IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #13

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-->disclaimer! this all comes from the swirling mass of rumors out there on various comment threads and forums. it is not to be regarded as factual in the least.

ZO is assumed to be a friend of JW since the first descriptions of the altercation included the description that it was JWs friends. Then ZO was rumored to be the puncher. Conclusion, ZO = JW friend. I do not think it is much more than that.
AB is rumored to be ZO's roommate. I do know for 100% certainty that they went to HS together. I saw them both in a online HS newspaper. I do not want to print the link because I think it is wrong to identify either of these two since it is only rumor that they are at all involved, in ANYTHING. He fits the description of the so-called "mystery man" extremely well. Rumor has it that they both live in 10th and College (or College&10th ? IDR) the name of the building that has the covered walkway, the clock and the sighting of so-called mystery man.

Also, public intox. is not the same as underage drinking imho

Thanks so much. OK I know to whom you're referring now, because I have been to that newspaper's site as well, though I only found a pic of ZO...didn't realize that AB looks like "mystery man", nor that they may live at 10th/College. Thanks!

And yes, of course, public intox isn't the same as underage drinking, so I agree. I was just using it as an example to show that sometimes arrests are made for things that aren't "binge drinking". I could have easily used this example that I see every weekend during our town's major college football are over 21 and tailgating, having fun, causing no harm to anyone, and not really super drunk. One kid gets a bit "too happy" and pees by the side of their car (with the door open so no one can see, but still....gross!). A cop happens by and arrests him for public intox, disorderly, or BOTH. We've seen this ALL of the time. Some campus LE turn the other way (it happens and they probably acted the same way at one point), while others are fed up with it and jump on every infraction. I wouldn't want to be a campus LE.
You state as a fact that AB was at Indy with the others, and that (modsnip) and (modsnip) are roommates.
May I make a request? If you know this information to be true due to being a person that knows some of these people, get verified as a local.
If you "know" this info because you read it online, written by people and not an accepted authority, then can you please make sure that you do not sound like you are stating this as fact, because there is no evidence other than hearsay to confirm it.

Yes I'm sorry I should not state it has a fact. None of it should be taken as facts. But I am local.
I do not put much stock in the public intoxication charge.I believe handing out such tickets is the national pastime for many PD in a college town.Years ago while visiting a friend at a upstate NY suny school I was sitting on the front steps of there house inside a fenced in yard when I was approached by the PD and threatened with a drinking in public ticket.Showing a military ID card was the only thing that prevented it.I never understood how you can be drinking in public when you are on private property.
No body. No sign of foul play. No witnesses. No suspects. Simply disappeared. Hmmmmm. What could she have walked/climbed/crawled/fallen into?

Think I mistook this post originally. You are the local, what might she have fallen into? Sometimes I wish I could be searching. I have a knack for finding lost things (not people...).
I do not put much stock in the public intoxication charge.I believe handing out such tickets is the national pastime for many PD in a college town.Years ago while visiting a friend at a upstate NY suny school I was sitting on the front steps of there house inside a fenced in yard when I was approached by the PD and threatened with a drinking in public ticket.Showing a military ID card was the only thing that prevented it.I never understood how you can be drinking in public when you are on private property.

I'm not interested in trashing anyone's reputation but I am curious on what evidence people are basing their assessment that JW is not as heavily involved in the party scene as LS is. And I am not understanding why some people think it was out of character for her either - not saying it was, but she and HT hung out at JRs a lot last year (according to HT), she is friends with DR, she must be fairly well known to (modsnip) if he was, indeed, trying to protect her. These seem to be her everyday friends. It was CR/MB that were new to her.

I think they ALL sound like pretty typical college kids, none "good" and NONE "bad". And they sound like one big social circle. Including JW.

These are her friends as far as I know: (see picture at link)
Think I mistook this post originally. You are the local, what might she have fallen into? Sometimes I wish I could be searching. I have a knack for finding lost things (not people...).

This is what I have been asking and it sounds like the construction zone was a dangerous obstacle course...I can't help imagining her falling into a hole of some kind and being covered up Friday AM by workers before it is even known she is missing.
Think I mistook this post originally. You are the local, what might she have fallen into? Sometimes I wish I could be searching. I have a knack for finding lost things (not people...).

a room or closest. Ductwork. A dumpster.

I dont know the area in that much detail.

She could be anywhere. My guess is she was either taken and dumped in the boonies and hunters may find her remains in the fall when hunting season gets into gear....

or she was dumped into a dumpster or crawled into one and is at a landfill.
a room or closest. Ductwork. A dumpster.

I dont know the area in that much detail.

She could be anywhere. My guess is she was either taken and dumped in the boonies and hunters may find her remains in the fall when hunting season gets into gear....

or she was dumped into a dumpster or crawled into one and is at a landfill.

Actually the "room or closet" is interesting. Didn't most of the students go home by the time she disappeared? That may mean lots of empty apartments as well, even perhaps in houses on College. I do assume (and hope) that there have been decent searches of all theses places AND dumpsters.

Here we had a case of a dead man being seen being disposed of into a landfill from a truck emptying a dumpster. I've learned through that case apparently, the landfills frequently hire "spotters" looking for dumping of illegal items, and hopefully, this is the case here. I also hope and assume that the landfills have been searched. At least I hope so...
I'm not interested in trashing anyone's reputation but I am curious on what evidence people are basing their assessment that JW is not as heavily involved in the party scene as LS is. And I am not understanding why some people think it was out of character for her either - not saying it was, but she and HT hung out at JRs a lot last year (according to HT), she is friends with DR, she must be fairly well known to ZO if he was, indeed, trying to protect her. These seem to be her everyday friends. It was CR/MB that were new to her.

I think they ALL sound like pretty typical college kids, none "good" and NONE "bad". And they sound like one big social circle. Including JW.

These are her friends as far as I know: (see picture at link)

I would imagine we would have to add JR friend from out of town to the list of people that were unknown to her.
I would imagine we would have to add JR friend from out of town to the list of people that were unknown to her.

perhaps, but perhaps not. There is an article describing the relationships between these kids - they are all inter-related and they know lots of kids their age in many places from a history of their cultural identity and summer camps, and other activities associated with their culture. So, I really wouldn't hazard a guess as to whether or not she has met JRs friend in the past. It seems possible that she may have.
This is what I have been asking and it sounds like the construction zone was a dangerous obstacle course...I can't help imagining her falling into a hole of some kind and being covered up Friday AM by workers before it is even known she is missing.

Wow! Good point! How amazing (though sad) it would be if that's what happened! Worse if there was a possibility that she could have been saved....

Remember Tanya Rider who was trapped in her car for 8-days, while LE thought her husband did her in?
Link to Tanya's story:
When will they design a human body which pings? (I know, invasion of privacy...)
When will they design a human body which pings? (I know, invasion of privacy...)

they do! As far as I remember, some trial was done on humans to test out just such a device that could be useful in tracking down a lost person with Alzheimers for instance. And, Elmo is microchipped ... just sayin ;-)
they do! As far as I remember, some trial was done on humans to test out just such a device that could be useful in tracking down a lost person with Alzheimers for instance. And, Elmo is microchipped ... just sayin ;-)

Are we going to equip our kids with these devices...also just saying.. My dog is micro chipped but he won't ping, just bark.
Have we heard anything on cell phone records?

I sincerely hope that a long time member with more knowledge than me adds their POV.
But, I have always thought that this may be the info that LE and the parents would like very much to get from the friends that they are cajoling them for.
What I have heard in the past is that if you cannot get someone's cell phone records from the person, and not everyone has them, but have to subpeona them from the phone co., that the phone co. has an inordinately LONG time to come up with the records, and some co.'s take months...
I think this post is extremely disrespectful. These girls are young, this is a serious matter, why is Tony Gatto exposing them like this? Apparently Blair was in NY on June 3rd, why the heck is he writing stories about this girl????? Irresponsible to say the least. This is not a crime soap opera. This is a person's life. These girls were her friends. Geez. Lost all respect for Tony Gatto.
If only she had had her phone with her...who knows, she may have been found that Friday...just a very horrible coincidence that she loses her phone and then goes missing...
I think this post is extremely disrespectful. These girls are young, this is a serious matter, why is Tony Gatto exposing them like this? Apparently Blair was in NY on June 3rd, why the heck is he writing stories about this girl????? Irresponsible to say the least. This is not a crime soap opera. This is a person's life. These girls were her friends. Geez. Lost all respect for Tony Gatto.

In some ways I can agree. It does seem that images like this inflame some people, and so it can be sensationalism.
But again, it does go to studying "victimology" - and some clues to what may have happened to LS may be in understanding whether the evening in question was way out of character (as Blair I believe has claimed to MSM) or whether this may have been a somewhat common type of evening for LS and her friends.
In any case, I do think that all of us have been extremely frustrated at times with the "friends" who we think may be working harder to hang on to their lifestyle harder than they are trying to find LS.
To me insinuating through anonymous sources that JR has not been cooperative is just as sensationalist as publishing this photo. In TG's case, a reputation is perhaps sullied by a picture that had no business being taken, never mind out in public and available to TG. In the other case, a reputation is being sullied by insinuations that a person is guilty of a horrible crime that he hasn't even been formally charged with. I have my beliefs as to which was the worst offense.
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