IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 #35

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Defense witness Anthony "Tony" Dobbs from todays Messel trial. From @becca_costello's twitter

From @becca_costello's twitter

edit: can't put two twitter posts into one post
Dobb's says he saw truck on Saturday not Friday. Costello says Defense is not suggesting White Truck was involved in the crime.
lol and akh, I'm the Sugarplum Fairy.

I wonder both how she's going to play this, and how she will sleep at night.

This defense is what I posted about last month. Guy I know casually told me his daughter (worked at Yogis) told LE that DM was def in Yogis that night Hannah was killed. To put it in perspective, Hannah lived right around the corner from Yogis. DM knew where she lived.

This guy was saying ...that people were saying he's going to say someone drugged him! And while he was out of it, these supposed people or person killed Hannah.

Really, what stops any killer from saying this nonsense? I'm very ready to believe someone else was in on it with him, but innocent victim? the unmitigated gall floors me.

Weirdly, JW lived right around the corner from Yogis too. Lauren had to have been there with him. Everyone including myself has focused on Kilroys, but Yogis might have come into play as well.

It could be that DM was on LE's radar all along. after Lauren disappeared. If there is any kind of LE eff up, this could be it.

According to this public defender, DM is innocent victim. Then, who had his car, and how did he get it back?

He has narked on someone, that's for sure, IMO. IMO, JMW


The defense attorney has to create as strong a defense as possible, which is their job (and the defendant's right under the constitution). Good defense attorneys seek to create "reasonable doubt" in the minds of the jurors, and that term is a very tricky one. Essentially, the prosecution has to prove that: on that specific day, at exactly that time, this person did this thing, and a good defense attorney will seek to poke holes in the prosecution's theory in order to create "reasonable doubt." Of course there are limits to how much a defense attorney has to work with in this regard, and any finding of guilt will likely be immediately under appeal, so it is important that for the reputation of this defense attorney to do her job the very best that she can. Offering alternate theories of what happened that night is just one part of the defense, others are to suggest that more witnesses should have been interviewed, or that more tests (like DNA) should have been done. This defense attorney has provided a textbook defense in my opinion. My guess is that her closing arguments tomorrow will go something like this: "law enforcement and other witnesses testified they had limited resources to do extensive but critical testing of ALL of the evidence collected, that LE unfairly focused on this one possible perpetrator, without diligently checking out others who may have been involved, that the murder weapon was never found, and that prosecutors never established a clear motive," etc.
I did find the witness testimony (to the judge only, not the jury) that she thought DM attacked her in November of 2012 very interesting, as it is similar to the pattern of reported assaults I described in my prior post #935 on this thread ( These sexual assaults or attempts to assault looked like they were all made by the same assailant (see composite sketches). Also, the witness description of the last person to see Marina Boelter before she disappeared at dusk on 12/31/14 said she entered a car driven by a male who matches DM's description, and the car itself could have been the 2012 Kia DM was driving when he was arrested. I am fairly sure I read in a news report that the Kia belonged to DM's employer, Fine Print.
Messel was found guilty. I don't have a link but the news should be out there with a quick Google search.
Good. That didn't take long at all.
Unfortunately, he now becomes a burden to the tax payers for the next 30 years.
He deserves nothing more than a public hanging on the courthouse lawn.
If he made a deal for no DP, would we know it?

If the evidence was such a slam dunk, and he was a habitual offender ala the jury, wtf?

Obviously relieved such a monster is off the streets. Gotta be more like him though.

LE needs to get some undercover cops in these bars (never thought I would say that!!)to track known predators. I mean, if you were actually looking for them they might stand out. Yes, killers have evaded this, Ted Bundy. But if I were vice looking for a potential rapest/ killer, and saw DM hanging out around these young people, he would immediately beep my radar.

He had to have made a deal, or the parents didn't want a drawn out trial.

Took the liberty of copying IMH's post that was linked anyway:

"We have two x-cons who may have served time together (DM and DH) and now a third ex-con who has some similarities to DM (battery, sex offender) and possibly DH (ex-con, but his convictions were mostly theft). DH and JW both seem mentally ill/impaired to me, whereas DM seemed to think he was a pretty smart guy. Hard to know yet if there is any connection between any of them, but I dismissed the 5N guys a few years ago for the same reasons that someone mentioned earlier, that it is a pretty tough secret to keep, particularly among more than 2-3 people. The lawyering up right away didn't concern me either, I would do exactly the same for my college student away from home, implicated immediately in something so serious.

I think there may be a link between DM and Lauren, and possibly Marina Boelter. First, I search the archives of the local Bloomington newspaper, the Herald Times, and the IU newspaper, Indiana Daily Student, for articles related to sexual assault reports between 2000-2012, and focused on the ones with police-generated composite sketches. Check out the following 3 sketches, they all seem to look like it's the same person assaulting women between 2005 and 2012: Click image for larger version.

Name: Sexual Assault 4.23.05_Page_1.jpg
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ID: 88303Click image for larger version.

Name: Attempted Abduction 7.3.08_Page_1.jpg
Views: 133
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ID: 88304Click image for larger version.

Name: Sexual Assault 9.3.12.jpg
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ID: 88305Click image for larger version.

Name: Messel mug.jpeg
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ID: 88306

I also included DM's mug shot from his arrest for Hannah Wilson's murder in April of 2015. Note that the 2005 and 2012 attack happened near the IU campus, and the 2008 attack happened on Ison Road, the same road where DM lived when he was arrested last year.

It gets better: Marina Boelter was an 18 year old young mother who disappeared from Bloomfield, Indiana (about 20 minutes west of Bloomington) on 12/31/14. She was last seen by her ex-boyfriend (who adamantly maintained his innocence in her disappearance until he died a few months later from a stab wound during a fight) getting into a vehicle he described as a silver four-door sedan, possibly a silver Mercury Milan, driven by a "middle-aged heavy set male": Click image for larger version.

Name: Boelter Car Photo_Page_1.jpg
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ID: 88307. DM was driving a silver 2012 Kia Sportage when arrested last year for Hannah Wilson's murder. I think DM was heading somewhere north with Hannah Wilson when he had to stop at S.R. 45 and Plum Creek Road, because things were not going the way he had expected inside that vehicle. The vacant lot where she was found is not actually that remote, and I think he may have stopped short of where he was actually heading.

I believe the 2012 Kia Sportage was owned by his employer, Fine Print printing in Bloomington. Fine Print has a Google Maps street view photo taken in July of 2014. Notice the silver Kia Sportage to the left, and the white trucks to the right of the photos.

I can't help but hope that what I've pieced together above is not entirely new information for the federal, state and local LE investigators.
Last edited by IMH; 01-30-2016 at 11:27 PM.

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You also connected RR as being in the same jail, was it at the same time as JMW? or DH?
anyway...we need to take a look at those posts from that time, which the above post is part of.
It also concerned that sleazy bar in Terre Haute that DM and DH met in.

Thank God Hannah's parents have closure. Now, the other one in custody may have the answer to Lauren. I mean ya never know.
IMH, I am trying to find your post in which you had looked up RRs records and found him in jail with ones of these: DH, JWM, DM?

it's driving me crazy
For a murder to be eligible for the death penalty in Indiana, an aggravating circumstance (see must be proven. A brief glance at this list tells me they perhaps did not think they had enough evidence to go for the DP. There was no evidence of forced entry or kidnapping, for instance. I suspect that the prosecutor talked with HW's family, and reviewed with them the pros and cons of making this a DP case. Considerations for DP cases are that they take far longer to resolve, involve many more attorneys, are much more expensive to prosecute and to defend (more lawyers, witnesses, and experts), and convictions are automatically appealed. So resolution for the family is drawn out, and so for all of those reasons, I can see why, in this particular case, they did not seek it.
Thanks!! You rock sooooooooooooo hard! :drumroll::loveyou: want posters to be able to read your post so i blew it up:: it's post 192 from 3-20-16 #35

Okay, Ixchel13, I love a challenge, and while RER and DH do not appear to have served time together, I did a little more checking into the extensive criminal histories of DH and JMW. And guess what? It seems that DH and JMW were in the clink (New Castle Correctional Facility) at the same time in spring of 2012! After JMW was charged with invading privacy, harassing and intimidating his victim in Monroe county in 8/2011, the court docket entry in that case dated 3/28/12 shows he was in the New Castle DOC (with DH). These two gentlemen actually have similar criminal backgrounds:

DH has multiple illegal consumption, public intoxication, and probation violation charges going back to 1995. By 2000 he's added theft and forgery to his repertoire. By 2005 he's charged with criminal trespass, invasion of privacy, and has violated a "no contact" order. Intimidation and battery charges in 2009, battery with bodily injury in 2010, and now he's in the New Castle DOC.

JMW's history starts around 1999, when he leaves the scene of a personal injury accident. In 2000 he is charged with battery resulting in personal injury, and in 2001 he is charged with public indecency and a protective order (for victim) is granted. Several more public indecency charges in 2002-2004, and in 2003 he's charged with battery resulting in bodily injury. Interestingly, he had no new charges between 2004-2010, but a divorce action was filed in 2009 (after which his parents apparently sued him for eviction and unpaid rent), so he seems to have been married during this time. In July and August of 2011 in Monroe County we have a domestic battery, intimidation, invasion of privacy and harassment charges with protective order to victim, and the public indecency charges begin again. He has another charge in June of 2015 for leaving the scene of an accident.

The Monroe County cases against JMW in the summer of 2011 conceivably put him in Bloomington during the time of the LS disappearance.

As for HW's death last year, I suppose it's possible that JMW and DM worked together. It appears JMW was released from the New Castle DOC sometime in early 2013, since he has a new case file against him in April of 2013 for unpaid probation fees, and by July of 2014 he's got public indecency charges filed against him again.

One more interesting tidbit: I mentioned in an earlier post that RER appears to have lived in Terre Haute and perhaps went through divorce filed in Vigo County in 1997. He also seems to have had charges filed against him for battery resulting in bodily injury in July of 1999 in Sullivan County, and domestic battery charges filed against him again in November of 1999 in Vigo County.

We can't place JMW in Terre Haute in the late 90's/early 2000's, but he's younger than the other guys and his record doesn't even start until 1999.

Thanks IMH!!! So you found the DH and JMW in jail together, after Lauren was missing. Again, when they tell the snitch's story, they always, i think say stuff like "Hayden says that he helped move a body" Instead of just, "Hayden helped DM move a body". I'm just not sure that they mean Hayden. I think Hayden narked on both DM and JMW,

Also, as we can see, RR has a domestic battery charge and threatening. we have discussed these 3
as having similiar personalities as in they like to beat up women. And escalate.
Who has the cliff notes on the DM trial? Was it ever explained (or theorized by the prosecution) the actual motive of the case and how DM chose HW as his victim? Was there a prior relationship of any kind? Prior meeting? Purely random? Stalking?
According to awesome reporter @becca_costello who live tweeted during the trial #messeltrial, the prosecutors did not offer a motive, nor are they required to from my limited understanding of criminal law procedure.
The trial evidence from prosecution included surveillance video from local businesses of what prosecutors described as DM's Kia following the taxi that took her home, and video also showed him circling the block where she lived six times.
Also, in criminal legal terms "motive" is different from "intent," which is why intent is what the prosecution has to prove. In other words, the prosecution needs to prove that the accused intended to cause harm. Motive is sometimes offered but it's not necessary.
The State only had to prove that the defendant "knowingly or intentionally" killed someone, and that it wasn't in "sudden heat," which would make it voluntary manslaughter. Not a lawyer, but IMHO, taking her out of town indicated that it wasn't "sudden heat," and repeated blows to the head indicated intent to kill.
It is certainly correct the prosecutor did not have to prove motive, although, if known, they typically will to not leave any loose ends that give the jurors any reason to find doubt. Of course, there was so much physical evidence tied directly to DM that motive/theory of the crime could be deemed unimportant.
I was just curious if they'd thrown it into the mix or not. It sounds like they weren't 100% sure on motive/theory of the crime so simply didn't go down that path. Which means it leaves us still wondering if DM could be connected to LS or any of the other names that have since popped up... or if this was an isolated situation.
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