IN - New Albany: Mother, two children found dead in creek

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Didn't the prosecutor say it would be about 2 weeks before they released more information and toxicology report?

Hopefully we will get some news this week.

IF the mother did this herself, with no medical/mental problems known, I'm thinking that is usually an act of take herself and the children away. But why, when everyone seemed to think she was so happy and even her parents thought things were working out good after the move. If it was not, why didn't she call them and ask for help? I'm pretty sure they would have helped her if she wanted to come back....
To clarify: We were not focusing on PPD or PPP as the likely culprit here. (I don't believe it is.)

We were simply trying to correct some of the incorrect things that were said about PPP/PPD.

I personally have a friend with no mental health issues, 3 healthy prior pregnancies and a very wanted 4th child.
She came within minutes of killing her baby girl, very recently.
If I had not been right down the street I'm not sure what would have happened...
I SAW with my own eyes a woman I would trust with MY baby... explaining to me how she was going to kill her own.

Because of that PPD/PPP has now become very personal for me.

It is important to me that people are more aware of PPD/PPP.
I couldn't let incorrect information go uncorrected on such a serious topic. :twocents:
I had PPD after my fourth child. I never felt the urge to hurt any of them but I had to fight not walking out the door and never coming back. They are my life but a person can only go so long without sleep. I honestly believe that my post partum depression was brought on by sleep deprivation. It is real, it is scary, and it affects women when they least expect it.
Maybe I've missed it.....has a COD been released on Mom yet?
Still no cod. Need to practice patience. Hopefully answers this week.
Didn't the prosecutor say it would be about 2 weeks before they released more information and toxicology report?

Hopefully we will get some news this week.

IF the mother did this herself, with no medical/mental problems known, I'm thinking that is usually an act of take herself and the children away. But why, when everyone seemed to think she was so happy and even her parents thought things were working out good after the move. If it was not, why didn't she call them and ask for help? I'm pretty sure they would have helped her if she wanted to come back....

I don't know that I would assume her family would help.
Do we know how her family felt about divorce?
Would they support her in that, or just treat her like a failure?
I find this varies even within individual religions...
I've seen many wives shamed for leaving abusive/cheating husbands.
Local to this crime...Still popping on to check for anything new...still waiting for COD...still hoping this doesn't somehow get brushed under the table so to speak. :-/
I don't know that I would assume her family would help.
Do we know how her family felt about divorce?
Would they support her in that, or just treat her like a failure?
I find this varies even within individual religions...
I've seen many wives shamed for leaving abusive/cheating husbands.

It makes me sick to think that this mentality still exists in society. Who would want their child to be abused. I could see a woman placing that guilt on herself though, do to religious beliefs. No one should ever feel that way. I'm not in anyway indicating it applies here because there are no facts to base it on.

I am hoping to hear something soon as well. Tox can take a long time and if they suspect foul play it may drag out longer before we hear anything.
Although authorities initially had indicated that the children had drowned and that the cause of Jamie Clutter’s death was undetermined, Floyd County Coroner Leslie Knable said Wednesday that she expects the causes of death will be same for the children and for Jamie Clutter.

She is still awaiting final laboratory tests, including toxicology tests, on the three bodies. But because of the difficulty determining if the deaths were caused by drowning, it’s possible all three may be listed as undetermined, Knable said.

The coroner said she expects to hold a final meeting with the Kentucky medical examiner’s staff and close her investigation in about a week.

Authorities said shortly after the bodies were discovered that Michael Clutter, Jamie’s husband and the children’s father, was not a suspect. Instead, Floyd County Prosecutor Keith Henderson said he wouldn’t rule out the possibility of a murder-suicide — and that there was no evidence found to suggest a killer was on the loose.

I do think that this will, sadly, be ruled a murder/suicide, or perhaps a tragic accident stemming from hypothermia. It was bitter cold that morning, about 30 with a wind chill around 19.
as per the courier-journal article sited from april 3rd...the coroner said it is "difficult to determine whether they drowned"? i am sorry, i do not understand. i went to med school, how can drowning be "undetermined"? either there is water in the lungs are not! and here it is3weeks later & nobody has interviewed anybody in washington state. IMO>>>what!?
as per the courier-journal article sited from april 3rd...the coroner said it is "difficult to determine whether they drowned"? i am sorry, i do not understand. i went to med school, how can drowning be "undetermined"? either there is water in the lungs are not! and here it is3weeks later & nobody has interviewed anybody in washington state. IMO>>>what!?

Drowning is one of the most difficult causes of death to determine. You can google it. Lots of info on forensic pathology sites about it. When coroners believe someone has drowned, they send for the tox reports before officially ruling it a drowning, as part of ruling out any other possible causes of death. When I went back and reviewed all the prosecutor and coroner articles and videos, that's what I found they did in this case.

As far as water in the lungs, the coroner said there was water in the lungs of all three of them.

Coroner: Bodies found in creek had water in lungs
I still don't understand how she could have drowned herself in that creek. If the tox comes back with some type of sedative I will accept murder-suicide.
I still don't understand how she could have drowned herself in that creek. If the tox comes back with some type of sedative I will accept murder-suicide.

After reading up about a week ago about hypothermia and looking at the weather, I believe that alone would have done it, or at least led her to circumstances in which she drowned. But also after reading up about hypothermia, I have been wondering if the whole thing may have been tragically accidental. Hypothermia, if I understand it correctly, can lead to strange thinking. It was bitter cold that day with the windchill.

Removing clothing is a sign of hypothermia. Hypothermia victims are often found with a trail of their clothing nearby. Jaime was reported to be a good and loving mother. If disoriented by hypothermia, she may have thought she was saving the children, or been trying to save them, by removing their clothing.

Coroner says about a week and we should have more info.

This is a very sad case. Prayers for comfort for everyone who loved Jaime and the children :heartbeat:
The term "botched investigation" is hanging in the air.
That last article was still to wide open for me to jump to any conclusions on how they are going to rule this case. I certainly hope that if this is ruled a murder/suicide that they provide the details of their investigation that led them to this conclusion.

If the results come back and they don't make any sense, then I wish the ISP could be called in to do a further investigation. I'm going to have to see some pretty damning evidence to believe that this woman killed her children and herself in that creek.
More thinking aloud

If they were playing in the water and their clothing became wet then it is possible hypothermia could play a part in the deaths. But, I don't see it happening in dry clothing. Also, I can't see mom playing around in the water nor allowing her son to actually do that simply because the air temp was too cold. However, if in fact, hypothermia did occur then I think it's likely JC would have attempted "burrowing" in the shrubs, trees, etc. rather than staying in the water. (imo)

It's all very puzzling and sad
They were not far from home and it was in the 20's and low 30's that day. I can't see anyone playing in the water. I just can't picture a accident or anything like this causing the death of all three in a max of 2 feet of water.

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