IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #24

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And they could be deflections however then I would have to put the stumbling and falling out of the elevator at Smallwood out of my mind, and I'm not able to.

Just wanted to thank you for your posts today because you have brought up a couple of things that have been bothering me.

1. The time of LS's last phone call per CS. I seem to recall one of Lauren's friends or roommates (HT? BW?) in an early interview saying that LS was "on the phone all the time". Sooooo, CS ~may~ have been saying that LS was indeed separated (whether by choice, by accident or by force) from her phone well before arriving at Sports. Just a possibility that I too have considered.

2. The falling down. Much has been made of CR's "head injury", but if the Smallwood tape story and the "3:38 Sighting" story are both true, that would be (at least) two major bumps to the head for LS in one night. Since OD and heart failure have both been mentioned, numerous times, I have to consider brain injury as well. Not that that scenario would change what happens after the fact.
Sports doesn't open until 4? That's sort of interesting, because HT mentioned in one of the articles that JW called her and came to get her keys from her on campus at around 2 so he could look for LS-- because HT had a class and couldn't go herself. He became alarmed when he got a call from Sports saying her phone was there, I thought.

I've worked in restaurants and bars, and I guess it's possible that someone was there at 2:00 -- maybe a manager and the phone was in a lost-and-found in the office -- but in my experience, people don't usually start coming in until an hour before opening. If Sports opens at 4, the timing seems odd.

Her class began at 2. The call came during the class. I believe the report was he went to the police at or after 4.

<Mod Snip>
Just wanted to thank you for your posts today because you have brought up a couple of things that have been bothering me.

1. The time of LS's last phone call per CS. I seem to recall one of Lauren's friends or roommates (HT? BW?) in an early interview saying that LS was "on the phone all the time". Sooooo, CS ~may~ have been saying that LS was indeed separated (whether by choice, by accident or by force) from her phone well before arriving at Sports. Just a possibility that I too have considered.

2. The falling down. Much has been made of CR's "head injury", but if the Smallwood tape story and the "3:38 Sighting" story are both true, that would be (at least) two major bumps to the head for LS in one night. Since OD and heart failure have both been mentioned, numerous times, I have to consider brain injury as well. Not that that scenario would change what happens after the fact.

On your first point, it would seem to be that someone who was always on the phone and left it somewhere, IF she wasn't somehow messed up, she would think about why she hadn't gotten any calls, and or made any.
Did someone else get hold of Lauren's phone between midnight and whenever it was left at the bar, to delete things from it? Is her mom hinting at that, I wonder?
Another thing that has bothered me, is the fact that when LS and CR got to Smallwood, it was as if someone KNEW they would be coming, it was almost like a blitz attack on CR. How odd is it that three guys would be right there waiting for them at just that time?

While that's an assumption that many of us have made, I don't think it's at all clear that the altercation was premeditated... CR and LS could simply have been on their way to her apartment and encountered someone who was pissed off at CR about something. Or.. he might have said something to people who were waiting for the elevator...

It really didn't have to be a planned blitz attack!
Sports doesn't open until 4? That's sort of interesting, because HT mentioned in one of the articles that JW called her and came to get her keys from her on campus at around 2 so he could look for LS-- because HT had a class and couldn't go herself. He became alarmed when he got a call from Sports saying her phone was there, I thought.

I've worked in restaurants and bars, and I guess it's possible that someone was there at 2:00 -- maybe a manager and the phone was in a lost-and-found in the office -- but in my experience, people don't usually start coming in until an hour before opening. If Sports opens at 4, the timing seems odd.

Skigirl, I think you might be onto something very significant here.

Maybe what CS is saying is that LS used her phone in her apt. at 12:15. LS left SW at 12:30. Perhaps she forgot her phone.

Who reported that JW was texting LS's phone so much that someone at the bar texted back and said to come get the phone? How much noise does an incoming text make? My phone just makes a little ping sound, not very annoying at all.

Someone in the office might not even hear a phone pinging in the beach area of the bar.

Maybe LS realized she had left her phone at her apt. and went to SW with CR to get it.

If this scenario is correct, that might mean that JW got HT's apt. keys, went to SW and found the phone there.

But, if that is the case, why lie about where the phone was found?
How much noise does an incoming text make? My phone just makes a little ping sound, not very annoying at all.

Someone in the office might not even hear a phone pinging in the beach area of the bar.

Many of us put our phones on vibrate for incoming texts.... those aren't annoying if you're WEARING the phone but if it's laying around somewhere the vibration is MIGHTILY annoying!!

I've never really questioned the fact that the phone was at Kilroy's... lying about that would have been WAY too easily exposed.

I do think, however, the CS might have been giving JW a pass... because so many people have assumed that JW was trying to reach LS that night... and CS reported that the 12:15 phone call was the last time the phone was USED... I assumed that meant incoming or outgoing... so if JW didn't start texting LS until the next morning... that all makes sense...
I don't think we know whether AB was in the lineup. Gatto just said it was a lineup of 6 pictures and that she was also shown a picture of CR (not clear if this is by the police or by Gatto) and that it wasn't him.

Im extremely confident TG has no contact with the 3:38 witness. But looking at possible mystery men, it seems as if it could be more BB than AB. But this is JMO
Skigirl I can't quote your entire post on the other page but I don't believe HT version of what JW did with the phone issue. I recall reading that it was JW that called LS and after several calls the EE finally picked up. Also I recall that it was 11:30-ish a.m. EEs can be in these places early for a number if reasons. I just hope it wasn't the perp.
A couple more things....

1. CS wants for darn sure for us to know as FACT that the last time she used her phone was 12:16. Perhaps the phone was used after this but they know (for a fact) that it wasn't LS making the call/text. Perhaps THAT is the message she's trying to get across.

2. I find it a bit strange that her phone would be on ALL night (we know it was on at least at 12:16, then all the next day and into the next afternoon, without being charged, and the battery hadn't died. The way kids use their cells these days, and don't wait til the battery fully charges, those batteries aren't very great. They die quickly.
Skigirl I can't quote your entire post on the other page but I don't believe HT version of what JW did with the phone issue. I recall reading that it was JW that called Sports and after several calls the EE finally picked up. Also I recall that it was 11:30-ish a.m. EEs can be in these places early for a number if reasons. I just hope it wasn't the perp.

I don't recall ever reading that JW called the bar or that it was as early as 11:30 -- but I'd be interested in an article.
I'm all about Martinsville area as a possible disposal place. What I have forgotten to mention previously when we've talked about it is this: There is a way to travel from Bloomington to Martinsville area without driving on State Road 37--the main artery in and out of Bloomington.

Old SR 37 (it's even called this on maps) is a winding route most of which goes through Morgan Monroe State Forest. One could travel the entire way especially in the middle of the night, undetected, whereas regular 37 often has state police presence. And getting from 5 North area to the Old route would be easy too. Matter of fact, one would go through the creepy park I posted about a few months ago, Lower Cascades. :sick:

It's ironic you say that... Because the where the fire took place is right behind the entrance road to the back side of the forest. Also a few other points I'd like to make:

1) We don't know anything about AA, he could be a talking head for all we know paid to say he found keys...

2) The Runcible Spoon could be an alibi to implicate he was there, when he could have easily half way home. Almost like a 4:15 phone call to DR to show "everything is in place". He could implicate himself in Bloomington but could have easily left hours earlier.

3) I'm not buying for a second that LS just met CR at the Indy 500. He's lived doors from JR for a while, I'm sure they have crossed paths before and have met. What I will say is perhaps she just recently showed interest in him because she apparently was on the outs with JW according to the re-frieinding incident on FB.

4) I doubt SC who owned the barn is Jewish. Most Jews with the last name C***** it is spelled K*****. Anything is possible, but the likelihood of it is slim to none.

Chime in to confirm or deny anything I've mentioned please.
A couple more things....

1. CS wants for darn sure for us to know as FACT that the last time she used her phone was 12:16. Perhaps the phone was used after this but they know (for a fact) that it wasn't LS making the call/text. Perhaps THAT is the message she's trying to get across.

2. I find it a bit strange that her phone would be on ALL night (we know it was on at least at 12:16, then all the next day and into the next afternoon, without being charged, and the battery hadn't died. The way kids use their cells these days, and don't wait til the battery fully charges, those batteries aren't very great. They die quickly.

I also thought about your first question but how would they know this as a fact? If someone else had used Lauren's phone, how would they know that it couldn't have been her, unless it was used after the 3:00am sighting in the alley? Thinking about this now.
I don't recall ever reading that JW called the bar or that it was as early as 11:30 -- but I'd be interested in an article.

I was rereading and correcting my comment while you were posting. I just had sports on the brain. Will do.
I find it a bit strange that her phone would be on ALL night (we know it was on at least at 12:16, then all the next day and into the next afternoon, without being charged, and the battery hadn't died. The way kids use their cells these days, and don't wait til the battery fully charges, those batteries aren't very great. They die quickly.

I think it depends on the quality of the phone/battery. I use my blackberry constantly and am pretty negligent about charging it and it takes a couple days to run out of juice unless I'm somewhere where it has to search and search for a signal. At various times I've also programmed it to turn itself off when I'm sleeping (so that incoming calls and messages don't disturb me) and turn itself back on when I normally get up.
ElmoreJames I don't think your fire location is correct. Where are you getting that? Pretty sure it was in town (Martinsville).
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