In Retrospect-Kronk Believes He Saw Skull In August

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Kronk Finally Collects Reward For Caylee Tip

Former meter reader Roy Kronk has finally collected his $5,000 CrimeLine reward for his tip relating to the discovery of slain toddler Caylee Anthony's remains.

What does this mean (from same URL):
"His escalating legal fees lead some commissioners to consider putting a cap on them."
What does this mean (from same URL):
"His escalating legal fees lead some commissioners to consider putting a cap on them."

Well, I take it, the commissioners don't want to pay anymore than they have already given him. With the $2,500 they just gave him -that's a total of $15,000 so far! He also got $20,000 from selling some pictures to a network. MN gave him $5,ooo when it looked like he might not collect the reward-BUT-he did just collect the reward, so that's another $5,000! That's a total of $45,000 he's gotten from various sources! I can't blame the taxpayers or the commissioners for wanting to put a cap on any future money!
OC and the state of FLA is already getting socked in a HUGE way just dealing with KC, the investigation, the upcoming trial, etc! At some point RK is gonna have to find his own way like you and I have to! I'm sure there are some more ways to make money from this case!:rolleyes:

Maybe he can sell the frozen rattlesnake on Ebay!:crazy:
Well, I take it, the commissioners don't want to pay anymore than they have already given him. With the $2,500 they just gave him -that's a total of $15,000 so far! He also got $20,000 from selling some pictures to a network. MN gave him $5,ooo when it looked like he might not collect the reward-BUT-he did just collect the reward, so that's another $5,000! That's a total of $45,000 he's gotten from various sources! I can't blame the taxpayers or the commissioners for wanting to put a cap on any future money!
OC and the state of FLA is already getting socked in a HUGE way just dealing with KC, the investigation, the upcoming trial, etc! At some point RK is gonna have to find his own way like you and I have to! I'm sure there are some more ways to make money from this case!:rolleyes:

Maybe he can sell the frozen rattlesnake on Ebay!:crazy:

Well, it looks like Kronk's lawyer could sue for lawyer and court cost. Then JB would have to pay for it. Just ain't right for the defense to bleed e-body.
Well, I take it, the commissioners don't want to pay anymore than they have already given him. With the $2,500 they just gave him -that's a total of $15,000 so far! He also got $20,000 from selling some pictures to a network. MN gave him $5,ooo when it looked like he might not collect the reward-BUT-he did just collect the reward, so that's another $5,000! That's a total of $45,000 he's gotten from various sources! I can't blame the taxpayers or the commissioners for wanting to put a cap on any future money!
OC and the state of FLA is already getting socked in a HUGE way just dealing with KC, the investigation, the upcoming trial, etc! At some point RK is gonna have to find his own way like you and I have to! I'm sure there are some more ways to make money from this case!:rolleyes:

Maybe he can sell the frozen rattlesnake on Ebay!:crazy:

Now let's just be honest about everything he is getting out of this, because that is just a drop in the bucket.

He is also getting to be more or less hinted at that he is somehow involved in all of this and his credibility is continuously being questioned. He is in danger of having his phone history made public. He has gotten very little peace since he first went to the site last Aug. First with thinking he found something horrible, the officer mouths off to him. From Aug. to Dec. he has on his mind that the baby Caylee is lying there in the woods and he cannot get anyone to listen to him (that would make you feel pretty crazy I would imagine.) Then since her remains were officially found in Dec. he has had to be constantly available for LE, being hounded by media, and probably everybody else wanting to hear "his" story. And knowing that this will continue for at least the next year, maybe two until it goes to trial. Home life and work life would be in turmoil. The county is paying his legal expenses, but I wonder if they are paying his salary when he is required for LE interviews and court time?

And he gets all of that because he was smart enough to remember that mothers usually will leave a child's remains within a mile of their home. And not only was he smart enough, he was persistant enough to not only go there, but to keep going back and keep calling LE until he finally found someone who would listen.

I wish he had gone to Tim while he was doing the searches and asked him to just go there with him and look at what he saw. But not everyone knows and trusts Tim like we do. But I am happy that he didn't go to the media with what he knew. I mean that is the last thing I would want to happen, with the camera crew tramping the evidence and the pics and video making headline news. As crazy as this case has gotten, I have a feeling that if he gone to the media, they would have filmed her remains and made it breaking news. He did what a good citizen is supposed to do. He searched, he found, he reported. And he didn't offer tours to friends or sell tickets to what he found. He preserved the evidence as best he could.

What does this mean (from same URL):
"His escalating legal fees lead some commissioners to consider putting a cap on them."

LOL, Kronk was on the clock when he found Caylee's remains. That makes him a representative of the county. As a representative of the county the commissioners are paying his legal fees. And they feel the legal fees are getting too high and want to put a limit on how much they will pay.
LOL, Kronk was on the clock when he found Caylee's remains. That makes him a representative of the county. As a representative of the county the commissioners are paying his legal fees. And they feel the legal fees are getting too high and want to put a limit on how much they will pay.

So? can't the commissioners tell JB to kiss they azz? He is harassing a representative of the county. I could be they PR person. Go tell him fer em.
Well, I take it, the commissioners don't want to pay anymore than they have already given him. With the $2,500 they just gave him -that's a total of $15,000 so far! He also got $20,000 from selling some pictures to a network. MN gave him $5,ooo when it looked like he might not collect the reward-BUT-he did just collect the reward, so that's another $5,000! That's a total of $45,000 he's gotten from various sources! I can't blame the taxpayers or the commissioners for wanting to put a cap on any future money!
OC and the state of FLA is already getting socked in a HUGE way just dealing with KC, the investigation, the upcoming trial, etc! At some point RK is gonna have to find his own way like you and I have to! I'm sure there are some more ways to make money from this case!:rolleyes:

Maybe he can sell the frozen rattlesnake on Ebay!:crazy:

Maybe the State/LE/FBI/Court put a stop to all this madness. Maybe Fla needs protesters walkin around the court with picket signs for the defense to stop wasting money.
I do not want this to come off as sarcastic just letting you know up front.

But he did do exactly what you say you would have done!!, it is the officer that blew him off an said there was nothing there and that it was trash.

I just recently re-read the officers statements and He did do a dilgent search and NO Kronk was not at the officers side, he was standing 5 feet away by the cruiser. There was also another officer, a female who arrived on scene who remained by Kronk at the road side (in August). He did not tell the officer, "No, over there" or "I think it was a little more that way" ect. What had been found in August was a bag of lawn refuse with sticks and twings, leaves and cuttings in it. When the officer disturbed the bag that Kronk found suspicious these were the items that fell out, NOTHING SUSPICIOUS other than thier location and proximety to the Anthony home. The state is losing thier butts with these "witnesses" and they are fighting to keep ahead of the curve, IMHO!
Kronk also a convicted/ arrested kidnapper of an adult female previous girlfriend. I'll find the news link as I know so many will scream for PROOF!
Leonard Padilla says Roy Kronk took the cop to the wrong area, says Kronk was 120 feet off from where Caylee was found 12/11/08

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: "Well, I am because I`ll tell you why. When he took that cop out there on the 13th, Richard Cain, he took him to the wrong area. He was 120 feet off. That cop should not be -- you know, there shouldn`t be no charges against him. He had him in the wrong area because he`d been given the wrong area, just like the private detective was given the wrong area [See 11/15/08 and 11/06/08]. Everybody`s focusing on the building blocks that were found. Well, there`s two stacks of building blocks. They took them to the wrong building block stack."

Roy Kronk's statements about the original search:
RK: Well, I called that night about 9:30, 10 o'clock. And they said "OK." And then, nothing happened, no one called me back. I called again the next night about 9:30, 10 o'clock, they told me to call Crimeline. I didn't want to call the Crimeline, I just wanted to stay as anonymous as possible, and so I called Crimeline, and they said they would have an officer meet me out there. So the next day when I got off work I drove over there, I called, the officer showed up, he pulled his expandable baton out, went down to the water's edge. I pointed in the area where it was at, and he just swept his head back and forth and said 'I don't see anything.' And pretty much that was it.

Deputy's account of original search: Still looking for the interview I just read last night. Will find it soon.

Kronk's statements about the location of discovery:
GMA: That was in August, and in December you go back to the same area, why did you go back?
RK: I had to to go to the bathroom. So I went in there and I looked over and I saw a shape that didn't look quite right to me... and when I pulled the bag up, I basically looked down and there it was.
GMA: Did you know it was the same area where you had found....
RK (interrupts): Roughly, yeah. Except there was no water there this time cause it all dried up.

These statements are contridictory of LPs statements about location of discovery. (See above, top of posting)
I just recently re-read the officers statements and He did do a dilgent search and NO Kronk was not at the officers side, he was standing 5 feet away by the cruiser. There was also another officer, a female who arrived on scene who remained by Kronk at the road side (in August). He did not tell the officer, "No, over there" or "I think it was a little more that way" ect. What had been found in August was a bag of lawn refuse with sticks and twings, leaves and cuttings in it. When the officer disturbed the bag that Kronk found suspicious these were the items that fell out, NOTHING SUSPICIOUS other than thier location and proximety to the Anthony home. The state is losing thier butts with these "witnesses" and they are fighting to keep ahead of the curve, IMHO!
Kronk also a convicted/ arrested kidnapper of an adult female previous girlfriend. I'll find the news link as I know so many will scream for PROOF!

You are mistaken. A grand jury found that there was no probable cause to bring charges against Mr. Kronk on the kidnapping allegation AND the arrest was expunged from his record.
I just recently re-read the officers statements and He did do a dilgent search and NO Kronk was not at the officers side, he was standing 5 feet away by the cruiser. There was also another officer, a female who arrived on scene who remained by Kronk at the road side (in August). He did not tell the officer, "No, over there" or "I think it was a little more that way" ect. What had been found in August was a bag of lawn refuse with sticks and twings, leaves and cuttings in it. When the officer disturbed the bag that Kronk found suspicious these were the items that fell out, NOTHING SUSPICIOUS other than thier location and proximety to the Anthony home. The state is losing thier butts with these "witnesses" and they are fighting to keep ahead of the curve, IMHO!
Kronk also a convicted/ arrested kidnapper of an adult female previous girlfriend. I'll find the news link as I know so many will scream for PROOF

Here is the scoop on "Kronk's kidnapping arrest", there was NO conviction, all records related to the arrest were expunged. There is more of the article at the link below.

"In the early 1990s, while on duty with the U.S. Coast Guard in Key West, Florida, I had a girlfriend who made the decision to discontinue her relationship with me and move to South Carolina to reside with another man. At some time after her departure, she called me and asked me to come to South Carolina and help her move away from that individual. I travelled to South Carolina to assist her. Upon my arrival in South Carolina, the man she was living with engaged me in a confrontation. As a result of that confrontation, I was arrested based on false allegations that I had kidnapped my former girlfriend. The matter was submitted to a grand jury in South Carolina. The grand jury determined that there was no probable cause to bring charges against me. In recognition of the falsity of these allegations, all records relating to this arrest were expunged by the South Carolina court.
I just recently re-read the officers statements and He did do a dilgent search and NO Kronk was not at the officers side, he was standing 5 feet away by the cruiser. There was also another officer, a female who arrived on scene who remained by Kronk at the road side (in August). He did not tell the officer, "No, over there" or "I think it was a little more that way" ect. What had been found in August was a bag of lawn refuse with sticks and twings, leaves and cuttings in it. When the officer disturbed the bag that Kronk found suspicious these were the items that fell out, NOTHING SUSPICIOUS other than thier location and proximety to the Anthony home. The state is losing thier butts with these "witnesses" and they are fighting to keep ahead of the curve, IMHO!
Kronk also a convicted/ arrested kidnapper of an adult female previous girlfriend. I'll find the news link as I know so many will scream for PROOF!

This. This is why this man needs more money. His reputation is being smeared and he is being demonized by the defense in order to save KC. The bogus kidnapping story keeps getting resurrected. MOO.

And, no the state is not losing their butts with these "witnesses." IMHO!

Do you believe KC is being wrongly prosecuted, and the real killer is still out there?
Please stay on topic of this thread. It is not about Kronk's past, it is about what Kronk spotted back in August.
Now let's just be honest about everything he is getting out of this, because that is just a drop in the bucket.

He is also getting to be more or less hinted at that he is somehow involved in all of this and his credibility is continuously being questioned. He is in danger of having his phone history made public. He has gotten very little peace since he first went to the site last Aug. First with thinking he found something horrible, the officer mouths off to him. From Aug. to Dec. he has on his mind that the baby Caylee is lying there in the woods and he cannot get anyone to listen to him (that would make you feel pretty crazy I would imagine.) Then since her remains were officially found in Dec. he has had to be constantly available for LE, being hounded by media, and probably everybody else wanting to hear "his" story. And knowing that this will continue for at least the next year, maybe two until it goes to trial. Home life and work life would be in turmoil. The county is paying his legal expenses, but I wonder if they are paying his salary when he is required for LE interviews and court time?

And he gets all of that because he was smart enough to remember that mothers usually will leave a child's remains within a mile of their home. And not only was he smart enough, he was persistant enough to not only go there, but to keep going back and keep calling LE until he finally found someone who would listen.

I wish he had gone to Tim while he was doing the searches and asked him to just go there with him and look at what he saw. But not everyone knows and trusts Tim like we do. But I am happy that he didn't go to the media with what he knew. I mean that is the last thing I would want to happen, with the camera crew tramping the evidence and the pics and video making headline news. As crazy as this case has gotten, I have a feeling that if he gone to the media, they would have filmed her remains and made it breaking news. He did what a good citizen is supposed to do. He searched, he found, he reported. And he didn't offer tours to friends or sell tickets to what he found. He preserved the evidence as best he could.


Case followers should expect to see Kronk destroyed in cross, a figurative blood bath.
OH Wudge---how sad. I have been afraid for the lil man from day 1. Actually, this whole mess is sad.
I do believe RK had spotted something suspicious and that is why he stayed persistent. I would've done the same thing and I'm sure skeletons would be pulled out of my closet, but that doesn't mean I had something to do with the murder. I'm sure if RK wasn't being honest, it would've been found out by now. His co-workers confirmed his story and an officer was reprimanded for not doing his job. Enough said.

I know it's been said before, but it's truly mind boggling the number of people who's lives have been changed and/or ruined by kc's lies.
Case followers should expect to see Kronk destroyed in cross, a figurative blood bath.

I agree, in court. But that is what will happen to every witness that testifys. But you have to expect that out of the defense.
I just recently re-read the officers statements and He did do a dilgent search and NO Kronk was not at the officers side, he was standing 5 feet away by the cruiser. There was also another officer, a female who arrived on scene who remained by Kronk at the road side (in August). He did not tell the officer, "No, over there" or "I think it was a little more that way" ect. What had been found in August was a bag of lawn refuse with sticks and twings, leaves and cuttings in it. When the officer disturbed the bag that Kronk found suspicious these were the items that fell out, NOTHING SUSPICIOUS other than thier location and proximety to the Anthony home. The state is losing thier butts with these "witnesses" and they are fighting to keep ahead of the curve, IMHO!
Kronk also a convicted/ arrested kidnapper of an adult female previous girlfriend. I'll find the news link as I know so many will scream for PROOF!

Officer Cain was fired. The link posted below (you have to go through a few pages before you get to it) goes through all of Kronk calls and all of the lies and mistakes Cain made. I would like to know what kind of diligent search
did he do?
I agree, in court. But that is what will happen to every witness that testifys. But you have to expect that out of the defense.
and it's all the defense has,really. Throw em all under the bus!
and it's all the defense has,really. Throw em all under the bus!

That's their job really. I mean by the time the person goes to trial, the prosecutor needs to feel that he has enough evidence to make his case or he is supposed to dismiss. It is the defense's job to try to test that case, to try to discredit any evidence and/or to provide reasonable doubt.

I rail against most of the defense all the time. But really, at least in theory I am glad they do what they do. I mean look at what happens in other countries when trials are handled differently. Think of Mexico. In a country where they don't have to prove a crime, they can become vulnerable to becoming criminals themselves by accepting bribes, participating in extortion, and other crimes. Because basically all they have to do is go to court and say this is so and it is considered to be so.

So our system the way it is is flawed. But when you put it in that perspective, it is better than the other way.
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