IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #17

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They're juniors and seniors in college. LS just finished her sophomore year, I don't remember who else was in her class but her roommates.

I think PlainJaneDoe was talking about the girls in the video that TG posted of AB. I noticed they looked older, too! Definitely grad school age at least. Why did she kiss him at the end of the video??? I was confused by that.

Also, where was JR in the video? I didn't see him.
I think PlainJaneDoe was talking about the girls in the video that TG posted of AB. I noticed they looked older, too! Definitely grad school age at least. Why did she kiss him at the end of the video??? I was confused by that.

Also, where was JR in the video? I didn't see him.
I was wondering that too. Why did she kiss him like that at the end of the video?

I'd have to watch it again, but they did show another guy for a sec in the video. Was that JR?
Like the video turned to him, but i don't know if it was JR or not?
The only person who seems to have any roots in israel is HT, the only way I can tell that is by her name... It is very Israeli. I know everyone is entitled to their own opinion but I truly believe that you need to focus your energy elsewhere, there is no evidence/reason to think that anyone is in Israel. JR probably went on birthright which is a ten day program for Jewish people ages 18-26, I'm ineligible since I went in high school but Birthright isn't going to make anybody move to Israel.

Why are you so insistent upon Israel as a location for these people??

I was only responding to someone else's suggestion that JR is in Israel.

The thought crossed my mind that maybe close friend JR is searching for LS.
The only person who seems to have any roots in israel is HT, the only way I can tell that is by her name... It is very Israeli. I know everyone is entitled to their own opinion but I truly believe that you need to focus your energy elsewhere, there is no evidence/reason to think that anyone is in Israel. JR probably went on birthright which is a ten day program for Jewish people ages 18-26, I'm ineligible since I went in high school but Birthright isn't going to make anybody move to Israel.

Why are you so insistent upon Israel as a location for these people??

Maybe because unlike any other country as long as JW is Jewish or one of his parents or grandparents are he would be automatically granted citizenship.It is called the law of return.I suggest you look up the case of Samuel Sheinbein the 19 year old wanted for murder who fled to Israel and who Israel refused to extradite to face the charges in the United States.
This is a June 9 article. Lt. Parker was leading the PCs.

"Street cameras between the Smallwood and the apartments she visited at 11th and Morton streets did capture additional footage of the 20-year-old student. This footage is “basically just her presence” going through those camera fields,” Parker said. She is with someone else in this video “making their way” to the apartment, Parker said."

Isn't this the video of LS heading toward JR and CR's building at 2:51?

The vague statement about "someone else" is troublesome-- someone other than CR or is LE saying someone was with her, she wasn't alone?
What would make you even ask the question if they have dual citizenship? They are Americans who were born in the United States, of American-born parents. The only thing that could possibly make you ask that question is that you are hung up on their being Jewish.

No. Lots of Jewish-Americans have dual citizenship. And, US gives Israelis American citizenship very easily.

My point is that if JR had gone to Israel, and he was culpable in LS's death, he would only being adding another possible venue of legal prosecution.
Maybe because unlike any other country as long as JW is Jewish or one of his parents or grandparents are he would be automatically granted citizenship.It is called the law of return.I suggest you look up the case of Samuel Sheinbein the 19 year old wanted for murder who fled to Israel and who Israel refused to extradite to face the charges in the United States.

I agree.

But don't forget that LS (or her parents on her behalf) could also claim Israeli citizenship, and receive protection under Israeli law, but Israeli law regarding drug-related crime is entirely different. If JR is culpable, he could face two different sets of charges in two different countries. The case would be very interesting.
I'm just sitting looking at Lauren's photo leaving Smallwood, with her jacket in one arm along with her little clutch purse, and her hand holding what could be a necklace, and thinking that unless her cell phone went off, it's probably inside that clutch purse.

Now, to my way of thinking, she wouldn't have had any reason to take the cell phone out. She must have had reason to have the phone out at that point inside Kilroy's. I'm wondering what the point was that it was used inside.
Isn't this the video of LS heading toward JR and CR's building at 2:51?

The vague statement about "someone else" is troublesome-- someone other than CR or is LE saying someone was with her, she wasn't alone?

The more I read this the more I think that LE is just being cautious not to mention names when in fact they are referring to CR on the video.

The tone of LE changed (imo) about the same time as the lawyers got involved.
I'm just sitting looking at Lauren's photo leaving Smallwood, with her jacket in one arm along with her little clutch purse, and her hand holding what could be a necklace, and thinking that unless her cell phone went off, it's probably inside that clutch purse.

Now, to my way of thinking, she wouldn't have had any reason to take the cell phone out. She must have had reason to have the phone out at that point inside Kilroy's. I'm wondering what the point was that it was used inside.

Just curious, what do you make of the item on her right wrist?
Do you see anything around her neck?
Just curious, what do you make of the item on her right wrist?
Do you see anything around her neck?

I see nothing around her neck, but I know how I am, when I have something that means something to me around my neck, I'm putting my hand there every so often to make damn certain that it's still there, OR, someone commented on it and I was reacting to the mention of it and touched it!

What I can make out on her right wrist is one of those wrist bands that mean something to each individual person. Someone made it and it means something to Lauren. JMHO
The only person who seems to have any roots in israel is HT, the only way I can tell that is by her name... It is very Israeli. I know everyone is entitled to their own opinion but I truly believe that you need to focus your energy elsewhere, there is no evidence/reason to think that anyone is in Israel. JR probably went on birthright which is a ten day program for Jewish people ages 18-26, I'm ineligible since I went in high school but Birthright isn't going to make anybody move to Israel.

Why are you so insistent upon Israel as a location for these people??

There are only 2 things which have crossed my mind and both of them involve HT. I was curious if she was from Israel. The reason is that she may have some different perspectives and be more trusting of people if she grew up in Israel. I found some of her statements released in the beginning to sound rather naive, perhaps the press just filtered it that way.

The other reason I asked is because it seemed that people not going to IU showed up as the term was ending, and had seen some posts about diplomatic immunity and such. I was curious if there were possibly people from the Middle East visiting during this time. it's certainly a stretch given the far more likely scenarios, but there have been abduction cases where people with diplomatic immunity have used their status to shanghai (often drunk or drugged) women on private jets.
There are only 2 things which have crossed my mind and both of them involve HT. I was curious if she was from Israel. The reason is that she may have some different perspectives and be more trusting of people if she grew up in Israel. I found some of her statements released in the beginning to sound rather naive, perhaps the press just filtered it that way.

Yes. Journalists will sometimes pretend to be the best friend of the person they are interviewing, just to get a good story. HT seems to have trusted that attention, whereas generally an American college student would either know or be quickly advised by parents/guardian to only make statements 1. expressing sympathy with the family or 2. asking people to help make searches.
Yes. Just found this media reference:


The Westchester mall is in White Plains NY, a suburban city near Greenburgh, where her parents live.

JMO: A person contemplating running away might wait until their courses are complete first; therefore, the fact that LS was mid-way through a program lessens the probabilty that she would run away.

OTOH: Were her attendance and performance in the course satisfactory? If she were not doing well, perhaps she was upset about something, and didn't care if she finished.

Anthropologie is retail chain. “Internship” can be code for working for free. If IU gives academic credit for “internships,” she may have been required to pay for the privilege of being allowed to do free work for the store.

JMO the internship in the local mall would not have been enough to dissuade her from running away.

With terrible rumors about the people in her social circle, whether true or false, LS may have been frightened enough to leave.

Sorry, Walker, you'll have to cross off any upsetting course performance as a reason for LS to flee from your list too. Weeks ago I read an interview with her fashion design professor who said she was an excellent student, very engaged, did extra work or stayed late to do extra work, that she was skilled and had potential.

Why don't you consider the articles that reference a Manhattan location for her internship? Is the Westchester one easier to criticize? Even if she does have to pay for the internship credit, so what? In her industry as a sophomore, Anthropologie is a get.

You can poo-poo the internship all you want but it just sounds like another excuse--almost a refusal--to accept that she did indeed have many positive things happening in her life! Furthermore, if she is so afraid of her friends, so unhappy with life, why enroll in a summer course at all?
I have never heard of coke being cut with ecstasy, usually it's cut with things like aspirin, another white powder. Another thing, I wouldn't consider ecstasy a date rape drug. Don't get me wrong, I don't believe it is a safe drug by any means, it is commonly cut with meth and other speedy drugs to create a "rolling" high. IMO ecstasy is taken voluntarily, while ghb and other date rape drugs aren't.

I'll modify that... I know people are sometimes sold a concoction that contains X AS coke. Regular coke users generally know the difference, but someone already on a ride or intoxicated might not realize it depending on the circumstances. It certainly is a stretch, but even affluent street drugs are not consistent and are sometimes not what you think they are.
Just let me say this, Lauren did NOT just decide to leave on her own accord that night after partying with her friends. She didn't get her pasport and then just up and leave. I always hope that this could be the case, but more often than not it's NOT!
Now, to my way of thinking, she wouldn't have had any reason to take the cell phone out. She must have had reason to have the phone out at that point inside Kilroy's. I'm wondering what the point was that it was used inside.

I'll give this a try. I have two teens, one college-age, and they're constantly checking their phones for text messages. LS is a little older than my kids, but I suspect she might also have been doing that, checking for texts from JW, girlfriends, whomever. It's almost habitual with my kids.

That said, I can't stop wondering why LS and CR went back to Smallwood in the first place. It wouldn't have been for shoes ... it would have been easier to return to Kilroy's for them. Did she need money for something? Did she want to be alone with CR and thought her roommate(s) might be out since his (MB) wasn't? Was it to visit DR? I'd really like to know why ...

I also keep wondering about her shoes, actually ... even if she didn't notice that she'd left him, might not CR have noticed that she was barefoot? I can't stop wondering if they went to Smallwood for money or something, with the intention of meeting someone (???) back at Kilroy's or somewhere else afterward. Perhaps the gravel lot?

So many questions ...
I know police supposedly cleared the white truck, but does anyone else find this picture too coincidental????

Maybe there really were 2 white trucks, and the delivery guy was only 1 of them??

And add:
Whose truck is that? AB's? Or someone else's?

That's the same truck!

Remember they said the truck passed around the area twice, then LE said they screwed up, and it was only 1 time.
Maybe there were two different times, and two different trucks!

Or maybe they were misleading the public the entire time?
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