IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 #29

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BIUBM. JW's parents give us the first inkling of what these parents of the POIs are feeling.
All of them should face the fact that their kids are drugging little boozers. Then, they can proceed. But will they proceed from this point? To admit that their kids were imbibing intoxicants that evening, and not just imbibing, maybe even providing, drugs and alcohol that caused their friend to either OD or go into the night to her peril would be to end their child's chance of being...someone important, someone representing their
family and they couldn't have that. We have seen this in the parents of Jesse, IMO.

I failed to go a little more in depth on my thought about POI parents- yes, JW's parents were the first to vocalize their thoughts on what the POI parents are feeling. However, the actions of the other boys (CR, JR, MB), and their parents refusing LS's parents request for a poly, led me to make that statement about the POI parents as a whole- not just JW's. By NOT encouraging their child to go forward with information about that night, even if some of the information may reflect poorly on the POI---who are you? What are you trying to hide your child from? How as a parent can you bare to see CS and RS continue on not knowing what happened to their child? (Especially when the location of LS could be submitted anonymously, just saying. DNA would probably be long gone). This is all just my opinion.
More thoughts on the "Spierer boyfriend's family fume at cops, media" article:

1: On JW's dad- "He said his priority was merely to get the Spierers and the media to leave his son alone."

Well, I have a feeling the media will NOT be leaving his son alone after the comments made by JW's mom. Nor should they be leaving him alone. This is the "love of his life" that's missing, he should understand and be willing to speak and keep her name out there, sort of to the degree CS and RS are. Doing whatever it takes to find answers on what happened to your loved one. I can't imagine JW is very happy with his mother right now after publicly talking about LS that way. Speak, JW! We want to hear from YOU.

2: JW's dad said LS texted JW and told him she was going to bed, prior to her actually going to JR's to pre-game. JW told the PI that he was watching NBA Playoffs with his roommates, and was supposed to meet up with LS later but couldn't get a hold of her. Well, if he believed she went to bed....?
Interesting tidbit about JR from today's Bloomington H-T newspaper, a "what the POI are doing then and now" article:

"Now: Formed Imovation Solutions with childhood friend David Bleznak in January 2012. The Birmingham, Mich.-based company promotes brands ...They created an “advergame” for Five Hour Energy drink.

A phone call last week to the number listed for Imovation Solutions resulted in a call to a company called Bleznak Associates. The woman who answered the phone said Jay Rosenbaum does not work there."

Maybe the out-of-town guest and his host had a tiff. For me, the out-of-towners are the biggest unknown and therefore the biggest wildcard, and rate much higher in likelihood than random abduction.

Meanwhile...smh at JW's mother. Anger management issues and a lack of tact must run in the family.
Sorry if all ready posted. Can you give me more info/links on JW and Mom? (think I found it)

Exclusive: Why Lauren Spierer's parents won't give up|newswell|text|News|s

I live not far from Edgemont in NY. I worked with a young guy who went to school with Lauren and originally broke this story to me first hand.
So I see local news about her.
This is my opinion only- these kids (her "group") come from wealthy families (that can afford lawyers)
They party hard, very hard. I try to keep up but miss some things.

what's up with Zoe?
I get the vibe you are less critical of the 5N bunch and want more focus on JW & random abductions theories and I totally agree that these are viable options.

It's not necessarily that I'm less critical of them, it's just that I'm not solely focused on them to the exclusion of other ideas. Particularly with all the theories and speculation about them really leading nowhere but back to the beginning.

The reason we have less to talk about with JW or those involved in the SW confrontation is IMHO because there's been less media speculation and investigation about them and their potential involvement. Not because necessarily there's simply nothing there.

LE certainly didn't put a public bullseye on anyone and I was surprised when the PI's took the story further as they did. Up until that point I think the parents had been driving the media speculation (and thus the public) toward 5N exclusively. But at 1yr out the damage was done by then and much of the public was ready to believe the 5N guys were obviously guilty and it was just a matter of someone finding the proverbial smoking gun. But the PI's clearly at least were looking at a bigger picture.

Maybe someone will say the reason we don't hear about the other theories and PsOI is because there's nothing there. Well, that doesn't explain 5N because there's nothing (at least yet) there either. All the reports and things we've heard have all led nowhere. So why aren't we hearing and discussing things like that about the other potential PsOI or theories? ...even if, just like with 5N so far, it just takes us back to square one...
Where are their denials? Where are the questions posed to their attorneys? Why did it take this long to hear from the families? Where are the interviews with their friends and generic leaks about the relationship, connections (or lack thereof), drug use, partying, etc??
Interesting tidbit about JR from today's Bloomington H-T newspaper, a "what the POI are doing then and now" article:

"Now: Formed Imovation Solutions with childhood friend David Bleznak in January 2012. The Birmingham, Mich.-based company promotes brands ...They created an “advergame” for Five Hour Energy drink.

A phone call last week to the number listed for Imovation Solutions resulted in a call to a company called Bleznak Associates. The woman who answered the phone said Jay Rosenbaum does not work there."

Maybe the out-of-town guest and his host had a tiff. For me, the out-of-towners are the biggest unknown and therefore the biggest wildcard, and rate much higher in likelihood than random abduction.

Meanwhile...smh at JW's mother. Anger management issues and a lack of tact must run in the family.

Or perhaps Jay Rosenbaum changed his name.

Im assuming that one or more of the 5N boys or parents does not trust BPD. NW certainly
insinuated that they the BPD were only capable of writting drinking tickets.. JW must have gotten a ticket and told his mommy how unfair and unjust he was treated. . Of course the the BPD poly went just fine for DR. . And the media is not hounding him...

So they trust only the FBI..! Oops , The W's dont trust them either, cuz instead of letting the FBI administer the poly , NW decided to have a retired FBI agent give the test..Why? Because they could control the questions , as well as the results.... And IF he failed, they could control the release of the results..... I dont think that JW's parents are convinced of his innocence....

If JW wants his life back and wants the media to stop harassing
him, the answer is very simple and would take less time than it took his parents to be interviewed by Lohud......

The wolfs are most likley good people that love their child, but they should let their son take the polygraph, so he can get on his life or let him except the consequences his actions.
Trust him a 100% and take the poly.
Maybe someone will say the reason we don't hear about the other theories and PsOI is because there's nothing there. Well, that doesn't explain 5N because there's nothing (at least yet) there either. All the reports and things we've heard have all led nowhere. So why aren't we hearing and discussing things like that about the other potential PsOI or theories? ...even if, just like with 5N so far, it just takes us back to square one...
Where are their denials? Where are the questions posed to their attorneys? Why did it take this long to hear from the families? Where are the interviews with their friends and generic leaks about the relationship, connections (or lack thereof), drug use, partying, etc??

Again, I agree that all options are viable, although I personally think that some options are more probable than others. The only statement I will openly disagree with is that there is nothing there concerning 5N. I'm not going to go point by point, but there has been several inconsistent stories and they were clearly with LS there.

I think our opinion of what consistutes "something" might be different though. Yes, no one has been arrested at 5N and found guilty, but I really don't see a 'smoking gun' existing in the case until there is a body, and even then we might never know what happened, but at least LS will be put to rest. Unfortunately, there just wasn't a camera or anyone on the streets where LS was supposedly last seen, which is really the only way I can imagine anyone being pinpointed without a body at this point or someone coming forward.

Questions I would like to know about JW:
* was the bartender who alerted JW to LS' phone interviewed? Why did the bartender give the phone to JW when it clearly wasn't his? Is this a normal policy?
* was JW ever considered controlling?
* Had JW ever gone looking for LS before? Was this normal or abnormal behavior of LS?
* Was JW contacted by anyone who knew LS was with CR/at 5N or had seen LS with CR?
* Were they actually on the rocks? If so, were they actively trying to fix their issues, or was it pretty much over? Was LS upset with JW, or the other way around? How was JW coping?
* CR and LS might have had a thing; had JW pursued a relationship elsewhere or was LS the only romantic interest in his life?
* Why wasn't JW out and about that night? Was that normal behavior?
* What was his relationship with JR like? I assume that if LS and HT were close, they must have met at least?
* Who did LS confide in regarding her relationship with JW? Her roommates, her sister, other friends? Were there any red flags in hindsight?
* Was JW the only one looking for LS the next day when he didn't hear from her? Did JR bother to text or call anyone to see if she made it home (like his good friend HT?)

Answers to those kind of questions would make it easier to speculate about JW. I hope he reconsiders sitting down with the Spierers and taking the polygraph because it would present a better picture of the dynamics of his relationship with LS and would probably give insight into whether LS just liked CR's attention or whether LS was truly into CR too (and wouldn't need to be drugged). I hope a lot of time was spent tracking down who LS would confide in (or better yet, those people came forward without being tracked down).
I was reading several websites and read a blog that seemed to be quoting from MSM but contained a statement I did not recall reading before:

"Some credit cards were also missing from Lauren’s purse; a check has been made and none of the cards have been used as of yet."

Any one know the source of this allegation? Is it true?
Again, I agree that all options are viable, although I personally think that some options are more probable than others. The only statement I will openly disagree with is that there is nothing there concerning 5N. I'm not going to go point by point, but there has been several inconsistent stories and they were clearly with LS there.

I think our opinion of what consistutes "something" might be different though. Yes, no one has been arrested at 5N and found guilty, but I really don't see a 'smoking gun' existing in the case until there is a body, and even then we might never know what happened, but at least LS will be put to rest. Unfortunately, there just wasn't a camera or anyone on the streets where LS was supposedly last seen, which is really the only way I can imagine anyone being pinpointed without a body at this point or someone coming forward.

Questions I would like to know about JW:
* was the bartender who alerted JW to LS' phone interviewed? Why did the bartender give the phone to JW when it clearly wasn't his? Is this a normal policy?
* was JW ever considered controlling?
* Had JW ever gone looking for LS before? Was this normal or abnormal behavior of LS?
* Was JW contacted by anyone who knew LS was with CR/at 5N or had seen LS with CR?
* Were they actually on the rocks? If so, were they actively trying to fix their issues, or was it pretty much over? Was LS upset with JW, or the other way around? How was JW coping?
* CR and LS might have had a thing; had JW pursued a relationship elsewhere or was LS the only romantic interest in his life?
* Why wasn't JW out and about that night? Was that normal behavior?
* What was his relationship with JR like? I assume that if LS and HT were close, they must have met at least?
* Who did LS confide in regarding her relationship with JW? Her roommates, her sister, other friends? Were there any red flags in hindsight?
* Was JW the only one looking for LS the next day when he didn't hear from her? Did JR bother to text or call anyone to see if she made it home (like his good friend HT?)

Answers to those kind of questions would make it easier to speculate about JW. I hope he reconsiders sitting down with the Spierers and taking the polygraph because it would present a better picture of the dynamics of his relationship with LS and would probably give insight into whether LS just liked CR's attention or whether LS was truly into CR too (and wouldn't need to be drugged). I hope a lot of time was spent tracking down who LS would confide in (or better yet, those people came forward without being tracked down).

Have you read the posts on PT by AWG who claimed to be JW's roommate?

He claimed that the guys who punched CR were two years younger and probably did not have JW's telephone number. 2011-06-24 18:47:50 -0400

He also said that he thought their (JW and LS) relationship was great
2011-06-24 18:24:30 -0400 and in his post of 2011-06-24 17:52:52 -0400 he said that they were not separated. In the same post he said that he and JW watched the Mavs game and some other TV shows that night.

Also, according to AWG, JW and JR were in the same off-campus fraternity (AEPi), but JR was not liked by most of the brothers, including JW. 2011-06-21 19:17:32 -0400 -

Note that AWG was later criticized for getting JR's age wrong.
Again, I agree that all options are viable, although I personally think that some options are more probable than others. The only statement I will openly disagree with is that there is nothing there concerning 5N. I'm not going to go point by point, but there has been several inconsistent stories and they were clearly with LS there.

I think our opinion of what consistutes "something" might be different though. Yes, no one has been arrested at 5N and found guilty, but I really don't see a 'smoking gun' existing in the case until there is a body, and even then we might never know what happened, but at least LS will be put to rest. Unfortunately, there just wasn't a camera or anyone on the streets where LS was supposedly last seen, which is really the only way I can imagine anyone being pinpointed without a body at this point or someone coming forward.

Questions I would like to know about JW:
* was the bartender who alerted JW to LS' phone interviewed? Why did the bartender give the phone to JW when it clearly wasn't his? Is this a normal policy?
* was JW ever considered controlling?
* Had JW ever gone looking for LS before? Was this normal or abnormal behavior of LS?
* Was JW contacted by anyone who knew LS was with CR/at 5N or had seen LS with CR?
* Were they actually on the rocks? If so, were they actively trying to fix their issues, or was it pretty much over? Was LS upset with JW, or the other way around? How was JW coping?
* CR and LS might have had a thing; had JW pursued a relationship elsewhere or was LS the only romantic interest in his life?
* Why wasn't JW out and about that night? Was that normal behavior?
* What was his relationship with JR like? I assume that if LS and HT were close, they must have met at least?
* Who did LS confide in regarding her relationship with JW? Her roommates, her sister, other friends? Were there any red flags in hindsight?
* Was JW the only one looking for LS the next day when he didn't hear from her? Did JR bother to text or call anyone to see if she made it home (like his good friend HT?)

Answers to those kind of questions would make it easier to speculate about JW. I hope he reconsiders sitting down with the Spierers and taking the polygraph because it would present a better picture of the dynamics of his relationship with LS and would probably give insight into whether LS just liked CR's attention or whether LS was truly into CR too (and wouldn't need to be drugged). I hope a lot of time was spent tracking down who LS would confide in (or better yet, those people came forward without being tracked down).

Do you have a link that says that the bartender at Kilroy's gave the phone to JW? I thought that the bartender called JW to let him know that the phone he was texting was at the bar and the police later retrieved the phone from the bar.
I was reading several websites and read a blog that seemed to be quoting from MSM but contained a statement I did not recall reading before:

"Some credit cards were also missing from Lauren’s purse; a check has been made and none of the cards have been used as of yet."

Any one know the source of this allegation? Is it true?

Huh. This would be interesting if true. About 5 ish years ago when I was living by OSU in Columbus I was acquainted with an LE officer. He told me how very common it was for drunk college kids stumbling home to the apartments to get robbed. Think about it. Easy target. Someone who is obviously barely coherent isn't going to fight or call out. Anyways, the robber would nudge up, push, snatch or punch, grab the wallet, phone or purse and hurry away.
What if a guy like this did that to Lauren- he took a few cards but didn't have time to use them before he heard that she was missing. He probably wet his pants thinking he would be blamed for her disappearance. Conversely, if he robbed her and realized she died in the process- he would have every reason in the world to hide her because if someone dies in the process of a robbery it is automatically murder 1.
WOW, JW's parents are a class act. NOT.

They are placing the blame for Lauren's disappearance/demise entirely on her. They are making vicious comments in the media about her and her parents, who have been enduring hell for two straight years. All while saying about their son that they had him take a private polygraph test because they couldn't be completely sure he was 100% innocent! (That is paraphrased).

They then go on to call Lauren the love of Jesse's life? Ok. I am so glad he is concerned enough about losing the 'love of his life' to take a LDT administered by LE/FBI and clear his name, or to advocate for the 5N boys to speak out... or even to speak publicly on her behalf.

How can they speak negatively about how Lauren supposedly had such a severe drug problem, without also acknowledging Jesse's own involvement in drugs?

I think it is important to note that JW supposedly told his father that LS was going to be at home sleeping. Yet, we the public have heard that he was waiting to meet up with her later that night (but did not hear from her and fell asleep). Which is it??

I think it is possible if not likely that JW was angered by either hearing through the grapevine (ZO & co?) that LS was out with Corey, or that he was angered when he was unable to get a text response from her all night.

That does not mean I necessarily believe JW is involved in LS's disappearance. But his refusal to take a LE LDT (doesn't have to be conducted by BPD) is a problem for me. Also, the defensive attitude and lack of compassion shown by Jesse and his parents. I feel as though the comments made by JW's parents will only add to negative media attention for their son.


When will all of these young men stop blaming Lauren and painting themselves as the victim?
Do you have a link that says that the bartender at Kilroy's gave the phone to JW? I thought that the bartender called JW to let him know that the phone he was texting was at the bar and the police later retrieved the phone from the bar.

the phone and shoes have always been a problem to me. the bartender witness outside 10th and College. IDK...that would mean she was barefoot in the video of the confrontation between ZO and CR, and bare foot when
she fell but the witness doesn't say Lauren was barefoot. Being barefoot would be another reason to be carried, people did note at the time of her disappearance that the alley was scattered with pebbles, glass, etc.
it could be something crazy like the bartender witness found the shoes and phone and brought them back to Kilroys. I really don't see Lauren leaving
without both her shoes and phone, and the staff allowing this to happen.
I'm so sad we've reached the two year mark with no word about Lauren.

Where are you Lauren?
WOW, JW's parents are a class act. NOT.

They are placing the blame for Lauren's disappearance/demise entirely on her. They are making vicious comments in the media about her and her parents, who have been enduring hell for two straight years. All while saying about their son that they had him take a private polygraph test because they couldn't be completely sure he was 100% innocent! (That is paraphrased).

They then go on to call Lauren the love of Jesse's life? Ok. I am so glad he is concerned enough about losing the 'love of his life' to take a LDT administered by LE/FBI and clear his name, or to advocate for the 5N boys to speak out... or even to speak publicly on her behalf.

How can they speak negatively about how Lauren supposedly had such a severe drug problem, without also acknowledging Jesse's own involvement in drugs?

I think it is important to note that JW supposedly told his father that LS was going to be at home sleeping. Yet, we the public have heard that he was waiting to meet up with her later that night (but did not hear from her and fell asleep). Which is it??

I think it is possible if not likely that JW was angered by either hearing through the grapevine (ZO & co?) that LS was out with Corey, or that he was angered when he was unable to get a text response from her all night.

That does not mean I necessarily believe JW is involved in LS's disappearance. But his refusal to take a LE LDT (doesn't have to be conducted by BPD) is a problem for me. Also, the defensive attitude and lack of compassion shown by Jesse and his parents. I feel as though the comments made by JW's parents will only add to negative media attention for their son.
when will all of these young men stop blaming Lauren and painting themselves as the victim?

Couldnt agree more... I cant help but think NW didnt really like her son dating LS.
Makes me wonder how they spoke about LS ? Did they tell Jesse " she is a beautiful sweet girl or was she spoken of as a worthless piece of trash and one day he too would see what they see.
Just noticed another discrepancy - maybe this has already been noted and explained:

"Bar cited for Spierer fake ID
Sept. 15, 2011
Indiana State Excise Police find that Kilroy's Sports Bar, where Spierer spent 41 minutes the night she went missing, let her in with a fake ID. 'Any reasonable person should have and would have known, based on the physical description,' an official says, 'that this wasn't the person described on the ID.'"

'Rosenbaum said he put on sweatclothes and opened the door. Spierer came carrying her fake ID and Smallwood key card, he said.'

So the fake ID was used to prove that Kilroy's wasn't checking ID's properly but Lauren had it with her at JRs? Was the ID found or was there a copy at Kilroy's? If found, where?
Just noticed another discrepancy - maybe this has already been noted and explained:

"Bar cited for Spierer fake ID
Sept. 15, 2011
Indiana State Excise Police find that Kilroy's Sports Bar, where Spierer spent 41 minutes the night she went missing, let her in with a fake ID. 'Any reasonable person should have and would have known, based on the physical description,' an official says, 'that this wasn't the person described on the ID.'"

'Rosenbaum said he put on sweatclothes and opened the door. Spierer came carrying her fake ID and Smallwood key card, he said.'

So the fake ID was used to prove that Kilroy's wasn't checking ID's properly but Lauren had it with her at JRs? Was the ID found or was there a copy at Kilroy's? If found, where?

Good catch Ross.... The bar was cited, so JR either mistaken the real for the fake , or lied about what she had with her...
OR SHE left with it and lost at abduction..
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