IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #13

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Yes, I tend to think this is true. But then I go back to the rumor that she was asked to leave the bar, even though I've read other statements from people at the bar who say otherwise. Maybe she was asked to leave the bar b/c of a fight/loud argument/commotion. I guess I'd think that would have been leaked already though. Having said that, there are LOTS of things that I think would have been leaked by now, which haven't.

Lauren Spierer Was Thrown Out Of Bar
But if my info is wrong, and with all these posts, Im starting to think it is, well that begs the question: What business did CR have on the 5th floor? Remember, we still don't know where in the building LS is. We don't know whether she's in the 5th floor punch video. All we know is LS is in at 230 and out at 2:40.

Like I said, I've never seen supporting evidence that LS was not living on the fifth floor.
It was me, I posted that I had read LS lived on the first, not the fifth floor. Where did I read it? When? I have no idea. Probably on PT or a comment thread on TGs blog or a comment on an article. Certainly NOT MSM or anything else reliable. But up until then I assumed she lived on the fifth floor, so the info I read was kind of strange. So I do know for sure that I read it. It doesn't sound like TG is much more certain than assuming, so lets hope he's doing some research now to find out for sure.

And while I am at it, I have also heard that confrontation with LS/CR and the others (at Smallwood) started at Kilroys. But again, nothing to back that up, whatsoever. Just something that's been said.
But if my info is wrong, and with all these posts, Im starting to think it is, well that begs the question: What business did CR have on the 5th floor? Remember, we still don't know where in the building LS is. We don't know whether she's in the 5th floor punch video. All we know is LS is in at 230 and out at 2:40.

This is only a rumor, but I had read (somewhere - maybe here?) that she was not with CR when he was punched. Doesn't DR live in Smallwood? (I think I have his initials correct - the kid who LS supposedly called from JR's phone). If so, does anyone know on what floor he lives? Perhaps that is who CR was going to see. MAYBE the fight began at the bar and he left, going there to hide out, since it was closer to Kilroy's than his place, then arrived to find that the group had gotten there first, saw them, and tried to run?

If this whole thing happened so quickly and was only one punch, I find it hard to believe that it gave him amnesia. Makes met think there's MUCH more to this part of the story and makes me think it's no coincidence that it happened on the night LS was either abducted or possibly murdered. I think they are tied - whether that's through JW or JR/CR is the question.
The first floor does not have apartments.

Thanks. Like I said, there was never any supporting evidence LS was not living on the fifth floor, and if the first floor doesn't have apartments, then clearly LS couldn't have been living there at all. So there would be a simple explanation why CR was on the fifth floor if LS lived there.
And while I am at it, I have also heard that confrontation between LS/CR started at Kilroys. But again, nothing to back that up, whatsoever. Just something that's been said.

(snipped). When you say confrontation between LS/CR do you mean that the two of them were confronting each other, or that the two of them may have been confronting (modsnip) and the rest of the gang who are presumed to be the ones to confront JR at SW? THanks.
(snipped). When you say confrontation between LS/CR do you mean that the two of them were confronting each other, or that the two of them may have been confronting ZO and the rest of the gang who are presumed to be the ones to confront JR at SW? THanks.

sorry, my bad, the confrontation of LS/CR by anonymous others (presumably ZO)
only half awake, still- so sorry again!
I either read or imagined that AB was in the group/altercation on the 5th floor. Does anyone have info? He remains the mystery man to me in more ways than one. It's fishy how he enters the overall picture at different points in the time line.:waitasec:
Thanks. Like I said, there was never any supporting evidence LS was not living on the fifth floor, and if the first floor doesn't have apartments, then clearly LS couldn't have been living there at all. So there would be a simple explanation why CR was on the fifth floor if LS lived there.

But it wouldn't explain why LS wasn't with him (which is what I have read) when the fight occurred. I have two possible explanations....

1. The "first" floor doesn't have any apartments, but the elevator may call this the "ground floor", with her apartment being location on the first floor, one level up. If this is the case, I'm thinking that it was unlikely she wasn't with him. If she was going to her apt. on the first floor, and he was on the 5th, how could she so quickly learn he was punched and bolted, getting to the alley in such a short amount of time?

2. Maybe he went up to the 5th floor (regardless of where her apt. is) and she waited for him in the lobby of the 1st. Perhaps you read something that said, "LS was on the 1st floor" and made an easy assumption that meant it was where her apartment was located. This could make sense to me, if he went up, got into a scuffle, then came back down on the elevator, running out. If she were in the lobby, she likely would have ran after him.
How AB may figure in:

1. Smallwood Floor 5 altercation--possibly
2. Mystery man with LS slung over his shoulder
3. Sitting with LS on the steps of the arcade
4. Saw LS keys but didn't pick them up

2. Maybe he went up to the 5th floor (regardless of where her apt. is) and she waited for him in the lobby of the 1st. Perhaps you read something that said, "LS was on the 1st floor" and made an easy assumption that meant it was where her apartment was located. This could make sense to me, if he went up, got into a scuffle, then came back down on the elevator, running out. If she were in the lobby, she likely would have ran after him.

no I read pretty much what I posted here - which was, "What were they doing on the fifth floor when LS lived on the first floor?"
How AB may figure in:

4. Saw LS keys but didn't pick them up

I think you are mixing up two different people, AA and AB.

elaborate on the arcade, please... I don't know this story.
OK so who is AA? Has anyone heard that AB was with the group during the altercation?

From what I've read (rumors) about ZO, he was a very shady character. From what I've read (more rumors) about JW, he wasn't, yet these two are supposed to be friends? I've struggled with that one. I don't think JW fits the type to be hanging out with ZO's type. Having said that, he doesn't seem to be the type to have a gf (or recent ex) who'd presumably be popping pills, snorting, and doing God knows what else. Either I have gotten the wrong impression of JW, LS wasn't as "bad" as we think she was, or she had completely changed (which is why they might have broken up - she was headed to the "dark side"). Only the first one of those three give me reason to believe JW was friends with ZO though.
OK so who is AA? Has anyone heard that AB was with the group during the altercation?

From what I've read (rumors) about ZO, he was a very shady character. From what I've read (more rumors) about JW, he wasn't, yet these two are supposed to be friends? I've struggled with that one. I don't think JW fits the type to be hanging out with ZO's type. Having said that, he doesn't seem to be the type to have a gf (or recent ex) who'd presumably be popping pills, snorting, and doing God knows what else. Either I have gotten the wrong impression of JW, LS wasn't as "bad" as we think she was, or she had completely changed (which is why they might have broken up - she was headed to the "dark side"). Only the first one of those three give me reason to believe JW was friends with ZO though.

I think you are letting drug use cloud your perspective a little. Maybe not.. but in any case, when I was in college, I hung out with a wide circle of friends. Most partied, some did not. Most of the partiers were just as close to the non-partiers as they were to the partiers and vice-versa. So entirely possible that JW wasn't as into it than some of his closest friends.
But do remember the JW also had a public intoxication charge... he was no angel either as far as binge drinking it seems.

AA was named in MSM as a person who spotted LS keys in the alley, or on the railing. His friend (not named) I believe was the one who moved the keys from the ground to the railing.
Maybe a little off topic, maybe not...I just find this interesting and a possibility in this case that something like this might have happened...
Jamie Minor, missing from Austin Texas since May 23, was discovered yesterday (June 27) in an elevator shaft about a quarter of a mile from where she was last seen at her job a the W hotel. Her supervisor said she was acting strangely and was about to send her home when she left on her own. This is under investigation and a mystery as to how and why she ended up there... can't seem to link :) but if you are interested, look at (that is a local Austin news station) to see more details as they unfold.
which is up on Drudge.

She was also on camera. And just disappeared. Turns out she went into a parking garage and was able to climb into some ductwork and died because no one could hear her.

LS didnt have keys to get in her apt. So I assume that folks have thouroughly searched any possible way she may have gotten hung up somewhere trying to get in the building another way.
Maybe a little off topic, maybe not...I just find this interesting and a possibility in this case that something like this might have happened...
Jamie Minor, missing from Austin Texas since May 23, was discovered yesterday (June 27) in an elevator shaft about a quarter of a mile from where she was last seen at her job a the W hotel. Her supervisor said she was acting strangely and was about to send her home when she left on her own. This is under investigation and a mystery as to how and why she ended up there... can't seem to link :) but if you are interested, look at (that is a local Austin news station) to see more details as they unfold.

I read that this morning and thought of LS too. This girl was trying to enter through a door, but was unable too, so she is seen on camera going around back where she apparently entered a vent shaft and crawled around in there and became trapped. So odd, and could be a possibility here that she wandered somewhere else and just wasn't found.
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