IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #6

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There's just no doubt IMO.. Even down to the minute details like what ive circled and have arrows pointing to.. Look at the bed.. Both are identical with having no bedliner but having the black lined rails around the bed of the truck(IMO most likely because it has a removable tonneau cover that attaches to the black railing..which obviously in both photos the tonneau cover is NOT covering either truck bed)..
It's those minute details that are the exact same on both modelsof the truck that make me mist certain that this indeed is the match for what type vehicle is seen from the apt surveillance video..

The only detail differing is the tires and rims, which is common knowledge that this usually comes down to strictly what an individuals preference or "taste" for not only what style tire and rim but even what size tire and rim to put on their truck.. Some like the bigger, the more detailed, and chromed out the better,, some like what it comes from the factory with, and still yet others may like a little style or flair added to their tires and/or rims.. Strictly each individuals own preference.. That said it's obvious that in the photos you ca clearly see that there are indeed different size and style each trucks tires/rims..

So, I'm sticking with the opinion that with next to no doubt about it we do indeed have an exact match for what make, model, and year truck is in the photo that LE released..

All jmo, tho!

There's just no doubt IMO.. Even down to the minute details like what ive circled and have arrows pointing to.. Look at the bed.. Both are identical with having no bedliner but having the black lined rails around the bed of the truck(IMO most likely because it has a removable tonneau cover that attaches to the black railing..which obviously in both photos the tonneau cover is NOT covering either truck bed)..
It's those minute details that are the exact same on both modelsof the truck that make me mist certain that this indeed is the match for what type vehicle is seen from the apt surveillance video..

The only detail differing is the tires and rims, which is common knowledge that this usually comes down to strictly what an individuals preference or "taste" for not only what style tire and rim but even what size tire and rim to put on their truck.. Some like the bigger, the more detailed, and chromed out the better,, some like what it comes from the factory with, and still yet others may like a little style or flair added to their tires and/or rims.. Strictly each individuals own preference.. That said it's obvious that in the photos you ca clearly see that there are indeed different size and style each trucks tires/rims..

So, I'm sticking with the opinion that with next to no doubt about it we do indeed have an exact match for what make, model, and year truck is in the photo that LE released..

All jmo, tho!

ITA with you! 2005 Chevy 1500. Absolutely!

ETA the one from yesterday for comparison sake...and to keep them all together on the same page ;)
2005 Chevy Z71 1500
Re: kissedegirl post about the differing amount of space between tire and the truck body of each photo..

IMO it's because of the differing size and style of the tire/rim. The bigger ones would leave less space btwn the tire and body of the truck.. Where as a smaller size would if course leave a larger space(gap) between where the tire is and the actual body of the truck frame sits..

I think that's where this difference of space between the two photos is from.. Just simply that they have different tires and rims on each of the trucks..

But what you said about them having possibly "lowered" the truck. IMO that too could cause for a difference in the space between these two areas(along with "raising" the truck as I know some of the rednecks tend to do in highschool age group)..

**no offense intended in the use of redneck.. I've lived Ina nd around them my entire life and this is what they call themselves or refer to themselves as being "rednecks"
Re: kissedegirl post about the differing amount of space between tire and the truck body of each photo..

IMO it's because of the differing size and style of the tire/rim. The bigger ones would leave less space btwn the tire and body of the truck.. Where as a smaller size would if course leave a larger space(gap) between where the tire is and the actual body of the truck frame sits..

I think that's where this difference of space between the two photos is from.. Just simply that they have different tires and rims on each of the trucks..

But what you said about them having possibly "lowered" the truck. IMO that too could cause for a difference in the space between these two areas(along with "raising" the truck as I know some of the rednecks tend to do in highschool age group)..

**no offense intended in the use of redneck.. I've lived Ina nd around them my entire life and this is what they call themselves or refer to themselves as being "rednecks"

lol, my redneck husbands raised Jeep was how we fell in love :floorlaugh: So, no offense taken here!
Seriously though SmoothOperator, I can't find the difference between the 4X4 you have posted and the Z71 I did. And the writing on the back near the tailgate, if I stand upside down and cross my eyes, I can see both. ;)
There is clearly motive shown early in the evening by the altercation with CR and JW's Friends....but if JW didn't live at Smallwood, why were his friends so eager to come to his defense at 2:30 AM? It's apparent JW figured out that his girlfiend is out partying until the morning hours with a bunch of guys he doesn't know.....there's the LS leaving with CR after the fight shows what side she picked....who's to say they (JW's friends) were't waiting for her when she got back to Smallwood.

This seems strange to me as does how she left her shoes in the bar?? Cell phone, sure....I can see that, shoes...she was either completely inialated or drugged, or something else was don't just forget your shoes and then go walking down a back alley. Has CR commented on that issue?

What I can't get my head around are the'd the keys end up on a rail up the block?
THANKs fior all the useful maps, pics. My question: Do you know if the truck was first seen on College, headed South (before it circled)?

I don't know, but if it was seen, it was a verbal account because there are no cameras on that part of College Ave.

If so, then if this was around 4:30am, then the truck may have been trying to get to its "normal" construction business somewhere very South of Bloomington. Would that be towards Bedford?

Yes, but most people would take Hwy 37 to get there, not go thru downtown Bloomington.

What time is "normal" for a construction crew to start....4:30am is too early for anyone, so..maybe drive allows some time for breaklfast, then continues South...thinking that a work shift may start around 7am, .....inferring, perhaps someone who is working on a project 1.5 hours or so....South of Bloomington...does this make sense to anyone.....

Bedford is 1/2 hour south. Don't think there are any big construction jobs there. That town is drying up and withering away due to a lack of jobs.

1.5 hours is almost to Kentucky.

Also, BTown, last call at IN bars is 2am....

I think so, I was always to drunk to remember what time it was when they threw me out.

what about strip long are they open in Bloomington...isn't there one farther North on College? or Walnut....?

The close at the same time that the bars close I think.
There is one a few miles south on Walnut. Don't tell my wife I know that...
Here's a tip posted from someone at IndyStar comments:

That looks like a fifth wheel setup to me, for towing trailers or campers, are there any places around there where they build Rv's or boats?, these people tow for hire by the builders.
Going back to Laurens medical condition, Long QT heart condition.. I'd like to better understand the severity Of this condition..

I know that something such as MVP is a "heart condition" as well and it cam be severe IMO if possibly paired with other health issues and/or drug abuse.. But for the most part MVP is an extremely common thing in women especially and from what I know it for the most part causes most with it no negative side effects, no daily meds or monitoring, no major restrictions, period just because of having MPD. Most that I know of..are like myself that live their daily lives with zero affect from having MVP.. Once in a blue moon I may have a heart flutter or what I call a flip-flop but even that causes me no pain, anxiety, or problem of any kind.*

I am in no way trying to say that Long QT is not severe, serious, or just like MVP.. But rather am only trying to get a better understanding of what is an accurate and appropriate description of it's severity. What has even led me to even dare to put these two conditions in a comparison is strictly due to those who lived with Lauren(those ppl whom I'd say knew her closely and best there in Bloomington, next to boyfriend Jesse of course).. Those would be Laurens roomates whom she lived full time with for the last two years.. They hadn't a clue that Lauren even had any type of medical condition whatsoever!! Nothing about it, not a peep about it did they know and were shocked when they were told of it after Lauren having gone missing.. Told by Jesse..

So this IMO means most likely she didn't have to take daily meds(i make this assumption because in living with someone for an extended period of time one thing u would come to learn and know about a person is if they take daily meds)..Most times roomies know this type stuff even know if their roomie is on "the pill" or's just something that is learned when living in close quarters with someone..

So for especially close pal and roomie, Tadir to not know anything about Lauren having any type condition, especially a heart condition was odd to me.. But then that is when I was thinking about having MVP and how it would be something not many would know that I had.. Because I take no meds and it causes me no problems or difficulties throughout my daily life.. And I wondered if possibly Long qT might not be as serious of a condiition as we first though it was(then again it could be extremely deadly).. And in Not knowing.. Well.. That is the very reason that I am asking this question about the condition..

I could easily see parents and LE announcing this condition(even if it wasn't truly life threatening) but just as a way of letting someone know hey I better give this girl back before she dies from this condition and then I'm really in a heap if trouble.. KWIM??

I could see them saying and releasing such info for those reasons.. Especially back in the beginning when youre hoping that this is all just some sick joke or prank.. Or someone is just "holding" their daughter for ransom or other reasons.. Because Of thise things I can see parents and LE stating this info about Laurens Long QT..

I'd like to know how serious is this condition? Is it something tht does require daily meds? And what happens if thise meds are not being taken? What exactly is it's side effects that it causes one to suffer(high bp, fainting,etc)? And just how very dangerous are we talking when combinig drugs/alcohol with this condition(I.e. Given we know that say cocaine alone can kill and be a very dangerous drug.. In and of itself with no medical condition present).. But again in using the example of MVP condition and a person with this condition using cocaine doesn't necessarily cause any extra danger or damages than the person without MVP..would long QT conditikn be similar in that comparison or is their a stark difference in that the Long QT would definitely , undoubtedly cause severe extra dangers and damages??..

I hope that I explained it clearly enough to understand what it is that I am asking or wanting to better understand.. Amd I fully realize that the use of cocaine regardless of any condition is dangerous, causes damage , and is deadly.. What I am trying to understand is what does Long Qt add to that already risky outcome..
There is clearly motive shown early in the evening by the altercation with CR and JW's Friends....but if JW didn't live at Smallwood, why were his friends so eager to come to his defense at 2:30 AM? It's apparent JW figured out that his girlfiend is out partying until the morning hours with a bunch of guys he doesn't know.....there's the LS leaving with CR after the fight shows what side she picked....who's to say they (JW's friends) were't waiting for her when she got back to Smallwood.

This seems strange to me as does how she left her shoes in the bar?? Cell phone, sure....I can see that, shoes...she was either completely inialated or drugged, or something else was don't just forget your shoes and then go walking down a back alley. Has CR commented on that issue?

What I can't get my head around are the'd the keys end up on a rail up the block?

The shoes get me too. But a friend said they had a sand beach floor thing, and people take their shoes off, and maybe when they were shooed out of the bar after closing she couldn't find them? There is NO WAY anyone could walk out of a bar so drunk they didn't notice they didn't have shoes on, especially considering the great deal of walking she did that night on the streets.
Here's a tip posted from someone at IndyStar comments:

That looks like a fifth wheel setup to me, for towing trailers or campers, are there any places around there where they build Rv's or boats?, these people tow for hire by the builders.

Someone else had these thoughts on this forum in an earlier thread. I would love to be able to find a photo of that set up in a similar truck.
The reason I asked is they don't give these out in Indiana though, unless they changed the law since I turned 21.

If I remember correctly, you can't get into club/bar that serves alcohol in Indiana unless you are 21, thus no need for stamps.
In Ohio I have gotten those stamps before.

Of course, the pic could have been taken in New York or anywhere else.

Its my understanding that in Indiana you can be underage at the bar if they serve food.

That's what my 19 year old son keeps telling me anyway...
At some point, LE said that they have video of Lauren at about 3am (2:48AM now, I believe) and that they could see the "activity" on it. Maybe CR was carrying her, if her bare feet hurt her? I know he was supposed to be "injured" but just a guess...surely by now her feet are hurting, she must know she doesn't have shoes, did not obtain any at Smallwood. Locals have said the roads and alleys are not smooth sailing, as far as walking around without shoes.

But I don't understand, in any event, how she was allowed to head out again at or about 4am, barefoot, if she did in fact walk out of the 2nd building.
Smooth Operator:
You can read about Long QT syndrome here:

Some things I learned from the article:
It says many people don't experience symptoms but for those that do, the most common symptoms are fainting, seizures, and sudden death depending on the severity of the condition.
Emotional excitement and physical exertion can bring on the symptoms.
I understand the condition to interfere with heart rhythms.
imo Cocaine use could definitely exacerbate the condition.

Going back to Laurens medical condition, Long QT heart condition.. I'd like to better understand the severity of this condition..

LS...has Long QT syndrome, a heart rhythm disorder in which the heart takes longer to recharge after each beat.

She was taking medication, believed to be a beta blocker, and her family and friends were concerned about how long she went without her medication.

He said alcohol can indirectly influence the risk of a heart rhythm disturbance because of the loss of potassium and magnesium if the person urinates frequently. Cocaine poses an even greater risk because it acts like adrenaline in the body, Thomas said. [Dr. Patrick Thomas, chief of cardiology at Hudson Valley Hospital Center in Cortlandt]

Snipped; More at
My opinion, given the current information and especially the altercations and the stated reasons for them, is that this has the hallmarks of jealousy and possessiveness written all over it.
If someone with the condition is startled or has a sudden increase in physical activity, an ensuing adrenaline surge can cause an abnormal heart rhythm, said Dr. Patrick Thomas, chief of cardiology at Hudson Valley Hospital Center in Cortlandt.

The beta blocker "blunts the adrenaline response in the body," Thomas said, and not taking it as prescribed can lead to problems.
Ten minutes for the vehicle to get around the block (which happens to include the CR/JR/MB home). TEN MINUTES!
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