IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 #11

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As long as PD and Mrs. Spierer say only one, only one, then few others will come forward. Rather they should put positive spin on it "Everybody's doing it!" to break the silence. Seriously different tactic.
Respectfully, BBM:

That was early on. She's been missing 3 weeks today. The tone at the pressers has clearly changed. No one has been cleared. Only one...Only one...Only one, etc.

I hear ya. I wish we knew more but we don't. Unfortunately, LE as per usual I imagine, is carefully selecting what it wants to tell us. I just don't think these POIs are avoiding talking to LE like some have said.
Cannot disagree with this any more strongly. It seems obvious that they were after this guy because she was with him, as a companion for the night, and for no other reason. If she was in danger, do you think a group of friends would have let her walk off with the guy? No. If she did not like CR's attention, you think she would have been with him in the first place, or walked him back to his place? No.

It's clear that:
1. Lauren and JW had broken up or were not getting along
2. Lauren was planning on spending the rest of her evening with CR (and possibly others)
3. The group of young men took up for their buddy JW, and punched CR in the face

BBM. I'm sorry to ask, but can you link to this or tell me how this is "clear"? You're not the first to mention, but I'm a little behind and I can't find any evidence.
From June 7th presser

"We’ve had a lot of cooperation with the persons of interest," Parker said, adding that police have also searched the apartments of the friends last seen with Spierer.

June 10th, Lt. Parker referring to JW

"We continue to speak with him. He's cooperative," said Bloomington Police Lt. Bill Parker at a press conference.

IMO, it's individuals other than the persons of interest who are not cooperative.
"He also confirmed what Lauren’s mother, Charlene, said on Wednesday, that only one of Lauren’s friends has talked to the police. He also added that the police had to track this person down to talk to them."

I don't understand this at all. Of course her friends talked to the police, that's how they know of Lauren's movements all night long. They know who she was with, when she went to the bar and returned, that her boyfriend couldn't get ahold of her, that she walked CR back to his apartment and had a conversation at that time with MB. Her two roommates have spoken up, and have done on camera interviews.

JW and (her roommate?) called LE and reported her missing.

I don't know how this has become so twisted - I think maybe after all the rounds of interviews, then one additional friend called with an update to the prior information?
BBM. I'm sorry to ask, but can you link to this or tell me how this is "clear"? You're not the first to mention, but I'm a little behind and I can't find any evidence.

I'm sorry, I don't need a link to draw every conclusion in this case.

If LS and JW were in a great relationship ...

1. Would Lauren be in the company of another male at 2 a.m? --- a guy she barely knew, no less?
2. Would her b/f just sit at home all night and not try to contact her until the next day?
he knew it was going on, because his buddies were there and beat the guy up

I think it's a step of about 1 inch to reach the conclusion that Lauren and JW were no longer "together", or at least having serious problems.

(unless this was normal behavior for LS, which nobody has indicated was the case)
I'm sorry, I don't need a link to draw every conclusion in this case.

If LS and JW were in a great relationship ...

1. Would Lauren be in the company of another male at 2 a.m? --- a guy she barely knew, no less?
2. Would her b/f just sit at home all night and not try to contact her until the next day?
he knew it was going on, because his buddies were there and beat the guy up

I think it's a step of about 1 inch to reach the conclusion that Lauren and JW were no longer "together", or at least having serious problems.

(unless this was normal behavior for LS, which nobody has indicated was the case)

Maybe not every conclusion, but some of the reaches.. sure. :waitasec:
Cannot disagree with this any more strongly. It seems obvious that they were after this guy because she was with him, as a companion for the night, and for no other reason. If she was in danger, do you think a group of friends would have let her walk off with the guy? No. If she did not like CR's attention, you think she would have been with him in the first place, or walked him back to his place? No.

It's clear that:
1. Lauren and JW had broken up or were not getting along
2. Lauren was planning on spending the rest of her evening with CR (and maybe other friends)
3. The group of young men took up for their buddy JW, and punched CR in the face

You seem to state "facts" that may not be necessarily true or have been reported in the press (like #1). We simply dont know what happened in that fight and what were the real reasons. However, my point is simple. I wrote that IF there was any suspicion of drug use (i.e. cocaine use) and she was heavily intoxicated, that would have been a good motive for the fraternity friends of JW to try to talk to her into staying in her place and not continue that way that night. Independently of the reasons for the fight, I think we all agree that had she not left again her place and gone back to her apartment that night, she would not be missing today. If the rumors reported in the press about her having an O.D. have any basis, then most likely that would not have happened if she did not leave after the fight.
You seem to state "facts" that may not be necessarily true or have been reported in the press (like #1). We simply dont know what happened in that fight and what were the real reasons. However, my point is simple. I wrote that IF there was any suspicion of drug use (i.e. cocaine use) and she was heavily intoxicated, that would have been a good motive for the fraternity friends of JW to try to talk to her into staying in her place and not continue that way that night. Independently of the reasons for the fight, I think we all agree that had she not left again her place and gone back to her apartment that night, she would not be missing today. If the rumors reported in the press about her having an O.D. have any basis, then most likely that would not have happened if she did not leave after the fight.

You think if they feared for her they would have simply punched the guy and then walked off?

Not believable at all, IMO.

Obvious retaliatory attack.
Maybe not every conclusion, but some of the reaches.. sure. :waitasec:

How is it a reach? It's normal for women in a relationship to walk off with other men at 2 a.m. -- men they have just met?
"He also confirmed what Lauren’s mother, Charlene, said on Wednesday, that only one of Lauren’s friends has talked to the police. He also added that the police had to track this person down to talk to them."

I heard what H-Times is reporting:

Police have had to seek Spierer's friends and associates for interviews, he said. Only one has reached out to police.

No one that has been mentioned in the investigation thus far "has been cleared" by police, Qualters said.
How is it a reach? It's normal for women in a relationship to walk off with other men at 2 a.m. -- men they have just met?

I have no idea what's normal for LS or JW or JR or CR or MB or any of these people. You could be 100% correct, but my point is it NOT fact and it is not "clear".
Another comment about the quickness of escalating this to a missing person case. What exactly about finding LS not in the apartment would mean she hadn't been there and left already? Once the phone has been accounted for as left at a bar then that should explain the trouble in reaching her.

Ideally, if looking for her you find her at the apartment, but realistically as the BF looking for her isn't it just as likely she's already been there and left for all you know by that point in the day?

What and who caused this to go from "I wonder where she's at?" to "OMG Something's happened to her!" is an important question that I'd assume would be high on LE's list of things to find know.

JW is texting the phone. At some point, probably around 12n-1p someone at Kilroy's calls or texts JW back and says phone has been at the bar. It hits him that something's really wrong. He calls HT and arranges to pick up the key at her class. He goes to apartment - no Lauren he and two firends (not ht) are involved in filing police report.

So I guess, filling in the story would go something like this:
HT goes to bed that night not knowing where her roommate and friend is even though she knows Lauren was pretty messed-up. HT doesn't see Lauren in her room when she wakes up and so, everything is normal, goes to class.

JW going to the apt is only going to confirm what HT already knows cause that's the apartment she lives in. Unless she slept somewhere else. Which is why I want to know if she has a boyfriend. All these details missing from a story, which the person at the heart of, has been talking lots of JR this and JR that, deflecting details about her role in the night/morning.
I do not think anyone knows how many true friends they have until it is the worst of times.

"If you have one true friend you have more than your share"
Thomas Fuller

But the friends of Lauren and their parents don't have the human decency to reach out and support this family in trying to piece together this mess. Someone knows something. For each student with two parents and extended family-not one of the adults in their life is telling them to go forward and tell what they know? I would want to get down to the bottom of it myself.

My 15 yo daughter found a pair of vintage Ray Ban sunglasses at the pool yesterday. She brought them home intending to keep them. What should my response have been? Obviously this is a red flag to me that my child has some lessons to learn quick...I think this little thing could be a big indicator of a serious character flaw.

My point is, parents are examples and the children learn these values from them. If kids see their parents stealing, being greedy, lying, etc...I think kids grow up doing these things themselves.
I wonder how the parents of these kids are responding and interacting with their children now.

Bring Lauren home to her family!
DR is texting the phone. At some point, probably around 12n-1p someone at Kilroy's calls or texts DR back and says phone has been at the bar. It hits him that something's really wrong. He calls HT and arranges to pick up the key at her class. He goes to apartment - no Lauren he and two firends (not ht) are involved in filing police report.

So I guess, filling in the story would go something like this:
HT goes to bed that night not knowing where her roommate and friend is even though she knows Lauren was pretty messed-up. HT doesn't see Lauren in her room when she wakes up and so, everything is normal, goes to class.

JR going to the apt is only going to confirm what HT already knows cause that's the apartment she lives in. Unless she slept somewhere else. Which is why I want to know if she has a boyfriend. All these details missing from a story, which the person at the heart of, has been talking lots of JR this and JR that, deflecting details about her role in the night/morning.

You mean JW not DR. And also, I'm confused... Didn't you write a long post a few pages back about HT (pretty, open, friendly etc etc).
But the friends of Lauren and their parents don't have the human decency to reach out and support this family in trying to piece together this mess. Someone knows something. For each student with two parents and extended family-not one of the adults in their life is telling them to go forward and tell what they know? I would want to get down to the bottom of it myself.

My 15 yo daughter found a pair of vintage Ray Ban sunglasses at the pool yesterday. She brought them home intending to keep them. What should my response have been? Obviously this is a red flag to me that my child has some lessons to learn quick...I think this little thing could be a big indicator of a serious character flaw.

My point is, parents are examples and the children learn these values from them. If kids see their parents stealing, being greedy, lying, etc...I think kids grow up doing these things themselves.
I wonder how the parents of these kids are responding and interacting with their children now.

Bring Lauren home to her family!

Just look at Casey Anthony's mom. There's a reason people turn out the way they do -- bad parenting.

No different here with these kids.
It was stated by Qualters in one of the 6/7-10 news conferences, which I posted and transcribed in, I believe, the previous thread.

I can't find it. If you could be so kind as to provide the link again-I would really appreciate it. It was my understanding that as a POI , JW was not allowed ro search. Thanks again AnalyticalExaminer. If he did indeed search that may affect one of my "theories" so far :)
Another question for veteran sleuthers or those familiar with criminal investigations:

There have been other stalemates like this with other missing persons. How has it ended before? I can't imagine someone doesn't crack relatively soon, but what does history say? Let's say they don't find a body, how long do these names have to remain under suspicion before they break down? Has there ever been a case with this many PsOI where the group holds strong? :waitasec:
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