In Retrospect-Kronk Believes He Saw Skull In August

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Now that's just great, isn't it. :banghead:

I just hope to God that whatever he did wrong at OC did not involve dishonesty of any sort. If it did, the jury won't believe a word of his testimony! If it involved any kind of bad behavior, his image will take a terrible hit as well. One of the reports said the issue was "incompetence." That's the best we can hope for, IMO.

Quote from Orlando Sentinel: "Kronk most recently was working in the utilities warehouse as an inventory specialist responsible for receiving, issuing and repairing supplies."
Well, I hope it was more like something due to all of the psychological stress this stupid case has put on him that made him unable to perform his duties. If that's the case, and he has been harrassed or threatened then he may pull out of it. They have him on a desk job it looks like, so I hope that's all it was. I don't think anybody envies his position.
Now that's just great, isn't it. :banghead:

I just hope to God that whatever he did wrong at OC did not involve dishonesty of any sort. If it did, the jury won't believe a word of his testimony! If it involved any kind of bad behavior, his image will take a terrible hit as well. One of the reports said the issue was "incompetence." That's the best we can hope for, IMO.

Quote from Orlando Sentinel: "Kronk most recently was working in the utilities warehouse as an inventory specialist responsible for receiving, issuing and repairing supplies."

Apparently they are not going to pay for any further attorney's fees either. Wouldn't the county still be responsible for the fees since they stem from an incident that happened while he was employed? Hopefully whatever the cause of his termination won't effect his testimony. Any of you attorneys out there have an opinion on this?
Orange county just fired Kronk.

"Roy Kronk was scheduled to attend a pre-determination hearing yesterday to address issues pertaining to his employment with the County. He failed to show for the hearing, and a decision has been issued terminating his employment effective immediately," the county wrote Kronk's lawyer. "Therefore, the County shall not pay any legal fees associated with representing Mr. Kronk that are incurred from this point forward.",0,4326411.story
Actually it doesn't matter what he was fired for. The defense will twist this into a negative in any way they can. The defense is going to eat him alive. I can just see JB's smirk now.

I just hope someone agrees to represent him pro bono. He's going to need it. A gigantic bus is rolling his way. With JB driving and Casey egging him on.
Apparently they are not going to pay for any further attorney's fees either. Wouldn't the county still be responsible for the fees since they stem from an incident that happened while he was employed? Hopefully whatever the cause of his termination won't effect his testimony. Any of you attorneys out there have an opinion on this?

Looks like a Workers' Comp dispute.

Those can get nasty.
Actually it doesn't matter what he was fired for. The defense will twist this into a negative in any way they can. The defense is going to eat him alive. I can just see JB's smirk now.

I just hope someone agrees to represent him pro bono. He's going to need it. A gigantic bus is rolling his way. With JB driving and Casey egging him on.

How? He can't have been involved in the crime without getting the baby away from KC?
If RK thought he had a hard time when he found Caylee's remains just wait till he gets on the stand. The poor guy is gonna get turned inside out by JB and Co. No matter why he got fired, it makes him look bad.
Looks like a Workers' Comp dispute.

Those can get nasty.

Looks like you are correct, Brini-----

<Snipped from today's news thread:>

"Kronk was receiving working at a county warehouse and suffered a shoulder or neck injury.

"There's a dispute between Roy and the county over a job-related injury," Evans said. "Roy is going to consider what his options are."
I wonder why RK didn't go to the hearing.
I also wonder if RK was taking a lot of heat for finding Caylee's remains. IE: Were they looking for an excuse to fire him? I know I will probably get the devil for asking but I just have a suspicious mind sometimes.
Now that's just great, isn't it. :banghead:

I just hope to God that whatever he did wrong at OC did not involve dishonesty of any sort. If it did, the jury won't believe a word of his testimony! If it involved any kind of bad behavior, his image will take a terrible hit as well. One of the reports said the issue was "incompetence." That's the best we can hope for, IMO.

Quote from Orlando Sentinel: "Kronk most recently was working in the utilities warehouse as an inventory specialist responsible for receiving, issuing and repairing supplies."

Honestly the jury does not have to believe a word of his testimony. He has no testimony that directly relates to the crime. He found a childs remains in the woods. Why he was there, what his story is, why he was fired is all completely irrelevant. And one hopes the SA will be hard and heavy with the objections to keep any questioning within relevancy.

Kronk found the body at that location. Forensics determined that the body was there for an extended period of time. About the only thing the defense can attempt to do is to imply that Kronk had some role in placing it there. But that is a real long grasp at best, particularly given KC's actions and her car.

Yes, there is the potential that the defense may try and get the entire body discovery thrown out by claiming that Kronk found it on the basis of information overheard from a privileged attorney client conversation in the jail... but to do that JB would have to pretty much admit in court that such a conversation did in fact take place in order to be overheard. When it took place, who was present to hear it, and that the topic of the conversation did in fact match up to where the remains were found. It would be insane for an attorney to try anything like that at this point. Maybe as an issue to appeal after conviction, but most certainly not pre conviction when it is in a juries hands.

As I said it really doesn't matter what history Kronk has of lying, what his relations with his work are or what tall tales he spins. There is only one important piece of testimony from him. "I found the body there!", that piece is coraborated by physical evidence and independent findings. The body was in fact there. Every other word out of his mouth is complete or utter fluff. It may be believed or disbelieved at will and has no real impact on the case.
just unbelievable, as if this case doesn't have enough strange happenings

Sure doesn't look good that they 'now' don't have to pay his legal fee's. And he took this other job to get away from all the attention. I'm figuring they will end up having to reinstate his employment and continue paying the legal fee's. jmo
just unbelievable, as if this case doesn't have enough strange happenings

Sure doesn't look good that they 'now' don't have to pay his legal fee's. And he took this other job to get away from all the attention. I'm figuring they will end up having to reinstate his employment and continue paying the legal fee's. jmo

Maybe he is taking acting classes and will be starring in the Broadway version?
I've often wondered why RK did not follow officer Cain to the bag he was pointing out. At that point in time with a police officer on the site, if the officer would not look in the bag, if I were Kronk I would have opened the bag. The officer was right there, why not open it with him there, then if it were a body you would have the police already there and they could deal with it. RK had made 3 phone calls to the police, so obviously he thought he was on to something, so why not open it while the cop was standing there?
Honestly the jury does not have to believe a word of his testimony. He has no testimony that directly relates to the crime. He found a childs remains in the woods. Why he was there, what his story is, why he was fired is all completely irrelevant. And one hopes the SA will be hard and heavy with the objections to keep any questioning within relevancy.

Kronk found the body at that location. Forensics determined that the body was there for an extended period of time. About the only thing the defense can attempt to do is to imply that Kronk had some role in placing it there. But that is a real long grasp at best, particularly given KC's actions and her car.

Yes, there is the potential that the defense may try and get the entire body discovery thrown out by claiming that Kronk found it on the basis of information overheard from a privileged attorney client conversation in the jail... but to do that JB would have to pretty much admit in court that such a conversation did in fact take place in order to be overheard. When it took place, who was present to hear it, and that the topic of the conversation did in fact match up to where the remains were found. It would be insane for an attorney to try anything like that at this point. Maybe as an issue to appeal after conviction, but most certainly not pre conviction when it is in a juries hands.

As I said it really doesn't matter what history Kronk has of lying, what his relations with his work are or what tall tales he spins. There is only one important piece of testimony from him. "I found the body there!", that piece is coraborated by physical evidence and independent findings. The body was in fact there. Every other word out of his mouth is complete or utter fluff. It may be believed or disbelieved at will and has no real impact on the case.

There's no evidence that places Casey where Caylee's body was found. However, as I recall, Kronk places himself there in August, which was months before Caylee's body was discovered.
Looks like you are correct, Brini-----

<Snipped from today's news thread:>

"Kronk was receiving working at a county warehouse and suffered a shoulder or neck injury.

"There's a dispute between Roy and the county over a job-related injury," Evans said. "Roy is going to consider what his options are."

I pulled this over from the other RK thread. It appears this was related to a Worker's Comp issue.
There's no evidence that places Casey where Caylee's body was found. However, as I recall, Kronk places himself there in August, which was months before Caylee's body was discovered.

and your point?:banghead:
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