In Memory of JonBenet Ramsey

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Sure, but for the police the more devices you have the better as they are more likely to find something illegal.

The thing about hosting all those devices is how do you find stuff?

I have a system. If I can't find something, I search around randomly through boxes of stuff I had forgotten I had until I find it. It sometimes works.
Meh. God forbid my house ever gets searched and reported on. I'm a tech guy with varied interests. At least six cameras. At least a dozen laptops (one for each member of my family plus a number of special purpose and retired/dead ones). Desktops. Servers. Network attached storage devices. Firearms. Fireworks. Books about murderers (thanks WS!). Thousands of CD-ROMs and DVDs. USB flash drives galore. Retired hard drives in stacks. Many sets of lockpicks. I'll stop there so I don't scare anyone.
Scare?! I’m in love!

ty jj

JonBenét Ramsey's Former Photographer, Randall DeWitt Simons, Arrested On Child *advertiser censored* Charges - An Old Friend Now Thinks He Is A Top Suspect In Her Murder - US Daily Report

JonBenét Ramsey’s Former Photographer, Randall DeWitt Simons, Arrested On Child *advertiser censored* Charges — An Old Friend Now Thinks He Is A Top Suspect In Her Murder

July 23, 2019

"Pamela Griffin, the woman who introduced Simons to Ramsey’s family, thinks he might have something to do with her murder."

She told the Daily Mail: “I am begging the police to look again at this man. Randy used to call me on occasion and confide to me about his marital woes, but after JonBenét’s death, he called acting odd.”
She continued with: “He was saying things like, ‘I have a feeling the Boulder Police Department think I’m responsible in some way for JonBenét’s death and I can’t prove that I didn’t do it. And I don’t have an alibi for where I was on Christmas Day 1996. I told him he needed one, but he said he didn’t want Lynda, his wife at the time, to find out where he had been. I didn’t know if he was having an affair or hiding something else.”

In light of Simons’ arrest, some like Griffin are urging the Boulder Police Department to give him a second look as a top suspect.

Who killed JonBenét Ramsey? Seamstress says 'pedo' photographer murdered the 6-year-old
Who killed JonBenét Ramsey? Beauty pageant seamstress points finger at pedophile photographer Randy Simons

Pamela Griffin, who was the one who introduced the Ramseys to the photographer, in jail for downloading child *advertiser censored*, said that she had told the police may times that he had a hand to play in the 6-year-old's murder.

Jul 23, 2019

"Griffin also told the outlet that she had submitted proof to the police that connected Simons to the murder. She had found the same type of nylon cord that was used in Ramsey's murder in his home.

However, she hadn't heard back from them.

Boulder County Sheriff's Detective Steve Ainsworth, who had worked on the request of Boulder District Attorney Alex Hunter to review Ramsey's homicide said that he also wanted him questioned over the girl's death. He had interrogated Simons in 1997.

… Boulder Police spokesperson Laurie Ogden told, that they were "aware" of Simmons and refused to comment on the status of this investigation."
Will they find any unusual photographs of JonBenet in the forensic haul taken during Randall DeWitt Simons arrest?

if there is anything on his charge sheet relating to JonBenet, its open season on the case.

BTW, where is JR on this topic?

more 'details' in NZ Herald

Friend fears JonBenet Ramsey photographer arrested for child *advertiser censored* is killer

Friend fears JonBenet Ramsey photographer arrested for child *advertiser censored* is killer

23 Jul, 2019

"Schiller claimed District Attorney Alex Hunter's office also managed to obtain saliva from one of Simons' used cigarette butts and was able to show his DNA did not match that found out the crime scene.

However, in 2015 former Boulder police chief Mark Beckner admitted crime scene evidence may have been mishandled."
Will they find any unusual photographs of JonBenet in the forensic haul taken during Randall DeWitt Simons arrest?

Oh, I hope not. (The thought makes my stomach turn). But RS is a career childrens' photographer and most likely a career pedo?

if there is anything on his charge sheet relating to JonBenet, its open season on the case

oh ya

BTW, where is JR on this topic?

My remote viewing skills are a bit off this morning,
maybe some JR quotes will appear in future articles?
Perfect Murder, Perfect Town : The Uncensored Story of the JonBenet Murder and the Grand Jury's Search for the Final Truth - PDF Free Download

"257, For seven weeks the police had been interviewing the Ramseys’ family, friends, and business associates without turning up any real suspects. ... On February 20, Detective Harmer interviewed Randy Simons. Simons told her that on June 5, 1996, he had spent an entire day photographing JonBenét. Since JonBenét’s death, his shots and Mark Fix’s runway snaps had been sold to over two hundred magazines and newspapers, and now Simons was being pressured by the media for photographs of JonBenét in more provocative poses. He had never taken such shots, he told the police. The night of the murder, Simons said, he had been at home alone in Genoa, 120 miles from Boulder."

"258, In May 1996 Kristine’s mom, Pam Griffin, referred Patsy Ramsey to Simons, and she booked her daughter for a June 5 shooting. Because JonBenét was only six, Randy set aside only half a day. He knew he’d be lucky to get an hour or two from a child that young."

"259, It wasn’t long before the tabloids were saying that Patsy had forced JonBenét into some excruciating shots. I never saw anything like that. I was paid $590 for the day. Patsy gave me a tip of $45. A month later, she ordered $960 worth of hand-retouched prints. —Randy Simons

Three weeks later, on March 12, Detective Jeff Kithcart interviewed Mark Fix, who had also photographed JonBenét at various pageants. Fix, who had been a forensic photographer and had gone through 240 hours of police-academy training, was also a “certified protection professional”—a bodyguard. Kithcart was interested in what Fix knew about Randy Simons. Could he be a suspect? He said no. Fix told the detective that Simons was into high fashion and pageants and had clients from all over the country. His specialty was shooting five- and six-year-olds, and he was known for his creative flair with lighting and retouching. A Randy Simons photo, Fix said, automatically gave a pageant contestant a higher score in the Miss Photogenic competition. Simons was something of an “odd critter,” though, said Fix. Right now he claimed that people were chasing him and that the Ramseys were pointing the finger at him. Simons had even told Fix that some paramilitary group was trying to ambush him and steal his negatives. He’d shot someone in the leg with an arrow to protect himself, Fix said, shrugging."

"411, who had photographed her. Several mothers of child pageant contestants, who had known Simons for years, found it hard to reconcile his strange behavior after the murder with the man they had known before. Two mothers claimed that Simons called them late at night and talked about how JonBenét had been sexually abused. Hunter called investigator Steve Ainsworth into the meeting with Singular so that the detective could hear directly what some of the mothers had said. Later the DA called Pam Griffin to ask about the photographer. She said that Simons had once asked for permission to take her daughter’s face and transpose it to a sexy body in a photograph. It was out of character for Simons, Pam said. Hunter told Singular that he was having trouble getting the police to pursue the line of inquiry Singular was suggesting, and he asked the writer to see what he could learn about the people JonBenét saw outside her immediate family. Hunter wanted to know how she acted when she was not in the company of friends and family. The DA also wanted handwriting samples from the people that Singular thought should be considered. Finally, Hunter asked for help in finding potential sources of the ligature. He didn’t care if it pointed to the Ramseys or someone else, he said. He wanted the information. Hunter was so intent on finding something everybody else had missed that some of his deputies had begun to refer to him as Dick Tracy. Lou Smit and Steve Ainsworth read over the reports of the police interviews with Randy Simons. It appeared that he’d never been questioned in depth.Yet who better than a photographer to familiarize them with the fringe world of beauty pageants? On May 14 they drove to Genoa, Colorado, where Simons was living. The next day Simons granted Ainsworth an interview but was unable to shed much light on the case. Still, because he was a professional photographer who sometimes photographed nudes, they investigated him as 412, well. Without the photographer’s knowledge, Hunter’s office obtained handwriting samples and a sample of his saliva from a cigarette butt. A month later, on June 17, Ainsworth also interviewed pageant photographer Mark Fix. Eventually Ainsworth concluded that neither photographer had been involved in the death of JonBenét.

The detectives presented a long list of suspects who had been considered and dropped. Randy Simons, Kevin Raburn, Bud Henderson, Linda Hoffmann-Pugh, Joe Barnhill, and Chris Wolf had been eliminated by forensics evidence. Others, like Sandra Henderson, had ironclad alibis. By now, all but two of the thirty-two known sex offenders in the Boulder area had been cleared."
Perfect Murder, Perfect Town : The Uncensored Story of the JonBenet Murder and the Grand Jury's Search for the Final Truth - PDF Free Download

"257, For seven weeks the police had been interviewing the Ramseys’ family, friends, and business associates without turning up any real suspects. ... On February 20, Detective Harmer interviewed Randy Simons. Simons told her that on June 5, 1996, he had spent an entire day photographing JonBenét. Since JonBenét’s death, his shots and Mark Fix’s runway snaps had been sold to over two hundred magazines and newspapers, and now Simons was being pressured by the media for photographs of JonBenét in more provocative poses. He had never taken such shots, he told the police. The night of the murder, Simons said, he had been at home alone in Genoa, 120 miles from Boulder."

"258, In May 1996 Kristine’s mom, Pam Griffin, referred Patsy Ramsey to Simons, and she booked her daughter for a June 5 shooting. Because JonBenét was only six, Randy set aside only half a day. He knew he’d be lucky to get an hour or two from a child that young."

"259, It wasn’t long before the tabloids were saying that Patsy had forced JonBenét into some excruciating shots. I never saw anything like that. I was paid $590 for the day. Patsy gave me a tip of $45. A month later, she ordered $960 worth of hand-retouched prints. —Randy Simons

Three weeks later, on March 12, Detective Jeff Kithcart interviewed Mark Fix, who had also photographed JonBenét at various pageants. Fix, who had been a forensic photographer and had gone through 240 hours of police-academy training, was also a “certified protection professional”—a bodyguard. Kithcart was interested in what Fix knew about Randy Simons. Could he be a suspect? He said no. Fix told the detective that Simons was into high fashion and pageants and had clients from all over the country. His specialty was shooting five- and six-year-olds, and he was known for his creative flair with lighting and retouching. A Randy Simons photo, Fix said, automatically gave a pageant contestant a higher score in the Miss Photogenic competition. Simons was something of an “odd critter,” though, said Fix. Right now he claimed that people were chasing him and that the Ramseys were pointing the finger at him. Simons had even told Fix that some paramilitary group was trying to ambush him and steal his negatives. He’d shot someone in the leg with an arrow to protect himself, Fix said, shrugging."

"411, who had photographed her. Several mothers of child pageant contestants, who had known Simons for years, found it hard to reconcile his strange behavior after the murder with the man they had known before. Two mothers claimed that Simons called them late at night and talked about how JonBenét had been sexually abused. Hunter called investigator Steve Ainsworth into the meeting with Singular so that the detective could hear directly what some of the mothers had said. Later the DA called Pam Griffin to ask about the photographer. She said that Simons had once asked for permission to take her daughter’s face and transpose it to a sexy body in a photograph. It was out of character for Simons, Pam said. Hunter told Singular that he was having trouble getting the police to pursue the line of inquiry Singular was suggesting, and he asked the writer to see what he could learn about the people JonBenét saw outside her immediate family. Hunter wanted to know how she acted when she was not in the company of friends and family. The DA also wanted handwriting samples from the people that Singular thought should be considered. Finally, Hunter asked for help in finding potential sources of the ligature. He didn’t care if it pointed to the Ramseys or someone else, he said. He wanted the information. Hunter was so intent on finding something everybody else had missed that some of his deputies had begun to refer to him as Dick Tracy. Lou Smit and Steve Ainsworth read over the reports of the police interviews with Randy Simons. It appeared that he’d never been questioned in depth.Yet who better than a photographer to familiarize them with the fringe world of beauty pageants? On May 14 they drove to Genoa, Colorado, where Simons was living. The next day Simons granted Ainsworth an interview but was unable to shed much light on the case. Still, because he was a professional photographer who sometimes photographed nudes, they investigated him as 412, well. Without the photographer’s knowledge, Hunter’s office obtained handwriting samples and a sample of his saliva from a cigarette butt. A month later, on June 17, Ainsworth also interviewed pageant photographer Mark Fix. Eventually Ainsworth concluded that neither photographer had been involved in the death of JonBenét.

The detectives presented a long list of suspects who had been considered and dropped. Randy Simons, Kevin Raburn, Bud Henderson, Linda Hoffmann-Pugh, Joe Barnhill, and Chris Wolf had been eliminated by forensics evidence. Others, like Sandra Henderson, had ironclad alibis. By now, all but two of the thirty-two known sex offenders in the Boulder area had been cleared."

Two mothers claimed that Simons called them late at night and talked about how JonBenét had been sexually abused.
Really, what a weird thing to do. He was also concerned about being a suspect, now we know why, you can bet your bottom dollar he had stash of illegal photographs just after JonBenet was killed.

The next day Simons granted Ainsworth an interview but was unable to shed much light on the case. Still, because he was a professional photographer who sometimes photographed nudes, they investigated him as 412
The Tabs will be all over his case, they will be phoning interviewing officers for quotes, asking for updates, and advance notification of press releases, etc. Not to mention the unrecorded requests that require brown envelopes for juicy snippets of info.

My remote viewing skills are a bit off this morning, maybe some JR quotes will appear in future articles?
You should take the CIA Remote Viewing Course. The media will be contacting JR for quotes regarding Simons, as it was Patsy who hired him, he would have paid his bill.

Its guaranteed JR will pop up in another documentary opining on Simons as a suspect, particularly if Simons is convicted of child related offences. More $$ for JR as he lends out his stash of JonBenet photographs for documentary makers to use!


Really, what a weird thing to do. He was also concerned about being a suspect, now we know why, you can bet your bottom dollar he had stash of illegal photographs just after JonBenet was killed.

The Tabs will be all over his case, they will be phoning interviewing officers for quotes, asking for updates, and advance notification of press releases, etc. Not to mention the unrecorded requests that require brown envelopes for juicy snippets of info.

You should take the CIA Remote Viewing Course. The media will be contacting JR for quotes regarding Simons, as it was Patsy who hired him, he would have paid his bill.

Its guaranteed JR will pop up in another documentary opining on Simons as a suspect, particularly if Simons is convicted of child related offences. More $$ for JR as he lends out his stash of JonBenet photographs for documentary makers to use!


Deceased child as revenue stream. Why didn't I think of that?
Deceased child as revenue stream. Why didn't I think of that?

Yeah, tax deductable too as it will be classified as Intellectual Property, e.g. Image Rights, etc, so the revenue can be funneled through a special Ramsey fund, trust or company, setup to offshore the income and reduce the tax liabilities, all entirely legal!

Could Pageant Photographer Who Snapped Pics of JonBenet Ramsey Be Involved in Her Murder?

Simons has plead not guilty to the child *advertiser censored* charges. He's due back in court August 7th.

Nicee, since if it goes to trial all the case productions will be revealed in court including the contents of all his devices.

You have to wonder what his defence is going to be, can only be something like My account was hijacked or I never knew that stuff was there as I never looked, e.g. just surfed through?

If he is part of some takedown by the police of a pedo ring then he will probably end up doing some kind of plea bargain?

ty PDC

JonBenét Ramsey's Photographer Indicted On Child *advertiser censored* Charges, Downloaded 'Concerning' Images

JonBenét Ramsey's Photographer Indicted On Child *advertiser censored* Charges, Downloaded 'Concerning' Images


"Griffin said she changed her mind about her former friend's innocence when years later she came across a photo that Simons had taken of her daughter holding a kite. "I believe the nylon rope it was attached to was the same type as that used in the garrote to kill JonBenét. I went to the police," she said, per Daily Mail.

It is also said … "
Could Pageant Photographer Who Snapped Pics of JonBenet Ramsey Be Involved in Her Murder?

Simons has plead not guilty to the child *advertiser censored* charges. He's due back in court August 7th.

JonBenét Ramsey's Photographer Indicted On Child *advertiser censored* Charges, Downloaded 'Concerning' Images

"The Lane County indictment alleges 15 counts of second-degree encouraging child sex abuse. Simons, was arraigned last week and has entered not guilty pleas to all counts. His next court apperance is scheduled for Aug. 7 for a pre-trial conference."
JonBenét Ramsey's Photographer Indicted On Child *advertiser censored* Charges, Downloaded 'Concerning' Images

"The Lane County indictment alleges 15 counts of second-degree encouraging child sex abuse. Simons, was arraigned last week and has entered not guilty pleas to all counts. His next court apperance is scheduled for Aug. 7 for a pre-trial conference."

15 counts of second-degree encouraging child sex abuse
Wow, 15 counts thats a lot of jail time if convicted. That encouraging term is ominous, sounds like its being alleged he has been orchestrating child sex abuse online?

BTW you have to wonder about the WiFi link and the 15 counts, is that separate events or one session?
Didn’t a poster who was very active on JBR forums get arrested for child *advertiser censored* as well?

Please delete if not allowed. I know we’re not to discuss other posters. And maybe I made it up in my head.
Didn’t a poster who was very active on JBR forums get arrested for child *advertiser censored* as well?

Please delete if not allowed. I know we’re not to discuss other posters. And maybe I made it up in my head.

Yes, but its best to post in the thread relevant to that topic. The difference is Simons photographed and taught JonBenet to pose, etc.


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