GUILTY IN - Shaylyn Ammerman, 14 mos, Spencer, 23 March 2016 #2

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Interestingly though, KR didn't post anything about baby Shaylyn being missing on her FB page. If she was indeed friends with this family, even temporarily living there as the grandmother stated in her interview, then you would think KR would have posted something. Maybe those posts are private? IDK.

What folks do or don't post on FB or other SM platforms doesn't really matter one way or another. I've followed cases where "friends" of the family of a missing person did actually post all kinds of pleas that were set to public, and it turned out they were involved in the disappearance and/or death in the first place. Other cases where extended family & friends never mentioned it at all (that the public could see, anyway), and they had nothing to do with it.

SM and the way people behave there is really, really strange sometimes. All the more reason to really take Tricia's post to heart and take *everything* said there with a large boulder of salt.

"'I'm just going to speak plain and clearly. Whoever did this needs to burn in hell,' said uncle Adam Ammerman. 'There's no need for something like this to happen.'

Police knew Parker was in the house the night of the toddler's disappearance, but say they have not yet put together a timeline of his whereabouts when she went missing or when she died.

Wednesday night, Shaylyn's grandmother, Tamera Morgan told Eyewitness News there hadn't been a loud party at the father's home as some had said.

'There was one person that came over last night. It was Kyle. He and Adam were in his room,' Morgan said."


Did Grandma say Justin's ex-girlfriend Kelly was there during the night too? Didn't LE say 7-10 people were there? Huh. Now everything rests on Kyle?

And as for Adam's statement that there is no need for something like this to happen...well, yeah. I'm pondering if that statement is a repeat of the discussion I suspect the family had at 3am about what to do about a murdered child. "There is no need" for anyone to go to jail over it - we'll just hide her and claim we don't know what happened. Just a hunch. That phrase "there is no need" stands out to me as bland and distant, given the context that his niece who lived in the same house as him was murdered and dumped.

We have seen LEO not post everything they know about a case until they are ready to charge and arrest. We don't know about any other things that may have been present on Shaylyn's body or clothing.

If Adam told LEO that he saw Kyle leaving and that Kyle did not answer when he called, that would have had them looking for Kyle and the car quickly. <modsnip> I wonder if anyone other than the POIs saw Kyle Parker's vehicle near the property where she was found. If they found evidence of her in his car, then they might be able to look at the pings. There are any number of ways to get to the scene without having Kyle talk. They are probably processing the car for mud, grasses, body fluids, blanket and clothing fiber.

"'I'm just going to speak plain and clearly. Whoever did this needs to burn in hell,' said uncle Adam Ammerman. 'There's no need for something like this to happen.'

Police knew Parker was in the house the night of the toddler's disappearance, but say they have not yet put together a timeline of his whereabouts when she went missing or when she died.

Wednesday night, Shaylyn's grandmother, Tamera Morgan told Eyewitness News there hadn't been a loud party at the father's home as some had said.

'There was one person that came over last night. It was Kyle. He and Adam were in his room,' Morgan said."


Did Grandma say Justin's ex-girlfriend Kelly was there during the night too? Didn't LE say 7-10 people were there? Huh. Now everything rests on Kyle?

And as for Adam's statement that there is no need for something like this to happen...well, yeah. I'm pondering if that statement is a repeat of the discussion I suspect the family had at 3am about what to do about a murdered child. "There is no need" for anyone to go to jail over it - we'll just hide her and claim we don't know what happened. Just a hunch. That phrase "there is no need" stands out to me as bland and distant, given the context that his niece who lived in the same house as him was murdered and dumped.


I don't want to read too much into it because honestly, both Adam and Justin come across as having some form of developmental disability. My 18 yr old has that, and sometimes she says things sort of sideways that she doesn't really mean. Then she'll catch herself (when she realizes it didn't come out right) and try to explain what she meant. I know for a fact, if she were at a house where a child went missing, and was interviewed for tv, and it were posted here - everyone would be all over it thinking she had something to do with it (and that makes me sad for her, because she can't help it).


Even if both these men were well spoken, there are numerous other reasons to suspect something is just downright sketchy here. Up until the wee hours of the morning drinking whisky & watching tv (on a week night, no less), adult sons living at home with mama & step dad who is essentially the same age as them, no one seems to be gainfully employed (how the heck are they paying the bills and putting food on the table?? State benefits?), and they don't even bother to lock the door in the same room the baby's crib is in? I realize it's hindsight and doesn't matter one fig now, but I cannot imagine if children's aid (or whatever it's called there) would have done a home check they'd have said "yep, looks like a fine place for a baby to me - just keep them whisky bottles over yonder & out of the crib". They didn't even have a secondary exit out of the house for crying out loud, since daddy's bed was blocking it. Fire hazard, anyone?

UGH. I'm really not trying to come down TOO hard on these folks since a.) they might actually be innocent of any direct involvement of that baby girl ending up dead and b.) I know there are good hearted folks getting by on very little (including state disability benefits) and I don't want to sound like I'm throwing those folks under the bus. This case just really angers me.
Kyle Parker's family members are not sleuthable. Kyle Parker's Facebook is. Can someone provide a direct link to where on Kyle's Facebook page a family member was looking for him the morning of the 23rd? If not it needs to stay out of the discussion. If such a post did exist but has since been removed you are welcome to send me a screen cap of it via PM so that I can ask an admin to weigh in on whether it can be allowed into the discussion.

I have the screenshot but I don't know how to send it in a PM.
Kyle Parker's family members are not sleuthable. Kyle Parker's Facebook is. Can someone provide a direct link to where on Kyle's Facebook page a family member was looking for him the morning of the 23rd? If not it needs to stay out of the discussion. If such a post did exist but has since been removed you are welcome to send me a screen cap of it via PM so that I can ask an admin to weigh in on whether it can be allowed into the discussion.


The post in question was never on Kyle Parker's page. It was on a non-sleuthable family member's page.
My bad. Sorry.
I don't want to read too much into it because honestly, both Adam and Justin come across as having some form of developmental disability. My 18 yr old has that, and sometimes she says things sort of sideways that she doesn't really mean. Then she'll catch herself (when she realizes it didn't come out right) and try to explain what she meant. I know for a fact, if she were at a house where a child went missing, and was interviewed for tv, and it were posted here - everyone would be all over it thinking she had something to do with it (and that makes me sad for her, because she can't help it).


Even if both these men were well spoken, there are numerous other reasons to suspect something is just downright sketchy here. Up until the wee hours of the morning drinking whisky & watching tv (on a week night, no less), adult sons living at home with mama & step dad who is essentially the same age as them, no one seems to be gainfully employed (how the heck are they paying the bills and putting food on the table?? State benefits?), and they don't even bother to lock the door in the same room the baby's crib is in? I realize it's hindsight and doesn't matter one fig now, but I cannot imagine if children's aid (or whatever it's called there) would have done a home check they'd have said "yep, looks like a fine place for a baby to me - just keep them whisky bottles over yonder & out of the crib". They didn't even have a secondary exit out of the house for crying out loud, since daddy's bed was blocking it. Fire hazard, anyone?

UGH. I'm really not trying to come down TOO hard on these folks since a.) they might actually be innocent of any direct involvement of that baby girl ending up dead and b.) I know there are good hearted folks getting by on very little (including state disability benefits) and I don't want to sound like I'm throwing those folks under the bus. This case just really angers me.

I hear ya and I'm glad for the reminder that they might actually be innocent (and certainly are under the rule of law, until proven guilty).

I happen to be of the opinion that they are not "slow." They might be unpolished or under-educated, and they are not savvy in terms of how they present themselves in public, but I don't think they are "slow." (And even if they were slow, that would not lead me to believe they were guilty because of it.)'s hard to state all this without being vague and without being mean. I want to be neither, so perhaps best just to watch and listen for awhile.
I'm also considering that possibility. I can picture someone who disposed of the body confessing where it was under police pressure....but I would think he would also reveal who committed the murder out of fear of being charged with that crime himself. JMOpinion at the moment.

The cellphone scroll was weird, for sure.

From reports I assume Kyle Parker was drinking until the early hours of Wednesday morning. Then about 3am he leaves and is described as driving to a remote location to hide the baby's body. By 8am Shaylyn is reported missing and the investigation begins.

By Thursday evening the police have located the baby's body.

Just thinking he was probably still under the influence, or sleeping it off when he was brought in for questioning. If he were to point blame at others, surely it would have been then? Maybe he has.

I thinking LE has direct evidence linking him to the river by their specific charges so it's possible he's not said anything. He's likely hired an attorney and has been advised to keep quiet.
Do we know the location of where her body was found? The media reports it was private property. Who owns the property? Is it close to where Kyle lives or works? I believe somebody in the last thread mentioned that she was found near Kyle's house? Is that true?
I hear ya and I'm glad for the reminder that they might actually be innocent (and certainly are under the rule of law, until proven guilty).

I happen to be of the opinion that they are not "slow." They might be unpolished or under-educated, and they are not savvy in terms of how they present themselves in public, but I don't think they are "slow." (And even if they were slow, that would not lead me to believe they were guilty because of it.)'s hard to state all this without being vague and without being mean. I want to be neither, so perhaps best just to watch and listen for awhile.
I hear you. I don't think they have a intellectual disability. I think they are perhaps uneducated and not polished or well spoken. These things certainly don't make them guilty of murder, but some other things look suspicious.
Hi everyone. I want to apologize for my meltdown here last night.
I got carried away and I'm not going to offer any feeble excuses. Thanks also to the moderator who stepped in to rescue all those present and to save me from myself. I'm sure someone hit the alert button and rightfully so.
Again, I'm sorry. :truce:
Emotions run high. Stuff happens. New day. Fresh start.
Do we know the location of where her body was found? The media reports it was private property. Who owns the property? Is it close to where Kyle lives or works? I believe somebody in the last thread mentioned that she was found near Kyle's house? Is that true?

The actual land where she was found seems to be owned by a railroad. However, the property directly north of the railroad's property - property Kyle (or whoever placed Shaylyn there) most likely would have had to cross to get to the railroad property - is owned by the great-grandfather of a girl on facebook who claims Kyle is her brother.

I think this will take you to a map with an approximation of where she was found:,-86.657057,16z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0
The actual land where she was found seems to be owned by a railroad. However, the property directly north of the railroad's property - property Kyle (or whoever placed Shaylyn there) most likely would have had to cross to get to the railroad property - is owned by the great-grandfather of a girl on facebook who claims Kyle is her brother.

I think this will take you to a map with an approximation of where she was found:,-86.657057,16z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0

That answers my question. Thank you!
The actual land where she was found seems to be owned by a railroad. However, the property directly north of the railroad's property - property Kyle (or whoever placed Shaylyn there) most likely would have had to cross to get to the railroad property - is owned by the great-grandfather of a girl on facebook who claims Kyle is her brother.

I think this will take you to a map with an approximation of where she was found:,-86.657057,16z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0

Putting those coordinates into Google Earth makes everything a lot clearer. You can get a good feel of the area. 39°21'05.5"N 86°39'26.1"W
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