IN - Terry and Darleen Anderson Murder, Mungo, 22 Oct 2005 - #2

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From the other forum, as of 8:30 this morning "A" remains in jail.:behindbar
Does anyone know how much the bail is for her? I understand that one of the two men bailed out. How about the other one? I wonder why she is still in jail and that no one has bailed her out; however, I feel good about each day she spends in jail.

She was arrested for marijuana possession just a few weeks ago, I wonder how that will play into all of this. Habitual offender status? :waitasec:

I was just thinking about that and recalling it wasn't but a minute or two ago.

On another note, amazing to think A' slammed the door in her families face because "these" people were just so much closer, would do anything for her, better? than her family etc. etc. They sure came through for her huh? Sadly, I wonder if she is even going to be able to see and realize that being a junkie.

More doors closing, has she fallen to bottom yet?
Does anyone know how much the bail is for her? I understand that one of the two men bailed out. How about the other one? I wonder why she is still in jail and that no one has bailed her out; however, I feel good about each day she spends in jail.


It's my understanding that bail was in the tens of thousands, but I haven't confirmed that. Rosco may know the exact amount.

Her b/f got his bail by giving up some of the business' equipment and is working on raising her bail, I am told.
This is getting where I can't sleep at night w/o thinking about this case. The other forum seems more active. I haven't posted there but once. I'm posting under the name "wanting justice". I really think the longer "A" remains in jail, the bigger the chance she will talk. For once she is alone and has to face the fact she not only lost her parents and baby, she lost her meth friends who didn't give a rat's a$$ about her once arrested. I honestly think it's a matter of time now before someone talks.
Shane posted on the other forum about baby Terri.

Baby Terri is doing wonderful! She is a very beautiful baby. She has curly blonde hair and baby blue eyes, and one big dimple that shows when she is smiling and laughing. She will be celebrating her first birthday on March 3! We have her in occupational therapy and physical therapy twice a week. She is having some delays in her developemental skills, but the therapist and her family have noticed great improvements with her weekly. We are blessed to have her in our life!
Shane posted on the other forum about baby Terri.

Baby Terri is doing wonderful! She is a very beautiful baby. She has curly blonde hair and baby blue eyes, and one big dimple that shows when she is smiling and laughing. She will be celebrating her first birthday on March 3! We have her in occupational therapy and physical therapy twice a week. She is having some delays in her developemental skills, but the therapist and her family have noticed great improvements with her weekly. We are blessed to have her in our life!

I wonder if "A" didn't stay clean during pregnancy and that's causing the developmental issues?
I wonder if "A" didn't stay clean during pregnancy and that's causing the developmental issues?

In my very humble oppenion, I believe the child was subjected to drugs and or alcohol in-vitro, and after birth by the way of second hand smoke. Unfortunately I have met "Fetal alcohol syndrome" and "meth babies" with my volunteer work as a respite caregiver for a few families that have fostered such children. A lot can be done for these kids, but I have yet to see one "cured" of their lifelong developmental disabilities. Babies and young children are easier to care for because they are small, and can he held, and handled. The bigger they get, the harder it is especially in school.

I just hope the uncle is in it for the long haul. At this point, the baby is a ward of the state, and the uncle is merely "fostering" the child. It is wonderful the baby is getting help, but at this point a state health care worker would be assigned to her care, therefore assuring the therapy is carried out, most likely by going to their home for PT/OT therapy. If legally adopted, the state will probably not not pay unless the baby is eligible for medicaid. It will then be an expense to the family. Hopefully they will be willing to pay out of pocket to keep up the therapy. These children (USUALLY) have learning disabilities, ADHD, problems with decision making, no fear of danger, problems sleeping and poor social skills. It is hard work to raise a child that has been purposely harmed by drugs and alcohol...there is no quick fix. There will be IEP's and many a trip to school, Dr. visits, therapy visits and the list goes on and on.
I have no doubt in my mind that A used drugs while she was pregnant. This is the same woman who wasn't properly feeding her infant and who seems to have been physical abusive to her( the cigarette burns) so obviously she didn't care about Terri's well-being after she was born so why would she care before she was born? She is a selfish, selfish person.
I found it sad on A's myspace the picture of baby Terri crying. The comment she had to it was "this is what Terri does best.":mad:

Also, did anyone else check out all of pics on her myspace? She had quite a talent as an artist.
I have no doubt in my mind that A used drugs while she was pregnant. This is the same woman who wasn't properly feeding her infant and who seems to have been physical abusive to her( the cigarette burns) so obviously she didn't care about Terri's well-being after she was born so why would she care before she was born? She is a selfish, selfish person.

I think you are right gaia227. After viewing "A's" my-space account, I've come to believe she is not only majorly selfish, but also narcissistic. Admittedly she was, (key word) a very pretty and talented girl, how do I know this? From the 100+ pictures she posted of herself in her photo pages. Most people put one or two of themselves, maybe a few with friends, a few with family, then the rest is filled with the kids, friends, pets, etc. I have never seen a my space account of anyone that has 8 pages of pictures, with 80% being of themselves. I can see her posting her art work, and I probably would too, if I could draw, but out of 150+ pictures, there where only a couple pictures of her baby, maybe 5 of her cat, a half dozen of the BF maybe, a few of her poor murdered parents, a few odds and ends and the rest was all about her. Pitiful. She had more pictures of her cat than she did of her beloved parents.
Notice the comment placed regarding her parents - PASSED AWAY

Not murdered??
My DH was a great mentor to "A" and her artistic talent. He too is an artist and helped "A" with her talent as a young child/young adult.
- when we were a family that is...
Notice the comment placed regarding her parents - PASSED AWAY

Not murdered??

Yes, I sure did. All I know if I'd have my parent's picture plastered on the first page asking for anyone who knew something to come forward. Maybe saying passed away is easier on her conscious.

I also noticed in one of MANY picture of A, that she has a veiled chameleon on her shoulder. That's a nice size for veilds, but not something to easily keep alive as a a meth user. They need daily feedings of crickets dusted w/ calcium and they need their water on a drip system, plust temperature control and heat lamps. I wonder what became of it.
I also noticed in one of MANY picture of A, that she has a veiled chameleon on her shoulder. That's a nice size for veilds, but not something to easily keep alive as a a meth user. They need daily feedings of crickets dusted w/ calcium and they need their water on a drip system, plust temperature control and heat lamps. I wonder what became of it.

I personally try to not think about any animals "A" has/had as I am sure they are neglected and/or abused. I have always been an animal lover and animal rights activist and cannot bear to even think about what would have happened to Terry's dog Roscoe if Terry's daughter "Roscoe" hadn't taken him. Thank god for compassionate, conscientious people God knows there isn't enough of them.

As most everyone else has noted, I too noticed how many pics "A" had of herself and that she said her parents had passed away. I definetly agree with IW about "A" being narcissistic and given her actions I have to wonder if she isn't a sociopath.
Yes, I sure did. All I know if I'd have my parent's picture plastered on the first page asking for anyone who knew something to come forward. Maybe saying passed away is easier on her conscious.

I also noticed in one of MANY picture of A, that she has a veiled chameleon on her shoulder. That's a nice size for veilds, but not something to easily keep alive as a a meth user. They need daily feedings of crickets dusted w/ calcium and they need their water on a drip system, plust temperature control and heat lamps. I wonder what became of it.

Kahskye, I share your concerns. I am concerned about any living thing, human or animal that gets anywhere near to "A". I am so glad that Rosco took the Rosco pupster home with her where he is loved and now recovering from expensive surgery to repair two torn ligaments. And, I hope the other little dog that was there is safe as well as the veiled chameleon.

I believe that most people who are innocent of a crime where the two brutal murders of their own parents occurred and was unsolved would make some type of sincere effort to either help find the killer memorialize their beloved parents. They might hire a PI, do something with myspace, make fliers, call search organizations, ask LE for updates routinely, memorialise a web site page, organise a fund raiser for a reward, design and have a billboard put up------or something.

To my knowledge "A" has done not one thing to memorialise or aid in solving her parents' murders.

I hope and pray every single day for justice for Terry, Darleen, Rosco, Shane, Misty Jo, Rick, baby Terri, and for all in Terry and Darleen's family. And, I am so grateful that baby Teri is away from "A" and with a loving family.

Kahskye, I share your concerns. I am concerned about any living thing, human or animal that gets anywhere near to "A". I am so glad that Rosco took the Rosco pupster home with her where he is loved and now recovering from expensive surgery to repair two torn ligaments. And, I hope the other little dog that was there is safe as well as the veiled chameleon.

I believe that most people who are innocent of a crime where the two brutal murders of their own parents occurred and was unsolved would make some type of sincere effort to either help find the killer memorialize their beloved parents. They might hire a PI, do something with myspace, make fliers, call search organizations, ask LE for updates routinely, memorialise a web site page, organise a fund raiser for a reward, design and have a billboard put up------or something.

To my knowledge "A" has done not one thing to memorialise or aid in solving her parents' murders.

I hope and pray every single day for justice for Terry, Darleen, Rosco, Shane, Misty Jo, Rick, baby Terri, and for all in Terry and Darleen's family. And, I am so grateful that baby Teri is away from "A" and with a loving family.


Beautifully said, Lion.:blowkiss: Also, there was a cat (forgot his name) that was in several pictures. I belive it's a Himilayan. The picture of him as a kitten is too cute. From the little I know, those are not cheap cats to own!

Also, how could anyone in their right mind continue to live in the very house your mother was brutally murdered?:confused: How could she sit in that room ever again after what she had witnessed? That scene alone would have haunted me the rest of my life. I could not continue to live in a house where a brutal murder took place.
For some reason, I can't stop thinking about this case. Here's some quotes from A before baby Terri was born.

"I prey to God that this mystery will someday be solved. I want justice for my parents. Whoever could have done such a horrific crime to two innocent and loving people cannot be human."

"I often wonder myself if this was some kind of drug related thing. It seems as though only somebody so low down and dirty, strung out on some kind of dope and desperate for more or desperate to keep their secret could do such a thing. They would have to be out of their minds! I don't know, thats just one of the theories I have come up with. I have come up with so many."
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