GUILTY IN - Shaylyn Ammerman, 14 mos, Spencer, 23 March 2016 #2

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“I wish I had never let him in my house. It goes to show you don’t really know who people are,” said Tina Wagoner.

Wagoner said Parker showed up around 3:30 that morning at her Gosport home, where he’d lived before but didn’t currently reside. She said Parker was painting a garage for them as a side job.

She and her husband were already up for work and found Parker’s timing odd.

Wagoner said Parker showered there.

By that afternoon, she said state police were at her home with search warrants, as Parker’s car was parked in her garage.

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3:30? That gives us the first concrete time of the evening.
Is your definition of "cared for" getting sloppy drunk and going to bed, leaving the baby in the same room as a known sexual deviant?

I have to add that at least one family member saw KP leave carrying Shaylyn (unless there is something else small enough for KP to carry that would have a foot dangling from it) and did not stop him or alert authorities. That is the antithesis a baby being cared for.
I know how you feel. I cried for a week straight when I had to give my dog up because she kept escaping our house and running into traffic. She was a runner. It broke my heart but the thought of her being hit by a car because of my selfishness was worse. My husband thought I had lost my mind over a tiny dog. Love is love.

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I'm so sorry about your dog. It's so hard losing a pet. ((( hugs )))

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I have to respectfully disagree. I feel like that's a put-down (not saying it was intentional on your part) to people who suffer with chronic illnesses, myself included.

I suffer from several things which are not visible and I promise you, I'm a "normal", professional, intelligent, rational, empathetic, caring, loving person and I easily pick up on social cues, conduct myself with dignity, know to wear a shirt in a TV interview, etc.

None of the "hidden illnesses" could possibly explain this family's behavior IMO.

On behalf of all people who suffer from depression, anxiety, fibromyalgia, diabetes, IBS, Chron's, bipolar, and every other hidden illness.... Just no.

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I think you misunderstood my post.

People were speculating that these people could be on disability. Then someone earlier said that they could NOT have any physical disabilities. (not exact quote.) I said it's possible to have physical disabilities that are unseen.

I am not sure where you think I said a physical disability has anything to do with how these people act.

I am trying to educate people on "invisible" disabilities. (I have one, not that it's anyone's business, of course.) It just pisses me off when people (not here, just in general) say "so and so clearly is able-bodied enough to work" just by looking at them. That isn't always the case.
I feel like people have been judging the father's family way too harshly. They never asked to be thrown into the spotlight. They cared for that baby every other week, and months at a time. They are grieving and are probably still in shock.

I don't know. Grandmother and husband said they took sleeping pills that night. I don't see how you can take a sleeping pill , knowing your tiny grand baby is sleeping in the living room, next to an unlocked door, while adult acquaintances are drinking and random people are coming in and out of the home, at all hours of the night. I just don't understand how you can 'knock yourself out', knowing the baby is in such a vulnerable situation. :mad:
I'm stuck on the interview (the nightie, hand on thigh interview) when Uncle Adam says that things like baby abductions don't happen there - it's a small town after all. He said that while knowing that Kyle left his house carrying something that looked like a foot dangling down. And....then he scrolled through his phone.

I'm stuck there. I can't believe he sat there acting as if he didn't have a clue in the world what happened to his baby niece. Not a clue, sleepy eyes.
“I wish I had never let him in my house. It goes to show you don’t really know who people are,” said Tina Wagoner.

Wagoner said Parker showed up around 3:30 that morning at her Gosport home, where he’d lived before but didn’t currently reside. She said Parker was painting a garage for them as a side job.

She and her husband were already up for work and found Parker’s timing odd.

Wagoner said Parker showered there.

By that afternoon, she said state police were at her home with search warrants, as Parker’s car was parked in her garage.

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Yoohoo! Map workers! Can you add the location where he took a shower and cleaned the car to the case map? TIA.
I think you misunderstood my post.

People were speculating that these people could be on disability. Then someone earlier said that they could NOT have any physical disabilities. (not exact quote.) I said it's possible to have physical disabilities that are unseen.

I am not sure where you think I said a physical disability has anything to do with how these people act.

I am trying to educate people on "invisible" disabilities. (I have one, not that it's anyone's business, of course.) It just pisses me off when people (not here, just in general) say "so and so clearly is able-bodied enough to work" just by looking at them. That isn't always the case.

Got it, thank you for clarifying. I may have missed the original context of your reply. I think we're saying the same thing. :)

and I totally get what you mean about hidden illnesses. It's really hard when people pass judgement without knowing what it's like. I hate having to explain and justify myself regarding it but when I don't I sometimes get the feeling people are rolling their eyes in their head. Ugh!

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Can someone quote a definite source for this "he saw a baby's foot dangling" story?

At this point, I am not ready to place much credence on anything that has been said publicly by anyone except LE .... JMO
Can someone quote a definite source for this "he saw a baby's foot dangling" story?

At this point, I am not ready to place much credence on anything that has been said publicly by anyone except LE .... JMO

It's in the Probable Cause:

ETA actual quote: "Adam Ammerman told police that he saw Kyle Parker leaving the house between 3 and 4 am. Adam saw that Parker was carrying something. Adam told investigators he yelled to say good-bye to Parker, but Parker would not turn around. Adam said he thought he saw a foot dangling from Parker's side but wasn't sure. He went back to bed at that point."
I've had so many people claim children of a certain age are legally required to have their own bedrooms, but when pressed, no one has been able to provide me with any statutes specifying that? I've gotten information about foster children and adopted children and section 8 regulations, but I'd love a link to a source that regular, typical children in regular, typical households are legally required to have a bedroom.
Not sure if this will answer your question or not, but has to do with custody home studies for children with or with out disabilities; no mention of adoption or section 8 that I saw.

A "home study" (also called a "home inspection") may be requested by either party in a divorce and custody action or it may be ordered by a judge. A home study is pretty much what it sounds like: an evaluation of a child's place of residence.
During the home study, different home study evaluators look for different things, but there are some things they all look for:

  • How does the child's bedroom appear? Is there a suitable bed with clean blankets and sheets on it? Are there age-appropriate toys in the room? Are the electrical plugs covered or capped off? Are there locks on the doorknobs? If so, replace them with the non-locking kind. (For a variety of reasons, some social workers don't like to see a child's bedroom with a lockable door; the same applies if they have their own bathroom.) The room should be reasonably clean and neat, and it should have all the typical furniture you would expect to find; a bed, dresser, a chair and table, lamps, etc. A bare room with just a cot and chair is going to look more like solitary confinement than a proper child's bedroom.

as far as this article, it seems to imply the child have his/her own bedroom is a given. Not sure if it varies by state/county, but I am in WI, & requested my ex have a home study. I subjected myself to one, too, because I knew my home was very child friendly. In the evaluators report, she emphasized details like those referenced in the article, but did make specific notes about the bedrooms at both homes. I can't find the report I received after the home studies were complete, or I would list off specifically what was noted. I do remember it was noted (as a negative) that at his house, my daughter had a tiny room where her crib was right next to his hunting dog's crate (& she kept coming home with flea bites :(:mad:), and it also pointed out that he only had a few outfits for her, all of which were summer clothes (again, were in WI & this was in the late fall & winter months), most of which were not her current size & all were just draped over her crib. The closet of that room was his girlfriend's clothes--that was hugely frowned upon.

My experience & opinion only
Aww, thank you so much Coppertop! She was the most beautiful rabbit I've ever seen and she was so docile - my girls would swaddle her in baby blankets, put her in a stroller and push her around the house, lay her on their lap on the couch and she would just lay there on her back with all four paws straight up in the air. She was so precious!! We were and still are heartbroken.

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sorry to hear of your bunny passing. With all this evil we read about on WS, the news, Facebook, etc. it is a positive reminder that there are still plenty of people in the world who have hearts full of love, capable of loving other human beings & animals sincerely. We have a holland lop, Lucy, and a mini lop Meeska (named by my daughter after Mickey Mouse clubhouse ;)) & they are really two of the sweetest bunnies I've ever had in almost 30 years! Lops are wonderful :)

sorry to derail-it was all too nice to detour my current train of thought to thinking of sweet floppy eared bunnies hopping around accompanied by little kids laughing & being exactly what every child should have the chance to be-an innocent, curious, silly, loving/loved child!
It's in the Probable Cause:

ETA actual quote: "Adam Ammerman told police that he saw Kyle Parker leaving the house between 3 and 4 am. Adam saw that Parker was carrying something. Adam told investigators he yelled to say good-bye to Parker, but Parker would not turn around. Adam said he thought he saw a foot dangling from Parker's side but wasn't sure. He went back to bed at that point."

Ok so he "thought he saw a foot dangling but he wasn't sure" - I can't take that as a reliable statement... especially given all the various versions of that night's events that we've heard coming from these folks' mouths.

Isn't there a different quote from somewhere else where he talked about having "sleepy eyes" during this same time frame? Did he also talk to the media about this incident where he saw KP leave?
Ok so he "thought he saw a foot dangling but he wasn't sure" - I can't take that as a reliable statement... especially given all the various versions of that night's events that we've heard coming from these folks' mouths.

Isn't there a different quote from somewhere else where he talked about having "sleepy eyes" during this same time frame? Did he also talk to the media about this incident where he saw KP leave?

I agree that Adam is not reliable...but the quote is from the Probable Cause document, which doesn't mean it's an accurate statement but it does mean he said it.
Yoohoo! Map workers! Can you add the location where he took a shower and cleaned the car to the case map? TIA.

I don't think we can sleuth TW, since they are not POI's. In addition, the article does not provide the exact location of the house. That being said, I happen to live close enough that I have a physical phone book which does list the address.

On the other hand, since the suspects car was found by LE in their garage, perhaps its ok to post a driving directions map from JA's house, to near the Indian Creek / White River location that SA's body was found, to TW's house HERE.

That's between 18 to 20 Minute drive time depending on which route he took. He would have had to leave JA's at the latest around 2:30am to have time to pull over, assault SA, hide the body in the woods in the dark and burn the clothing, return to his car, and get to TW's by approximately 3:30am by my best estimate.
Ok so he "thought he saw a foot dangling but he wasn't sure" - I can't take that as a reliable statement... especially given all the various versions of that night's events that we've heard coming from these folks' mouths.

Isn't there a different quote from somewhere else where he talked about having "sleepy eyes" during this same time frame? Did he also talk to the media about this incident where he saw KP leave?
I believe the "sleepy eyes" comment was here:
I don't think we can sleuth the TW, since they are not POI's. In addition, the article does not provide the exact location of the house. That being said, I happen to live close enough that I have a physical phone book which does list the address.

On the other hand, since the suspects car was found by LE in their garage, perhaps its ok to post a driving directions map from JA's house, to near the Indian Creek / White River location that SA's body was found, to TW's house HERE.

That's between 18 to 20 Minute drive time depending on which route he took. He would have had to leave JA's at the latest around 2:30am to have time to pull over, assault SA, hide the body in the woods in the dark and burn the clothing, return to his car, and get to TW's by approximately 3:30am by my best estimate.

230 ish is when a few members of the household claim to have been fussing with the satellite. Hmm. :-/
Need to go back to links.
and approximately 3am is when the neighbors heard a "fight / argument / party".
I don't think we can sleuth TW, since they are not POI's. In addition, the article does not provide the exact location of the house. That being said, I happen to live close enough that I have a physical phone book which does list the address.

On the other hand, since the suspects car was found by LE in their garage, perhaps its ok to post a driving directions map from JA's house, to near the Indian Creek / White River location that SA's body was found, to TW's house HERE.

That's between 18 to 20 Minute drive time depending on which route he took. He would have had to leave JA's at the latest around 2:30am to have time to pull over, assault SA, hide the body in the woods in the dark and burn the clothing, return to his car, and get to TW's by approximately 3:30am by my best estimate.

Thank you - and thank you for the reminder about TOS. I definitely don't want to go against TOS or to drag in innocent people.

The estimated time of driving to the various places is helpful. TY.
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