IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #18

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I still think about the homeless guy that heard the scream.Could it have been Lauren? If he was making it up why didn't he just say he saw someone take her too.I just can't get this one out of my head.The time is close enough to think about it.He probably was guessing since the homeless live out in the elements and has a good sense of it.
It wouldn't surprise me to see the family break from the BPD somewhat. They're probably getting desperate, have played it BPD's way all this time, and they probably feel it's not gotten them anywhere.

If they are feeling BPD has been dropping the ball then I'd expect there will be some leaks to the MSM of info about the case not heard before. I'm just guessing the family has been privy to some details that has helped keep them quiet while letting LE do what they've been doing. But, if either that info stream has dried up leading to family frustrations, and/or with the lack of any progress in finding LS, then I suspect things will get interesting. The family seems like they'd be in a position to put heat on BPD without making themselves look bad.

I agree wholeheartedly and I think they are becoming impatient.If they did hire a PI well that shows some disconnect.
I still think about the homeless guy that heard the scream.Could it have been Lauren? If he was making it up why didn't he just say he saw someone take her too.

If he was making it up he might not have had enough details about her description at the time to have not been caught in a lie trying to describe a girl he hadn't really seen.

Plus, 'hearing' a scream, he didn't have to place her in any certain spot, whereas 'seeing' her he'd have to place himself and her in a spot that might be provable neither could've been at.

So, if he was going to lie, and wanted to do it easily.... 'hearing' a scream would be the way to go. Which doesn't mean he isn't telling the truth about hearing a scream. ...But could explain why if he did lie about a scream it was that rather than just making up a bigger story to insert himself into.
(my bold) I googled JR and DB, and it looks like both graduated from Cranbrook in '08. JR played varsity football and DB played soccer. (JR is listed under first name "Jason".) Perhaps JR started high school at W. Bloomfield High and transferred to Cranbrook? JR and DB may have known each other, because it's a small private school. But, unless I missed something, we have no proof that DB was visiting JR, or even that they're friends. Like you said, all we know is that he ate a meal in Bloomington that day!

Edit: Another possibility, there could be two people named JR, if it's a common name?

Cranbrook. Well now. Coincidence, insignificant, or is a pattern emerging? They share the same fraternity too, AEPi.

If that weekend had been during the academic year on a football weekend or Little 500 race, something like that, it would be different. But early June there isn't much at all happening.

But we have no proof he ate a meal in Bloomington do we? It was a tweet.
Oddly enough he is at the same location as Lauren at about the same time LE states that the "activity" took place, yet he didn't see or hear anything? I don't think anyone has connected him but also don't believe he's been completely disconnected from this crime. There was talk about AA awhile back. Don't remember what was concluded.

The activity on video is 2:51. It would only take LS and CR 2-3 minutes to reach 5 North. They could very easily miss each other.
I still think about the homeless guy that heard the scream.Could it have been Lauren? If he was making it up why didn't he just say he saw someone take her too.I just can't get this one out of my head.The time is close enough to think about it.He probably was guessing since the homeless live out in the elements and has a good sense of it.

Me too. There is a very good post on Tony Gatto's site by "g" about this. Totally believable scenario. I'd find it for you but I have to go. Maybe on the landfill thread.
I still think about the homeless guy that heard the scream.Could it have been Lauren? If he was making it up why didn't he just say he saw someone take her too.I just can't get this one out of my head.The time is close enough to think about it.He probably was guessing since the homeless live out in the elements and has a good sense of it.

I think it is absolutely possible the homeless person heard Lauren scream. The timing is pretty spot on.
I for one can not nd will not get over zo and ab being poi-they live on the path ls was to have taken home. I finally got the chance to look at btons map in a larger view today and ITS RIGHT THERE! Im calling it a night now-please God no more nightmares about Lauren-at least a break for tonight. Goodnight fellow slueths!
I posted a long one about this yesterday; I guess it is in the previous thread, but I found some interesting studies about how benzodiazepines affect memory & behavior. Also I take lorazepam (same class of drugs) as a prescription, and I can tell you first-hand that it impairs memory! :eek:

I totally agree! I think it's also important to note that drugs whose purpose is to counteract chemical imbalances can have very different effects on those not "imbalanced" to begin with. Benzos, by nature, have very strong effects, even on long-term users. My hubby has been on several types of Benzos in the past, and each time he was essentially told " split it in half or quarters and see how that works... etc." We're dealing with a very strong class of drug here - and I can only imagine how much that is amplified by someone with no medical need for the drug. jmo...
Also, there is a RUMOR RUMOR RUMOR around that LS's pants were discovered at a different location during the searches. IF IF IF this does turn out to be true, then maybe BPD has reason not to suspect the landfill scenario. But it is just a RUMOR RUMOR RUMOR. So, if anyone quotes me on this, please include RUMOR in the quote!!!!!

(snipped). Did you hear where these were discovered? Was it somewhere on campus, or out in the woods? IF this is true, then most of the theories I've felt most strong about, would kinda go out the window. I haven't really thought this was a rape/murder b/c I didn't get the feeling these boys were the type for that. It could be a random person, but I just felt that most things do not point to that either. I really felt it was more drug related (OD) or an accident of some type. However IF this rumor is true, I really don't think anyone would remove her clothes if disposing of her OD'd body (or an accidental death). I can only imagine the rape/murder scenario with pants removed from her body. Thanks for sharing this. Again, I'd love to know where her pants were rumored to have been found. If they were supposedly found in the woods, or random location, I would tend to think random abduction. If one or more of the boys raped her at 5 North, would they really take her pants elsewhere? I think they'd rather burn them or destroy them in some other manner, rather than dump them somewhere.
Oh for the love of heaven, LE, please search that landfill!!!!!!!!!!!
In their hunt for clues in the past week, police have scoured blocks around the Coleman Hill-area apartments and, last Friday, searched the city dump.

“A landfill might be a logical place to hide something,” police spokeswoman Jami Gaudet said Thursday, a week after Giddings’ body was discovered. She was last heard from June 25, officials have said.

“(The landfill) is enormous and covered and bulldozed daily,” Gaudet said. “From an investigative standpoint, it made sense to search the landfill as soon as possible.”
mamamia54 I totally agree. The quote above is from the Lauren Giddings case. While there are vast differences in the two cases, the investigative techniques and protocols are similar.

It's much easier to bring in the dogs and go through a couple hundred tons of trash than wait months and go through thousands of tons. BPD could have ruled out the possibility Lauren was put in a dumpster from the outset. So very frustrating and I feel horrible for her parents~

(snipped). Did you hear where these were discovered? Was it somewhere on campus, or out in the woods? IF this is true, then most of the theories I've felt most strong about, would kinda go out the window. I haven't really thought this was a rape/murder b/c I didn't get the feeling these boys were the type for that. It could be a random person, but I just felt that most things do not point to that either. I really felt it was more drug related (OD) or an accident of some type. However IF this rumor is true, I really don't think anyone would remove her clothes if disposing of her OD'd body (or an accidental death). I can only imagine the rape/murder scenario with pants removed from her body. Thanks for sharing this. Again, I'd love to know where her pants were rumored to have been found. If they were supposedly found in the woods, or random location, I would tend to think random abduction. If one or more of the boys raped her at 5 North, would they really take her pants elsewhere? I think they'd rather burn them or destroy them in some other manner, rather than dump them somewhere.

The rumor had them on/near the train tracks. Also in the direction of the scream that has yet to be verified by LE. Also the tracks that divide downtown from "the Hill". Not too far west of 5 North, so as far as how they got there if they were there (and its a RUMOR) is debatable. Could be evidence of a random, could be what someone known to LS would do to make it look random just as well, is my guess.
The rumor had them on/near the train tracks. Also in the direction of the scream that has yet to be verified by LE. Also the tracks that divide downtown from "the Hill". Not too far west of 5 North, so as far as how they got there if they were there (and its a RUMOR) is debatable. Could be evidence of a random, could be what someone known to LS would do to make it look random just as well, is my guess.

Thank you! Can you please tell me about the tracks and "the Hill"? I believe that's the BAD area of town, isn't it? Would this be on the route to JW's, if she were walking in his direction? Also, I'm curious about the scream. Did I read somewhere that the homeless guy who said he heard this, died? IF so, what happened? Are we sure that was an accidental death?
The rumor had them on/near the train tracks. Also in the direction of the scream that has yet to be verified by LE. Also the tracks that divide downtown from "the Hill". Not too far west of 5 North, so as far as how they got there if they were there (and its a RUMOR) is debatable. Could be evidence of a random, could be what someone known to LS would do to make it look random just as well, is my guess.
Hi, Elmomom. Is there a source for this rumor?
Hi, Elmomom. Is there a source for this rumor?

Hi Bessie - I will find and PM you the link in a little while (if you want to post it, I leave it up to you). It was posted on a different forum (which I now have to go find again lol). I have seen it more than once now, but I believe since it is a rumor, that it is just making the rounds in various comments on articles and the like.
re the landfill search: I believe landfill searches are only done AFTER the investigation team changes from the search for a missing person to a search for a dead body. Initially, the search for LS focused on finding her alive. I'm not familiar with the Laura Giddings case, so I don't know if the early search was based on info that they had indicating that she was not alive.

Since we truly don't know what the BPD knows (or when they knew it!) it's hard for me to fault the BPD in their investigation of this case.
I just refreshed my memory on the Jennifer and Abby Blagg murders in Colorado and Jennifer was found in the landfill 7 months after they vanished, so LE really did everything else first, leaving that task until there was no place left to look, apparently. Abby, the child, was not found. Maybe checking landfills, as huge a job as it is, is not high on the list for LE until you have determined the person must be deceased.

I really think LE thought they would find Lauren right away. But when they didn't, not sure why they did not take this action, except that it does require large numbers of people doing nothing but searching through garbage for potentially weeks on end. I would imagine the Spiers would probably even offer to contribute to the cost, if it would help find Luaren or rule it out. Just so frustrating and tragic...
Thank you! Can you please tell me about the tracks and "the Hill"? I believe that's the BAD area of town, isn't it? Would this be on the route to JW's, if she were walking in his direction? Also, I'm curious about the scream. Did I read somewhere that the homeless guy who said he heard this, died? IF so, what happened? Are we sure that was an accidental death?

The Hill is North West of 5 North. JW is South East, so no, it is in the opposite direction.
Yes, it is considered "bad" by some I am told (I live in PA and have no local ties at all to this story lol!) It is described as the wrong side of the tracks - those tracks do run between the area of 5 North and the Hill.
I don't know that the homeless guy that heard the scream was the same homeless guy who died. The only source for that info was ChickJustin and she is just too incoherent for anyone to believe (IMO). The homeless guy heard a scream he said, at 4:35 and told this to a reporter, and LE. As was pointed out to me, how did he KNOW it was 4:35? Doesn't that seem a little too convenient? Was he wearing a watch???

Anyhow, all this is all just wild rumors. But if it was true, just think how fast we would suddenly start thinking "stranger abduction". And it seems to me all we have left to talk about is rumors since there is no info that is new coming out at all.
G'nite, it's bedtime for me!
Ha! Yeah, IMO any memory loss is from the drugs (if they were consuming Xanax, coke, and/or alcohol). I think that if someone got punched hard enough to cause a concussion, his face would be seriously rearranged.

Not necessarily. I played baseball in High School and my right fielder dove head first for a fly ball and caught it. Dove on his stomach and just jarred his head a little bit.

We ended up playing out the rest of the inning. Maybe 5 minutes or so. When jogging into the dugout and started with some small talk and he started talking gibberish. Once in the dugout, he asked where he was hitting in the lineup.

Basically he thought we had just finished warmups and the game was about to start. This was in the 6th inning mind you. Obviously, he had a concussion.

It doesn't have to be anything big, and they definitely don't have to lose consciencness. Now, I'm not sure how common something like this is, but it does happen.
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