Information to break fast and furious soon according to fox news

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I guess this would explain the money that seems to have come into their hands:

As an FYI, a source close to the investigation has told me that ABC News 20/20 has offered the Anthony family one million dollars for an exclusive interview. The same source claims that AIM Productions from Nashville has also offered the family one million for book and movie rights.

I wonder if they're gonna use any of it to look for Caylee, or just use it for Casey's defense?
Well, it seems Cindy took Caylee to the nursing home on Father's Day and maybe that is when she found out about KC stealing from her grandparents. She must have went home & confronted KC about it sparking a huge fight. After all, KC is a liar, so you can't confront her with her lies. Liars of this magnitude think by taking such a strong stand against what they are being accused of (ie: yelling and screaming, denying, etc.) proves they didn't do it. So, did she march out with Caylee right then & there never to return with Caylee again or did she leave Caylee there & go to TonE's to sleep & return the next morning leaving when TonE's roommate said she usually did? It seems that was her normal routine--no way in he** she would have stayed there overnight with or without Caylee after that blow up--plus I'm sure she needed to see her TonE. So to me, the question is, was Caylee ever there on June 16? Was she there overnight June 15 while KC was with TonE? The next question is did George really see them leave the house at 12:50 as he states or did he just see KC leave alone with backpacks, etc saying she was leaving & that she left Caylee with a friend? Or did he not see anyone leave at all? Everyone is cryptic on the morning of June 16, even TonE's roommate. Do we know what TonE said about that morning--if KC was at his apartment? Sorry if this has been discussed, but I just needed to put it in writing to wrap my brain around it!! :waitasec:

You know she probably did leave with Caylee that very day. Mad as heck over the argument. If she were that mad and Caylee made a fuss she could have just lost it. Or going to Ts house and not wanting Caylee to have to tag along she could have given her something to make her sleepy. Sigh, I get so afraid we will never really know what happened.
But we've all discussed how when a liar lies, they give way to much detail. Which would be why GA speaks excatly of what the girls were wearing when they left, where he sat and what he watched. He focuses on the part that they were leaving. Nothing as others have mentioned about breakfast or any other normal morning routine.
Since this whole thing is very off topic to the thread, this will be my only post on the subject.
Compulsive lying is a VERY large indicator of abuse and usually the only thing, true or false that the abused person will not talk about will be the actual abuse. That subject is never discussed. Everything is fine to talk about, lies, other peoples secrets, but never the abuse.
Reason for this, especially in Casey's case, is this:
Abuse victims are raised to believe that the abuse is their fault, they brought it on, and they are bad and dirty. That is classic conditioning.
Has Casey ever said or done anything to cast herself in a negative light intentionally? Or has everything she has done been with the intent to make herself look as good as possible? I say the second.
Her personality does say the victim of abuse, but it could have been physical, sexual, or severe psychological. Unfortunately, the markers are about the same for adult survivors of child abuse.

You are correct. It would be a compelling reason for some of her action. (not murder. Also sexual promiscuity is another huge indicator of sexual abuse by relative. I think it is clear Casey was sexual promiscuity
Did I just hear Fuhrman say that Casey bought the airline tickets for Amy, TonE & Ricardo at different times????

wow, what a generous friend.
sounds like some of what we're gonna see in the not yet released newly released docs... :)
Thanks but I do believe I'm sticking within the context of this thread due to the fast and furious news supposedly supposed to happen and was just stating what I saw that may be happening.

Have both threads and trying to keep track of things.
Sure, kwmred! They are headed out to save Caylee, as soon as they get Casey tucked in and settled with her crayolas and notepad, that she wasn't allowed in jail (Casey will be writing her letter soon!). They need to bake Casey her favorite treats, too.

Next, before they can head out to save Caylee, they need to throw George a big happy birthday party! Purchase some new yellow tape and fertilizer for their lawn. After George's party they will be too busy watching themselves on 20/20 to do much at that point.

Then they need to wait for their turn on the computer schedule, you know how busy Casey is with that. We wouldn't want to upset that little darlin', now would we? Finally, they will get the computer and book flights for 2weeks from now to get the best rates! They don't have much money, you know!

But sure! Cindy is going to "walk every inch of this earth" just as soon as she gets the above done and runs to Target to get her some western boots and a hat! Well, that's if she doesn't have any conflicts with scheduled television appearences....

all just my opinion and rotten attitude at this time.
Casey spent the night with Tony, on Father's Day June 15th without Caylee. Caylee, according to Cindy tucked her in bed that night, during an interview or perhaps the bond hearing.

However, on June 16th, there has been no real verification of Caylee except for Cindy saying I heard them in the bedroom and George saying I saw them at 12:50 PM.

No one spoke about Caylee getting up, having breakfast., etc., etc. Just mysteriously appeared at 12:50 PM with Casey.

I have said this from the very beginning, Cindy was the last one to see Caylee alive, and this is documeted with the nursing home sign-in and the video. Everything after leaving the nursing home has ONLY been reported via George and Cindy.

So why didn't Geroge speak more about the morning of June 16th and what time does Cindy go to work?

This has been discussed a lot and there are some major missing pieces from June 15th after leaving the nursing home ....

GA remembered way too many details from the morning of the 16th (really dumb for a a former LE) but WHY would Casey cover for GA and CA? Casey seems much too narcisstic to do that. There'd have to be a mighty big pay off in return for her to go through all of this. But I agree that Cindy's behaviour is suspicious. And again, where is GA?

Or could it be that Casey is just waiting for LE to figure it out because she's that scared of CA? If CA and GA are the perps (or even LA) then that explains how a month went by without Caylee's absence being reported. CA said she couldn't find Casey for a month which I've always thought was odd because I can track down my 21 year old daughter when need be, I've never understood that Cindy really couldn't find Casey, especially since Lee knew many in Casey's circle and we know now from myspace that Casey hung in a small circle. So were CA and GA waiting until they were sure Caylee couldn't be found before finally "finding" Casey?
Maybe Casey is as confused as the rest of us.

Shakespeare worded best my feelings toward Cindy, "The lady doth protest too much, methinks"
I agree with you 100percent! For 20/20 to bump a story that is in need of telling and the family wants do nothing more then play up to the antics of the Anthony Family is vulgar.

It burns me who gets the coverage and who doesn't..and why pay for vids and pics of the Anthony's with Caylee for the interview..we've all seen enough pics to last a lifetime of that family!

I will not be watching tonight and I fired off several emails to 20/20, their producers and writers.

You want results on the 20/20. Write the sponsors, tell them how you feel about the program they are paying for makes you sick adding to this family's lies and promoting them. Tell them how you will boycott their products and tell everyone you can to do the same until they pull their sponsorship of this farce of a television show. You have to go for the money if you want results. Sponsors are the ones who pay for the programs and sponsors DO take public opinion as impotamt. Print a poster to boycott sponsors in your car. Go for the money. If you can't email the company, call their customer service number.
IMO George had nothing to do with Caylee's being missing but he is probably much more in-line with reality than Cindy and knows something went wrong and Caylee is dead. Again just MO, but I think George knew something was wrong early on in late June when suddenly this needy daughter didn't need them. His explosions have not been like Cindy's, he's reacted in a far more normal way to what has to be a horror for him to comprehend.

If George did something, I think both Casey, Cindy AND Lee would sell his a$$ out right quick. As it appeared there were problems between George and Lee.
wow, what a generous friend.
sounds like some of what we're gonna see in the not yet released newly released docs... :)

Meaning she paid for them (with stolen money no doubt)? Or just that she purchased them?

Well that's kinda stupid, considering the reason she gave to the tat parlor owner for not accompanying them was that she didn't have the money.
Wow! Did anyone know that before? This is too strange. Why would she be buying them tickets???? IMOO

Sad part is Casey just gave the tickets to them. Somebody else unknowingly probably purchased them.:furious:
CA said she couldn't find Casey for a month which I've always thought was odd because I can track down my 21 year old daughter when need be, I've never understood that Cindy really couldn't find Casey, especially since Lee knew many in Casey's circle and we know now from myspace that Casey hung in a small circle. So were CA and GA waiting until they were sure Caylee couldn't be found before finally "finding" Casey?

That is a great point that I hadn't thought about!! Hmm...curiouser and curiouser.
While I do agree that some of Casey's behavior could indicate past abuse I still tend to think that KC has a personality disorder and that her family is
guilty of enabling her. The question is to what lenghts they will go to enable her. In my opinion KC is narrcistic. This seems to explain allot of her
behavior. It also explains her families behavior.
What if George and Caylee were the only people there the morning of June 16th?

If there was any truth to anyone other than Casey being the last
person to be with Caylee.... Casey would be screaming it to the
high heavens.
She doesn't care about her parents so IMO if Cindy or George where
the last to be with Caylee there would be no need for the "nanny"!
I do not think she is covering for anyone but herself.

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