In your opinion, why do you think Ron and Misty REALLY got married?

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Why do you think Ron and Misty REALLY got married?

  • Because they are truly in love.

    Votes: 14 2.2%
  • To get her on his side/confidence.

    Votes: 73 11.4%
  • To avoid statutory rape charges.

    Votes: 177 27.7%
  • Because they think they won't have to testify against each other.

    Votes: 156 24.4%
  • That Misty is maybe pregnant

    Votes: 25 3.9%
  • Who knows..this is too bizarre to even take a guess at.

    Votes: 195 30.5%

  • Total voters
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Somebody suggested RC married Misty for appearance purposes? yeah, I agree... he didn't want to appear in a prison uniform.
After watching TV last night, I came to the realization that yes indeed Ron married Misty to avoid going to jail. I was watching " the woman of Broward county: (sic i think) and a young girl of 18 was having concentual sexual relations with an older man, (who happened to be her moms boyfriend). Anyway, he was charged because their relationship began when she was 17. He was charged with Lewd and Lusivious (spelling sorry isn't my strong suit) battery. I found it amazing that the girl didn't want to press charges but didn't have a choice, the cop explained to her although concentual her being only 17 did not have the capability to make that choice for her self.

So that is my opinion, they married so he wouldn't get charged.
IMO, Ronald may want to reconsider whom he uses as advisors.perhaps... I do not think that this marriage served to do anything for appearance purposes. On the contrary, it made him appear to possess very poor judgmentI wouldn't marry the last person known to be with my child before she went missing...however, maybe Ronald had his reasons. That remains to be seen. and perhaps even skewed morals and character.

JMO. Of course.

My responses in blue
From what TM has revealed as of late, I am inclined to believe he married her to keep her from suspecting that he and his family had plans to impicate her...JMO
I seem to remember that it was once considered that husband & wife could not be compelled to testify against one another in court. I have often wondered if that sort of thinking went into this sudden marriage.
I seem to remember that it was once considered that husband & wife could not be compelled to testify against one another in court. I have often wondered if that sort of thinking went into this sudden marriage.

It might have been but IIRC the privilege doesn't apply to crimes against children nor things that happened before marriage. Of course, they might not have known that.
I had voted it's too bizarre.

Not really bizarre but beyond my ability to make an educated guess as to why they may have married.

I just don't see proof that would allow me, personally, to support any of the other choices. IMHO.
I'm sorry, but calling RC and this barely 17 y/o girl he knew for a short time and decided to run out and get married right after Haleigh went missing a family is an insult. She's a child who was most likely involved in drugs and cheating on him. THAT is not a family.

ITA YellowSub. I could not say w certainty whether complicity in Haleigh's disappearance was a factor or not in their decision. But according to a few of these posts this had nothing whatsoever to do with evading a possible prison term either, nor control of custody, nor controlling Misty, nor even for convenience, it was all strictly an altruistic marriage of "comfort." All was forgiven and forgotten by this ordinary "couple" after an everyday lover's quarrel living their normal life. I've seen them described on these threads as a family w "two parental figures" too, and insisting RC was Misty's key to salvation, ticket to freedom, and knight in shining armor wondering how Misty could've possibly been exploited.
Any girl is harmed when used or exploited by an adult male. Simply because Misty had never known anything different, anything except drugs, drama and dysfunction doesn't justify perpetuating the use/abuse of a child for one's own ends. Truth told, this is about as far from a "normal two-parent family" dynamic as I care to imagine. The pastor refused to even perform the ceremony--it was perfume on a pig. A ring could no more magically transform this troubled girl into a grown adult or marriage material than into a responsible caregiver and stable mother figure. Talk about from the frying pan straight to the fire. An intervention was needed in Misty's life alright, but hooking up with RC and playing 'mommy' and happy homemaker wasn't it. And the patterns of arguments, acting out, assaults, and arrests etc have continued ever since which don't bode any better for Junior than they did for Haleigh.
Are we to honestly believe anything changed or improved once they married. Does anyone really believe Misty eg is better off now? Was this a safe arrangement for any of the minor children involved? I mean has there been a good outcome for anyone? How's that workin' out for everybody? I would say LE now has at it's feet, as the result of such blurred parent-child boundaries (not to mention immature decisions, poor judgment and misguided priorities) a FAR graver situation than either a teen's housing OR a single father's childcare issues... well, now Misty's living at GGMS, and RC has one less small child to care for but maybe we oughta be wishing instead that a more appropriate solution had been arrived at for both Misty (housing free of underage sexploitation) and for RC (appropriate childcare). Or that God forbid he'd actually been prosecuted for those statutory crimes. As opposed to, say, the price paid ultimately by...
for the surrogating or substituting of a child for an adult. I pray better things, a happier destiny awaits Junior. JMO :prayer:

Kiki that was a wonderful post!

I still think a deal was made, afterall Ron has four illegitimate children, why marry now?
Hi Porcine..
...cause this one brought the media down on him. People were screaming "pedophile". The only way to avoid the orange jump suit was to marry the child. This is one situation that was bigger than him. It wasn't going away and people were judging him. I think they were ready to bring the torches and pitchforks.l
All answers are great ones and each plausible. I picked "They think they won't have to testify against each other." I believe they thought this was the case when they tied the knot.
ITA YellowSub. I could not say w certainty whether complicity in Haleigh's disappearance was a factor or not in their decision. But according to a few of these posts this had nothing whatsoever to do with evading a possible prison term either, nor control of custody, nor controlling Misty, nor even for convenience, it was all strictly an altruistic marriage of "comfort." All was forgiven and forgotten by this ordinary "couple" after an everyday lover's quarrel living their normal life. I've seen them described on these threads as a family w "two parental figures" too, and insisting RC was Misty's key to salvation, ticket to freedom, and knight in shining armor wondering how Misty could've possibly been exploited.
Any girl is harmed when used or exploited by an adult male. Simply because Misty had never known anything different, anything except drugs, drama and dysfunction doesn't justify perpetuating the use/abuse of a child for one's own ends. Truth told, this is about as far from a "normal two-parent family" dynamic as I care to imagine. The pastor refused to even perform the ceremony--it was perfume on a pig. A ring could no more magically transform this troubled girl into a grown adult or marriage material than into a responsible caregiver and stable mother figure. Talk about from the frying pan straight to the fire. An intervention was needed in Misty's life alright, but hooking up with RC and playing 'mommy' and happy homemaker wasn't it. And the patterns of arguments, acting out, assaults, and arrests etc have continued ever since which don't bode any better for Junior than they did for Haleigh.
Are we to honestly believe anything changed or improved once they married. Does anyone really believe Misty eg is better off now? Was this a safe arrangement for any of the minor children involved? I mean has there been a good outcome for anyone? How's that workin' out for everybody? I would say LE now has at it's feet, as the result of such blurred parent-child boundaries (not to mention immature decisions, poor judgment and misguided priorities) a FAR graver situation than either a teen's housing OR a single father's childcare issues... well, now Misty's living at GGMS, and RC has one less small child to care for but maybe we oughta be wishing instead that a more appropriate solution had been arrived at for both Misty (housing free of underage sexploitation) and for RC (appropriate childcare). Or that God forbid he'd actually been prosecuted for those statutory crimes. As opposed to, say, the price paid ultimately by...
for the surrogating or substituting of a child for an adult. I pray better things, a happier destiny awaits Junior. JMO :prayer:


No one can say it better than this, kiki !
Hi Porcine..
...cause this one brought the media down on him. People were screaming "pedophile". The only way to avoid the orange jump suit was to marry the child. This is one situation that was bigger than him. It wasn't going away and people were judging him. I think they were ready to bring the torches and pitchforks.l

Whisperer, while I agree with your post, I'd like to add that long ago when this question first came up, I posted his mom told him to marry her. Well, it wasn't really a joke. The fact that Ron married Misty to me means, like you said, he was trying to avoid being charged with having sex with a minor. But I bet my SS check that it was Ron's mom who came up with the idea.
After five months of being together with his child girlfriend, there's no way Ron came up with this idea..he either isn't smart enough, or didn't really give a poop that he was breaking the law.
I had voted it's too bizarre.

Not really bizarre but beyond my ability to make an educated guess as to why they may have married.

I just don't see proof that would allow me, personally, to support any of the other choices. IMHO.

You are certainly right about the proof part. No proof to support anything but bizarre!
azwriter....I totally agree. Mom is a BIG factor. I see a very controlling woman there. Wasn't it her ring that RC gave M?
ITA YellowSub. I could not say w certainty whether complicity in Haleigh's disappearance was a factor or not in their decision. But according to a few of these posts this had nothing whatsoever to do with evading a possible prison term either, nor control of custody, nor controlling Misty, nor even for convenience, it was all strictly an altruistic marriage of "comfort." All was forgiven and forgotten by this ordinary "couple" after an everyday lover's quarrel living their normal life. I've seen them described on these threads as a family w "two parental figures" too, and insisting RC was Misty's key to salvation, ticket to freedom, and knight in shining armor wondering how Misty could've possibly been exploited.
Any girl is harmed when used or exploited by an adult male. Simply because Misty had never known anything different, anything except drugs, drama and dysfunction doesn't justify perpetuating the use/abuse of a child for one's own ends. Truth told, this is about as far from a "normal two-parent family" dynamic as I care to imagine. The pastor refused to even perform the ceremony--it was perfume on a pig. A ring could no more magically transform this troubled girl into a grown adult or marriage material than into a responsible caregiver and stable mother figure. Talk about from the frying pan straight to the fire. An intervention was needed in Misty's life alright, but hooking up with RC and playing 'mommy' and happy homemaker wasn't it. And the patterns of arguments, acting out, assaults, and arrests etc have continued ever since which don't bode any better for Junior than they did for Haleigh.
Are we to honestly believe anything changed or improved once they married. Does anyone really believe Misty eg is better off now? Was this a safe arrangement for any of the minor children involved? I mean has there been a good outcome for anyone? How's that workin' out for everybody? I would say LE now has at it's feet, as the result of such blurred parent-child boundaries (not to mention immature decisions, poor judgment and misguided priorities) a FAR graver situation than either a teen's housing OR a single father's childcare issues... well, now Misty's living at GGMS, and RC has one less small child to care for but maybe we oughta be wishing instead that a more appropriate solution had been arrived at for both Misty (housing free of underage sexploitation) and for RC (appropriate childcare). Or that God forbid he'd actually been prosecuted for those statutory crimes. As opposed to, say, the price paid ultimately by...
for the surrogating or substituting of a child for an adult. I pray better things, a happier destiny awaits Junior. JMO :prayer:


beautifully said Kiki.
AMEN to the part I bolded. Why in the world would they rush the wedding? Why not wait till Haleigh can be there?

Ya know... just a thought, but in my experience, when I hear people say they are doing something because "it's what So-and-So would have wanted"... that usually indicates So-and-So is already gone... passed on... departed from this earth. I can say my mother or my dad would have wanted me to do this or that... because both are gone now. I would not say that my missing child "would have wanted" something.

And truth be known... I doubt that Haleigh would have cared one way or another, other than getting to dress up and be a part of the ceremony. To a 5 yr old, that would be the big to-do about it... not the marriage itself.

And yeah, I know I am bumping an older post as I read through this, but this has always bothered me. You do something because "that's what someone whould have wanted", such as getting married when that someone is dead. In the case of a missing child most folks would have postponed the wedding or event "until the child could be with us". I am not saying there is anything hard and fast about this, but it does make you wonder.
I think they got married because Ron got Misty into such a deep pile of poop by making her lie and cover for him, (maybe only about drugs, not Haleigh) putting her in the spotlight looking like the liar. (when he is the one behind the lies)

How much pressure can the kid take? She was getting it from all sides and was probably threatening to bail on the whole scene. So RC told her he loved her and would take care of her and he would prove it to her. Ta da, a ring.

Some have said previously on these threads that this is the most stable relationship Misty has ever had. Ummm how sad.

When you got nothin, you got nothing to lose. Lots of teenagers marry young to get out of a bad home life only to realize their mistake years later when they grow up.

Ron apparently told TM that he is keeping his enemies close. Ya, well I'd like to change that to "i gotta keep those that have dirt on me about drugs close'

These kids aren't smoking the occasional pot joint, they are doing pills and going on 3 day party binges. I've seen people mixed up with oxy and pills, it messes up their brains! Some are never the same after years of pill abuse.

There are some serious drug issues going on here, just look at RC's past drug offenses. Geeze, he's not even 30 yet and managed to pile up quite a list of offenses.

Misty has hardly any education but she has street smarts, she could have been worried that she lied to LE for Ron about the drugs, and he would break at some point and admit it to LE and she would end up to be the scapegoat for the lies.

It was their pact, "I will take care of you forever is we just stick together on this until we find haleigh." and married her.
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