IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #18

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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So..let's say I consume one Xbar, 1/2 hr later some coke, 1/2 hr later two alcohol drinks...(and I know dosages are everything but..) How am I feeling with just the two drugs? And what happens when I introduce the alcohol to that? Will I even notice the alcohol?

IMO, and I'm a total lay person on the topic, the answers to this would vary ... just like reactions to prescription drugs do. There's also the combo of vodka and Red Bull, which makes people "feel" less intoxicated than they really are, I've heard. I don't know if LS and her crowd were into that, but if you were to add that into the mix, it might further complicate matters. I have no idea if Kilroy's serves that (or if a POI might have?), just that it's come up in conversations with my kids.

What I've always thought is that extenuating circumstances like CR getting hit and LS having long QT syndrome or even hurting herself somehow might be the biggest complications here. Half of the time I'm not sure whether to believe CR's amnesia, but half of the time I do, for that particular reason.
So..let's say I consume one Xbar, 1/2 hr later some coke, 1/2 hr later two alcohol drinks...(and I know dosages are everything but..) How am I feeling with just the two drugs? And what happens when I introduce the alcohol to that? Will I even notice the alcohol?

If you timed it like that your alcohol consumption would hit you like a ton of bricks since the coke is pretty much wearing off in 30 minutes or so. Even without the coke, the combination of alcohol with Xanax magnifies the effects of both on your metal faculties (synergy). And do not forget Karen Ann Quinlan.
Also wanted to bring up the wardrobe.

I've been studying the photo released of LS leaving Smallwood the evening of June 2 - the same photo LS appears to be walking down the hall that's posted on the lead page of each of the WS threads and distributed by LE as an identification photo. Could anyone clarify whether this is actually supposed to be at 12:30 AM Fri, June 3 (when she left supposedly Smallwood with DR, from being with HT up until then) . . . or is it from earlier in the evening of Thurs June 2? The only reports I've read are that it was "from the evening of her disappearance" but clearly that could cover anywhere from 6:30 PM to significantly later. Obviously she is alone in this photo but perhaps meeting up with DR who's coming from a different floor?

Her clothing is described by LE as is seen in this photo down to the type of material and style, except they add that she was not wearing shoes. Would it thus be implied that this earlier photo is identically as they observed her later on video, minus only the shoes?

Almost certainly she is carrying a jacket in her left hand. Interesting. The weather almanac I looked up said it would've been 66 degrees at 12:30 AM then in Bloomington, and would only get a couple of degrees cooler the remainder of the overnight. Thursday had been 87 degrees for a high and Friday was also expected to be and turned out to be a hot day, so much so that every patron in the restaurant we ate at across from Kilroy's Sports on June 3 bypassed the outdoor seating in favor of being inside with the A/C. Unless absolutely necessary to offset cold or at least chilly temperatures, it seems odd to me that LS would've chosen to be encumbered with carrying around a jacket all night if she'd intended to "party", drink, and/or bounce around from one location to the next. Unless perhaps the jacket had pockets that the rest of her outfit did not have, to store something(s).

Even moreso, has LE released any statements whether that jacket was still with her, or on her, in any of the later video? Unless wearing the jacket, it's difficult to believe she managed to carry around/hold onto the jacket while losing the keys, the phone, the shoes, the purse, and so forth. The other items were found or turned in but I've not found official subsequent mention of the jacket. LE omits any mention that she was wearing an outer layer when they provide her official description, only describing the "white v-neck shirt of possibly distressed material, scooped at bottom in front and back, with elbow-length sleeves".

Lastly I'm reminded that LS was a Fashion Merchandising major and was voted best-dressed in her high school's senior class. Does the outfit she's wearing in this ID photo strike anyone else as unusual for someone with this flair for apparel to select for a night out on the town? A plain solid white top and solid black pants seems awfully bland to me - and couldn't hardly be less noticeable or memorable (at least compared to a bright flowery sundress or stripes/plaids, etc.) to a passer-by or non-acquaintance. There is no mention of her wearing any jewelry the night she went missing (other than what's seen on her right wrist which may be more related to a key than jewelry). She also appears more pale and possibly even without make-up although a better view of the photo might provide more detail on that. One could speculate that maybe she didn't want to be noticed or remembered that night . . .but flies in the face of her perhaps wanting to be romantically attracted by CR or noticed by other guys in general.

I guess we can all over-scrutinize, but this is one of those situations that struck me - I was quite surprised when I first saw this photo of how she looked that night, as that is not at all the vision I first had in mind when getting familiar with this story and from seeing the missing persons flyer photo of her appearing much more dressed up, made-up and wearing the bright pink/orange/coral-colored dress & with more color in her face.
Also wanted to bring up the wardrobe.

I've been studying the photo released of LS leaving Smallwood the evening of June 2 - the same photo LS appears to be walking down the hall that's posted on the lead page of each of the WS threads and distributed by LE as an identification photo. Could anyone clarify whether this is actually supposed to be at 12:30 AM Fri, June 3 (when she left supposedly Smallwood with DR, from being with HT up until then) . . . or is it from earlier in the evening of Thurs June 2? The only reports I've read are that it was "from the evening of her disappearance" but clearly that could cover anywhere from 6:30 PM to significantly later. Obviously she is alone in this photo but perhaps meeting up with DR who's coming from a different floor?

Her clothing is described by LE as is seen in this photo down to the type of material and style, except they add that she was not wearing shoes. Would it thus be implied that this earlier photo is identically as they observed her later on video, minus only the shoes?

Almost certainly she is carrying a jacket in her left hand. Interesting. The weather almanac I looked up said it would've been 66 degrees at 12:30 AM then in Bloomington, and would only get a couple of degrees cooler the remainder of the overnight. Thursday had been 87 degrees for a high and Friday was also expected to be and turned out to be a hot day, so much so that every patron in the restaurant we ate at across from Kilroy's Sports on June 3 bypassed the outdoor seating in favor of being inside with the A/C. Unless absolutely necessary to offset cold or at least chilly temperatures, it seems odd to me that LS would've chosen to be encumbered with carrying around a jacket all night if she'd intended to "party", drink, and/or bounce around from one location to the next. Unless perhaps the jacket had pockets that the rest of her outfit did not have, to store something(s).

Even moreso, has LE released any statements whether that jacket was still with her, or on her, in any of the later video? Unless wearing the jacket, it's difficult to believe she managed to carry around/hold onto the jacket while losing the keys, the phone, the shoes, the purse, and so forth. The other items were found or turned in but I've not found official subsequent mention of the jacket. LE omits any mention that she was wearing an outer layer when they provide her official description, only describing the "white v-neck shirt of possibly distressed material, scooped at bottom in front and back, with elbow-length sleeves".

Lastly I'm reminded that LS was a Fashion Merchandising major and was voted best-dressed in her high school's senior class. Does the outfit she's wearing in this ID photo strike anyone else as unusual for someone with this flair for apparel to select for a night out on the town? A plain solid white top and solid black pants seems awfully bland to me - and couldn't hardly be less noticeable or memorable (at least compared to a bright flowery sundress or stripes/plaids, etc.) to a passer-by or non-acquaintance. There is no mention of her wearing any jewelry the night she went missing (other than what's seen on her right wrist which may be more related to a key than jewelry). She also appears more pale and possibly even without make-up although a better view of the photo might provide more detail on that. One could speculate that maybe she didn't want to be noticed or remembered that night . . .but flies in the face of her perhaps wanting to be romantically attracted by CR or noticed by other guys in general.

I guess we can all over-scrutinize, but this is one of those situations that struck me - I was quite surprised when I first saw this photo of how she looked that night, as that is not at all the vision I first had in mind when getting familiar with this story and from seeing the missing persons flyer photo of her appearing much more dressed up, made-up and wearing the bright pink/orange/coral-colored dress & with more color in her face.

This is such a curious post I don't know where to begin so I'll say nothing but now I'm creeped out. Are you trying to say you think she was really leaving for the night to meet up with someone to flee to Israel? (BTW, this is directed to you, Walker.)
Thought I would mention another thing which may be totally unrelated to the LS case, but you never know -- it at least gives background as to how I became more intrigued.

The Indiana High School state boys track meet was held at IU in Bloomington on Friday June 3rd. The meet began mid-afternoon and finished up early evening. The announced attendance was approximately 5000 people, and would've included many out-of-towners from all over Indiana. Some from the farther points away in the state would most certainly have arrived the night before (Thurs June 2nd) making the hotels near campus a bit more occupied than most Thursday nights in June would've been. There would've been a significant amount of out-of-area license plates leaving Bloomington the evening of June 3rd which is before the search really got going. If by chance a body was held for a few hours then transported out-of-town by car near the time the track meet was ending there surely would've been a steady stream of traffic from campus out to Hwy 37.

Chances are, these college student POI's would not have known any of this was going on at the same time, nor could've figured any of this into planning - although the IU website did post something earlier in the week in regards to warnings of increased traffic near the construction zones around the stadiums on Friday. This area is not exactly the same edge of campus is the missing person area in question, but I will say - as my high school son and I left the track meet parking lot and looked for a place to eat supper around 7PM that Friday we unknowingly ended up at a restautant right across the street from Kilroy's Sports Bar, very near the time LS was being officially reported as missing and the tweets from friends about anyone seeing LS were ramping up, so it's not that far away. My wife having graduated from IU and me being reasonably familiar with the campus, I remember telling my son that Kilroy's was or at least used to be a real hot spot for college drinking - then him telling me the next day what he just saw on the news.

Leads into another question. . . . As I recall looking across the street that night at the sports bar "beach area", and later pics I've found online - I don't remember or see any outside lighting, 20-ft light poles, etc that would allow for beach volleyball or other group sand-type activities after dark. Is it believable that beachy activities is the reason LS would've removed her shoes at approx 2:00 in the morning? Especially if she were at the bar less than an hour? How many others at a bar would be in any kind of condition at that hour to be conducting a volleyball game? (tho I do see where it's questioned upthread as to whether vb is played there or not, and of course understanding we're not talking competitive bump/set/spike volleyball!)

Nothing you describe is out of the norm. Nothing.
Have read many to most of the threads but have not posted until now.

Wanted to mention a few items that I'm not sure have been vetted, but will post some separately to keep posting length short.

1) the basketball game that JW was supposedly at home watching during the evening, and the same game it was reported (though suspicious) that LS later went to watch with DR over at JR's.

-- the only game at any level played this June 2nd night was Game 2 of the NBA playoffs Dallas vs Miami. Per numerous MSM outlets the game was scheduled for a 9PM eastern-time start. (Bloomington is on eastern time though parts elsewhere of Indiana are on central time). Per, this game lasted 2 hrs 38 minutes, meaning, conservatively, it should've been completed by 11:45 eastern time even if starting as late as 9:07.

It has been reported in MSM and posted in numerous threads that boyfriend JW planned to get together with LS after the game, but that LS never returned calls/texts. Often this non-contact was tied into LS leaving her phone back at the bar. However the phone was with LS until likely 1:__? if not 2:__?AM, thus the timeline of LS's whereabouts compared to the game-time ending refutes the lost/forgotten phone as being the sole reason LS & JW didn't connect that evening. HT has said LS was with her until 12:30 AM which would've been 45 min-1 hour after the game ended (& could've then been contacted post-game), then LS supposedly went over to JR's from 12:30 until awhile later (again could've then been contacted post-game), lastly from LS/CR's arrival at bar until phone was separated, again contact could've been made.

Secondly, HT's reported comments that LS went with DR over to JR's at 12:30 to watch "the basketball game" are suspect. Again, this had to be the same game and that game had already finished well earlier. While they theoretically could've watched some taped-delayed version, there's no explanation of what any of them were doing from 9PM to 11:45 PM that would've prevented them watching the game live.

Finally, JW is said to have been watching the game, then unsuccessfully trying to get hold of LS, before going to bed at 2:30 AM. This account leaves close to 3 hrs unaccounted for between game-time ending and bed-time.

I'm most interested in what JW was doing from 2:30 a.m. to 8 a.m. when he took his roommate to class.
This is such a curious post I don't know where to begin so I'll say nothing but now I'm creeped out. Are you trying to say you think she was really leaving for the night to meet up with someone to flee to Israel? (BTW, this is directed to you, Walker.)

I can remember the night that I sat and just stared at that picture of her walking in the hallway, seeing the jacket and wondering if it got cool there in the early morning hours.
If, and I repeat, IF that rumor is true, then it is possible that the police may have some biological material that could link a POI to the case. That may be relevant, especially as the police asked POIs to provide DNA samples. I am wondering if all POIs (and any out of town visitors they may had that night) have cooperated regarding that.

Now, if that were the case, DNA analysis may take a long time sometimes and one can only wonder whether the results are back or not yet. Nevertheless, it would be hard to charge anyone for murder or rape in the absence of a body, even if biological material were to me matched to someone. But it might result in someone becoming the main suspect and increase the pressure. So, IF that rumor is true, it is a huge deal.

It would also seem that, IF the rumor is true and they have a pretty firm suspect/suspects they might be able to arrest them on another charge (possibly drug-related?) that would get them into a less comfortable position than living in the lap of luxury.... and IF they have a pretty firm suspect then they can take the time to methodically collect the evidence they need to support that.
Also wanted to bring up the wardrobe.

I've been studying the photo released of LS leaving Smallwood the evening of June 2 - the same photo LS appears to be walking down the hall that's posted on the lead page of each of the WS threads and distributed by LE as an identification photo. Could anyone clarify whether this is actually supposed to be at 12:30 AM Fri, June 3 (when she left supposedly Smallwood with DR, from being with HT up until then) . . . or is it from earlier in the evening of Thurs June 2? The only reports I've read are that it was "from the evening of her disappearance" but clearly that could cover anywhere from 6:30 PM to significantly later. Obviously she is alone in this photo but perhaps meeting up with DR who's coming from a different floor?

Her clothing is described by LE as is seen in this photo down to the type of material and style, except they add that she was not wearing shoes. Would it thus be implied that this earlier photo is identically as they observed her later on video, minus only the shoes?

LE had never told when exactly that photo was taken. In fact if my memory serves me, they were asked and either did not or declined to elaborate on it. My assumption has always been that it is before meeting DR.

Almost certainly she is carrying a jacket in her left hand. Interesting. The weather almanac I looked up said it would've been 66 degrees at 12:30 AM then in Bloomington, and would only get a couple of degrees cooler the remainder of the overnight. Thursday had been 87 degrees for a high and Friday was also expected to be and turned out to be a hot day, so much so that every patron in the restaurant we ate at across from Kilroy's Sports on June 3 bypassed the outdoor seating in favor of being inside with the A/C. Unless absolutely necessary to offset cold or at least chilly temperatures, it seems odd to me that LS would've chosen to be encumbered with carrying around a jacket all night if she'd intended to "party", drink, and/or bounce around from one location to the next. Unless perhaps the jacket had pockets that the rest of her outfit did not have, to store something(s).
66 degrees would be cool enough for me to want to have a jacket in case, so I don't find it out of the ordinary. Also I have carried a jacket more willingly if I need pockets for a cell phone and wallet instead of a purse.
Even moreso, has LE released any statements whether that jacket was still with her, or on her, in any of the later video? Unless wearing the jacket, it's difficult to believe she managed to carry around/hold onto the jacket while losing the keys, the phone, the shoes, the purse, and so forth. The other items were found or turned in but I've not found official subsequent mention of the jacket. LE omits any mention that she was wearing an outer layer when they provide her official description, only describing the "white v-neck shirt of possibly distressed material, scooped at bottom in front and back, with elbow-length sleeves".

Someone here (I apologize because I forget who it was) thought that the outfit, "button down light colored shirt with long sleeves" described LS wearing the item we are calling a jacket. I disagreed, though it could be.. in any case, no, LE has never mentioned the clothing item she was carrying. But according to people who have posted here, they did know she was wearing jewelery and were told to to look for it while searching the area IIRC. So it could be that they just aren't giving those sorts of details about her items to the press. There is evidence she is wearing a necklace (and has it in her hand at her collarbone) and I don't think you can tell if she is wearing rings in a photo with that quality.
Lastly I'm reminded that LS was a Fashion Merchandising major and was voted best-dressed in her high school's senior class. Does the outfit she's wearing in this ID photo strike anyone else as unusual for someone with this flair for apparel to select for a night out on the town? A plain solid white top and solid black pants seems awfully bland to me - and couldn't hardly be less noticeable or memorable (at least compared to a bright flowery sundress or stripes/plaids, etc.) to a passer-by or non-acquaintance. There is no mention of her wearing any jewelry the night she went missing (other than what's seen on her right wrist which may be more related to a key than jewelry). She also appears more pale and possibly even without make-up although a better view of the photo might provide more detail on that. One could speculate that maybe she didn't want to be noticed or remembered that night . . .but flies in the face of her perhaps wanting to be romantically attracted by CR or noticed by other guys in general.

I guess we can all over-scrutinize, but this is one of those situations that struck me - I was quite surprised when I first saw this photo of how she looked that night, as that is not at all the vision I first had in mind when getting familiar with this story and from seeing the missing persons flyer photo of her appearing much more dressed up, made-up and wearing the bright pink/orange/coral-colored dress & with more color in her face.

I believe the outfit in her original missing flier was formal evening wear IIRC. And her parents were criticized on various forums that they were using an overly beautiful/made-up picture of her that didn't resemble her in everyday life. I tend to think you are over-analyzing her outfit, and that the lighting and type of picture is probably not showing off her makeup/complexion to her best advantage. I don't think she looks overly casual nor dressed up. Pretty much what I think most would wear out to a night of drinking with the guys as it sounds she had planned.
Her outfit IS trendy and fashionable for the time period though. I don't know a single trendy young woman who wears flowery sundresses or plaid to bars on party nights. That plain white Tshirt looked like a boyfriend style shirt to me which can cost 50+ dollars at major retailers. I wish I was kidding, but I am not. For example, the Guess by Marciano boyfriend shirts that look similar to that one cost anywhere from 50-120. Every single one of my students would be offended if you called their fancy boyfriend shirts "a big plain white shirt" LOL. Leggings or tights as pants are also very trendy right now. She isn't wearing a lot of color, but what she is wearing is pretty in-line with what trendy, fashionable girls wear nowadays.
This is such a curious post I don't know where to begin so I'll say nothing but now I'm creeped out. Are you trying to say you think she was really leaving for the night to meet up with someone to flee to Israel? (BTW, this is directed to you, Walker.)

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh: If anything YOUR answer creeped me out..... and please don't get that whole you-know-where thing started, again!
Her outfit IS trendy and fashionable for the time period though. I don't know a single trendy young woman who wears flowery sundresses or plaid to bars on party nights. That plain white Tshirt looked like a boyfriend style shirt to me which can cost 50+ dollars at major retailers. I wish I was kidding, but I am not. For example, the Guess by Marciano boyfriend shirts that look similar to that one cost anywhere from 50-120. Every single one of my students would be offended if you called their fancy boyfriend shirts "a big plain white shirt" LOL. Leggings or tights as pants are also very trendy right now. She isn't wearing a lot of color, but what she is wearing is pretty in-line with what trendy, fashionable girls wear nowadays.
50-120 EASY on a blouse at Anthropologie which as we know, she was familiar with!
Yeah and some retailers may even go higher than that-it just cracks me up because I have been throwing on my boyfriend's actual undershirts like that for years which probably cost 10 dollars for a three pack or something and then suddenly it is this huge trend costing people triple digits PER shirt :floorlaugh:
If you timed it like that your alcohol consumption would hit you like a ton of bricks since the coke is pretty much wearing off in 30 minutes or so. Even without the coke, the combination of alcohol with Xanax magnifies the effects of both on your metal faculties (synergy). And do not forget Karen Ann Quinlan.

Just to add to this, the way that they took the drugs is important, too, and that's also something we don't know. For example, apparently some people snort Xanax with their coke, which is kinda funny because alprazolam is not very well absorbed through the mucous membranes - so in that case Xanax wouldn't really be a factor. :dunno: Something interesting I found on medscape is that cocaine (or its metabolite?) has the effect of prolonging the QT interval, which sounds dangerous for someone with long QT syndrome. But I only have the most basic knowledge of cardio physiology, so... :dunno:
This is such a curious post I don't know where to begin so I'll say nothing but now I'm creeped out. Are you trying to say you think she was really leaving for the night to meet up with someone to flee to Israel? (BTW, this is directed to you, Walker.)

Facts that suggest that perhaps LS is an adult runaway:

1. Whether she had her prescription meds with her was stated to be unclear in a media article. LE could access the prescription and compare it against whatever was found among her belongings very easily. (Link no longer active, but will try to find another).

2. Recent travel. Plus, LS was a frequent traveler.

3. Her known companions that evening do not have serious criminal histories.

4. No body, no blood, no clothing found; that is, at this point in time.

5. In the last SW photo, LS seems to be wearing a large man's watch. Did she feel a need to watch the time carefully?

6. Emotional aspect of last photo suggests a person happily quitting something.

7. What EOA said about the outfit.

8. May have had reason to feel anxiety: CR involved in a conflict etc.

9. Besides the summer course (which was probably only a few credits), she had completed all the work for her sophomore year.

10. Landfills have not been searched: may indicate that LE thinks she is possibly alive.

11. Subjective: I just don't have the feeling that she is dead.

12. An OD usually has a long history of reckless behavior and bad incidents, but her closest associates seem to be in a state of shock.

13. JMO: JR's statement seems to me to be truthful. Since it seems potentially self-incriminating, why would he make such a statement if he did not at least believe it to be true at the time? (Of course, details like the time could be wrong, if he were still under the influence of some substance.)

HOWEVER, lots of info has not been released to the public.

Stranger abduction is certainly also a strong possibility.

And, none of these observations show proof.
Sure, but it definitely depends on the type of impact and where the brunt of the impact was taken (on the body). It sounds like what happened to your teammate was some variation of this: ‪Coup-Contrecoup Injury‬‏ - YouTube. The impact (sudden deceleration, punch, etc) is shown coming from the front of the skull. (I posted a similar link in the first LS thread, but I like this animation better, lol.)

My point is that when a person is taking drugs which are known to impair memory, that is probably more likely to blame than an injury which may impair memory. I'm not saying that it definitely didn't, and in fact I have wondered if the particular drugs in question may have made his brain more susceptible to traumatic injury (/heads on over to PubMed to look that up).

Oh, I agree that it is more likely that the memory loss is drug-related.

Someone else had stated that it probably wasn't a concussion because he didn't even have a mark on his face from the punch. I was just pointing out that you don't even have to hit someone very hard to cause a concussion. Some people are just more prone to them than others.

But yes, drugs would have a higher probability of being correct.
Welcome to WS, EOA. You seem to have some well thought out posts, please allow me to dive in :)

Have read many to most of the threads but have not posted until now.

Wanted to mention a few items that I'm not sure have been vetted, but will post some separately to keep posting length short.

1) the basketball game that JW was supposedly at home watching during the evening, and the same game it was reported (though suspicious) that LS later went to watch with DR over at JR's.

-- the only game at any level played this June 2nd night was Game 2 of the NBA playoffs Dallas vs Miami. Per numerous MSM outlets the game was scheduled for a 9PM eastern-time start. (Bloomington is on eastern time though parts elsewhere of Indiana are on central time). Per, this game lasted 2 hrs 38 minutes, meaning, conservatively, it should've been completed by 11:45 eastern time even if starting as late as 9:07.

With ya so far, the above should be considered inarguable.

It has been reported in MSM and posted in numerous threads that boyfriend JW planned to get together with LS after the game, but that LS never returned calls/texts.

Often this non-contact was tied into LS leaving her phone back at the bar. However the phone was with LS until likely 1:__? if not 2:__?AM, thus the timeline of LS's whereabouts compared to the game-time ending refutes the lost/forgotten phone as being the sole reason LS & JW didn't connect that evening.

Agree that it was reported via HT that they JW and LS had plans to get together after the game, but I have not seen that she didn't return calls/texts, unless you are referring to the next morning.

HT has said LS was with her until 12:30 AM which would've been 45 min-1 hour after the game ended (& could've then been contacted post-game), then LS supposedly went over to JR's from 12:30 until awhile later (again could've then been contacted post-game), lastly from LS/CR's arrival at bar until phone was separated, again contact could've been made.

Agree, contact could have been made, but again, I don't know that we've heard it was attempted. This is something LE would surely be aware of from LS phone records.

Secondly, HT's reported comments that LS went with DR over to JR's at 12:30 to watch "the basketball game" are suspect. Again, this had to be the same game and that game had already finished well earlier. While they theoretically could've watched some taped-delayed version, there's no explanation of what any of them were doing from 9PM to 11:45 PM that would've prevented them watching the game live.

I thought this was suspect at first too, but the more I thought about, I realized that my friends make this kind of reference all the time. Lets say HT talks to JR earlier at like 830 and he says you and LS should come over, we're gonna watch the game. HT will chat with LS and let her know JR and those guys are watching the game at his place later. If it comes out later that LS went over there, its not a jump for HT to say she went over there to hang out/watch the game, even if she has no idea if thats true or not.

Finally, JW is said to have been watching the game, then unsuccessfully trying to get hold of LS, before going to bed at 2:30 AM. This account leaves close to 3 hrs unaccounted for between game-time ending and bed-time.

Again, I haven't seen this part about him trying to get ahold of her before bed. Yes, there is a gap between the game ending and him going to bed, but as has been mentioned he seemingly does at least have a roommate that is vouching for him during that time.

Trying to think through the mechanics of how this altercation involving CR /ZO actually occurred.

My assumption here is based on the timeline of CR/LS being on video as entering Smallwood at 2:30AM and being on video as exiting Smallwood at 2:42 AM as is posted on this site's maps per page 1 of each thread. It also assumes what I believe to be reported that the confrontation happened on/at/near the Smallwood 5th floor elevator lobby.

--Assuming it took CR/LS 2-3 minutes from entering front door, walking to elevator to hit button, perhaps waiting for elevator, rising 5 floors, . . . . plus another 2-3 minutes of same actions upon return, that only leaves perhaps 6-7 minutes for actual altercation.

--Was ZO/friends already waiting at 5th floor lobby for CR/LS to get off the elevator? If so, how did ZO/friends know CR/LS were coming back there and soon enough to beat them to that spot . . . .unless ZO/friends were already at apartment (with HT as a wild guess??) LE must have Smallwood video of when ZO/friends entered Smallwood themselves and what points they were on camera throughout the building at various times.

--How did ZO/friends actually get up to the 5th floor? It's been posted that a resident card code was needed to activate the elevator upward. Was someone in ZO's party a Smallwood resident? IF ZO's party somehow knew CR/LS was coming to Smallwood, they could've had this quick altercation in the main floor lobby and made a much easier/faster "getaway" than on 5th floor. And why exactly did the altercation occur here inside at Smallwood in the first place and not outside? Would they not have preferred this "fight" to occur in the dark/outside as opposed to light/inside, & where no cameras were? Unless the altercation wasn't exactly pre-meditated but more stumbled upon via 5th floor elevator encounter.

--Has LS's apartment been confirmed to be on the 5th floor? Which floor did DR live on? IF both lived on the 5th floor, could it be assumed that CR/LS were returning to her apartment and not DR's? Would LS's apartment have been empty at 2:35? (where was HT at this time?) Was DR's apartment occupied only by DR at that 2:35-ish time?

--How and when did ZO's party exit Smallwood? Presumedly they didn't all share an elevator down with CR/LS. If CR/LS went down the elevator first and headed out the door, it would again have required ZO's party to have known where CR/LS were headed, and passed them or beat them to the spot via an alternate route (on cameras?) to have possibly met them again near the alley/gravel lot less than 10 minutes later if indeed that happened. If ZO's party went down the elevator first and left the building first, they could only have known where CR/LS were going if they lurked outside Smallwood and followed them to alley/gravel lot. Again LE should have Smallwood video confirming the correct sequence.

--Did no other resident on the 5th floor hear anything, or peek their head out of their door, or call for security at this hour? Surely someone was aroused from sleeping or already awake and heard raised voices, punch(es) thrown, bodies scuffling, etc. Even in this environment of a college town, this type of event at 2:35 AM would surely have to be unusual.

I will say I have to keep reminding myself that all of these events occurred so late in the evening (entirely in the morning actually) and all while dark, and all so compressed together in terms of time. For some reason I keep picturing the evening beginning while still dusk, and events happening over a much wider timeframe which tends to give a different perspective.

Easy stuff first, yes LS lived on 5th floor, DR apt is unknown.

As to the lead up to the fight, it's my theory and I think there has been a little support given toward this in the MSM, is that ZO and crew simply didn't like how CR appeared to be treating LS. Not that they recognized her, or knew her bf or anything, just that something CR did appeared offensive to them (aka most every intoxicated bar fight ever). It wouldn't shock me at all if they actually rode the elevator up to the 5th floor with LS/CR in the first place and perhaps overheard him saying something to her in the elevator. Maybe ZO destination wasn't even the 5th floor, but they got off there to continue altercation that started in elevator. As to how ZO party exited Smallwood, what if they just continued on to their original destination in Smallwood. I'll have to disagree that this behavior would be unusual for that hour at Smallwood, and even if it was, there is another doorway before you get to the actual 5th floor apartments and it would be a lot emptier due to summer.

To be fair, as you may have concluded from above, I think the entire altercation to be a red herring for whatever happened to LS, thought admittedly without it, her night may have ended well.

Thought I would mention another thing which may be totally unrelated to the LS case, but you never know -- it at least gives background as to how I became more intrigued.

The Indiana High School state boys track meet was held at IU in Bloomington on Friday June 3rd. The meet began mid-afternoon and finished up early evening. The announced attendance was approximately 5000 people, and would've included many out-of-towners from all over Indiana. Some from the farther points away in the state would most certainly have arrived the night before (Thurs June 2nd) making the hotels near campus a bit more occupied than most Thursday nights in June would've been. There would've been a significant amount of out-of-area license plates leaving Bloomington the evening of June 3rd which is before the search really got going. If by chance a body was held for a few hours then transported out-of-town by car near the time the track meet was ending there surely would've been a steady stream of traffic from campus out to Hwy 37.

Even though probably unrelated, this is good info to have.

Also wanted to bring up the wardrobe.

Going to snip some here.

Almost certainly she is carrying a jacket in her left hand. Interesting.

Not meaning to corner you specifically, but why does everyone refer to that item as a jacket? (looks like elmomom beat me to posting the other side of this argument again :) )

Even moreso, has LE released any statements whether that jacket was still with her, or on her, in any of the later video? Unless wearing the jacket, it's difficult to believe she managed to carry around/hold onto the jacket while losing the keys, the phone, the shoes, the purse, and so forth. The other items were found or turned in but I've not found official subsequent mention of the jacket. LE omits any mention that she was wearing an outer layer when they provide her official description, only describing the "white v-neck shirt of possibly distressed material, scooped at bottom in front and back, with elbow-length sleeves".

I've posted this before, but the initial description we received of her was wearing a long-sleeve button down. At least in my mind it clicked that later on in the night she was wearing the long sleeve item she is shown with in the picture.

There is no mention of her wearing any jewelry the night she went missing (other than what's seen on her right wrist which may be more related to a key than jewelry).

I agree that there wasn't much mentioned of her jewelry, please see here for a better description.
:floorlaugh::floorlaugh: If anything YOUR answer creeped me out..... and please don't get that whole you-know-where thing started, again!

I don't understand. Wouldn't you be happy if LS were found alive? Maybe she was just fed up with some private personal issues. As I said before, the phenomenon of the adult run-away is poorly understood.

Might it not be an insult to you-know-where to imply that no young person could even possibly dream of wanting to run away to that place --- even one who had recently visited there by choice --- if you get what I mean?

And we only considered you-know-where as a geographical location.

There are many other geographical locations. We don't really know enough about LS to say (for example) that she is in California, but it's not impossible.
Also wanted to bring up the wardrobe.

I've been studying the photo released of LS leaving Smallwood the evening of June 2 - color in her face.

Yes..I read where HT stated that she and LS had originally planned to stay in that night.
I've never heard any details about who invited LS out that night.

As to her appearance, I've thought all along that it possible with the jacket on a warm night, pale skin tone, quick outfit, that maybe she had started her period.
If the night out was a last minute thing we might assume that she had no plans to hook up (as it were)..

Studying this photo and comparing to others we see that the hair is still "a work in progress".
LS almost always appears in her photos wearing a clip, band, scrunch, or something to help manage the long hair.

I was told by Charlene Spierer that in viewing the rest of that security video as LS is leaving they are able to make out what appears to be a purple clip in her hair in the back.

At the same time we can see that she is grooming the ends of her hair with two or three fingers...almost as if she is pulling her long hair out from under something that went on over her head.

I look at the same photo that you are and I see a headband around her neck. It looks like a shadow but maybe because it's navy blue.
My daughters when in a hurry will store a headband on their neck before putting it up or wrap a headband or scrunch on their wrist before putting it in their hair.

Anyway, just judging from other photos of LS I would expect to see 4 colors in her outfit. the shoes are hard to make out, the black pants, white top, and maybe something in her hair that would high lite her eyes.

The official description also does not mention any rings or bracelets but it has been brought up several times during searches and everyone seems to think that she did in fact have those items.
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