IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #13

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Wow! Good point! How amazing (though sad) it would be if that's what happened! Worse if there was a possibility that she could have been saved....

Remember Tanya Rider who was trapped in her car for 8-days, while LE thought her husband did her in?
Link to Tanya's story:

I hope LE fully examined the construction sites and talked to all of the workers who would have been there the morning of June 3rd. It would be a relief, in a way, to know that it is not possible that Lauren is buried under concrete...

Also, has a video up today, nothing really new, but does show CR, I think it is, saying he has nothing to do with Lauren being missing. Also shows JR briefly and L's parents. I watched it a few hours ago but not seeing the link up at the moment, they updated it to the Anthony trial...
To my knowledge the "just after 3am" timeline was used early on in the case.
Later the timeline was revised and LE said they felt "more comfortable"
with the 2:51 am time as the last confirmed on video.
So then it would seem that video exists of her losing the keys and coin purse
so that LE knows how that came about? That article seems to convey that.

'. . . June 10, Bloomington police mentioned the need for DNA samples.
They also spoke about the last place video cameras caught Lauren behind
Five North Townhomes in an alley after 3:00 a.m. That is where they
found her keys and a small coin purse. . .'
I think this post is extremely disrespectful. These girls are young, this is a serious matter, why is Tony Gatto exposing them like this? Apparently Blair was in NY on June 3rd, why the heck is he writing stories about this girl????? Irresponsible to say the least. This is not a crime soap opera. This is a person's life. These girls were her friends. Geez. Lost all respect for Tony Gatto.

Completely agree with you. Why should these girls, or anybody involved, talk to TG anyway? IMO they are smart not to say anything to him.

ETA: And today's post includes the full name of several other friends. I feel bad for these friends.
In some ways I can agree. It does seem that images like this inflame some people, and so it can be sensationalism.
But again, it does go to studying "victimology" - and some clues to what may have happened to LS may be in understanding whether the evening in question was way out of character (as Blair I believe has claimed to MSM) or whether this may have been a somewhat common type of evening for LS and her friends.
In any case, I do think that all of us have been extremely frustrated at times with the "friends" who we think may be working harder to hang on to their lifestyle harder than they are trying to find LS.
To me insinuating through anonymous sources that JR has not been cooperative is just as sensationalist as publishing this photo. In TG's case, a reputation is perhaps sullied by a picture that had no business being taken, never mind out in public and available to TG. In the other case, a reputation is being sullied by insinuations that a person is guilty of a horrible crime that he hasn't even been formally charged with. I have my beliefs as to which was the worst offense.

I agree with you on both counts. TG's headline from yesterday makes it seem like JR's status changed: "Jason 'Jay' Rosenbaum Named in Lauren Spierer Case".
I know that adults have a responsibility to themselves; however, I think it's about time that when young kids are kicked out of bars for being too intoxicated, it's the same time, we call the police, get them escorted home, instead of totally smashed, kicked out on their own with no one looking over them.

Herald Times article about fake IDs @ 3 Kilroy's bars.

When state excise police come to town, they cruise Bloomington’s downtown streets and bars seeking underage drinkers and students with fake IDs. They find plenty of both. <snip>

People caught trying to enter bars with fake IDs get tickets and lose their IDs. “We always seize the ID.” That way, Thickstun said, the underage drinking is deterred. His officers also require those who receive tickets to get sober rides home or call a cab. “We have to see them get into that vehicle,” he said. “They cannot walk home, even if it’s just a few blocks away, by themselves.”
I think the whole LS calling DR at 4:15 to see if he knew where her phone was is complete and utter bull. Why would she ask him where her phone was if she wasn't even WITH him when she lost it? I'm pretty sure, no matter how messed up she was, she would remember having it with her at Kilroy's. And DR was never with her at Kilroy's. That doesn't make sense whatsoever. IMO, either LS was not the one who made the phone call, OR she was calling DR to get him to let her into Smallwood since she didn't have her keys. But definitely NOT to see if he knew where her phone was. Somebody doesn't have their story straight. I really, really hope that the friends start to cave in soon. And I hope that people are still trying to talk to them and find the contradictions in their stories. Perhaps they will have mental breakdowns soon and cave.

Not in the least saying that they planned this or are responsible for it, but they DEFINITELY know more than they are saying. And in essence, by them NOT talking, they are becoming responsible for it. If they just would have told the truth from the start, they might not have been guilty of anything, but now that they are withholding information from BPD, they are creating guilt. I can only imagine how frustrated the Spierer's are with these so-called "friends" because even I am extremely frustrated, and this case has nothing to do with me! These friends really are dispicable. Whether they are covering up anything or not, they are being extremely selfish and rude. If one of my friends went missing, you would have footage of me crying, searching, probably calling the police with any tiny little detail that I could muster up! The only explanation is that they are hiding something and trying to save their own hides. Like how they're telling people "Leave us alone" "You're ruining my life" "We've told all we know" Excuse me? At least THEY are still alive. At least THEY have their families and their nice big houses and what not. Their "lives" shouldn't be the least bit of concern when compared to Lauren.

So aggravating!! :mad:
Completely agree with you. Why should these girls, or anybody involved, talk to TG anyway? IMO they are smart not to say anything to him.

I agree, none of these people should be speaking with any media, not just TG.
IMHO HT having spilled the whole account to the press from the get-go was extremely unfortunate for the case. And her story of that night is most likely what has fueled so much voyeuristic interest in this case. It also may have been blowing smoke up our rears for all we know.

Mrs Spierer is out there on the record cajoling them, pleading with them to all be more forthcoming. "only one friend" has voluntarily come in and spoken to LE. I don't have a huge amount of pity for them here, sorry I think the pressure may be a good thing.
I think the whole LS calling DR at 4:15 to see if he knew where her phone was is complete and utter bull. Why would she ask him where her phone was if she wasn't even WITH him when she lost it? I'm pretty sure, no matter how messed up she was, she would remember having it with her at Kilroy's. And DR was never with her at Kilroy's. That doesn't make sense whatsoever. IMO, either LS was not the one who made the phone call, OR she was calling DR to get him to let her into Smallwood since she didn't have her keys. But definitely NOT to see if he knew where her phone was. Somebody doesn't have their story straight. I really, really hope that the friends start to cave in soon. And I hope that people are still trying to talk to them and find the contradictions in their stories. Perhaps they will have mental breakdowns soon and cave.

Not in the least saying that they planned this or are responsible for it, but they DEFINITELY know more than they are saying. And in essence, by them NOT talking, they are becoming responsible for it. If they just would have told the truth from the start, they might not have been guilty of anything, but now that they are withholding information from BPD, they are creating guilt. I can only imagine how frustrated the Spierer's are with these so-called "friends" because even I am extremely frustrated, and this case has nothing to do with me! These friends really are dispicable. Whether they are covering up anything or not, they are being extremely selfish and rude. If one of my friends went missing, you would have footage of me crying, searching, probably calling the police with any tiny little detail that I could muster up! The only explanation is that they are hiding something and trying to save their own hides. Like how they're telling people "Leave us alone" "You're ruining my life" "We've told all we know" Excuse me? At least THEY are still alive. At least THEY have their families and their nice big houses and what not. Their "lives" shouldn't be the least bit of concern when compared to Lauren.

So aggravating!! :mad:

But-if the phone call was not made by Lauren...then why would there be a need to lie and say it was, if there is no guilt among any of these people? In my mind, either she made the call for whatever reason OR there is something bigger to hide.
I agree, none of these people should be speaking with any media, not just TG.
IMHO HT having spilled the whole account to the press from the get-go was extremely unfortunate for the case. And her story of that night is most likely what has fueled so much voyeuristic interest in this case. It also may have been blowing smoke up our rears for all we know.

Mrs Spierer is out there on the record cajoling them, pleading with them to all be more forthcoming. "only one friend" has voluntarily come in and spoken to LE. I don't have a huge amount of pity for them here, sorry I think the pressure may be a good thing.

For the record, I think any and all friends should speak to LE and/or the Spierers about everything they know about Lauren's habits and lifestyle, because it is the decent thing to do and it could help the investigation. However, I don't think we can assume any or all of these friends know anything. As far as we know, none of these girls were with her after 12:30 and they may not have anything to add about that night. IMO pressure in the form of a public blog calling them out for their failure to cooperate may backfire.
But-if the phone call was not made by Lauren...then why would there be a need to lie and say it was, if there is no guilt among any of these people? In my mind, either she made the call for whatever reason OR there is something bigger to hide.

If the call wasn't made by Lauren then their reason for lying to say it WAS is to "prove" that she was still alive at 4:15, when she probably wasn't.
TG convicting Lauren's friends. I'm giving you the chance to publicly acknowledge that I have not convicted any of Lauren's friends. I stand by my reporting as fact. I have not called anyone a suspect, accused them of a crime or called for anybody's arrest, let alone CONVICTED anybody.

I agree Tony. HT has been in every newspaper & on tv giving statements but she or her friends won't talk to you. I don't get it. I think she won't speak to you because it won't get her enough attention. I think she is out there to make an name for herself. JMO
Terri Horman, who is "presumed guilty" by the great majority, too has a "high-powered" attorney and he has not taken any steps in more than a year to try to get her cleared. She too is presumed to be the last to have seen the victim. Maybe it's not standard procedure for these lawyers to come out and try to "clear" their clients when no charges have been filed. Maybe the feeling is, the less publicity the better, why put their client into the spotlight on purpose. Of course in TH's case, it has not helped...
I agree Tony. HT has been in every newspaper & on tv giving statements but she or her friends won't talk to you. I don't get it. I think she won't speak to you because it won't get her enough attention. I think she is out there to make an name for herself. JMO

Maybe someone she trusts advised her that she should quit talking to the media.
Ab is roommates with (modsnip) who is the one who reportedly punched CR at Smallwood. There are some people out there who say they live at 10th & College. (modsnip) was also with everyone at the Indy 500. Some people think he fits the description of Tony Gatto's mystery man.

He does fit the description of the mystery man doesn't he. So we have (modsnip) and (modsnip). There were three weren't there? Who would be the third?
If the call wasn't made by Lauren then their reason for lying to say it WAS is to "prove" that she was still alive at 4:15, when she probably wasn't.

That is my point-if she didn't make it, there is no innocent explanation for saying she did, really. It is to cover up something...not just so LE will believe that JR saw her leave, IMO. And what would be the reason JR had to call DR at 4:15AM?
He does fit the description of the mystery man doesn't he. So we have (modsnip) and (modsnip). There were three weren't there? Who would be the third?

CR's attorney said there were three that saw Lauren after CR. (modsnip) and (modsnip) aren't part of that trio. Is there another mention of "three" that you are referring to?

To me insinuating through anonymous sources that JR has not been cooperative is just as sensationalist as publishing this photo. In TG's case, a reputation is perhaps sullied by a picture that had no business being taken, never mind out in public and available to TG. In the other case, a reputation is being sullied by insinuations that a person is guilty of a horrible crime that he hasn't even been formally charged with. I have my beliefs as to which was the worst offense.

to clarify I think the story in the NY Post is more sensationalist, and ultimately more dangerous to a potentially innocent person than the story in TGs blog about HT and BW. . I wasn't pleased to re-read the insinuations against JR in TG's blog, but the subject of TG's blog seemed to be the story in the NYPost itself.
Sometimes I get the sense that TG may have more than a passing journalistic interest in the case. ?
CR's attorney said there were three that saw Lauren after CR. (modsnip) and (modsnip) aren't part of that trio. Is there another mention of "three" that you are referring to?

One is MB, one is JR and one is his friend, I think.
I agree Tony. HT has been in every newspaper & on tv giving statements but she or her friends won't talk to you. I don't get it. I think she won't speak to you because it won't get her enough attention. I think she is out there to make an name for herself. JMO

I don't think that is why. I think it is because TG might ask her why she is the seemingly appointed spokesperson for this group.
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