GUILTY IN - Shaylyn Ammerman, 14 mos, Spencer, 23 March 2016 #2

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Yes now he says he didnt feel like drinking and went to bed. No excuses. He dosent want to get neglect charges. This poor child.. no excuses for her family. They were supposed to protect her.
They didnt!!!!

I was referring to grandma husband, not Shaylyn's dad JA. All the earlier MSM reports said it was DM, KP and AA up drinking whisky & watching tv in AA's room. There was no mention of JA being with them at all.
I think for me personally that this case is so hard because here at WS we are use to digging and digging for answers. Often times finding nothing or different dead ends. With this case what's so difficult is that this precious 14 month old baby is now dead, we have endless amounts of MSM reports that contradict one another (I admit it could be no fault of the family or it could be who knows). I don't for one second want to believe they have any knowledge other than what they have been told has happened. I really feel like emotions are high because there hasn't been anything that's come out by LE that really sets the record straight. So while we begin dissecting one article there are three more that contradict that one and we are back to square one. I personally think that's the frustrating part.

With that being said at this point if I were the family, I would release one joint statement maybe that just said we love our daughter/granddaughter and are now going to mourn her in our way. We have told our side and will not be speaking for awhile to the media and hold true to that. This way they do have time to wrap their heads around it all. Because if they are innocent their heads must be spinning a mile a minute. They haven't slowed down long enough to catch their breath (or so it seems).
I would feel a lot better about all this if LE would tell us the POIs have been cleared.
Justin Ammerman is grappling with the reality that his baby girl was sexually assaulted and suffocated, allegedly at the hands of someone he knew. He’s likely swallowing inconceivable waves of grief, anger and guilt. Wednesday, he must bury his child.
And what are the good people of our region doing to support him? Hundreds of them have gone to his Facebook page to post deplorable comments...

He shared photographs of his child and got verbally demolished. He posted the funeral arrangements and got condemned. He’s guilty too, they say. He’s not acting like a grieving father, they declare with authority.
I can't begin to imagine the horror and the sorrow Shaylyn's mom Jessica must feel when she reads statements from the Ammermans in msm. To hear that an intoxicated Kyle had rocked Shaylyn on his lap and that Adam saw Kyle leave carrying something - and the dangling foot - but did nothing. I can't even.

It's no surprise she blames Justin's family (per grandmother's comments in the People Magazine article) and I can't blame her.

"Shaylyn's mother's family is blaming us for this, even though they know who did it," says Morgan. "For some reason, we are getting the blame and her family won't associate with us. The only bond they had was that little girl, and now, they'll probably never speak to each other again."

I agree with tiffay01 that Justin, grandmother and Adam need to back away from the media and concentrate on healing from their loss. I believe that Kyle is the lone perp in Shaylyn's murder but LE may not officially clear the family for a while. In the meantime the Ammermans aren't doing themselves any favors by continuing to speak out to the public.

I have not seen anything to indicate that justin is guilty of anything except not being psychic. Im sure he has regrets right now. Unfortunately, I know first hand what it's like to be blindsided by someone in thought I's not easy in private, I can't imagine being pounded left and right after the fact. Ugh.

I wish people could grasp the concept of "a time and a place". Attacks do not belong in the same space as a funeral announcement EVER, imo.
Thank you! Shaylyn should be the focus. Her family is grieving. At least give them their time to have her funeral. If you have so much to say, please rethink what you are about to put into words that will be out there forever.

Don't get me wrong, I'm skeptical of each and every POI as of now. I would not be surprised to see more arrests in this case! However, I could be very wrong and will not risk making the life of a victim even harder by casting my suspicions on a space created for the funeral announcement for a baby. That's just gross. I'll keep my theories here, in a forum dedicated to such things.
Oh, this helps.

"And what are the good people of our region doing to support him [the father]? Hundreds of them have gone to his Facebook page to post deplorable comments.

Let me give you a sampling:..."

I've seen some of the comments, and they're unbelievably hate-filled. I've said a million times and I'll say a million times more, FOLKS, put your social media pages on PRIVATE for friends and family only. I know we're all outraged and have opinions on what has happened and who is (ultimately and peripherally) to blame, but that doesn't mean we have the right to unleash venom on anyone. Rights to freedom of expression come with responsibility as well.

In *some* ways, this case is very similar to the Bella Grogan-Canella case. Her mother (while circumstances were a bit different) received the same kind of comments on her FB page. Same language, same hate, same condemnation. Social media has become a game-changer in what in society has become acceptable, and most definitely not for the better.

I've seen some of the comments, and they're unbelievably hate-filled. I've said a million times and I'll say a million times more, FOLKS, put your social media pages on PRIVATE for friends and family only. I know we're all outraged and have opinions on what has happened and who is (ultimately and peripherally) to blame, but that doesn't mean we have the right to unleash venom on anyone. Rights to freedom of expression come with responsibility as well.

In *some* ways, this case is very similar to the Bella Grogan-Canella case. Her mother (while circumstances were a bit different) received the same kind of comments on her FB page. Same language, same hate, same condemnation. Social media has become a game-changer in what in society has become acceptable, and most definitely not for the better.


Yes. And the author of the opinion article agrees with you:

It would be wise for him to deactivate his page, or at least make it private for only real friends.

And also yes, some similarities to Bella's case :( Too many children being killed by family friends.
Don't get me wrong, I'm skeptical of each and every POI as of now. I would not be surprised to see more arrests in this case! However, I could be very wrong and will not risk making the life of a victim even harder by casting my suspicions on a space created for the funeral announcement for a baby. That's just gross. I'll keep my theories here, in a forum dedicated to such things.
mrsobrien I may have misdirected my comment. I apologize. It was unintentional. I wrote something, changed my mind, wrote something else and I think that's when things went squiffy.
I definitely think there were some questionable parenting choices going on in this situation. But this poor family just lost a beautiful baby girl. I feel horrible for them, even if I hold negative feelings towards their actions. This poor family has already been through enough. I can't even imagine what they're going through as it is without all of these negative disgusting comments.

I agree that there were questionable, likely neglectful choices made with regards to providing Shaylyn with and maintaining a safe environment for her. That's the best case scenario of what happened, IMO.

What concerns me more than them being affected by negative comments on the Internet, working under the assumption that KP is solely responsible for Shaylyn's murder, is what would happen in the future if / when another child will be in that environment. If either brother has more children, it horrifies me that that baby would likely be sitting there, waiting for the next Kyle Parker to come around.

An environment of enabling and poor decisions is one of the most dangerous ones I can think of.

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mrsobrien I may have misdirected my comment. I apologize. It was unintentional. I wrote something, changed my mind, wrote something else and I think that's when things went squiffy.

Squiffy? I'm totally stealing this word.
I've seen some of the comments, and they're unbelievably hate-filled. I've said a million times and I'll say a million times more, FOLKS, put your social media pages on PRIVATE for friends and family only. I know we're all outraged and have opinions on what has happened and who is (ultimately and peripherally) to blame, but that doesn't mean we have the right to unleash venom on anyone. Rights to freedom of expression come with responsibility as well.

In *some* ways, this case is very similar to the Bella Grogan-Canella case. Her mother (while circumstances were a bit different) received the same kind of comments on her FB page. Same language, same hate, same condemnation. Social media has become a game-changer in what in society has become acceptable, and most definitely not for the better.


From what I can see, I think you have to be his friend to comment on his page. Non-friends can SEE the posts, but can't comment. At least, when I go there...I don't see any way I could post (which I wouldn't anyway, of course.) I think the problem is that he will likely friend anyone. I recall seeing something like 800 friends on his list before and now it's close to 1000.

From what I can see, I think you have to be his friend to comment on his page. Non-friends can SEE the posts, but can't comment. At least, when I go there...I don't see any way I could post (which I wouldn't anyway, of course.) I think the problem is that he will likely friend anyone. I recall seeing something like 800 friends on his list before and now it's close to 1000.

And that's how things are going squiffy on that page.

(I hope my humor doesn't offend anyone. I am in need of it here. No disrespect to the situation intended.)
I don't know where I first heard it. I just googled it. Oh my! Sorry. Lol. I picked it up from a UK show. Besotted, blotto, blind drunk, smashed. Squiffy still sounds good though. Lol.
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