IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 #29

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oh, definitely, I agree. I don't personally, at this point, believe Lauren left 5N alive. I actually am not so sure she arrived there alive, or at least alive MUCH. I've sort of come to my own conclusion that the 3 5N boys- and any of their guests- stashed her behind the dumpster either when she was dying or after she died and then she was moved later after they had a pow wow to figure out what to do and made some calls. I don't think her body after death was ever inside JR's or CR's and I think there is a another car and another driver somewhere that no one (possibly including LE) has found out about, because this person was not at the party or around at all earlier in the evening and that is the person who moved her. I think there is possibly a money trail to this person, because I think it is someone removed from the group, someone that isn't as privileged, someone that would risk involvement for money, perhaps even continuing money.
This is just my own feeling, there is nothing in the form of evidence to lead me to this conclusion, it's just how I've worked it out in my own mind.

I've entertained the thought that LS was left behind the dumpster ... or inside of the fence that protects it from view ... and then moved later. That would account for the fact that dogs allegedly hit on the dumpster, yet her body (or related evidence) wasn't found during the landfill search. I realize that the search could have just failed to find her, but with the amount of $$$ and time put into it, I have to think that something would have been found if she was there.

And that could fit with the previous comments about local involvement. LS is somewhere, and someone helped her get to that place while staying off the radar.
The problem I have with theories that involve calling in help is two-fold:
#1 You would be saying that a person or persons would actually want to create another 'witness' let alone another loose end.
#2 I don't care how bad the person they would be calling is, how many people want to get involved in a murder or kidnapping that they otherwise have no connection with? Drug dealers would want no part of that. Hypothetically, even if they'd hate losing these guys as 'customers' or 'salesmen' they'd worry more about them deciding to talk or getting implicated some other way and then them being taken down too as the story unfolds. All for a crime that really didn't involve them until they agreed to help clean it up?

I think the only way a heretofore unknown person that would be a drug dealer is involved is if it's directly. Either there at 5N at the time or else related to a connection/meeting we know nothing about. I would put someone being called into this by 5N down the list considerably. Not entirely impossible, but highly improbable.
I've entertained the thought that LS was left behind the dumpster ... or inside of the fence that protects it from view ... and then moved later. That would account for the fact that dogs allegedly hit on the dumpster, yet her body (or related evidence) wasn't found during the landfill search. I realize that the search could have just failed to find her, but with the amount of $$$ and time put into it, I have to think that something would have been found if she was there.

And that could fit with the previous comments about local involvement. LS is somewhere, and someone helped her get to that place while staying off the radar.

We know of landfill searches where LE knew a body was there and yet couldn't find it so I think that should serve as a warning that the landfill search was more needle in a haystack than fishing in a barrel (pardon the analogy). Especially after allowing so much time to elapse.

I'm also skeptical about how accurate the dumping area is. It's something I know nothing about but it just seems to me to be something where people wouldn't necessarily follow the 'grid rules' to a T if for one reason or another a different area was more convenient. Or if a mistake was made, would anyone really account for it? I don't know... I could be wrong. Landfills could be the most thoroughly operated entities known to man with oversight after oversight and mistakes not tolerated and protocols followed unfailingly. So supposedly all the area trash in question was dumped in a specific area of the landfill but I'm skeptical if it's really that well organized.

IMHO the delay in searching the landfill certainly didn't help the chances of finding anything.

Along those same lines I thought the story was the landfill required a search warrant. I wonder what info was put on the warrant to show probable cause to a judge to sign off on the warrant to search the landfill in the first place?
Snipped by me. It's a useful post, IMO. Anything that generates discussion is. Here are my thoughts. To begin, here's an archived WS post from my friend Jupiter812, 10-11-2011, 08:14 PM:

"Today was a bit weird because shortly after posting the pic, I ran into an old acquaintance I hadn't seen for a long time. We were talking about Bloomington and the subject of Lauren's disappearance came up. His nephew works at Kilroy's and said on that night Lauren kept going around the bar asking people if they had any coke. I was flummoxed because this is a version I have not heard before. He said a Hispanic guy approached her several times asking her if she wanted to do some coke. (Maybe she didn't because she was with CR? Because they wanted to buy and do on their on? Who knows?) My acquaintance thinks this dude waited until he saw her alone and then invited her to do coke with him.

This scenario makes sense for several reasons, and I'm interested in just sitting with it for a while. It actually feels good not to be fixated on the usual suspects, as they say."

I've always wondered about the above scenario, which generated in Bloomington and includes a coke reference. For one thing, the Hispanic guy could fit the description of the man the bartender said had LS on his back. I realize the man could also be CR (as implied in some news articles), but CR doesn't fit the bartender's description.

I could also see a local guy being called/paid to come in and clean up the mess, i.e., one or more POIs paying a local rather than get his hands dirty (and risk being caught). That's a terrible thing to think, but having a lot to lose can make people desperate, i.e., think Ted Kennedy and Chappaquiddick. And these are entitled guys with resources. Although his MO is very different, someone like SHD (the guy recently arrested for sexual assault in Bloomington) could fit the "local" bill (but I also think LE would have checked him out by now).

IDK if you can do anything with the above. FWIW, I'm willing to consider all alternatives. It's just that enough sits wrong with the POIs, IMO, that they either know something or did something.

This interests me greatly because this would also fit right into the account by the remote viewer. I know many or most don't give any real credence to the Remote Viewer but because I have been familiar with Remote Viewing since long before Lauren disappeared and because I've also long been aware of as who the serious and significant viewers are in the world, I do. I actually would go so far as to say I give his words extreme weight. Many others don't and that is ok too. Since I do and I had never heard this rumor about this Hispanic guy in Kilroys I'd really like to know if LE did thorough interviews with Kilroys staff and I'd like to know if this particular guy that said this was interviewed and if so did he report this information to LE? If he did was he shown any photos for identification purposes? Also, I'd like to know if any of the Bloomington locals know about or have heard specifically of a Hispanic guy that sells/does drugs around IU? What about a guy with a name similar to the one given in the rv video? Jaylon, Jaylone, Jamon or Jamone? In the video he describes dark skinned guy, not black, but ethnic with a closely shaved head and a coked out personality that is prone to violence who was driving a moving van with Illinois plates. He describes the atmosphere and music being played at Kilroys as well. While I realize most of you will not give this any real credit, I don't think you have to be and I don't think it could possibly hurt anything regardless of opinion to make an attempt to find out if such a person exists and is possibly connected, or not, to the PsOI in some way...because what if and what else is there at this point anyway?
The problem I have with theories that involve calling in help is two-fold:
#1 You would be saying that a person or persons would actually want to create another 'witness' let alone another loose end.
#2 I don't care how bad the person they would be calling is, how many people want to get involved in a murder or kidnapping that they otherwise have no connection with? Drug dealers would want no part of that. Hypothetically, even if they'd hate losing these guys as 'customers' or 'salesmen' they'd worry more about them deciding to talk or getting implicated some other way and then them being taken down too as the story unfolds. All for a crime that really didn't involve them until they agreed to help clean it up?

I think the only way a heretofore unknown person that would be a drug dealer is involved is if it's directly. Either there at 5N at the time or else related to a connection/meeting we know nothing about. I would put someone being called into this by 5N down the list considerably. Not entirely impossible, but highly improbable.

I agree, I don't think if anyone else helped they were called in, I think if they helped they were either already there or inadvertently, or by design unknowingly, walked into something they didn't count on.
The problem I have with theories that involve calling in help is two-fold:
#1 You would be saying that a person or persons would actually want to create another 'witness' let alone another loose end.
#2 I don't care how bad the person they would be calling is, how many people want to get involved in a murder or kidnapping that they otherwise have no connection with? Drug dealers would want no part of that. Hypothetically, even if they'd hate losing these guys as 'customers' or 'salesmen' they'd worry more about them deciding to talk or getting implicated some other way and then them being taken down too as the story unfolds. All for a crime that really didn't involve them until they agreed to help clean it up?

I think the only way a heretofore unknown person that would be a drug dealer is involved is if it's directly. Either there at 5N at the time or else related to a connection/meeting we know nothing about. I would put someone being called into this by 5N down the list considerably. Not entirely impossible, but highly improbable.

Maybe the motivation was money? Or maybe the person did have a connection, being the primary source of said drugs or something? This may be grasping (what is left?), but I wonder if any of the POI's bank accounts were searched?

In the OCCK (Oakland County Child Killer) case, the mother of a pedophile who later became a prime suspect (after he committed suicide) allegedly tried to pay one of her son's victims (sexual assault) off. The story is that she drove up in a limo ...

IDK. I agree with you in principle ... but people can do crazy things.
We know of landfill searches where LE knew a body was there and yet couldn't find it so I think that should serve as a warning that the landfill search was more needle in a haystack than fishing in a barrel (pardon the analogy). Especially after allowing so much time to elapse.

I'm also skeptical about how accurate the dumping area is. It's something I know nothing about but it just seems to me to be something where people wouldn't necessarily follow the 'grid rules' to a T if for one reason or another a different area was more convenient. Or if a mistake was made, would anyone really account for it? I don't know... I could be wrong. Landfills could be the most thoroughly operated entities known to man with oversight after oversight and mistakes not tolerated and protocols followed unfailingly. So supposedly all the area trash in question was dumped in a specific area of the landfill but I'm skeptical if it's really that well organized.

IMHO the delay in searching the landfill certainly didn't help the chances of finding anything.

Along those same lines I thought the story was the landfill required a search warrant. I wonder what info was put on the warrant to show probable cause to a judge to sign off on the warrant to search the landfill in the first place?

I guess I really don't know enough about landfill searches to make the comment I did. You could very well be right about the organization. I suppose that weather conditions might also contribute to some shifting, i.e., heavy winds, rain, etc . ??? It does seem that some bodies are recovered in landfills, though.
I guess I really don't know enough about landfill searches to make the comment I did. You could very well be right about the organization. I suppose that weather conditions might also contribute to some shifting, i.e., heavy winds, rain, etc . ??? It does seem that some bodies are recovered in landfills, though.

I didn't mean to imply it's impossible. Bodies are found in landfills but it's not a guarantee a body will be found even if it's there. Recent history has shown us that. Even though the landfill has been searched it still doesn't rule it out. It's not the same as if a building was thoroughly searched and can definitively be said to contain no body. That was my point.
I'm not a regular poster on this thread, but I have been keeping up with Lauren's case since she disappeared and reading the posts on this thread since I began lurking on WS about a year ago. I thought I would just jump in and share some of my thoughts.

Today, for the very first time, I went to a city dump. We are moving and we had to dispose of some large items such as mattress/box spring, a small table, and an old couch. This city dump is different than a landfill for regular household waste, the garbage trucks do not dump here. Instead, businesses and individuals can come dump non-hazardous materials such as furniture, rugs, and more. The only type of inspection done at the dump is that your car is weighed when you pull in and when you pull out (in order to calculate a fee for how much weight was dumped.. ours was 10$). The man operating the facility did not inspect the items we had with us whatsoever. He gave us some vague directions about where along the gravel road we could pull off into the 'dumping area' and dispose of our items. We drove out into this large unsupervised area alone, disposed of our items ourselves and then left.

I have absolutely no local knowledge about Bloomington and I am not claiming that Lauren was dumped at such a place (assuming Bloomington has one), but going to the dump today did open my eyes a bit. Hypothetically, Lauren COULD have been disposed at a place like this by the guilty party himself. The odor of a decomposing body would have likely been noticeable if she had been dumped in the 'active' area of a place like this, but nobody would have known if I had driven completely away from that area and dumped something illegal on the fringe of the dump in some kind of trunk, box, etc. I realize I'm rambling here... I guess what I am saying is that the possibilities of where Lauren's body could be are so vast it is overwhelming.

I agree wholeheartedly with the poster who said looking for Lauren in the landfill (where she would have been dumped by trash truck if her body had been disposed of in the dumpster) seems like a needle in a haystack. She was so small, and likely the body would have decomposed greatly by the time the landfill was searched. Also, if I was going to dispose of a body in a dumpster, I would make an effort to choose a different dumpster than the one directly behind my own apartment (of course transportation to said dumpster would be more difficult).

The idea of the POI's recruiting a local to help dispose of Lauren is interesting. I don't think it is likely because, like someone said above, the guilty party would probably want the least amount of witnesses possible. It is possible though. I tend to think that if such a person exists, it is not a drug dealer. I don't know much about dealing drugs but it seems like a successful drug dealer in a college party town is likely to have a good thing going and would not want to get involved in a cover up that could blow their whole business. I don't imagine a drug dealer in Bloomington to be overly desperate for cash or the business of the POI's, seems like business would be booming. Instead, I would imagine this hypothetical local helper to be someone who is not successful (legally or illegally), desperate for cash, easily taken advantage of, etc. Money talks. My problem with this theory is that this local "helper" could easily continue to financially exploit the perpetrator of the crime, because at any time he or she could go to the police with what they know (likely getting a sweet deal in exchange for the location of Lauren's body and incriminating statements/evidence against the POI's). This seems like too much of a loose end for any of these spoiled rich kids (JR & the like) to tolerate.

JMO. Great posts today by everyone.
I'm not a regular poster on this thread, but I have been keeping up with Lauren's case since she disappeared and reading the posts on this thread since I began lurking on WS about a year ago. I thought I would just jump in and share some of my thoughts.

Today, for the very first time, I went to a city dump. We are moving and we had to dispose of some large items such as mattress/box spring, a small table, and an old couch. This city dump is different than a landfill for regular household waste, the garbage trucks do not dump here. Instead, businesses and individuals can come dump non-hazardous materials such as furniture, rugs, and more. The only type of inspection done at the dump is that your car is weighed when you pull in and when you pull out (in order to calculate a fee for how much weight was dumped.. ours was 10$). The man operating the facility did not inspect the items we had with us whatsoever. He gave us some vague directions about where along the gravel road we could pull off into the 'dumping area' and dispose of our items. We drove out into this large unsupervised area alone, disposed of our items ourselves and then left.

I have absolutely no local knowledge about Bloomington and I am not claiming that Lauren was dumped at such a place (assuming Bloomington has one), but going to the dump today did open my eyes a bit. Hypothetically, Lauren COULD have been disposed at a place like this by the guilty party himself. The odor of a decomposing body would have likely been noticeable if she had been dumped in the 'active' area of a place like this, but nobody would have known if I had driven completely away from that area and dumped something illegal on the fringe of the dump in some kind of trunk, box, etc. I realize I'm rambling here... I guess what I am saying is that the possibilities of where Lauren's body could be are so vast it is overwhelming.

I agree wholeheartedly with the poster who said looking for Lauren in the landfill (where she would have been dumped by trash truck if her body had been disposed of in the dumpster) seems like a needle in a haystack. She was so small, and likely the body would have decomposed greatly by the time the landfill was searched. Also, if I was going to dispose of a body in a dumpster, I would make an effort to choose a different dumpster than the one directly behind my own apartment (of course transportation to said dumpster would be more difficult).

The idea of the POI's recruiting a local to help dispose of Lauren is interesting. I don't think it is likely because, like someone said above, the guilty party would probably want the least amount of witnesses possible. It is possible though. I tend to think that if such a person exists, it is not a drug dealer. I don't know much about dealing drugs but it seems like a successful drug dealer in a college party town is likely to have a good thing going and would not want to get involved in a cover up that could blow their whole business. I don't imagine a drug dealer in Bloomington to be overly desperate for cash or the business of the POI's, seems like business would be booming. Instead, I would imagine this hypothetical local helper to be someone who is not successful (legally or illegally), desperate for cash, easily taken advantage of, etc. Money talks. My problem with this theory is that this local "helper" could easily continue to financially exploit the perpetrator of the crime, because at any time he or she could go to the police with what they know (likely getting a sweet deal in exchange for the location of Lauren's body and incriminating statements/evidence against the POI's). This seems like too much of a loose end for any of these spoiled rich kids (JR & the like) to tolerate.

JMO. Great posts today by everyone.

good posts today, agreed. We need to keep our options open. IF the named POIs are involved, I agree that they would keep it among themselves, and if that's the case, I think she would have been driven out-of-state by the guest, DB. IMO the only exception is that if DB bonded with local dealer in this crime and the others weren't involved.
Otherwise, we have a local perp. possibly someone with enough clout and drug addled cronies or subordinates to carry out this crime. All we need is someone with enough power, money and drugs to get a bunch of drunks/druggies to say that Lauren was really messed up on drugs and alcohol. After that, the heat is entirely off of them. They don't need things cut and dried, just whip out the coke/heroin/meth/etc, let them have a bunch of it, and they are going to say whatever you want them to--if you guide them into saying she was really effed up, and a hispanic man was offering her drugs (instead of you!!) they are going to say what you say.
Heroin, prescription drugs, pot, coke, meth, all available at these bars around town if you know the right person, not hard to know them, and no one wants to piss the dealer off. It's about convenience, and also fear.
let's once again talk about the bars that closed down right when the search began (Kilroys) and after their name became connected (House Bar), and then reopened when the heat was off..
House Bar is closer than Kilroy's to JR's 5N. If Lauren tried to call JW and he didn't pick up, she might've actually have tried to find him there.
Very few locals even know about House Bar. It doesn't have to obey Indiana State Liquor laws because it doesn't need a liquor license due to draconian blue laws still on the books--so close to a railroad tracks. So here's this place that has all these liquors and no laws. No closing time. An outside patio accessed from a very dark alley approx 200 feet from JRs AND a mens addiction recovery half-way house called Amethyst House. The only camera on that corner points towards Amethyst House, but not at the alley leading to House Bar. She could have been seen entering that alley and been abducted there. Let's face it, drugs are snuck into half-way houses all the time and by whom? Who was being treated there at that time, and their known associates, should be checked.
I'm not going after House Bar, but someone who might be a customer or a loiterer there. Easy to rob college kids of their drugs as they left the place--would they report to the police, "hey I was robbed of my coke!" especially if they ever wanted to get more. Dealers hung out there, again, not saying it was the owners, have no knowledge of that, just managed another bar and the name came up over and over as a source of late, late night drug availability for bar and club employees after hours. LE should question them about their regular customers, especially their local regular customers. Did they ever hassle anyone, or, was Lauren's boyfriend JW a customer there?
Thank you very much, Dixie & Ixchel, for the very informative posts!lots to think about...

Sorry that I've forgotten who, but I wanted to respond briefly to the poster who asked, "Just how messed up was Lauren that night?" I think it is AbbeyR who has been so good with reminding us about the head bumps, etc...I know we talked recently even about this but perhaps you could remind us, as iirc there were multiple witnesses who gave useful info about her state?

It is my mental filter, I guess, to be very focused on the drugs and to get kind of obsessive over what substance, how much and how it was ingested, what cues were present (context in which drug was taken eg.), and of course Lauren's history of substance use and physiological state (starting with the QT). It is my field of study so that's where my mind goes...the pharmacodynamics. It is the first place where I started looking for answers in June 2011. There are so many variables...we in the lab have the luxury of pure cocaine for example, but on the street, who knows? And not only Lauren...I would like to know what the people around her had ingested that night, too. If they were intoxicated - were they having their usual experiences? Eg., was anyone trying something new? Same drug as usual but larger dose/ingested differently? Any surprise side effects? (example - a girl I knew in college ingested some pot, experienced the usual "high," but also after a short time, maybe 15 min post-smoke, began hallucinating. She had never had this result from smoking pot.) All maybe key to understanding what probably happened...or maybe not. Just things running around in my head.
I'm not a regular poster on this thread, but I have been keeping up with Lauren's case since she disappeared and reading the posts on this thread since I began lurking on WS about a year ago. I thought I would just jump in and share some of my thoughts.

Today, for the very first time, I went to a city dump. We are moving and we had to dispose of some large items such as mattress/box spring, a small table, and an old couch. This city dump is different than a landfill for regular household waste, the garbage trucks do not dump here. Instead, businesses and individuals can come dump non-hazardous materials such as furniture, rugs, and more. The only type of inspection done at the dump is that your car is weighed when you pull in and when you pull out (in order to calculate a fee for how much weight was dumped.. ours was 10$). The man operating the facility did not inspect the items we had with us whatsoever. He gave us some vague directions about where along the gravel road we could pull off into the 'dumping area' and dispose of our items. We drove out into this large unsupervised area alone, disposed of our items ourselves and then left.

I have absolutely no local knowledge about Bloomington and I am not claiming that Lauren was dumped at such a place (assuming Bloomington has one), but going to the dump today did open my eyes a bit. Hypothetically, Lauren COULD have been disposed at a place like this by the guilty party himself. The odor of a decomposing body would have likely been noticeable if she had been dumped in the 'active' area of a place like this, but nobody would have known if I had driven completely away from that area and dumped something illegal on the fringe of the dump in some kind of trunk, box, etc. I realize I'm rambling here... I guess what I am saying is that the possibilities of where Lauren's body could be are so vast it is overwhelming.

I agree wholeheartedly with the poster who said looking for Lauren in the landfill (where she would have been dumped by trash truck if her body had been disposed of in the dumpster) seems like a needle in a haystack. She was so small, and likely the body would have decomposed greatly by the time the landfill was searched. Also, if I was going to dispose of a body in a dumpster, I would make an effort to choose a different dumpster than the one directly behind my own apartment (of course transportation to said dumpster would be more difficult).

The idea of the POI's recruiting a local to help dispose of Lauren is interesting. I don't think it is likely because, like someone said above, the guilty party would probably want the least amount of witnesses possible. It is possible though. I tend to think that if such a person exists, it is not a drug dealer. I don't know much about dealing drugs but it seems like a successful drug dealer in a college party town is likely to have a good thing going and would not want to get involved in a cover up that could blow their whole business. I don't imagine a drug dealer in Bloomington to be overly desperate for cash or the business of the POI's, seems like business would be booming. Instead, I would imagine this hypothetical local helper to be someone who is not successful (legally or illegally), desperate for cash, easily taken advantage of, etc. Money talks. My problem with this theory is that this local "helper" could easily continue to financially exploit the perpetrator of the crime, because at any time he or she could go to the police with what they know (likely getting a sweet deal in exchange for the location of Lauren's body and incriminating statements/evidence against the POI's). This seems like too much of a loose end for any of these spoiled rich kids (JR & the like) to tolerate.

JMO. Great posts today by everyone.

Welcome to Lauren's thread Dixie811 - great sharing of first-hand knowledge of how a local landfill works, its interesting to read! Please stick around, we, and especially Lauren, need your help!
Frat boys are infamous for getting girls wasted so they can take advantage of them. That is certainly nothing new. And, here we have a girl who was shown to be incapacitated and she's out alone in the wee hours of the morning with frat boys. To top it off,their fraternity was in trouble with IU for misconduct. And, one of these guys removes Lauren from her home when she is clearly in bad shape.
A female witness observes Lauren falling and smacking her head on the way to 5 North. Yet, her male companion refuses an offer for help.
Then, I hear that a tracking dog lost her scent on the way to 5 N, and a cadaver dog had a hit on their property by the dumpster. This kind of looks like they lay her by the dumpster to die instead of getting medical help.
Before foul play should have been suspected in this case, the Bloomington police get a tip that these guys sank Lauren in a lake. They also Lawyer up before we should suspect foul play.
Lauren's parents then move to Bloomington hoping these guys will sit down and talk to them, only to be shunned.
This does not look good and the silence from all POI makes this case very unique. I know we can't prove any theory just yet. But, we know about theory number one.
"We still believe that she may not have left Corey and Mike's or Jay's apartment," Robert Spierer said. "The odds of her being abducted in that slim period are extremely low. That's not what I think happened."
Robert and Charlene Spierer said they don't believe their daughter was abducted by a stranger.

It's very interesting to see that the Spierers (who are privy to way more information and have been all over Lauren's tracks and directly confronted POI's) have the identical view as some of us.

Some general comments regarding recent posts:

1) Those suggesting that she was left outside behind the dumpster until a decision was made:
This is plausible and we had discussed variations on this before.
A simple explanation... after LS fell face down for the last time in the gravel lot. CR may have tried to revive her, picking her up, etc... getting her closer to 5N. At some point realizing she was deceased he may have pulled her over to that area behind the dumpster. Then went up to his apt and began throwing up and freaking out. He tells MB and MB calls JR. They are now all involved, and JR for all reasons previously and endlessly discussed wraps it up with a simple conversation - CR will declare amnesia, MB will say she went to JR's and JR will handle the rest. Simple.
It doesn't matter a lot to me whether LS never made it up to 5N or if something similar happened if somehow CR managed to get her up the stairs. The rest would be pretty much the same. How does JR take care of Lauren's body? A) he does it himself - highly unlikely B) Out of towners take on the task - Probable C) local low life tasked with it - much less probable.

2) Disposal... @Dixie It is true that if we don't know who or how much time they had that the possibilites are indeed overwhelming. But if we can narrow down WHO was tasked with it and HOW MUCH TIME they had, then you can make some much better guesses. It seems very likely to me that the decision to remove her was made quickly and actioned quickly. Messing around by a dumpster for 5 minutes at close to 4:00am would not draw much attention, and this just happens to be an area with no cameras, low light, trees, and no rear entrances at 5N. Someone motivated could put her into a duffle bag into a vehicle in less than a minute. Now remember the 2 guys that saw her wallet and keys did not see anything going on just a few minutes after LS had fallen so she was picked up and moved somewhere and CR was the one with her at the time. So she was at least closer to 5N if not making it all the way there. Because of the Cadaver dog "hit" it seems to increase the probability that she was there. I don't know if a dumpster can give a false "hit" but if the dogs are good enough this would indicate an extremely high probability that she was there. I think it would be way too risky to try to dump her in that dumpster itself. But CR laying her down there and running upstairs... that's extremely likely. It only would take a couple minutes to get there from where she fell, and then a couple minutes later the guys seeing the wallet would not be able to see anything strange from their vantage. So... MB calls JR at 3:30. That's almost 1/2 hr later. CR might have spent a few minutes with her... trying to revive her, checking to see if she was alive... reeling in shock... then a few minutes vomitting upstairs and eventually getting it together to tell MB. (I figure this gets us to about 3:15 to 3:30am) MB may or may not have gone down to "see". There seems to be enough time for that... but otherwise maybe CR and MB talked a few minutes or CR took a bit longer to deal with it. But eventually at 3:30 JR is called. And then or immediately afterwards, he "knows". It seems to me that JR and perhaps guest would go to CR/MB's and make that simple agreement. Then JR and/or guest (or other peripheral person) goes and takes a "look" It's confirmed that she is dead. Putting her into a duffle or other container and into a vehicle all could have been done by 3:45 to 4:00. Now the question is... how does this vehicle escape video cameras that captured the white truck for example? I don't think it could.
But by 4:15 to 4:30 JR is making calls to DR and ?? So, by this time LS is gone. Now if I were JR trying to make it look like LS was going back to SW, I would mostly likely call DR and HT, we don't know who the second call was to. I don't think JR would be making these calls unless LS was already gone. But if she were laying dead out by that dumpster, she would most likely have been removed between 3:30 and 4:30am. The tricky thing is... was she placed inside a vehicle and that vehicle moved later (like the next day), or did the vehicle leave immediately, or was a vehicle not involved?
These same questions apply even if Lauren passed away at 5N. If LS was already deceased before reaching 5N, I agree it's most likely she was stashed outside and the dumpster area is rather ideal. If no vehicle was involved in disposal that night, she would have to be much closer in the area, but has perhaps since been moved. If a vehicle was involved, it may have been right there behind 5N... or even 1 or more blocks away. Would you want to be carrying a 100 lb duffle or perhaps backpack around at 4:00am? Seems like a good reason to get stopped by LE. We discussed before how many vehicles could have been involved, and where they might have been located. Publicly we only know that CR's car was searched and sniffed. But all of these other vehicles seemed to have slipped by LE and the cameras??

3) Discussions about LS attempting to procure drugs after she could no longer stand up or was conscious. Sorry this does not make any sense. I don't buy the idea that LS would go to clearly dangerous House Bar ALONE, BAREFOOT, BROKE, PHONELESS (with only KEYCARD and FAKE ID) in search of "free" cocaine. This is simply a theory to validate JR's implausible version of events. Seems unlikely she was begging for coke at Kilroy's too. Previous stories have indicated the exact opposite - that she was shooting her mouth off about being high on coke and xanax. This is trying to build more smoke and mirrors out of smoke and mirrors, it's pretty much useless. There is no indication that LS and CR were followed by anyone from Kilroy's there is a camera and witness trail right until that last (and possibly fatal) fall (nearly 1 hr after leaving Kilroy's). There are only 2 pieces of evidence that indicate Lauren was alive after that final recorded fall. Statements from MB and Statements from JR. These statements are in stark contrast to one another and moreover Lauren's recorded condition. MB and JR can't be believed and so hypothesizing around remote possibilites based on remote possibilities is pretty much fantasy. There is nothing to indicate that LS had ever been to House Bar before, much less alone! There is nothing in her behavior consistent with that of a coke *advertiser censored* (which is what she would be in that scenario). Partying with affluent college friends is WAY different than a trashy indigent addict spreading it for couple of lines. What a bizarre desecration of Lauren this image would be... and the only one to benefit - JR! Nonsense!

4) "Cadaver" Dogs... If we are to assume optimal use of dogs in this case, LS was alive at least briefly after that last fall. Then that she was by that dumpster deceased at least long enough for the scent to establish. Finally, that there was no trace of her deceased inside 5N. This doesn't mean she never made it to 5N... but would strongly appear that way.
Less optimal use of dogs...
false positives and false negatives.
Just don't know enough about the dogs and trainer used in this case to know either way. But LE should certainly know, and perhaps the Spierers know too. I would be a lot more interested in knowing the degree of certainty of that "hit" by the dumpster. Because this would be evidence that "someone" was dead there and most likely this would be LS, which again makes CR/MB AND JR liars. After spending a lot of time researching these types of dogs and their ability to smell, if properly trained there is no question they know the difference between a dead human and rotting meat/garbage/animals/etc... and even if she was only there a short while - like 15 minutes immediately after death. It's all got to do with the type of dog and the training. If LE has a high degree of certainty Lauren was deceased there by the dumpster, it makes sense they would immediately search CR's vehicle because obviously this was in line with the path back to 5N and right after the final recorded fall. At the time LE may not have known enough about what was going on with JR and who was at JR's that night. By the time they realized JR's strong connection to this, school was out, people were gone... cars were gone.
And now, here's what detective Bill Warner had to say to me about conspiracy THEORY NUMBER ONE. "Those boys have no real criminal record. The person who did this should have one by now. She was drunk. she was small. It did not take many drinks. Someone just came along and scooped her up. And to think these boys plotted together and sank her in a lake or anything like that is nuts as in crazy".
There are some other points in this case that are bothersome.

One in particular is the SmallWood confrontation between CR and ZO&company.
I've reasoned that this was a "Turf" battle because as of yet NO ONE has come forward to explain it factually and bizarrely LE and MEDIA seemed to initially back ZO&Company without question (very odd). Many thought this was because of chivalry and concern for LS. But this was clearly disproven by the video - there was no concern for LS at all by ZO&company. So, if not fighting over LS, what "Turf" were they protecting?
Human nature folks... Human Nature. There are only 2 things that make sense:
SEX or MONEY(Drugs). My suspicion is that it was BOTH. ZO&Company didn't seem to care about Lauren's well being... rather they were pissed that CR had entered their domain where they $ell and get laid. Either way or both CR was viewed as a competitive threat.

Then we have the baggie of Coke that was supposedly found in LS/HT's apartment at SW. Let's see... HT wasn't charged with it... so whose was it?
Some say it was planted there - by whom and why?
If it belonged to LS, why would she be running around looking for more?
If this story is true I would be inclined to think it belonged to HT.
I find it interesting that there is no pursuit of this.
At the same time, it seems that any of these people had easy access to Coke and other drugs and didn't need to be scrounging around for them.
But let's face it... there have to be some dealers. So POI's or not, why not name them?
Those feeling falsely accused would benefit by having the names of known dealers out there to take the heat of of themselves right? By the same token however if it turns out that some of our known POI are also known to be dealers or are connected directly to them, then we have a compass to follow.
How can it be that with so many people close to these people and who knew Lauren that no one has ever fingered any POI or someone connected to them as being a "Dealer"? Not even anonymously! I find that really strange. This needs to be known because this is the #1 most likely reason why LS vanished and if the Dealers were labeled we would have a clearer picture of who is responsible.

ARE JR, CR and ZO considered "Dealers"? There must be hundreds of people that watch this blog and some of them know. So why not say so. Who are the "DEALERS" if not these 3?
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