IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #24

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Route 37 and old route 37 play into this somehow, I just get this gut feeling that I'm not able to put aside. How popular is Stepp Cemetery with IU students, if anyone local knows?

Can you share how you found out about this? Just curious.
I wonder how Mr. Amnesia fared in court this week. I know tomorrow is Friday but not sure if they have hearings.
Oh, because I've been looking into the cemeteries around Martinsville and Bloomington. I had posted about them the other day, wondering if any of them had been checked, and specifically ones where someone had died and had been buried on or around June 3rd. I notice that Stepp Cemetery is around the camping area and also the national forest. Also, the surrounding area is maintained by the Dept of Natural Resources, and a couple of the POI's are into the SPEA.
incorrect. C and K for spelling a hard "K" sound in a Jewish name are interchangeable. Jewish names are spelled a myriad of ways, and are often anglicized.

AND if a K family had moved to Martinsville... they might have been inclined to CHANGE the spelling of their name to make it less Jewish...
Some thoughts I had about JW/LS relationship. No one, no matter how close they are to a couple, knows what goes on between two people. We've all heard of friends and family who upon learning the truth about a person or the dynamics of a relationship, are in complete and utter surprise. Also, when an individual in a relationship starts to "stray" she is not neccesarily going to tell her friends and definitely not her parents, especially if they have strong feelings for the partner. She knows they will disapprove.
I just find it very odd that if LS was supposed to hang with JW, she didn't even respond to ONE of his texts? If she didn't have her phone, this would make sense. I can believe her maybe setting down the phone at JR's place, and losing track of time, but if she was alert enough to pick up that phone to take it with her to Sports, she didn't even check her texts and answer him once? Really? That's hard to believe.

According to the article quoted a few pages back, JW wasn't texting her that night... because, according to his roommate, he thought she was staying at SW... remember that it's from HT that we got the info that LS was planning to go to see JW after watching the game at JR's...

so there was really no reason for JW to text LS that night... but it sounds like he was trying to connect with her the next day... so that's when the text messages were coming through... and the person at Kilroy's notified him that the phone was there..

I don't find any of that difficult to understand -- or to believe...
Some thoughts I had about JW/LS relationship. No one, no matter how close they are to a couple, knows what goes on between two people. We've all heard of friends and family who upon learning the truth about a person or the dynamics of a relationship, are in complete and utter surprise. Also, when an individual in a relationship starts to "stray" she is not neccesarily going to tell her friends and definitely not her parents, especially if they have strong feelings for the partner. She knows they will disapprove.

I agree - and also - sometimes people start to drift out of a couple without even realizing it's happening. She could have been starting to waiver in her commitment to him without even really knowing it herself yet.

Have any of you ever had the experience of breaking up slowly with someone in your mind while trying to suppress the thought or wondering if it's just a phase, knowing that you aren't ready to act on it?
I agree - and also - sometimes people start to drift out of a couple without even realizing it's happening. She could have been starting to waiver in her commitment to him without even really knowing it herself yet.

Have any of you ever had the experience of breaking up slowly with someone in your mind while trying to suppress the thought or wondering if it's just a phase, knowing that you aren't ready to act on it?

Don't remind me! rolleyes:
Don't yell at me lol, but, getting back to JW staying home to watch the game then going to bed. Does anyone feel that it's odd that NO ONE called him about the fact that his friends beat up CR?

not really... I believe the whole "friends of JW" thing was later found to be less than accurate...
However the point is, the way these kids use their phones, you don't find it strange that JW wasn't called about the incident that involved his own girlfriend?

do we have ANY idea who even KNEW about that altercation other than CR/LS and whomever was the puncher? I've not seen any indication that there was anyone else around... and... if the witnesses were guys, they're not quite so much into the drama that would result in tattletale calls to JW...
Well whether or not it's controversial to some doesn't mean that it shouldn't be spoken of. I mean just the fact that JW wasn't apparently aware that Lauren had decided NOT to stay home that night is a very important fact.

It's not uncommon for girls to be in a relationship with one guy and have guy friends now days. But that can sometimes get dicey if the wrong conclusions occur. IDK if there was enough time in this scenario for that to happen. She'd just met CR. Do we even know for a fact that she knew he'd be there? Maybe JW didn't approve of JR, for instance, and that's why she didn't fill him in. And that might be about drugs ...

If she knew CR would be there ... well, horrible as it may sound to some, even girls in committed relationships may wonder who else is out there ... especially at age 20. BTW, I don't mean as an insult at all ... LS was young.
I agree - and also - sometimes people start to drift out of a couple without even realizing it's happening. She could have been starting to waiver in her commitment to him without even really knowing it herself yet.

Have any of you ever had the experience of breaking up slowly with someone in your mind while trying to suppress the thought or wondering if it's just a phase, knowing that you aren't ready to act on it?

I personally don't think JW plays a direct part in LS' disappearance. But in an indirect fashion, he might have. I definitely think people often drift out of relationships ... and I repeat, 20 is young. She'd been with him for awhile, given her age. It's not wrong for a 20-year-old college student whose boyfriend is graduating (I thought?) to have "I wonder ..." thoughts. In most cases, I'd actually advise it at that age! Maybe she didn't, of course.
It's really bothersome to me that we don't know the status of JW. Is he still an undergrad at IU or not? His Facebook says IU '11. And it says he's an intern at a place in NY.
AND if a K family had moved to Martinsville... they might have been inclined to CHANGE the spelling of their name to make it less Jewish...

the movie <> was not about a Jewish couple. The name can be spelled w/a C or a K, can be Jewish or non-Jewish. (Google C Jewish - and you come up with a C family from Germany in the 1700s:****.htm)

In the Martinsville case, I believe they may very well be Jewish.
According to the article quoted a few pages back, JW wasn't texting her that night... because, according to his roommate, he thought she was staying at SW... remember that it's from HT that we got the info that LS was planning to go to see JW after watching the game at JR's...

so there was really no reason for JW to text LS that night... but it sounds like he was trying to connect with her the next day... so that's when the text messages were coming through... and the person at Kilroy's notified him that the phone was there..

I don't find any of that difficult to understand -- or to believe...

I could be wrong, but I thought for sure that SOMEWHERE there were other articles (or just another) that said she hadn't responded to his texts the night before. That could have just been poor reporting, b/c others indicated she hadn't responded the next day. I think b/c of the timing, some say "that night" to refer to their awake period, while others refer to anything after midnight, as being "the next day" or "that morning" so it's sometimes confusing to sort out.

IF LS was supposed to see JW that night, I'd find it strange that he wouldn't have at least texted her to find out where she was when she didn't show. If he was so worried about her the following morning, I'd think he would have at least called her the night before. If he didn't, then I think HT is lying about that.

I just thought of something creepy......I get the feeling that HT has lied about several things. If that's true, why would she lie IF she thought there was a chance that Lauren would return? If/when Lauren made her return, and if/when she was interviewed about an abduction, or whatever, she could have shared what her plans were that night (and if they were contradicting to what HT said, HT would publicly be viewed as a liar. Therefore, I believe that either HT is telling the truth (which gives me pause when it comes to JW now, b/c of what I said above), or she not only is lying, but knew from the beginning that LS wasn't coming home alive.
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