"incestuous" images found on JP's computer in Utah

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Hi AnaTheresa!

Did you happen to see the offensive poster hanging in the basement of Sp's home of a woman stabbing herself in her privates with a sword? Is this a form of anime?

(The photos were during the tour of SP's home after he was arrested.)



IMOO, NO child should ever be exposed to that! It is more than SICK!
While not a fan of Timothy Leary, he certainly had a point when he stated, "Question Authority."
The sins of the father 20/20 tonight at 10pm EST

The Coxes will be on Dr. Phil today in case anyone wants to watch.

This is also supposed to be on Dateline tonight (same time as 20/20).

I guess I will have get the DVR ready to record one and watch the other.

Hi AnaTheresa!

Did you happen to see the offensive poster hanging in the basement of Sp's home of a woman stabbing herself in her privates with a sword? Is this a form of anime?
(The photos were during the tour of SP's home after he was arrested.)



wm, the poster is not anime. If you have seen some of the Saturday morning cartoons on tv for kids, the surrealistic ones with the characters that have larger than scale heads/eyes are anime.
Google the term and you will see.
Dear lord, they found the images in 2009. They never got the images to the doc that was supposed to decide if the children were safe with JP until a few days after he murdered them??!! I am a little angry right now. I do not understand how this could have happened, especially with it being a high profile case. Did everyone walk around thinking JP was a good dad, drinking his koolaid? Did no one keep pushing the issue, well, forgive me the Cox family did all they could, I mean the professionals whose hands this case was in. Imagine what is going on with all the non-high profile cases.

Does anyone know why it takes two years to investigate incestuous/child *advertiser censored* images on his computer?
Does it really take two years to investigate it? Is there a back log?
I want to know.
Does anyone know the answer?
Is this why Sean and Hailey Dunn's mom aren't arrested yet for possessing child *advertiser censored*?
There needs to be a new more expedite way of progressing evidence from computers.
OMG...this is just so horrifying!!! The judge knew and he still got to see those precious boys? My brain hurts so much right now...just keeps getting more and more unbelieveable. What about Josh having cartoon incest on his PC screamed 'oh, it's okay' to this judge?

I am beside myself.

I know we can't bash the judge. But, I honestly do question her ability to judge. It's her job, the tax payers are her employers. We should demand competent judges.
I hope she has a long honest soul searching time off of work to think about her ability to serve the public and protect children.
If it was me I'd resign.
Wait, what? They found these images TWO YEARS AGO and were just NOW beginning to think it might be wise to evaluate if it has a bearing on his custody of his sons???

From his comments in the custody hearing it sounded to me like the lawyer knew exactly what these images were. Knowing they were computer generated he'd be able to say they aren't illegal but he also knew they were in extremely bad taste and concerning IMO.

THIS is an example of what needs to be changed about the system. Based on the Utah's judge's ruling, Cox's attorney had authority to view the pictures, yet they were not disclosed to him until after the murder-suicide. Had he seen incestuous images, he certainly would have moved for visitation to be halted until Josh took and passed the psycho-sexual examination.

I'm physically ill right now! Down right p'ed off!!! What is it going to take for our dadgum legal system to truly put our kids first!!! WTH... I'm so sick of the term "in the best interest of the child." We need to give this a new definition and make our state medical representatives, ie. state psychologists, drop the whole nuclear family goal! When are they going to figure out that that's not what is the best for a whole lot of these kids. Time and time again they give these kids back to the parents, they get abused again or killed, and we have to hear the nuclear family psycho babble... We need to get rid of this idea... and accept that not all kids should be reunited with their bio parent!
When jp said he had a surprise for them, I can't even put it into words... A whole dictionary of words flood my brain, and many more that I can't put here. I feel like jp's rights as a parent were more important than those babies, as usual.

Just set my dvr to watch 20/20 tonight with the social worker, imo, one of the few state reps that did her job. Also, dateline is doing a show tonight on this.

I am looking forward to the 20/20 show as well. Well, looking forward is probably not the best phrase but these boys deserve to have their story told. And God bless that poor social worker. I hope Dateline isn't on at the same time..no dvr. :(
IMO, there should have been no court-ordered supervised visitation ordered by this judge. That includes out-of-home, with an army of guards. None. I'm adamant about this.

I completely agree. After those images were found he should have been ordered to stay away from the kids. Period.:maddening:
I am looking forward to the 20/20 show as well. Well, looking forward is probably not the best phrase but these boys deserve to have their story told. And God bless that poor social worker. I hope Dateline isn't on at the same time..no dvr. :(

BBM. I live in the east and it is on at the same time. But you can watch them online in the morning.

You can go to hulu.com in the morning to watch 20/20 or NBC to watch Dateline if you want. I've had to do this many times when I forget to set my DVR.

Omg. WHEN is the tidal wave of sickness in this case going to stop? This situation is so unbelievable and the more the onion is peeled the worse it gets. I have never seen anything like it. It's a true catastrophe with balls being dropped all over the damn place.

I really just cannot get my head around all of this information. It's overwhelming and beyond disturbing.
BBM. I live in the east and it is on at the same time. But you can watch them online in the morning.

You can go to hulu.com in the morning to watch 20/20 or NBC to watch Dateline if you want. I've had to do this many times when I forget to set my DVR.


That does help thank you! The video in this thread says the memorial will be live streamed Saturday. Does anyone know what time it is?
The Coxes will be on Dr. Phil today in case anyone wants to watch.

This is also supposed to be on Dateline tonight (same time as 20/20).

I guess I will have get the DVR ready to record one and watch the other.


My remote is broken and I have no idea how to change channels (not so easy with satellite). Is there any way to watch online?
I think I would be owning a couple agenices when I got thru sueing.

This is inexcusable....2 years knowing and yet you put those boys in harms way.....

simply inexcusable.
IMO, there should have been no court-ordered supervised visitation ordered by this judge. That includes out-of-home, with an army of guards. None. I'm adamant about this.

A few days ago I said I blame JP, but I also blame the judge and the system for this tragedy. I was taken to task by another member who told me only Josh was to blame. My feeling then, as now, is the judge wanted JP to have a psycho-sexual examination. She must have had good reason for wanting it. Now we're hearing there was a very good reason, but yet the judge stupidly allowed those little boys to be endangered. I am so furious with this situation, I can't see straight.

Now we're learning the Cox grandparents and their attorney had no idea what was going on!!!

I can't believe the court, the child protective service, or law enforcement, thought it unnecessary to make the grandparents aware of the horror the children could have experienced at the hands of their father while they were in his care their entire lives. They waited to release the information AFTER the horrendous murders.

So many people failed those two precious little boys.

I'm not one for suing, but in this case, I'd have a long list of people and agencies I'd want sued, and I'd start with the states of Utah and Washington, then work my way down. I still say that judge should step down and be disbarred.

Let me be clear, I'm NOT blaming the case worker who was with the boys. She was only doing her job. I blame the judge, the state/county agency, etc., NOT the poor woman who is also a victim in all this.
Agree ZoeB, minus CPS (and certainly not the SW/Case Worker), who unless someone corrects me>must follow judge's orders.
IMO IMO IMO etc. but it seems so obvious that JP's birth family was so very, very abusive and messed up. I will never seek to excuse his acts but there's no denying he was so very damaged by SP, as were the other sibs, except Jennifer. I think of the horrors THEY no doubt endured. SP comes across as someone with no boundaries...what's his is his, and what's yours is his. Even a son's wife (he wished). I have no doubt at all that JP and sibs were abused in horrible ways and subject to all manner of inappropriate behavior. The misogyny - that image of a woman being pierced by a sword - the essential annihilation of their mom - the distrust of authority - it does not end. Except Jennifer, none of the others seem able to function in the world or care for themselves. I have long felt that the SP home was always some kind of sick compound. Someone posted yesterday (I'm sorry, I forget who and in which thread) that there was a vibe of "family affair" to the SP home and I am sickened to say that I agree and have thought so for a long time. Dear god.

Poor, poor Susan. I always imagine she viewed JP as the damaged child that he was, and believed that her love, and God's, could heal him. Coming from the strong, loving, NORMAL family she did, no way could she have imagined the depravity lurking there. She probably thought that being away from SP in Utah would help. But nothing could help, I think, unless JP had wanted to change and been willing to undergo massive, massive psychological treatment.

You can't help wondering how far back the damage began. We know SP endured his own horrors. It continues to shock and astonish to see the far-reaching effects of such crippling dysfunction. Will I ever wrap my head around it? Do I want to?
NEW LAWS must be in place for the SAFETY of children!
FORGET these monsters wishes!
SP father should never of had his children!
SP should never of had his children!
JP should never of had his children!

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