IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 #34

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had a weird experience, or is it so weird?
was leaving a bar/restaurant 1/2 block from Kilroy's. outside the front door, there was a young woman twirling around. She said to me, "do this!" and twirled around. well, it was the first warm sunny day (6 p.m.) so I thought, what the heck and twirled. She said, "doesn't that feel great!?" and I realized she was intoxicated. She was petite, tiny, with long dark hair and big brown eyes. She was really clingy, told me her name and asked mine. she volunteered that she was in a fight w. her bf.
He had gone off with his friends w/o inviting her and she said she was breaking up with him. I asked her what she would do if he came back and was sorry and wanted to make it up to her. she said, "I was afraid you would ask that question." and I started thinking, wow, she reminds me of Lauren somehow. Then, she said she wanted my phone number!
"we can go have a drink sometime and talk,and then she went on to say, she just got into town a couple of months ago." Then, she insisted I put her number in my phone. I told her that hey, it's fun to be out
but not to be alone after 9 in any of these bars. She pulled out her phone, and told me the battery had run out and the charger was in
her car out in front of her apt. But that was good, she said, because then she wouldn't be able to take any of her bf calls.
I told her that she needed to get her phone charged immediately
in case she needed hekp and that I knew some people inside. As we went back in, I asked these guys by the door if they had a charger she could use. This guy said, "don't charge her phone back up!" and I asked why and he said,
and I quote, "we're working on this, don't worry about it, if you charge her phone, she'll call her bf. Her charger is in her car at home" I took her in the back and asked a cook for his charger and he started charging her phone. She was being super affectionate to me, saying "thank you, thank you thank you! and give me a hug, you're so nice, I love you!" and then said to the cook, "those guys were trying to do something and she helped me charge my phone!" I told her to stay right there until it charged and then to call her bf to come and get her. As I was walking away, she yells, "byeeeeee, I LOVE YOU!" lol.
then, as I was leaving I said to the guy by the door, "hey sorry but she really needs her phone charged" and he looked at me with these really steely
eyes and said, "I don't know if you can possibly understand how much I don't give a F&%@ about anything you have to say, it's really like a joke if you think I care." I just said "ha, ha yeah really funny" and walked out.
this is disturbing in many ways. The guy was right by the door--easy out with someone. He was preying on someone with boyfriend problems and was probably getting her drunk and all worked up about it, pretending to take her side. She was a sweet, friendly woman
who was in a vulnerable position. He definitely wanted her phone out of commission. He was really angry, not like ha-ha-ha, you c#* kblocked me mad but genuinely angry that I charged her phone.
This situation reminded me so much of Lauren's. I realize I place alot of emphasis on Lauren's phone in her situation but if she had had her
phone, she could have called someone. seeing this guy trying to keep this woman from her phone haunted the beejeezus out of me.
And, Lauren was trying very hard to find her phone. I don't believe she simply left her phone at Kilroy's. Because it was found there does not mean she left it there.
Great post, and good on you, Ixchel! That scenario sounds exactly like the one I imagine Lauren was in that night. I can't tell you how many times I've come upon a similar situation when my husband and I are out about till the wee hours. We put a young woman in a cab one night and paid the fare. Another time we drove a young woman to her apartment not far from our home. Most times, though, they're reluctant to accept help because they're intoxicated, unaware of danger, and don't want the party to end. Yeah, I was that chick at one time. I panic now recalling some of the risks I took back in the day. Fortunately, I had a good nose for danger even under the influence. Somehow I knew where to draw the line -- most of the time, at least. But in all honesty, often it was only by the grace of God that I made it home in one piece. That's why I have such a warm place in my heart for girls like Lauren and the hundreds of others we read about in this forum. -- young, beautiful, full of potential, but vulnerable.
good one bessie, I was that girl, too!

hey everyone with camera pics:
went by the route the other day. 2 sets of stairs don't have cameras pointed at them.
1) the north steps of the arcade at 10th and C. There are cameras, but none of them cover the stairs which are large enough to fall and hit your head but not leave the stairs.
2) the ledge where Lauren's keys were found has stairs, it's an entrance to C and V.
both cameras oddly point away from those stairs while covering everything else down that east- west alley that borders the gravel lot which ios not there anymore btw.
Two of the gates leading to the courtyards within C and V on the northwest side of C and V have been eliminated. One is just gone, the other has been changed so that one is inside C and V upon entering, they used to lead right into the courtyard, and
this is a large, showy entrance.
IDK, lately I'm beginning to get a little weirded out with the entire route being something else now. the only, and I mean only, thing left are the two bisecting allies!
Kilroy's even removed the beach and put an indoor wing where it was. now the palm trees are up front but no beach.
It is and always has been my theory that someone placed Lauren's phone on the beach or threw it over the fence to the beach. Now, there's no fence and no beach.
No gravel lot, the entire route Lauren took up the street and her entire route back is changed
Things still remain, like Salzmann's lot with cameras pointed at 10 and C. The 2 allies remaining are not able to be changed. One must be able to go between the two places, and the eAST-WEST ALLY IS NEEDED NOW BECAUSE THEY'VE BUILT APT BUILDINGS TO THE NORTH OF 10TH AND c RIGHT UP TO THE EDGE. oops didn't mean to cap that but in a hurry.
Obviously LE has pics, but our archives of cameras, routes and pics here are now crucial, at least to us, to this case. Priceless, really. It leads me to say thanks, Websleuths
admin, for all you do, in cases like this.
Thank Ixchel for all the pavement pounding you are doing for us :sponge:
good one bessie, I was that girl, too!

hey everyone with camera pics:
went by the route the other day. 2 sets of stairs don't have cameras pointed at them.
1) the north steps of the arcade at 10th and C. There are cameras, but none of them cover the stairs which are large enough to fall and hit your head ...

The steps I've always focused on are on the south side of the arcade. They're not covered by a camera.
The steps I've always focused on are on the south side of the arcade. They're not covered by a camera.

if you stand on the south steps looking south, look to your right and
you'll see a wall past the pool, there's a camera pointing at the south steps. It's very easy to miss, someone corrected me a long time ago about it is the only reason I know about it.
the problem with the alleys, and Lauren emerging from the alley as said in narrative, is, she could have gone north on the arcade, hit her head there on the north steps, and still emerge into the east/west alley bordering the gravel lot, and then stopped by the
railing and sat down on those steps, leaving her keys.

instead of, going up the alley between the two buildings and emerging from the alley that way, still emerging onto the alley bordering the gravel lot.

or, as DT and I have always said, she could have made two trips back up, she could have left CR's house, went back down, and emerged back up the arcade and hit her head then.

It has always been my thought that Qualters blended the two trips up the alleys/arcade to confuse the pois.
I see a new thread today on WS, human remains found in crawl space vacant building Warren OH, sex unknown, estimate there for a year. Link to thread not working. Thinking of Lauren.
Fyi..right now Bo Dietl is on Fox..Sean Hannity show as panel member discussing Spring Break topic..just said he saw 4 ODs in one night at IU...
BD said that IU is worse than any Spring Break..
Maybe if you did Spring Break in someplace really, really, really crappy. But, for a state school, it is not even a hard partying school for the Big 10. Indiana folk are naturally conservative.

I don't mean to sound like playboy magazine, but BD's statement on that showed tremendous ignorance about college life. God forbid he go to Tallahassee after an FSU victory or Auburn. I have never seen anything like those experiences, ever.
Maybe if you did Spring Break in someplace really, really, really crappy. But, for a state school, it is not even a hard partying school for the Big 10. Indiana folk are naturally conservative.

I don't mean to sound like playboy magazine, but BD's statement on that showed tremendous ignorance about college life. God forbid he go to Tallahassee after an FSU victory or Auburn. I have never seen anything like those experiences, ever.

chaplain, please don't take this as argumentative. I live in Bloomington. Dietl is not exaggerating about IU! Check your stats, IU is also in the top sexual assault category in the country for colleges!

Regardless of the obvious conservative, backwards categories we place high in,
IU has always been off the hook when it comes to drugs, partying, protesting.
One example, Bill and Emily Harris who kidnapped Patty Hearst. Both attended IU, Emily was an elementary teacher here! In the late 60s, early 70s, Bloomington was the 3rd largest place to get LSD. Our chemistry labs were famous especially for Mr. Natural. I am not exaggerating when I say Bloomington is saturated with drugs. To compound it, the rural areas all around it are rampant with meth making. Sorry to sound like such a Debbie Downer, pun.
Flashback Ixchel, pun intended....Association debuted their Windy :flashback:song pre-release record in Dunn Meadow..'66 or '67. Just sayin'..
The Chem Building just a hop...skip..and..jump to Dunn Meadow

just to be clear I wasn't accusing our profs of mixing the LSD although rumors abound.
This town has always been a double headed coin or whatever, a duo personality:
on one side, it it a small town and supposedly a great place to raise a family,
on the other side, drugs, drugs, drugs and many successful businesses here started with the sale, wide distribution of drugs.
Seems to be fun to go out here, used to be, now it is very seedy. People got greedy.
There is really no protection here at night from sexual predators. Remember the story about the twirling girl? I followed up on it and asked that cook who helped her charge her phone if I was being too paranoid about the situation and if those guys
were really trying to get her alone and he said, "are you kidding? there were 4 or 5 guys all over her before you stepped in." So, 2 bartenders on duty, other employees saw it too and no one helped her. and this bar doesn't even have a bad rep like Kilroys.
also, overheard some girls talking yesterday. they were talking about over the weekend, they had attended parties where they were surprised that the coke was just out there on the table lined up for anyone to have. and they were glad of this amenity.
that led me to thinking. I hope that wasn't crushed pills they walked up on. What if it were crushed pills instead of coke, that could cause an OD. It is my opinion that the crushed pills are much more potent to the system. People who do coke can keep doing lines all night every half hour but try doing 3 lines of pills, for example crushed vyvanse, and mixing that with alcohol.
Thx for follow up Ixchel. I only envisioned pre "pharmacists" doing extra credit mixing on campus. No worries.

Yes, indeed scary to have unknown powdered offerings these days. So very dangerous.
I live in a town just outside of Bloomington and IU has the reputation as on of the top party schools in the nation. Drugs are rampant around here, and the college kids are pretty out of control.
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