Information to break fast and furious soon according to fox news

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GA remembered way too many details from the morning of the 16th (really dumb for a a former LE) but WHY would Casey cover for GA and CA? Casey seems much too narcisstic to do that. There'd have to be a mighty big pay off in return for her to go through all of this. But I agree that Cindy's behaviour is suspicious. And again, where is GA?

Or could it be that Casey is just waiting for LE to figure it out because she's that scared of CA? If CA and GA are the perps (or even LA) then that explains how a month went by without Caylee's absence being reported. CA said she couldn't find Casey for a month which I've always thought was odd because I can track down my 21 year old daughter when need be, I've never understood that Cindy really couldn't find Casey, especially since Lee knew many in Casey's circle and we know now from myspace that Casey hung in a small circle. So were CA and GA waiting until they were sure Caylee couldn't be found before finally "finding" Casey?
Maybe Casey is as confused as the rest of us.

Shakespeare worded best my feelings toward Cindy, "The lady doth protest too much, methinks"

Didn't CA have a myspace? My niece and nephew know everything about everyone because they have a myspace. They just go from one site to another gathering information. CA had to know what her daughter was up to. Why the message on her board? She was trying to guilt Kc into bringing Caylee home OR trying to let everyone know how "terrible" she was at the time.
Notice how many people say that CA told them KC was a socio, liar or whatever she did? Strange relationship for a mother to give her daughter room/board, cover her @** all the time but then turn on her in a NY minute!
wow, what a generous friend.
sounds like some of what we're gonna see in the not yet released newly released docs... :)

Yep..I just made a thread about it for those who did not see it.I watched it from the media thread where Patty G. uplinked the interview from u-tube.
Let's see if I can remember how this goes.....I'm sensing a repeat. Things are just too quiet all of a sudden and it reminds me of..ummm...last weekend???? Oh yeah....KC gets out of jail...protest starts around 7:30 pm...LE shows up at 8:30 pm....LE barges in the house...KC goes back to jail on new charges....right?
plane tickets. Maybe she got a good discount on air fare through her job at Universal. lol. she probably said she could took friends CASH and then ACTUALLY charged the tickets to mommys credit card.
Something that bothers me is that Casey was getting money somehow before the month of June, her source of income seemed to have stopped. I do not believe that she was stealing for her money the entire time from the loss of her job because as reckless as her theft was she would have been brought up on charges several years ago. What was she doing that she stopped getting paid for? I do not think GA and CA would have been able to support her spending.
Something that bothers me is that Casey was getting money somehow before the month of June, her source of income seemed to have stopped. I do not believe that she was stealing for her money the entire time from the loss of her job because as reckless as her theft was she would have been brought up on charges several years ago. What was she doing that she stopped getting paid for? I do not think GA and CA would have been able to support her spending.

Good point. Maybe she just started getting sloppy in who she stole from. She sure got desperate. People she lived with.
Something that bothers me is that Casey was getting money somehow before the month of June, her source of income seemed to have stopped. I do not believe that she was stealing for her money the entire time from the loss of her job because as reckless as her theft was she would have been brought up on charges several years ago. What was she doing that she stopped getting paid for? I do not think GA and CA would have been able to support her spending.

I say she was getting money from George and Cindy under the pretense of paying the non-existent nanny. I'm sure she could whip up a bunch of fake expense reports to "prove" she spent all her money for her "job"...and the A's paid for everything else associated with Caylee so why not the nanny expense as well? All those crazy hours KC supposedly worked, having an 'on call nanny must have been would be expensive if you actually HAD one.
plane tickets. Maybe she got a good discount on air fare through her job at Universal. lol. she probably said she could took friends CASH and then ACTUALLY charged the tickets to mommys credit card.

A poster on another board has been in contact with LE--someone opened a card in her husbands name and had another card attached to it for use by another person

They bought 7 planes tickets with it--3 Delta-2 Air Tran-2 Spirit

Also used it at Target,Toys R Us and a bunch of restaurants.

She contacted LE on Caseys case because of it happening in Orlando--They're still going over it

ETA:I found the post and fixed the airlines

This is the post

Yes. Tickets purchased were 3 from Delta Airlines, 2 from Tran air and 2 from Spirit Air.

Charges began on June 6th thru July 16th. Included purchases for groceries for $425.00, Target, Toys R Us, 3 purchases for gas, Some Brazilian Steakhouse for $126.00, The Catch restaurant for $325.00, more for groceries. Other purchases I can't recall all now.

Lots of online purchases totaling over $10,000.

When we received the full list I was

When filing the police report we mentioned the Caylee Anthony case and the fraud investigator sent copies to Orlando and Ft. Lauderdale LE.

I am NOT accusing anyone. Just found the dates, locations and purchases interesting. imo
A poster on another board has been in contact with LE--someone opened a card in her husbands name and had another card attached to it for use by another person

They bought 6 planes tickets with it--3 Delta-2 Air Tran-1 Us Air(I know the amounts but fuzzy on the airlines)

Also used it at Target,Toys R Us and a bunch of restaurants.

She contacted LE on Caseys case because of it happening in Orlando--They're still going over it

Uber creepy! Connected or not it sure sounds like Casey's spending habits.
Was thinking about the morning of the 16th. Now, if Casey spent the night with Tony. George stating that he saw them leaving while he was watching the cooking program. So, Cindy is at work. George does not tell anything about WHEN Casey came home to pick up Caylee. As as some of said, nothing about Caylee getting up, eating breakfast. Nothing until he saw them leave! Does not make sense. jmo
Yeah, that is too bad. What I find strange is that this neighbor heard them, heard them loudly enough to know that there was a 'heated arguement,' lives right on top of them, and yet heard none of what was said? How much overhearing does it take to pick out bits and pieces and figure out the content of the arguement? If you know they're arguing then you heard them well enough to know that. Otherwise, how do you know they weren't in the midst of a loud, possibly fun filled few minutes in the yard?

I don't want to go off topic, but it is possible to be aware of a heated arguement and not make out what is being said. I was a witness to a fire that claimed the life of a woman (my neighbor). Before the fire broke out, things were very heated...w/the husband. I could only make out one word ("*itch"), but I could tell just how bad it was and was ready to phone the police. I could also tell he was drunk (which I told the detectives and it was later proven), but, again, the actual words were a blur. The sound was enough...:(
But the Anthony's were not wealthy, GA was not working, and I am sure that they were absorbing most of the expense of Caylee, I do not think that they were providing cash for a nanny that they never met, that does seem like CA's personality to me. I think that Casey had money coming in until about June, and then it stopped, and she became desperate to keep up the lifestyle that she was living.
I am beginning to change my mind about this whole deal. What I think happened will offend some and probably get me banned... but here it is anyway.

Casey is protecting someone. Cindy Anthony is frantic and in huge denial. George is laying low.

Casey spent the night of June 14th with Tony L. but not Caylee. Caylee must have been with George and Cindy as there is video of Caylee with the great-granddad on June 15th. Casey spends the night of June 16th with Tony L. and again without Caylee.

Cindy said she only “heard” Casey and Caylee the morning of June 16th. George says he saw them both while he was watching his fav cooking show. Now George seems very odd to me… and I believe Casey is covering for SOMEONE. Is it possible that Casey left Caylee with George?

Would Casey’s overt sexual behavior be the result of long-term &*^%$# abuse? Casey also hid the identity of Caylee’s father. Cindy has her head in the sand about something… WHAT IS IT? Casey didn’t want Caylee… wanted to give her up for adoption… get where I’m going here?

Caylee could have been home alone with Grandpa. The dogs hit in the back yard, didn’t they? George admits to looking in Casey’s trunk and finding the gas cans - he had access to the car. [I wonder where Cindy was that day? Wouldn’t she have asked where Caylee was?]

Casey told Tony L. her dad would get the car from Amscot - do we know if Casey called George about the car? That would be very interesting if she did. Tony said he even asked Casey days later about the car and she said her dad had taken care of it.

Okay.. I expect to be banned now so I will be a reader. Thanks for everyone's insights. I love this board.
i don't see why u would get banned its jsut a theory. not painted as fact.
i have long thought that caseys behavior is text book for a victim of sex abuse.
she seems to think her only value is in sex shes very permiscous (i know i spelled that wrong) she is immature.

all things that sex abuse victims tend to exhibit
of course thats jsut my opinion
I'ts just a theory and everyone is entitled to have one. I personally do not think George is involved in anyway and if he had been LE would have picked up on it during their long interviews with the family
Uber creepy! Connected or not it sure sounds like Casey's spending habits.

I wonder if they have checked in to KC having some sort of PO box. I does sound as if it could be something she would do. Maybe she was in some identity theft bigger than we know.
A poster on another board has been in contact with LE--someone opened a card in her husbands name and had another card attached to it for use by another person

They bought 6 planes tickets with it--3 Delta-2 Air Tran-1 Us Air(I know the amounts but fuzzy on the airlines)

Also used it at Target,Toys R Us and a bunch of restaurants.

She contacted LE on Caseys case because of it happening in Orlando--They're still going over it

That would explain the statement from LE saying that she had quite a criminal past. Wouldn't it be hilarious if she kept getting locked up a little at a time and that money run out just posting bond.
The Fed's just busted a group for check cashing fraud. There was like 20 of them in three different states. 6 of them were from my town and about 8 where from the next town over. They were making up fake payroll checks, coordinating the cashing of them and they raked in lots of money. Close to a million. Not sure but I think one of them was connected to one of the payroll companies that business hires. They had been doing it for about a year before they got busted.
In RM statement he is asked if Casey ever used his credit card and his answer was [paraphrasing] I never noticed anything but if was something small I would not have cared. It would had to have been something really big for me to notice. He just brushed it off like it was not that important, never crossed his mind, didn't care anyway.
But the Anthony's were not wealthy, GA was not working, and I am sure that they were absorbing most of the expense of Caylee, I do not think that they were providing cash for a nanny that they never met, that does seem like CA's personality to me. I think that Casey had money coming in until about June, and then it stopped, and she became desperate to keep up the lifestyle that she was living.

That's what I've always thought as well.Why would the parents be paying her sitter? I'm still curious to know where she went everyday for two years.

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