GUILTY IN - Shaylyn Ammerman, 14 mos, Spencer, 23 March 2016 #2

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Speaking for myself only, I hold the father and grandmother responsible for the fact they should have protected that baby and not left her in an unlocked living room with people coming and going. Not having adequate supervision led to her being able to be kidnapped and all the other horrible things that happened to her.

I right there with you BrownRice
So are this baby's family members fair game here or are we still a victim-friendly site? Does LE announce that people previously identified as POIs aren't anymore? I'd feel more comfortable having more information.

LE often DOES make such announcements.
I actually agree somewhat.. IF something awful were to happen to him in prison, I wouldn't shed one tear, and I believe it would be well deserved. But, I'm not going to fantasize about specific torture scenarios to wish upon him. Does that make sense? This case has thrown me for a loop and I am sure I may not be explaining myself as well as I'd like. :)

Well, I guess I'm a horrible and completely evil person because I want this to suffer the worst pain imaginable to mankind...and then suffer some more--tenfold.

I'm a realist and HONEST and won't change my feelings about some evil, monstrous, child raping scum bag because someone thinks we should be "better than that".

I could post details of what "I" think should be done to this soulless freak but it's too graphic, even for a crime forum.

I'm human and trust me, I'm in the majority in feeling this way about garbage like this.

I promise, I won't lose any sleep tonight fantasizing about this 's demise. :rolleyes:
If he happens to be a laundromat user, it could have been stored in his trunk. Just a thought.

Good thought, but very, very unlikely, IMO. Bleach is not something that you really want rolling around in your car/trunk. The container leaks too easily. How many people regularly use bleach when doing their laundry?
Actually the father passed on the offer of drinking and the baby was in another room. Hope you don't mind the correction but rumors become facts before we know it.

With all do respect, the story of Dad being in the other room was only one version of the story. He brother Adam also said he was asleep in a chair in the bedroom in a later video interview posted in the first thread. There are so many contraditctions that I don't think we will ever know what truly happened in that home on that night. Anyway you look at it, Shaylyn was left in a living room, by herself, in an unlocked home with people coming and going all night long. And in that home some of the people knew of Kyle's "habits" of enjoying sadistic *advertiser censored*. MOO is that this in neglect.
Is the father passing on drinking a fact? Doesn't even matter if he was leaving his baby in the car of a bunch of drunk people, one of whom is a sexual deviant, does it? He wasn't protecting his baby.

I'm not sure what is fact. All the news articles are conflicting. Here's what I read:

"Justin Ammerman said he went to bed around 11 p.m., about an hour after his mother, Tammy Morgan, put Shaylyn in her crib. Shortly after Ammerman went to bed, he said his brother, Adam, and a friend, Kyle Parker, invited him to drink with them. Justin Ammerman said he declined and went to bed."
So are this baby's family members fair game here or are we still a victim-friendly site? Does LE announce that people previously identified as POIs aren't anymore? I'd feel more comfortable having more information.

LE has stated that all individuals who were in the home on that night are POI's. They have not yet changed that statement. I can recall LE saying things to the effect of "so and so have been cleared at this time".
It was one of the two that passed. I might have gotten mixed up.

Still catching up but I thought I read somewhere that Justin failed and Adam passed? Was I dreaming that? I'll look for it and post if I find it.

ETA: Can't find the link, so delete if you must, mods. I can't remember where I read it either. :(
Until I have more facts, I'm not jumping on the bandwagon against her father and his family. By all accounts, she had safely stayed there plenty of times. The article said the father didn't drink and went to bed. I don't know why people are pissed that the uncle drank and had a friend over. And we don't know how much they knew about KP. AA said he knew about spanking *advertiser censored*. No big deal. KP's other friends are the one who said about underage girls and stuff. Most people would assume their friends aren't monsters. (I am not in any way defending KP. He is a monster and little Shaylyn deserves justice!). I just think some people are being way too hard on their family.
Good thought, but very, very unlikely, IMO. Bleach is not something that you really want rolling around in your car/trunk. The container leaks too easily. How many people regularly use bleach when doing their laundry?

When I used a laundromat, I saw some people with totes or organizers holding their laundry supplies to avoid spills. I'm also pretty sure bleach is used for laundry very regularly by many people.

Not making any claims about KP or his laundry habits, just sharing my experience.
I don't know why I read this article, it's one of the worst things I have ever read. But honest to god, and I know this is a sin, I don't know how the stepfather of KP didn't kill him when he was confessing to him. I honestly don't know that I would have not tried to harm KP, stepson or not. He's a better person than I am for being able to leave it to the justice system. But the depravity of it all is more than I can handle. The rape. The smothering. The bleach. The fact he was brazen enough to just steal her from her crib. The fact he was suppose to be picking up another friends child that morning after. I couldn't imagine how traumatizing it must be to hear someone confess this to you, and to be the cops working this case.
With all do respect, the story of Dad being in the other room was only one version of the story. He brother Adam also said he was asleep in a chair in the bedroom in a later video interview posted in the first thread. There are so many contraditctions that I don't think we will ever know what truly happened in that home on that night. Anyway you look at it, Shaylyn was left in a living room, by herself, in an unlocked home with people coming and going all night long. And in that home some of the people knew of Kyle's "habits" of enjoying sadistic *advertiser censored*. MOO is that this in neglect.
actually it was his "other friends" who said that. All Adam mentioned was spanking *advertiser censored*. Spanking *advertiser censored* is legal.
Until I have more facts, I'm not jumping on the bandwagon against her father and his family. By all accounts, she had safely stayed there plenty of times. The article said the father didn't drink and went to bed. I don't know why people are pissed that the uncle drank and had a friend over. And we don't know how much they knew about KP. AA said he knew about spanking *advertiser censored*. No big deal. KP's other friends are the one who said about underage girls and stuff. Most people would assume their friends aren't monsters. (I am not in any way defending KP. He is a monster and little Shaylyn deserves justice!). I just think some people are being way too hard on their family.
Whew, I thought I was alone :(
You have to remember this is small town America where it's quite possible most people do not lock their doors at night. Places like this do exist! Your brother should be able to have a friend over and have a couple of drinks without assuming someone would kidnap, rape and murder your daughter. Many of you have seen Kyle's FB page he seemed like a guy who had a strong family connection, spent time with small children and there were not obvious red flags on it. It's very likely the family had no idea what a monster he is. I'm not so sure CPS would have considered Shaylyn neglected had they visited the home before her murder.
I'm not sure what is fact. All the news articles are conflicting. Here's what I read:

"Justin Ammerman said he went to bed around 11 p.m., about an hour after his mother, Tammy Morgan, put Shaylyn in her crib. Shortly after Ammerman went to bed, he said his brother, Adam, and a friend, Kyle Parker, invited him to drink with them. Justin Ammerman said he declined and went to bed."

And left his baby daughter in the room with drunks. Great dad. (And im guessing he was already drunk hinself!)

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I feel like people have been judging the father's family way too harshly. They never asked to be thrown into the spotlight. They cared for that baby every other week, and months at a time. They are grieving and are probably still in shock.
Yeah, shock always makes me post dating memes on FB <modsnip>

I should probably step out for a while again. Sorry
I think the LE folks will eventually make public the behavior of the father. I think it is unfair to post that he was probably drunk or that he left Shaylyn in a room with people drinking. Accounts so far are that dad did not drink and went to bed and that the uncle and the murderer drank in the uncles room.

Don't get me wrong I think there are some concerning things in this whole awful mess. Were the negligent or abusive? I don't know and neither do any of us. If they were negligent or abusive, I hope they are charged. But, we should be referring to article quotes rather than letting conjecture become fact-- myself included.
You have to remember this is small town America where it's quite possible most people do not lock their doors at night. Places like this do exist! Your brother should be able to have a friend over and have a couple of drinks without assuming someone would kidnap, rape and murder your daughter. Many of you have seen Kyle's FB page he seemed like a guy who had a strong family connection, spent time with small children and there were not obvious red flags on it. It's very likely the family had no idea what a monster he is. I'm not so sure CPS would have considered Shaylyn neglected had they visited the home before her murder.


Please keep in mind that grandma once walked in to find Kyle drunk and holding Shaylyn in his lap. This wasn't just some friend hanging out. I find it highly irresponsible to be so casual with childcare with this particular friend in the house drinking.
I feel like people have been judging the father's family way too harshly. They never asked to be thrown into the spotlight. They cared for that baby every other week, and months at a time. They are grieving and are probably still in shock.

I may need to place myself in a small time out, because if my child were murdered and quite frankly in the manner in which she was murdered I can GUARANTEE you I would not be posting dating memes on my fb page, and I wouldn't be doing the countless interviews they are that seem to contradict the interview prior. It's never ending. As I said, I should take a step back. We are all entitled to our opinion, but there is not a doubt in my mind that this family does deserve the heat and harshness they are receiving, they are continuing to bring it on themselves. IMO of course.
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