in the searches? I must have missed that article. Thank you :)

Believe it was stated only at one of the pressers in answer to a question, but it was made clear that JW had participated only in volunteer search/es.
Hi -
Could you please post a link stating that JW has participated in the searches? I must have missed that article. Thank you :)

It was stated by Qualters in one of the 6/7-10 news conferences, which I posted and transcribed in, I believe, the previous thread.
I'm going to step out here and say something about the type of friendships these are. These kids are cohorts in crime. Literally. They spend their time flying beneath the radar trying to illegally buy alcohol and drugs, or buy it legally and give it or sell it to those who can't. And then they drink together and prowl the streets and bars until the wee hours. That's what they do.

When you've got a group like this, they're not really friends. They're accomplices. Now that one of them has caused the bright glaring light of the public on their behaviors, they're a bit scared and a bit irritated. As well, I'm sure they do have some affection for her and some strong sense of loss. But they're also covering their criminal behavior and hoping not to get charged for it.

Except some, like JW and Mike B who weren't in on this whole thing.

I contrast their social network with strongly religious youth I know - who spend their time bowling until the late night, sitting on the beach in front of a campfire, having game nights with Trivial Pursuit and Charades, all stone cold sober. If one of their crowd went missing walking home from these events, they'd rally and hold vigils and do what they can - anything - to help out. Because that's what they're made of, that's what their friendships are forged with. Love, affection, connectedness beyond using one another for mutual criminal and drugging/boozing activities.

I'm a little behind, but I couldn't agree more! Thank you for this insight.

As someone who associated with both of the groups you mention above in college, I can say now that the ones who I trust, continue to talk to, and will have in my wedding party all belong to the latter group.
Another comment about the quickness of escalating this to a missing person case. What exactly about finding LS not in the apartment would mean she hadn't been there and left already? Once the phone has been accounted for as left at a bar then that should explain the trouble in reaching her.

Ideally, if looking for her you find her at the apartment, but realistically as the BF looking for her isn't it just as likely she's already been there and left for all you know by that point in the day?

What and who caused this to go from "I wonder where she's at?" to "OMG Something's happened to her!" is an important question that I'd assume would be high on LE's list of things to find know.
I believe that suspicion is directed at HT largely because she is the only POI (along with CR's and MB's attorney and some confirmation from LE) who has supplied us with any of the story. What would people be saying if JR, CR, MB, DR, and JW (all of them, unlike HT, represented by counsel) were recounting the night in public as well?

Apparently HT isn't very helpful to police either, because they said only one of Lauren's friends has given them info,
"and that person had to be tracked down".
Notwithstanding Charlene's heartbreaking emotional pleas, I can't shake the feeling that all these POIs/Friends are catching a really bad rap right now. As another poster detailed earlier, BPD has eluded to the fact that these people have all cooperated and talked with LE.

Side note: I'm well older than college age (unfortunately) and have absolutely zero tie to anybody in this case.

2nd side note: I've seen people mention a possible cover up between JW and JR because of fraternity bond... Well, I find this notion absolutely ridiculous. I went to a similar type big ten school and was in a fraternity. There were "brothers" a year younger than me that I had never even had a conversation with.

That is all.
Apparently HT isn't very helpful to police either, because they said only one of Lauren's friends has given them info,
"and that person had to be tracked down".

I thought they said only one person didn't need to be tracked down...? And that everyone else did.
Apparently HT isn't very helpful to police either, because they said only one of Lauren's friends has given them info,
"and that person had to be tracked down".

I thought Captain said that 1 came forward (meaning on own), and if they received info from others>those others had to be tracked down?? That was bad enough in my mind.
Notwithstanding Charlene's heartbreaking emotional pleas, I can't shake the feeling that all these POIs/Friends are catching a really bad rap right now. As another poster detailed earlier, BPD has eluded to the fact that these people have all cooperated and talked with LE.

Side note: I'm well older than college age (unfortunately) and have absolutely zero tie to anybody in this case.

2nd side note: I've seen people mention a possible cover up between JW and JR because of fraternity bond... Well, I find this notion absolutely ridiculous. I went to a similar type big ten school and was in a fraternity. There were "brothers" a year younger than me that I had never even had a conversation with.

That is all.

Respectfully, BBM:

That was early on. She's been missing 3 weeks today. The tone at the pressers has clearly changed. No one has been cleared. Only one...Only one...Only one, etc.

was 5 mile radius based on statistical info compiled

videos reviewed to compile a timeline or to corroborate info

I'm going to step out here and say something about the type of friendships these are. These kids are cohorts in crime. Literally. They spend their time flying beneath the radar trying to illegally buy alcohol and drugs, or buy it legally and give it or sell it to those who can't. And then they drink together and prowl the streets and bars until the wee hours. That's what they do.

When you've got a group like this, they're not really friends. They're accomplices. Now that one of them has caused the bright glaring light of the public on their behaviors, they're a bit scared and a bit irritated. As well, I'm sure they do have some affection for her and some strong sense of loss. But they're also covering their criminal behavior and hoping not to get charged for it.

Except some, like JW and Mike B who weren't in on this whole thing.

I contrast their social network with strongly religious youth I know - who spend their time bowling until the late night, sitting on the beach in front of a campfire, having game nights with Trivial Pursuit and Charades, all stone cold sober. If one of their crowd went missing walking home from these events, they'd rally and hold vigils and do what they can - anything - to help out. Because that's what they're made of, that's what their friendships are forged with. Love, affection, connectedness beyond using one another for mutual criminal and drugging/boozing activities.

I do not think anyone knows how many true friends they have until it is the worst of times.

"If you have one true friend you have more than your share"
Thomas Fuller
The obvious question is whether the friends of JW attacked CR the night before because they thought she was in some sort of danger. Was the reason they fought with CR because they were concerned about drug use or something like that that could put LS at risk? or was it simply because they did not like the idea that she was alone with someone else and not her b/f. Hard to believe that they had the fight just for that. A more likely scenario is that they fought and tried to keep her because she might have been intoxicated and they were concerned about her well-being. JMO. If that was the reason for the fight, it would only make sense that her boyfriend and/or roommate would notify her parents and make a police report as early as 3 pm.

Cannot disagree with this any more strongly. It seems obvious that they were after this guy because she was with him, as a companion for the night, and for no other reason. If she was in danger, do you think a group of friends would have let her walk off with the guy? No. If she did not like CR's attention, you think she would have been with him in the first place, or walked him back to his place? No.

It's clear that:
1. Lauren and JW had broken up or were not getting along
2. Lauren was planning on spending the rest of her evening with CR (and maybe other friends)
3. The group of young men took up for their buddy JW, and punched CR in the face
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