IN -Terry and Darleen Anderson Murder, Mungo, 22 Oct 2005 - #1

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quote=sassy_texasbelle2;1535577]Awww darlin thank you so much...Great job btw on the Kelsey threads...If I was in trouble I would hope you would be on my team...hugsss always...:blowkiss:[/quote]
Oh My , Thank you so much!! :blowkiss: [

Just got in from vacation late last night. Wanted to catch up on your thread. I hope the Ironman is a success and that you have a little fun. Hope the trip is productive in other ways too! Cannot wait for your updates when you get home. Praying for a safe trip for you and your family....


Roscoe Know I have been thinking all weekend of you and your brother, All of your family of course.OK almost all of your family. I am hoping that some one is feeling a lot of heat this weekend. :blowkiss:
Hi Rosco. I am looking forward to hearing how Ironman went for all of you this weekend. Bless your heart, dear friend.

I've been away from the computer, but couldn't stop thinking about the Ironman this past weekend and wondering if you found out any new info?

Sorry for the delay. I know pins and needles waiting for me to reply but DH and DS just HATES when I am on inter-net and not paying attention to them :rolleyes:

OK... here goes...

- Meeting with LE went very well. DB and I were both impressed and humbled. We expected a small meeting with one local detective and when we arrived we were escorted into the conference room w/6 other LE - included was State and County. LE stressed that there is not enough evidence to convict when case is taken to court. LE stated they can arrest but MUST have enough to make sure case can convict and they feel that it's not enough to convict. Both DB and I agree (what else can we do anyway) to make sure that nobody will 'walk' due to lack of evidence. DB and I both feel very humbled that all LE can talk about on their personal time is how this case can be solved. While at their personal ballgame's of their children or in the grocery store w/ wife, all of LE are asked by locals ''when is this case is going to be solved and WHY has this case NOT been solved.??'' LE can not go to any public area without being asked by several locals regarding Anderson murders. This information did humble DB and I... LE lives, breathes and walks their personal areas and personal family issues with this case. This case is NOT cold as far as LE is concerned.

We were also informed that 'A" was asked to join this meeting. LE told "A" that whatever personal issues you have you MUST put behind and work on the main issue ...and that is solving this case and this meeting is very important. She declined. LE was not happy she did not show. LE told me that she asked who would be at meeting and after being told DB and I will be there - she declined. SO for anyone out there who thinks that "A" can put aside her hate for DB and I - sadly mistaken. DB and I would have welcomed her and accepted her help with this meeting.

We are still trying to figure out WHY 'A" hates us so. Can't be from WS forum or the others..becuz each of these forums and sites came about well over a year AFTER the murders and "A" was well into hating us and not talking to us WELL before then... Actually it was 3 weeks after the WS and other forums have NO impact on the hate she has for DB and I... Sorry can't use any of this info to excuse the reasons for hate...
{{ she probably reads this so here's to you sistahh :razz: }}

Asked LE about global Earth to check out satellite. LE said they checked out that option but night can't see anything.

LE did NOT discuss suspects or persons of interest with us. They did not and would not give any info regarding weapon or evidence they already have. LE stressed this information can hurt the case if anything becomes too public and asked that DB and I to be careful on internet and info. LE did not tell me that I or DB has done anything to harm case with WS or other forums... they encouraged but just made clear to watch the info given. LE is aware that criminals read internet and newpapers. I felt pretty good when I gave them 'my' theories. LE chuckled and said "wonder if she has been in one of our meetings?". Makes me think that my theories are NOT far from the truth... HUMMMMMM....:waitasec: But again LE will NOT clear-up any questions pertaining to persons of interest or suspects. They did say there are several persons who are 'just unbelievably horrible' people and just can't prove or put them in the scene... BUT they feel very very confident something will surface.

LE still believes the murder/s are close to Dad and Darleen and/or close friends or possibly family. BUT they also did inform me that they can not rule out robbery or someone stumbled to see Dad's cash in his wallet from the store buying lottery tickets that evening. Cashier at store said that Dad's wallet had the impression that 'he already won the lottery'. Someone followed him back and killed him for the wallet. I don't think that - stranger would have just killed Dad and left.. not went into house and ALSO killed Darleen. UNLESS Darleen seen the person (witness) but Darleen would protect herself from stranger in her home.. no defense wounds... on either. OR - a neighbor mad at property or something.. AGAIN.. I also said to LE that does not sound correct. I asked LE about meth lab or something on property - they did not find anything showing signs of meth lab on property. I also discussed with LE that Dad would not care what anyone does - long as it's not on his property. He was NOT a snitch or whiner about anything. Can't see a neighbor beating/crushing BOTH Dad and Darleen's heads to their death for property line?? I think LE has a clue on what DB and I are thinking.. We ALL were very closed mouthed about the who's... Again - I need to remind myself all the time and WS/topix that what "A" and XBF has done does not make her/him a murder... VERY suspicious actions YES!! Motive YES... LACK of respect.. YES... Spending and spending - YES... But murders???

(just FYI) Have to prove it. Those were the exact words "A" told LE 'to prove it' when they first interrogated her... WHO would say that to LE just 24hrs after the murders took place - just after LE had just found BOTH of your parents bodies beaten to their deaths... "TO PROVE IT". Someone who was worried about WHO killed their parents??? OR someone who actually means 'prove it'...??
Ponder that for a while. :waitasec:

LE had to remind me of that again while we were talking. They reminded me that by keeping a closed mind and not allowing other information to surface - it can give you a tunnel vision to a case and not allow other important information to surface if you don't keep an open mind. I understand.

- Stopped at Monument company and see invoice as well as photo of stone. Can not take picture due to rights ... so it will have to wait until it's all done and on plots. 3ft high by 4.5ft long w/angle on the top w/corner a big angel w/wings. really beautiful. Stone was ordered from China (not Italy) and should arrive by ship on or around 30Aug. Don't know if it will be completed by Oct 21 - 2yr anniversary... but close to that date.

- XBF did NOT show. NO SHOW AND NO CALL. Also - myspace is cancelled from XBF. Does not surprise me. DH said he (XBF) felt like he was going to get all kinds of questions... Well.. YES and he could not take the heat.. and never showed. I do not want to hear he had to work or BLA BLA BLA.. We were there for days and never heard a word from him. I PERSONALLY was not going to call him and keep asking - DH called him the tues before the Iron Man and XBF said he would show. NO SHOW. He is a very well educated person that he 'could' have found the place himself and did not need directions. I did and I live in chicago.. HELLO!! EXCUSES will not be accepted by me. He had PLENTY of time to make arrangements with work or other issues.... sorry.. we were there for 4days - could/should have made time for one of those days to come talk. All I can say is 'coward'

- Lost my cash station card:eek: . Who knows!!!!!!! :furious:
I am such an idiot!:blushing:

- DB was given a brand new Town Car for rental upon arrival at Chicago Midway Airport ((we were calling him James for a while... LOL )) and hit a deer on Sat night. :eek: THANK GOD HE"S OK...freaked me out!!!
Had to tow the car and DB had to drive back with us.
DARN DEER!! :rolleyes:
I've been driving those roads for over 20yrs and 'personally' have never came even close - but Dad and Darleen had have several issues with accidents and deers... PLENTY... But DB is in town for 3days and hits one w/his rental!!! :eek: WOW

DB took second place with his 46'' musky. DH took fourth place at 31'' musky. First was 48"... so DB was really close!!!!
:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Over-all... trip was great. :) Weather was perfect and LE meeting went well. I was surprised tho - LE asked if the stones were ordered 'yet'. I don't think they read WS or Topix very often (they read sometimes cuz they knew about the stones info) and I told them about the check issue. LE agreed the check was 'lost' becuz it could not be cashed for personal issues.. only for Monument company.

LE did not show any personal interest in the actions of "A" to family. LE did advise me that CPS has been called for baby Terri several times. "A" is cooperating and that is all CPS can do. Suxs... baby is really NOT in a good situation...and nothing LE can do.

Maybe I'll work on questions now..

Glad to be home tho.:blowkiss:

Glad to see you back and very happy that the Ironman went so well! (Also glad that your brother is okay after his run-in with a deer!)

It sounds as though LE is being very thorough. I am glad that they were able to meet with you and yours. Amanda doesn't sound very compliant and maybe someday you will find out why. Praying everyday that the murder of your dad and stepmom gets solved (and prayers that the baby can get the proper care she needs and soon).

Lots of prayers to you!
Oh Rosco it really sounds good!!! I am so glad you made it back safely!!
Roscoe W/B. GEe I hate to say I told you so. But I told you so about the check.She could not do anything with it without 2 sigs.:D
Rosco, thank you for your in depth update:blowkiss:. I agree with LE that open mindedness and factual evidence is key. No matter how much we think we may know what happened and why, factual evidence is needed.

I figured x bf would not show and would suddenly be out of touch. I think he may have hoped that a few falsely answered questions would back you both down and make you, dh, and db less suspicious of him. I think he began to talk because he was a little nervous and hoped his words would settle you. He most likely realizes that is not the case and may want to now distance himself completely. Again, this is only my speculation and not fact.

I am glad that LE considered the meeting important, that there were 6 investigators involved, and that they seem to have taken this case to heart. That is very good, and through sheer determination it may help them to stay motivated to solve it.

Congratulations to db for 2nd and dh for 4th place! That must have just put icing on your weekend! Take care my friend, and please let me know what I can do for you. I promised I would be here to see this through, and even if all I can offer is support(and not help to solve Terry and Darleen's murders), I will be here for you.

I am so glad you did get some answers just not all that you were wanting...Hugss to you honey and hang tough as always...They will come for have many people praying for that outcome for you and your family...Love to you always...D
Hi Rosco,
I'm glad to hear that LE is still on this case and had a meeting w/ you. I think they have a pretty good idea who the POI is. 'A' made a BIG mistake by not showing up for the meeting and don't think for a minute that LE didn't take note of that. If 'A' was involved in any way, I'd hate to be her. I'd hate to live in fear of being found out, always having to look over my shoulder and watch my every move. If she does know anything, I just hope and pray her conscious(sp) eats away at her and torments her until she comes clean w/ the truth.

Thanks for the update, and congrats to your dh and db for doing so well.
Yea - I agree that not showing for the meeting was not a positive action on "A" part. I also think LE takes that into consideration - why NOT if the meeting was for the help in finding the killer/s of her parents. I have to also believe LE has taken notes on the lack of energies from "A" towards the focus on finding/helping LE. Behavior reflects one's true feelings and actions. I would/could wait a decade for an arrest knowing that the evidence will convict.

LE is not stupid - as killer/s feel they are (IMO). LE know what happened and most likely know who/what was involved. There is no perfect crime. We have all read of many murderers who have been found and convicted - even years/decades later. Children found years later and alive....bodies found decades later w/forensic's attached to convict.


The 20K reward is posted in the jail area. The jail is where a lot of information can come from. Someone will be incarcerated and will want their 'time' to be less... and that person will 'sing like a bird'...and never to be found out afterward.

I was also not surprised "XBF" did not show. I think he has LOTS to hide and can't handle the heat. That is why he cancelled his myspace and never showed. I still have cell number (worked last Tues) so we shall see when another call is placed to him as to question why he never showed. To me he is a coward and I personally still will continue to raise flags by his name with his actions and/or lack of wanting to participate. His words and promisses are cheep and worthless to me. There truly is no excuse as to not have contact ANYONE/ANYTIME during the three days we were there - except he is a liar and was afraid of seeing the pain in our eyes. Phone calls are one thing - face contact is another. I prefer to look into someone eyes.

I was given a newspaper (from a local friend) and the front cover was plastered with "A" and "NBF" tree trimming business w/pic of my dad's truck , the new bucket truck (she purchased that last year) and other new vehicles (who know where they came from). This advertisment took the whole front cover and must have cost 'plenty' of $$$$$.
BUT - not one red cent has been offered/given by either "A" or "XBF" for the Foundation of "A"'s murdered parents. Now... am I the only person who just can't understand that?

On the Topix "A" posted:

'You make it sound like my world revolves around remodeling a house, but you could never be so damn wrong. I have a family and a baby on the way to worry about, and countless other things to do. And what in this world makes you think that money is one of the only things on my mind.'
- - Remodling was the FIRST thing she did/said when newspaper interviewed her. MUST have been the only thing on "A"'s mind and not her beaten parents... Appears to me to be 'revolving' around "A"'s world from the start..and ONLY if it can benifit her. I asked/mailed her a request for her contribution to The Foundation and she asked if someone is arrested and convicted will she get her donation money back? Has anyone heard or seen anyone trying to get their donation back from Breast Cancer Marathon or Walk if the person they gave to race does not win the race/marathon?????
Who loves money more than "A" buy these actions.... HUmmm..

I can tell you she does not care for that baby!!!! If she did she would have went to doctor for prenadal care and the baby would not have been born with drugs in it's system. AND CPS would not be visiting her all the time IF SHE SO LOVED THIS BABY AND WANTED HER FAMILY SAFE... OH.. but she did buy a new car just recently. LE was called a few weeks ago becuz someone broke into one of her other car(s) and robbed her sterio (you know the new sterio system she just had put in - along with the home sterio system too she purchased - BUT NO STONES).

I was told by the police to lay low, and that's exactly what I'm going to do. Sorry. I'd just rather not be so publicly open about my aid in the investigation, because I don't want to possibly put my family in danger.
-- SO not showing to the LE meeting was laying low???? AND doing meth/drugs is keeping 'her family' out of danger. OHHHH and having a convicted felon/drug dealer living in the very home w/you and the new baby is OK and danger free??
--- WHAT AID????? Sorry - taking Xanax and doing meth has not helped the investigation. I would try a differnt approach Miss "A".
XBF told me her drugs of choice.

I just had to look back again and re-read her reasons for not participating and going to the meeting with LE. I found these interesting..


Rosco, bless you my friend for what you endure every day. I do think it is a great idea to have the reward info in the jail, and one day, so long as the reward info is kept up, someone in jail may have something to say. And, I feel much better knowing the true efforts LE is putting towards finding Terry and Darleen's killer(s).

Rosco, I have lurked and followed your story for months. While I have nothing to offer in regards to 'A', please remember: Your Dad and Darleen are the ones who are with you daily giving you that extra strength when you think you can't do it anymore. When you hear "Sweet Home Alabama" on the radio, it's your Dad saying hi to you. Justice will be served. 'A' or XBF or who ever will have to face what they've done or what they know at some point. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. :blowkiss:
Rosco, I have lurked and followed your story for months. While I have nothing to offer in regards to 'A', please remember: Your Dad and Darleen are the ones who are with you daily giving you that extra strength when you think you can't do it anymore. When you hear "Sweet Home Alabama" on the radio, it's your Dad saying hi to you. Justice will be served. 'A' or XBF or who ever will have to face what they've done or what they know at some point. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. :blowkiss:


Very sweet norcalgirl03. (sobbing)

Each and every time I hear - I imagine Dad and smell his Old Spice in the air.

Thanks so much for reading and caring.

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