In my right hand is the blue pill, in my left the red pill

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Actually this looks more like a devious mind thinking ahead to throw shadow of doubt to me cause some with college education would know how to spell advise..
Actually this looks more like a devious mind thinking ahead to throw shadow of doubt to me cause some with college education would know how to spell advise..

Nobody's perfect. Besides, I know plenty of college grads can't spell worth a damn. Fact is PR misspelled advise in both her right and left hand exemplars, while the RN author spelled it correctly. That evidence supports the argument that PR and RN author are two different people.

That evidence does not support the argument that PR misspells words on purpose. RDI would need to get some of their own evidence to support that argument.
I stated what it look like to me not what it would like in the mock trial... And to be honest in my opinion who to say that PR wasn't trying to point it a way from her cause everyone here keep saying there's no way the R's wrote it ...
OT, Hotyh.

But have you ever noticed the difference between PR natural writing style and samples? with respect to the use of the hooded 'a's

source link:

The use of uppercase exemplars dispersed within sentences in her right hand BPD sample vs the PBD sample letter (uppercase letters used properly).

and that in her righthand sample she writes the word attache in upper case.

also, of note is the use of both rounded and hooded 'a's in her right handed BPD sample, as well as the London letter.

(force of habit?)

within her 'sample note' all the 'a's are rounded:
I stated what it look like to me not what it would like in the mock trail... And to be honest in my opinion who to say that PR wasn't trying to point it a way from her cause everyone here keep saying there's no way the R's wrote it ...

I guess what I'm saying is that IDI has this argument: RN author and PR are two different people. IDI uses two items in evidence to support that argument: 1.: misspelled advise from both PR's exemplars. 2.: advise spelled correctly from the RN.

RDI has counter-argument that PR misspelled on purpose. Where is evidence to support counter-argument? There aint any. Therefore, its simply a rationalization.
OT, Hotyh.

But have you ever noticed the difference between PR natural writing style and samples? with respect to the use of the hooded 'a's

source link:

The use of uppercase exemplars dispersed within sentences in her right hand BPD sample vs the PBD sample letter (uppercase letters used properly).

and that in her righthand sample she writes the word attache in upper case.

also, of note is the use of both rounded and hooded 'a's in her right handed BPD sample, as well as the London letter.

(force of habit?)

within her 'sample note' all the 'a's are rounded:

OT, Hotyh.

But have you ever noticed the difference between PR natural writing style and samples? with respect to the use of the hooded 'a's

source link:

The use of uppercase exemplars dispersed within sentences in her right hand BPD sample vs the PBD sample letter (uppercase letters used properly).

and that in her righthand sample she writes the word attache in upper case.

also, of note is the use of both rounded and hooded 'a's in her right handed BPD sample, as well as the London letter.

(force of habit?)

within her 'sample note' all the 'a's are rounded:

Have you ever seen the RN font? I think its downloadable.
Have you ever seen the RN font? I think its downloadable.


It's just that I write using that same combo pattern as PR, a 'natural and fluid combination' of both forms of 'a' and by force of habit, it would take me a minor effort to use just one form in 'a' in anything 'wordy' that I would write.
I would have to 'correct' my natural style to use just one form of 'a' in a sample.

Also, why did PR write the word attache in uppercase mid sentence?

does this observable difference not illistate her ability to modify her handwriting style?

It's just that I write using that same combo pattern as PR, a 'natural and fluid combination' of both forms of 'a' and by force of habit, it would take me a minor effort to use just one form in 'a' in anything 'wordy' that I would write.
I would have to 'correct' my natural style to use just one form of 'a' in a sample.

Also, why did PR write the word attache in uppercase mid sentence?

does this observable difference not illistate her ability to modify her handwriting style?

Yeah, but do you write like this?
* smile.
I could with enough practice?
or maybe a lot of alcohol in my system?

Have you noticed anything peculiar about the letters? I know you have to be logged out to see it. I suggest right clicking the letters, copy and paste them to PB and zoom to larger size. I thought you'd like that.
Have you noticed anything peculiar about the letters? I know you have to be logged out to see it. I suggest right clicking the letters, copy and paste them to PB and zoom to larger size. I thought you'd like that.

Ty Hotyh.
Have anyone noticed in the RN that in law enforecment in mid sentence is capital L and PR also done the same thing in a right hand sample with the word bank by using a capital B....
SD can't see anything special about these letters. I think he's saying there's nothing peculiar going on here. Is that right SD?

Anyone else?

Actually, I was asking what you saw.

For my money, they look very angular, as though they were drawn segmentally as straight lines. If that's it, though, I fail to see what that proves. Anyone could do that.

Listen carefully!

Vincent Bridges states, and I will color what is important

If we make that assumption, we must go looking for traces of the Intruder. Someone entered the Ramsey home, without a trace of forced entry, wrote a ransom note on paper found there, abducted JonBenet from her room, took her to the basement to an obscure corner where she was sexually assaulted, killed and then cleaned, dressed and wrapped in a blanket. The Intruder then left, leaving the ligature in place around her neck, while taking with him the leftover cord and duct tape. But he does not take a weapon possibly used in the assault, the flashlight.

Now, this is a truly unusual signature for an intruder sexual assault kidnapping. In fact, it is unique. Intruder assaults and kidnappings do happen, although their frequency is so low as to make them the rarest of all molestations and assaults on children. We can search the annals of such cases going back to the 19th century without finding anything remotely resembling the Ramsey case.

Intruders, particularly strangers, do not make unforced entries.
At the very least, this suggests an intruder who had some access to the house. Kidnappers do not linger to write long ransom notes, and sexual predators do not assault their prey in the house where the abduction takes place; screams could bring unwanted attention. ]Most of all, vicious sex killers do not carefully bathe, dress and wrap their victims. They are more likely to leave them displayed as a message than to hide them in the deepest corner of the basement.

Do you agree w/the above?
What would be the ramifications to RDI and to Occam's razor if the RDI puts forward the above premises as true, but there exists counterexample(s)?
I totally agree with the above and stated so independently on another thread: Consider the recent cases of Polly Klaas, Danielle Van Damme, and Sandra Cantu. All their perps were caught, none were the victims families, and most importantly, all kidnapped/lured their victims to another place where the sexual crimes were committed. In addition, none of these perps wrote ransom notes!
Forgot to add: Samantha Runnion's case is another...
THe evidence in the RN do not support the RDI premise of a"motherly" interest using examples of "attache" "brown bad" but that of a young man schooled in "counterintelligence, attache, tactics, monitor, scanned, "
Perhaps you forget that Patsy had a college education, wealthy, studied French, was a Southern belle, and liked to watch spy movies.
Perhaps you forget that Patsy had a college education, wealthy, studied French, was a Southern belle, and liked to watch spy movies.

If your spouse just covered up an explainable fatal head injury by staging a capital child murder(unbelievable scenario #1), and then started HANDWRITING a 300+ word ransom note admitting education, wealth, French, Southern roots, and movie favorites (unbelievable scenario #2) what would you do? Remember you're a multimillionaire businessman that didn't just fall off the turnip truck.

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