IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #8

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Are we allowed to post Twitter accounts? I know LS's friend AR has an open account that she regularly updates. She's pretty open about partying, especially for someone underage, and even tweets about how she celebrated 4/20 on 4/20...

If this kind of information isn't allowed on this forum, mods, please erase! :)

i'm sorry i will erase it
Epip, I am inclined to agree with you. Didn't he graduate, by the way? And does anyone know when graduation was? His father showed up June 4, but was that pre-arranged?

He may know something, however. Bad news travels fast. In my scenario no one intentionally "harmed" her. She OD'd or her heart gave out.

As far as the phone call, it isn't quite easy to text "the girl you brought here just died"

My biggest question is why anyone would dispose of the human body - though that's been dealt with in this thread. Yet in my heart I can not comprehend that young scholars would have such disregard for a companion's body; not when my neighbors day after day sifted through all kinds of trash in a Staten Island dump hoping against hope to find the tiniest bone fragment from a 911 victim.

I agree completely.

As for the reason why they would do it....imo....because if they provided her with the drugs and are about to enter their senior year of college....their lives are over...everything they've worked for...their parents money...their lives...all down the drain because a girl they barely know OD'd in their apartment. Selfish and scary, yes...but completely plausible.

Were the dumpsters in their building checked the day she disappeared? Or did they not start looking until after that day? Does anyone know?
I just have to ask, I know this has already been done, but have landfills been searched?

(I REALLY dislike having to type that.)
Elmomom - It isn't out of realm. JW called the family ASAP and seemed to realize she was missing (rather than cavorting) early on. I also (said this earlier) don't believe he went to sleep at 2:30 - not without connecting with LS. Plus, unfortunately for me, the twenty year olds I know are rarely asleep at 2:30 am, 2:30 p, maybe.

There was a crowd of his friends at Smallwood and he is uninformed?

But how and where then?
It wouldn't be odd because the times will be based on internal video clock that keeps time of when the video is taken. This clock needs to be set, and if not set accurately, the exact time on video could be off.

I'm behind and catching up here, but I do know the truck is no longer relevant to this case. However, I just want to say that you are correct in this post. If the clock is not set or not set correctly, then the time will be off.
I'm back to thinking it's JW. Here are the things that are sticking out about him and the impression it all is making on me. (I reserve the right to change my mind another few hundred times though).
HT - she felt the need to defend him saying that LS was the love of his life, etc it seemed like she was going just a little too overboard to defend him
One of his other friend (or friends) felt the need to publicly vouch that JW had gotten no calls or texts at all that night after the altercation. Seems strange, or again like HT, trying too hard to "clear him".
Unnamed person who had altercation with CR was friend of JW, AND ! LE has always downplayed that whole altercation aspect! To the point that the family early on was trying to completely deny any mention if it on their part - LE wanted that hush-hush?
Messy timeline by the other group of friends, but not factually impossible. We know that if LS was walking back on College, rather than the alley, that there were 2 blocks with no cameras to see her.
The parents consistently leaving the impression that someone closest to LS had info. Parents raved about JW very early on and then seemed to back off. (IIRC)

So, it seems to me that the friends are all feeling early enormous pressure on JW and coming to his defense. We also know someone was cleared by lie detector, and it seems very possible that they were asked by LE NOT to disclose that - I can't explain myself well, but I think that LE suspects JW and is intentionally leaving it muddy, so as to give him enough room to hang himself with. If just one person in the whole CR gang was cleared, it pretty much solidifies most of the story. Especially if it were JR - if JR was the one who passed the test, then JW would be sure to be the focus or a stranger. And that fits with the LE focus as far as I can see - they took the truck very seriously since it fit the JR timeline fine, but aren't taking the 3:38 suspect seriously enough to release a sketch that was rumored to be made, since this suspect doesn't fit the JR timeline at all.
I apologize if this is garbled... my brain is a little foggy today..
All I'm trying to say is that it seems that everyone seems to be going out of their way to make JW think he's not the primary suspect, but he actually is, and the family is trying to coax him to come forward on his own without pointing fingers. It seems too much like some kind of planned tactical maneuver to me.

Assuming that EO & Friends got a tip from JW about the fact that LS & CR were coming back to Smallwood, and an altercation emerges.....there in itself is the beginning of a motive by JW and friends.
I agree completely.

As for the reason why they would do it....imo....because if they provided her with the drugs and are about to enter their senior year of college....their lives are over...everything they've worked for...their parents money...their lives...all down the drain because a girl they barely know OD'd in their apartment. Selfish and scary, yes...but completely plausible.

Were the dumpsters in their building checked the day she disappeared? Or did they not start looking until after that day? Does anyone know?

Yes - afraid so.
i'm sorry i will erase it

I'm not sure if it's allowed or not -- I was more asking for myself, since I revealed information that I found on one such Twitter account! Since the URL you wrote was a private Twitter account it might be fine. I'll let a mod decide though! :)
if LS used to hang out at JR's all the time last year, and JW has been her bf since then, chances are better than good JW used to hang out there too.

for that matter, JW could have been at JR's that night looking for LS. i also have to say that i do find it odd that JW's friend(s) slugged CR, especially without JW being present.

where JW's buddies out looking for LS and CR? was JW too? what brought the altercation to the point of fisticuffs? i remember being that age and being completely loyal to my best friends, and valuing that relationship so highly, but I can't say i would have slugged someone with my bf's girl with just on principal alone.
I'm feeling pretty stupid right now, do we know where JW's apartment is? Have I just forgotten? (also being lazy and trying to avoid reading through all the early posts all over again to find it!)
My 20 year old IU rising junior made that SAME observation. She NEVER calls unless she is forced to do so (ie - call mom:crazy::crazy::crazy:). She and all her friends TEXT almost exclusively. I am sure this is the case for LS and all her friends. This "tale" of the call LS (or someone) made at 4:15 just doesn't make sense..

One advantage of calling rather than texting could be that LE can subpoena text messages. But it's doubtful anyone would consider this while dealing with a possible overdose/accident.
I believe LE got the info they needed about the truck; they were taking hundreds of tips for 5 days and would not want to take any more calls than they need so they stopped the calls by announcing it was found and cleared. I don't think the truck had anything to do with what happened to Lauren. Of course the police can lie if they need to do so, but I think what they said today is true, they gave plenty of details. If they want to pressure the POI's, they can do that one against another.
My question is, WHY haven't they been all over JR like no other? It was reported that he was one that left town later the same day that Lauren went missing. Have they searched his apartment? Has he given anything other than a statement? Why are they sitting down and grilling him? Why don't they go to him? Why aren't they trying to search his car, phone records, etc. I surely hope they are doing all of those things and we are just not hearing about them!!

Isn't it basic principle that you start with the person who was the last to see the victim and rule out everything from there? How could they have possibly ruled him out already? I'm not trying to implicate him, but if he left town, he could have easily put her in a suitcase, duffel bag, trash bag, etc, etc, and taken her with him to get rid of wherever.
My question is, WHY haven't they been all over JR like no other? It was reported that he was one that left town later the same day that Lauren went missing. Have they searched his apartment? Has he given anything other than a statement? Why are they sitting down and grilling him? Why don't they go to him? Why aren't they trying to search his car, phone records, etc. I surely hope they are doing all of those things and we are just not hearing about them!!

Isn't it basic principle that you start with the person who was the last to see the victim and rule out everything from there? How could they have possibly ruled him out already? I'm not trying to implicate him, but if he left town, he could have easily put her in a suitcase, duffel bag, trash bag, etc, etc, and taken her with him to get rid of wherever.

How do you know they haven't been all over him like no other? If they were, why would they tell the public?
if LS used to hang out at JR's all the time last year, and JW has been her bf since then, chances are better than good JW used to hang out there too.

for that matter, JW could have been at JR's that night looking for LS. i also have to say that i do find it odd that JW's friend(s) slugged CR, especially without JW being present.

where JW's buddies out looking for LS and CR? was JW too? what brought the altercation to the point of fisticuffs? i remember being that age and being completely loyal to my best friends, and valuing that relationship so highly, but I can't say i would have slugged someone with my bf's girl with just on principal alone.

I am posting this again because I feel like it's important for everyone to realize how tight JR and JW are.

Friendships forged four years ago at the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity house on the IU campus may play a role in this investigation. It was at the AEP house that Spierer's boyfriend, Jesse Wolff, met Jay Rosenbaum. Rosenbaum is believed to be the last person to have seen Spierer at 4:30 a.m. at his apartment.,0,2877132.story
Does anyone know if the time on the video cameras automatically spring forward for DST?
How the hell was she removed from the area? I would think a vehicle. Perhaps, not. She wasn't beamed up.

Hope I do this correctly...I'm new. I think one (or more) of the boys knows what happened. I think it was an accidental heart attack brought on by a big night of partying or an assault of some kind. She is a small girl. Put her in a trash bag, load that in a duffle bag, suitcase with wheels, hockey bag, even a mid-sized box, put that in your car and drive out of Bloomington home to Mom and Dad's house. Suddenly you are free to come and go and dispose of her far, far from Bloomington. (Sorry if that is too graphic.)

When did leave boys leave? Were their places searched before they left? Where their cars and bags checked before they went home? Did they fly home or drive?

BTW, if the bf and others were my kid, I'd hire an attorney but camp out with my kid in a Bloomington area hotel for at least a week or so to make sure he was constantly available to LE so they could rule him out. I would not allow him to hide out at home until he had fully cooperated with LE. JMO
My question is, WHY haven't they been all over JR like no other? It was reported that he was one that left town later the same day that Lauren went missing. Have they searched his apartment? Has he given anything other than a statement? Why are they sitting down and grilling him? Why don't they go to him? Why aren't they trying to search his car, phone records, etc. I surely hope they are doing all of those things and we are just not hearing about them!!

Isn't it basic principle that you start with the person who was the last to see the victim and rule out everything from there? How could they have possibly ruled him out already? I'm not trying to implicate him, but if he left town, he could have easily put her in a suitcase, duffel bag, trash bag, etc, etc, and taken her with him to get rid of wherever.

You took the words out of my mouth. I know that he hasn't been ruled out yet, but I hope they are investigating him thoroughly.

I DO NOT like that he left town so early. Lauren is a tiny girl and would have likely fit in the items that you described above. She could be anywhere.
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