IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 #11

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I have been lurking also and wonder the same thing. This appeared in Westchester NY new paper on June 9

Asked what he (Salzmann) thinks happened to Spierer, he said, "I have my theory.

"I hope they follow all the leads we've given." Saltzmann said he wants police to arrest the student who punched his client.

This reads as if Salzmann believes that the punchers are involved with the disappearance. Another interview I've seen (I believe it was on video) seems to indicate that his theory involves a random abduction.
Hello WS! I have been lurking for awhile and decided to make a post!
If CR was attacked by some of JW friends AND this was all caught on video, why have these friend/s not been arrested for assault?
For one I would think CR would not cooperate with the prosecution.Even with claiming memory loss the defense would call him to the stand and ask him everything about that night in detail under oath.Something his lawyer would not let him do whether he was truly innocent or guilty.
Some of the comments over there at IDS regarding junkies, homeless wandering about etc...where on earth would any of those people be able to take Lauren and hide her so well that more than 3 weeks later she could not be found?

She had to have been taken away in a vehicle at some point, either after something happened, or as an abduction. If she was taken off the street, chances are at least somewhat good that a video may surface...if indeed LE has 300 hours of video to review and a lot of that still remains. There should be minimal cars out on the road at 4:30AM or even at 3:30AM, if the time is "iffy". The reason the white truck was important, in my opinion, is because so few vehicles were on tape that this one stood out.

I hope that LE has lots of people reviewing these tapes this weekend, even as the searches happen today. The break has to come from video or cell phones, in my opinion, if no one is going to talk.

The vehicle is not actually necessary. What about disposal into a dumpster and then into a landfill? Wouldn't be a first time the body is disposed of that way.
For one I would think CR would not cooperate with the prosecution.Even with claiming memory loss the defense would call him to the stand and ask him everything about that night in detail under oath.Something his lawyer would not let him do whether he was truly innocent or guilty.

No doubt. And CR wasn't even supposed to be in a building to begin with.
I think the fixation on drawing the implication of a rift in the relationship from LS and CR's being together late at night is unwarranted. Are college girls with boyfriends not supposed to have a social life, even a "party" social life, apart from their boyfriend? This seems unrecognizant of the nature of these individuals', if not most college students', social lives - we have been told by her best friends that LS had an enormous circle of friends and was a social butterfly. They have also told us she had a great relationship with her boyfriend, who appears to have a similarly wide social network.

If you believe JW's alibi at least up until 2:30AM (and we have no report that he was among the group at Smallwood at the time, though that doesn't mean 100% that he wasn't), JW was obviously insufficiently concerned about being apart, and not hearing, from his girlfriend, who he sees all the time, even late at night on a night they were supposed to meet, to go looking for her.

If the two of them (LS and CR) were just hanging around friendly like, then why did the friend of JW allegedly beat CR up? JW might have been under the impression she was going to stay home rather then partying until early hours of the morning.
One big problem with this narrative which has been out there for awhile is that the game was at 9pm. The info comes from HT, and is convoluted. She says she was with LS til 12:30 and then LS leaves, and HT stays at Smallwood. HT also says LS watched the game with the boys up on 11th st. IF that's true, LS left Smallwood EARLY (in the 8pm hour) watched the game, went back down to Smallwood and then left again to go out for the night (we have on video).

I find the time the game began to be irrelevant because they could have had it on DVR to watch later.
I think there are 3 major possibilities left IMO:

1. Unknown criminal on the street who randomly attacked LS after she left. Unlikely because there is no video of her walking back to her place in that case. But still theoretically possible.

2. OD and cover-up by more than one person in that building. In that case the last person who admitted seeing her may be involved in the cover-up, but might not have acted alone. Lets not forget that another of the POIs has claimed "memory loss" for any events after a certain time that night. Claiming "memory loss" sounds more concerning to me than what JR has said about what happened.

3. Sexual assault by someone who knew her. I think that is also unlikely, but still possible.

These are the 3 possible scenarios IMO. I believe that #2 is by far the most likely and #1 the least likely.

#4 Outright murder - perhaps by JW, out of jealous, or someone else. Not sure I believe this, but it's possible.
The vehicle is not actually necessary. What about disposal into a dumpster and then into a landfill? Wouldn't be a first time the body is disposed of that way.

Unless the dumpsters were emptied by Saturday, it seems she should have been found. Any LE knows to check dumpsters first thing...I hope.
I find the time the game began to be irrelevant because they could have had it on DVR to watch later.

I believe the idea that they went there to watch a game comes from the roommate, who didn't go there herself. So again hearsay and who knows why they actually went over there.
I've been fascinated by a couple of other forums lately and would like to bump one of my previous posts. On 6/18/11, 1:14pm (post #399) I wrote the following:

I went to another Big-10 school with a similar In-State/East Coast dynamic. College-level dealers are usually shady characters like the POIs in this case, but they're not necessarily hardcore criminals. HOWEVER, you don't have to get much further up the chain before you're dealing with dudes with guns - dudes who take things very seriously. If one of the POIs was a low-level dealer, his supplier is probably from back East, Indianapolis, or Chicago (and a guy you don't want to upset). Or, there could be "one guy" who distributes for all of Bloomington and his connection is from a larger city. Either way, the bigger players WOULD NOT appreciate a girl being dead because some low-level moron couldn't handle himself.

This, IMO, is a major motivation for dumping a body. It could also explain how these guys make a phone call and get a more "professional" cleaning crew on short notice. Given all the circumstances, I think this is a very possible scenario.

I'm no longer so sure about calling in a higher-level guy to help with disposal, but everything else seems dead on. Who's the dealer here? ZO? Why hasn't there been any heat on him? :waitasec:
Unless the dumpsters were emptied by Saturday, it seems she should have been found. Any LE knows to check dumpsters first thing...I hope.

Did LE get to the dumpsters before they were emptied?
Did LE get to the dumpsters before they were emptied?

I can't find out when/if dumpsters were checked, only that all of the downtown area had been searched early on, by June 10th anyway. Google brings up the clothing found in/near a dumpster when you try to search by "dumpster" and this case...
I can't find out when/if dumpsters were checked, only that all of the downtown area had been searched early on, by June 10th anyway. Google brings up the clothing found in/near a dumpster when you try to search by "dumpster" and this case...

Clothing found had nothing to do with the case and it was 2 weeks after she went missing anyway.
I've been fascinated by a couple of other forums lately and would like to bump one of my previous posts. On 6/18/11, 1:14pm (post #399) I wrote the following:

I'm no longer so sure about calling in a higher-level guy to help with disposal, but everything else seems dead on. Who's the dealer here? ZO? Why hasn't there been any heat on him? :waitasec:

DR may deal. And you can add Detroit to the list of cities in your comment. In recent years B-ton has had its share of Detroit drug-related crime involving guns.
I've been fascinated by a couple of other forums lately and would like to bump one of my previous posts. On 6/18/11, 1:14pm (post #399) I wrote the following:

I'm no longer so sure about calling in a higher-level guy to help with disposal, but everything else seems dead on. Who's the dealer here? ZO? Why hasn't there been any heat on him? :waitasec:

I've thought about this too.....what if JR or CR or one of the others did something else to P*ss off their dealers? The "big guys" could have showed up and taken LS, killed her - whatever. This could be a VERY big reason why the kids won't talk - they're scared to death! IMO this would make me think a bit differently of them.....they would go from maybe kids who are scared of getting in trouble, to kids who are scared for their lives or those of their families. Yes, I know this is really grasping, but stranger things have happened.

Also, someone a few posts back mentioned heroin. I highly doubt that's what they were using. Heroin is HIGHLY addictive and you can usually tell a Heron Junkie from a distance.....this drug completely alters one's appearance in a very short amount of time b/c the person becomes addicted very very quickly. They will do almost anything to get their "fix". Their faces might be broken out, very skinny (almost emaciated). Unless this was their (all of them) first or second time to ever use it, it's just nearly impossible to be caught up in heroin and making 92's on papers!

I understand that LSD is REALLY big on campuses now, as are mushrooms and other psychedelic mind-altering drugs. Bath salts and herbs (such as Salvia) are also quite common. Youtube Salvia and watch how kids react on that - scary.
Clothing found had nothing to do with the case and it was 2 weeks after she went missing anyway.

I know...just saying what comes up when I tried to find when dumpsters were searched...
I've been fascinated by a couple of other forums lately and would like to bump one of my previous posts. On 6/18/11, 1:14pm (post #399) I wrote the following:

I'm no longer so sure about calling in a higher-level guy to help with disposal, but everything else seems dead on. Who's the dealer here? ZO? Why hasn't there been any heat on him? :waitasec:

If ZO was the person involved in the altercation earlier and if he does in fact live at 10th & College (which is near where her key/coin purse was found) what if she decided to stop there after leaving JR's instead of going home... and something happened there?
I read a comment yesterday, honestly I read several different boards, I don't recall which, perhaps PT, that the 5 North dumpster is scheduled for 5:30 a.m. pick-up and it is transferred to Terre Haute. For the record, the comment was well written in complete sentences. Good tone, grammar and spelling, unlike a lot of the other ones. Grin.
Did LE get to the dumpsters before they were emptied?

I believe I heard that dumpster collection was put on hold Saturday a.m. to be searched.

HOWEVER, surely some local dumpsters were emptied on Friday a.m. I keep thinking she could have been in a duffle bag and buried in a landfill before the missing persons report was filed.

No word AT ALL whether this landfills holding Friday garbage were searched or if there's video evidence from landfills that could rule out the above possibility. If the question has been asked, I haven't heard it.

This is something that irritates me greatly about this case.
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