GUILTY IN - Shaylyn Ammerman, 14 mos, Spencer, 23 March 2016 #2

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this one appears to be LE blocking access to a street that intersects with Second St. which would align with her body being close to the river and creek where they meet just east of the tracks off of E North Street.,333

this next image could be this road that runs adjacent to the tracks (on the river side)!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0?hl=en-US,439

I wish I was good at maps :sigh:
Perhaps you can match the photos from this slide show to a map. At the end of the slide show, there are photos of LE working where the body was found.

I've looked but I'll sure have another look tomorrow (it's late here now) All I can gather is it is off the private road that belongs to the rail company, beside the rail tracks, somewhere between Lingle Road (south of) and where the river and creek meet. Street view would help but I don't think it was available for the location.
this one appears to be LE blocking access to a street that intersects with Second St. which would align with her body being close to the river and creek where they meet just east of the tracks off of E North Street.,333

this next image could be this road that runs adjacent to the tracks (on the river side)!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0?hl=en-US,439

I wish I was good at maps :sigh:

Correct me if I'm wrong but if the track is on the left of the tracks in that pic it means it's looking from the south, indicating the location is closer to the bottom of the tracks nearest to where the river and creek meet? Does that make sense? Lol
My hunch (worth what you paid for it) is that the location is very familiar to Kyle and he accessed it the way he is most familiar, not the way that would give him the most cover.


I think Shaylyn's time of death will tell us a lot.
skib, I was figuring if it was the spot (generally) I pointed out the dirt road/track thingy would be east of the tracks and west of the two bodies of water but the perspective of the photo I linked would then have to be photographer shooting it from the north facing south. Does that make sense?

Who knows, you know I am notoriously bad at mapping, it's why I always put out the alarm for mappers like you on these cases :crazy:
skib, I was figuring if it was the spot (generally) I pointed out the dirt road/track thingy would be east of the tracks and west of the two bodies of water but the perspective of the photo I linked would then have to be photographer shooting it from the north facing south. Does that make sense?

Who knows, you know I am notoriously bad at mapping, it's why I always put out the alarm for mappers like you on these cases :crazy:

Lol hey no don't sell yourself short you're correct!

Everything points to it being at the bottom. If you're looking North>South, close to where the water meets, often floods. But that photo showing a (LE?) car down the trail, the trail is on the wrong side of the track (west not east) so it has to have been taken from a northern standpoint. Either they were allowed some way down the trail to take the photo or it's been flipped. This is going to drive me nuts!
I think Shaylyn's time of death will tell us a lot.

Agree, and I mentioned this on the previous thread. I suspect that Shaylyn was dead a while before she was reported missing. Someone who was in the home that night orchestrated the cover-up and hoped that everyone would be able to adhere to the tale. If alcohol and/or drugs were used freely during the day/night, sticking to the story would have been difficult for even adroit tale-tellers. Sadly, this case reminds me of Haleigh Cummings' "disappearance". At least there's a body in the current case; Haleigh has never been located. :moo:
So I fell down the FB rabbit hole. Something weird(but probably totally unrelated) that I noticed: the step grandpa's post that was mentioned from 2012 I think about him asking a girl to forgive him because he hurt her mentions her name. Then on dad(justin)s FB he posted a screen shot of a text from someone saying how they appreciated him so much and it sounded romantic. The only person to like it was the person mentioned in step gpa's post. How weird would it be if he was dating his step dads ex! Sorry that was confusing hopefully it makes sense

Eta: apparently she's engaged so scratch that. May have been the ex, idk when they broke up. Still find it interesting
In the interview of the two brothers, the uncle says that when Kyle left, he yelled out his window to asking Kyle where he was going.

Why? Supposedly, he's a friend, they were drinking, everyone has fallen asleep...he's going home. Why would that raise enough question in the uncle's mind to get up, open the window, and yell out the window to ask where he was going?
i guess as I get older I get more nit picky when I see children's descriptions. If any of my children or grandchildren who were various shades of blonde had to be described, 'dirty' blonde would never have have been put in their description. Medium or dark blonde, but never dirty, especially if they were missing. Just a late night musing. I realize it doesn't matter now, but it's just something I'm thinking about while I'm waiting to give my dog her last meds of the night (post surgery), before we head out into the pouring rain for our last walk. (2 minutes tops)!!!

Well, I don't think anything is quite the norm in this family. If you know what I mean. MOO
In the interview of the two brothers, the uncle says that when Kyle left, he yelled out his window to asking Kyle where he was going.

Why? Supposedly, he's a friend, they were drinking, everyone has fallen asleep...he's going home. Why would that raise enough question in the uncle's mind to get up, open the window, and yell out the window to ask where he was going?

I don't believe a word of that part. If, at any point during the night, he did yell out the window to kyle, there's no reason to believe his timeline of it. He said it himself, eyes were sleepy, kinda drunk...
I don't believe a word of that part. If, at any point during the night, he did yell out the window to kyle, there's no reason to believe his timeline of it. He said it himself, eyes were sleepy, kinda drunk...

Didn't the neighbors say they heard an argument at that time? I guess someone was yelling something at someone. But that house seems like Grand Central Station. I doubt AA would yell at KP at 3 AM because he was worried about where KP was going, assuming all else was normal (okay, not normal for most people, more like things were happening as described). KP would have presumably been going home after the non-party. Big deal. No yelling required.,439

The above picture is taken from/near the bridge on Lingle Rd that goes over the RR tracks. Looking south. Indian Creek is to the left. Fox59's facebook reporter did a report standing on the bridge.

I marked the bridge on this map:,314m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0


This above picture is taken at the intersection of 2nd and North Streets. Looking east. The RR track is farther east.

I marked it on this map:,310m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0

It could also be possible that Kyle (or whoever placed Shaylyn in this area) frequently walked the RR tracks, making that a reason why he chose this area. We live near very heavily traveled tracks, yet almost every time I drive across them outside of school hours, there are teenagers walking along them.
Sorr. :) Live Action Role Play -- a lot of D&D people (still played today, btw) are also into LARPing, and no offense to players of either sort because I can see how they'd be fun. They tend to live in their own worlds. This family also lives in their own worlds, but I don't think it's in as positive a way as LARPing can be. I think it's a bit more insular.

ymmv -- your mileage may vary, also -- your experience may vary
I'm 41 and my spouse and I have been playing almost weekly for the last 20 years with the same group of friends. We are all professionals who live in reality ever day. Most of the d&d players I have meet over the last 20 years have been intelligent people.

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this one appears to be LE blocking access to a street that intersects with Second St. which would align with her body being close to the river and creek where they meet just east of the tracks off of E North Street.,333

this next image could be this road that runs adjacent to the tracks (on the river side)!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0?hl=en-US,439

I wish I was good at maps :sigh:

The first picture shows the intersection of Second and North. The cars are blocking North street going down to the RR tracks.

I agree with where you put the marker on the map for the 2nd shot. That looks like a little path that goes in between the creek and the RR tracks.

ETA: Looks like we agree Kimbella! Just saw you post. :)
They said that Shaylyn was found where Indian Creek and White River intersect. In the videos it shows railroad tracks.
The demeanor of Justin in the videos was alarming to me. I asked in a group and was told he is ADHD, was in special ed classes, so he may therefore get some type of disability and be on medication. I do not know the same for Adam, but I would assume possibly the same.

I thought at the time KP was arrested that LE said this case was just starting and there would be more arrests
Then I though they said they expected no more arrests
Since KP is in jail and may have a attorney I hope he is talking to LE to get to the bottom of what happened in that house.
As far as Justins prior girlfriend, KR, not posting on Facebook, maybe she is talking to LE as well. We can hope
AHHH! That's terrible on so many levels!! I think if an adult wants to smoke, they have that right. Although, in my opinion, it's inappropriate to do so during an interview. But it's bordering on abuse to smoke with a child in your arms! Not to mention going down a freaking SLIDE! First of all, it's dangerous and experts say that adults shouldn't take kids down the slide like that. I understand people do it anyway, but while smoking, too?

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