"incestuous" images found on JP's computer in Utah

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I understand wanting to protect a future case, but IMO, protecting Josh's rights to visitation with his sons after discovering pedophiliac-incestuous images on his computer in 2009, computer-generated or not---is unforgivable.
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Legal status of cartoon *advertiser censored* depicting minors
Legal status of cartoon *advertiser censored* depicting minors - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pierce County Sheriff's Detective Ed Troyer told The Associated Press on Thursday night that the images collected by investigators from Powell's home computer in Utah two years ago were realistic computer-generated depictions of "incestuous" parent-child relations.

"It's family-oriented in nature," Troyer said. "It is incestuous."

Troyer said the images couldn't be legally defined as *advertiser censored* because they don't involve real people. Troyer said the judge in last week's custody hearing was apprised of the images at the proceeding.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/02/1...ges-on-his-computer-police-say/#ixzz1lzWa6y87

The images were CGI (computer generated images) not cartoons, but the same loophole protects them as cartoon renderings. Since no actual living person participated in the events depicted they cannot be lablelled *advertiser censored*. But they were realistic in appearance.
So there were these type of images found on a computer 2 years ago and yet he was still allowed to have visitation with his boys?

How is the judge/someone at DFS not in jail right now if that's the case? Someone is going to take the fall for this, the writing is on the wall now.
What am I missing here? If the images were discovered on Josh's computer in 2009 in Utah, just who was withholding access to viewing these computer-generated incestuous images from whom?

IIRC, I read that Utah had the images and sent them to WA AG LOng because they didn't want JP to regain custody. They had been holding them til their case was airtight. I guess they didn't want to show their hand until totally necessary. I sure wish they had sent them for the first custody hearing! AG Long showed them to the psychologist who ammended his recommendation at the last minute.

Sorry no link so don't quote me on this.

Ed Troyer told Peter Alexander on TODAY the *advertiser censored* depicted parent/child sex:(
and the photos were very lifelike. Also somone saw JP dumping something secret at a local landfill. There is also a pic of JP at the bank.


This piece was a prelude to tonights Dateline.


So chilling.

I don't know that I agree that a "Charlie and Braden law" couldn't have stopped this--if it had prevented his having contact with the kids. When they say "brother-in-law", do they mean a brother of Susan's?

Thankfully, in the Kyron Horman case, the dad was able to keep the POI from seeing their child. But in a case like this, where there is no parent to fight, there could be protective laws or protocols.
IIRC, I read that Utah had the images and sent them to WA AG LOng because they didn't want JP to regain custody. They had been holding them til their case was airtight. I guess they didn't want to show their hand until totally necessary. I sure wish they had sent them for the first custody hearing! AG Long showed them to the psychologist who ammended his recommendation at the last minute.

Sorry no link so don't quote me on this.


Two days later, Pierce County Superior Court Judge Kathryn Nelson heard arguments from Josh Powell seeking to regain custody of his children. Long opposed that, noting only that "concerning" images from his computer had been provided by the police in Utah.

After considering Long's arguments and the recommendation for the psychosexual evaluation, Nelson denied Powell's request. She said she wouldn't consider granting Powell custody unless he underwent the exam. She didn't make any changes in the visitation schedule, which allowed Powell to see his boys, 5 and 7, at his house twice a week while supervised by a social worker.


Judge knew there were "concerning" images, and yet made no changes re visitation, but knew enough to cover herself by agreeing to the recommendation for a psychosexual evaluation. Course, MOO.
So chilling.

I don't know that I agree that a "Charlie and Braden law" couldn't have stopped this--if it had prevented his having contact with the kids. When they say "brother-in-law", do they mean a brother of Susan's?

Thankfully, in the Kyron Horman case, the dad was able to keep the POI from seeing their child. But in a case like this, where there is no parent to fight, there could be protective laws or protocols.

I agree, we need some kind of law that protects the children from parents who are POI's ect. JP only attended ONE counseling session from 9-27 (IIRC) hearing when the judge ordered it til the 2-1 hearing. IMO, the judge should have halted visitation til he met all his requirements. How can a psychologist make a determination about a person's stability after only one visit?

The downside of that is that JP was Crazy! (We all saw it months ago! WS recognized the red flags months ago.) If the kids had remained with the Coxes, well, there is no telling what he may have done.



Two days later, Pierce County Superior Court Judge Kathryn Nelson heard arguments from Josh Powell seeking to regain custody of his children. Long opposed that, noting only that "concerning" images from his computer had been provided by the police in Utah.

After considering Long's arguments and the recommendation for the psychosexual evaluation, Nelson denied Powell's request. She said she wouldn't consider granting Powell custody unless he underwent the exam. She didn't make any changes in the visitation schedule, which allowed Powell to see his boys, 5 and 7, at his house twice a week while supervised by a social worker.


Judge knew there were "concerning" images, and yet made no changes re visitation, but knew enough to cover herself by agreeing to the psychosexual evaluation. Course, MOO.

She should have demanded the boys go for a medical check up!!!!! BEFORE he saw them again!!
While Evil will often find a way to achieve their goals, it should not be made easier for them by the system.
IIRC, I read that Utah had the images and sent them to WA AG LOng because they didn't want JP to regain custody. They had been holding them til their case was airtight. I guess they didn't want to show their hand until totally necessary. I sure wish they had sent them for the first custody hearing! AG Long showed them to the psychologist who ammended his recommendation at the last minute.

Sorry no link so don't quote me on this.


This is what I remember as well. Along with WVCPD would only release the images if they had to in order to prevent JP from ever getting the kids back.

WVCPD hanging on to these images so tightly makes me wonder if they suspected motive or know it's connected to motive. Susan may have discovered something very dark about JP and he dealt with it by killing Susan. Very reasonable IMO if you look at JP's violent reaction a few days after he was backed into a corner over the pics and suspected pedophile tendencies. Maybe Susan backed him into a corner as well?
Pierce County Sheriff's Detective Ed Troyer told The Associated Press on Thursday night that the images collected by investigators from Powell's home computer in Utah two years ago were realistic computer-generated depictions of "incestuous" parent-child relations.

"It's family-oriented in nature," Troyer said. "It is incestuous."

Troyer said the images couldn't be legally defined as *advertiser censored* because they don't involve real people. Troyer said the judge in last week's custody hearing was apprised of the images at the proceeding.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/02/1...ges-on-his-computer-police-say/#ixzz1lzWa6y87

The images were CGI (computer generated images) not cartoons, but the same loophole protects them as cartoon renderings. Since no actual living person participated in the events depicted they cannot be lablelled *advertiser censored*. But they were realistic in appearance.

There is a computer program called Poser; if this is a program he used, it is a time consuming process, many hours, not something you do in 5 minutes. Now we understand jp's not giving Susan the password to the computers, his and pervy granpa's numerous computers and jp's 'offness'. These computer programs are not cheap and given jp's affinity for 'toys', i.e. motor for his bicycle..., it may explain his control of money. The next step is to find file sharing and if he sold/traded these clips. May not be illegal but sure as he!! should have changed the dynamics of visitation. I am also wondering if there are 'other' clips not CGI.
I'm guessing that they know this material was "incestuous" because it came from an anime-styled cartoon with a plot that contains explicit sex. Animated cartoon *advertiser censored*, even if it contains minor or incestuous activities, is not illegal at this time under child *advertiser censored* statutes. There's been Supreme Court litigation over this fact already - we covered it in my constitutional law class.

That said, while it may not be illegal to possess, it certainly should raise a red flag, particularly given the subject matter. I am strongly questioning why CPS did not have visitation at a secure place, rather than at the home. The boys deserved better than this.

Thanks for your explanation, especially relating to your class.
So I guess that until something is done about this there will continue to exist a legal way for pedos to be in the clear as long as they are enjoying realistic "cartoons".
This is what I remember as well. Along with WVCPD would only release the images if they had to in order to prevent JP from ever getting the kids back.

WVCPD hanging on to these images so tightly makes me wonder if they suspected motive or know it's connected to motive. Susan may have discovered something very dark about JP and he dealt with it by killing Susan. Very reasonable IMO if you look at JP's violent reaction a few days after he was backed into a corner over the pics and suspected pedophile tendencies. Maybe Susan backed him into a corner as well?

AND, the Coxes had voiced concerns to authorities that they were afraid of what JP may do if backed into a corner!

Wasn't JP supposedly a web site designer? This new info makes me wonder what kinds of sites he was designing. I'm gonna hush up now because I don't even want to think about it......


Troyer said the judge in last week's custody hearing was apprised of the images at the proceeding.

OMG...this is just so horrifying!!! The judge knew and he still got to see those precious boys? My brain hurts so much right now...just keeps getting more and more unbelieveable. What about Josh having cartoon incest on his PC screamed 'oh, it's okay' to this judge?

I am beside myself.
I'm guessing that they know this material was "incestuous" because it came from an anime-styled cartoon with a plot that contains explicit sex. Animated cartoon *advertiser censored*, even if it contains minor or incestuous activities, is not illegal at this time under child *advertiser censored* statutes. There's been Supreme Court litigation over this fact already - we covered it in my constitutional law class.

That said, while it may not be illegal to possess, it certainly should raise a red flag, particularly given the subject matter. I am strongly questioning why CPS did not have visitation at a secure place, rather than at the home. The boys deserved better than this.

Hi AnaTheresa!

Did you happen to see the offensive poster hanging in the basement of Sp's home of a woman stabbing herself in her privates with a sword? Is this a form of anime?

(The photos were during the tour of SP's home after he was arrested.)


I'm guessing that they know this material was "incestuous" because it came from an anime-styled cartoon with a plot that contains explicit sex. Animated cartoon *advertiser censored*, even if it contains minor or incestuous activities, is not illegal at this time under child *advertiser censored* statutes. There's been Supreme Court litigation over this fact already - we covered it in my constitutional law class.

That said, while it may not be illegal to possess, it certainly should raise a red flag, particularly given the subject matter. I am strongly questioning why CPS did not have visitation at a secure place, rather than at the home. The boys deserved better than this.

Respectfully, BBM.

I could be wrong, but doesn't the judge make the decisions? CPS follows orders.

Adding to your last paragraph, while not "illegal" per se, she was also aware that in this case, Josh was the POI in their Mother's disappearance. Her decision should not have been based on the computer-generated images alone. IMO, she erred.
IIRC Susan told her friend? that jp had lost his sex drive with her for months before she went missing.
This may be due to him being into sick *advertiser censored* with SP and maybe others?
IMO, more will come out just how sick some of the family really is.
Are the other children that lived with sp/jp married? Any children?

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