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Well, gotta look good on TV, you know. A grieving grandma has to have priorities. :crazy:
I was wondering the same thing, but felt silly for thinking it. Her nose did have a bruise on the bridge of it in a recent interview.

I know this has nothing to do with sleuthing, but oh well. :)

Yeah, guess we can be too NOSEY. :crazy:
Hubby asked if she has had a nose job....:waitasec:

It certainly looks like she did?? -- the bridge and tip appear to have been narrowed and she has bruising. I don't understand when she had time to do this? Was there like a 2 week window during which Cindy was MIA? Omg, if the A's are on a plastic surgery kick, imagine what Lee could look like by now!!

I was wondering the same thing, but felt silly for thinking it. Her nose did have a bruise on the bridge of it in a recent interview.

I know this has nothing to do with sleuthing, but oh well. :)

It relates to sleuthing for me! I think all of Cindy's seemingly irrational and alarming behavior to date can be reasonably viewed in the context of pathological denial and a desire to preserve her distorted view of her family and to protect her forsaken daughter. If Cindy has been busting around getting plastic surgery and Botox while the world awaits an announcement that Caylee is really alive, that's just out of control. This would take me over the edge re: Cindy.
She didn't have a problem going in there after Cindy picked her up from T's house. If I remember correctly she was in her room and LA was in there talking to her when she called herself a spiteful B*t*h. I also recall that Cindy burst in the room and said "What did you do", "Who took her". So not buying the whole sleeping on the floor routine.
Also, there was no evidence that Elizabeth Smart was dead. There was evidence of a break in and a witness. A lady on the street recognized Elizabeth Smart and called "911" she did not call Elizabeths mother and that is how she was found. I followed that case very closely.
Yeah, guess we can be too NOSEY. :crazy:

HAHAHA. My opinion on her nose is this: (and both my daughter and I have had rhinoplasty so we are experts) I dont think she has had her nose worked on, the bruising and bandaging is very obvious for this procedure. It appears to me she has a large spot of sun damage on the bridge of her nose, I have noticed that from the beginning. I am surprised she hasn't had that removed yet. But if she is having mini-facelift or peels done, and there are many that can be done in a doctors office with no obvious after-effects, combined with Botox, that would tighten up her face and make her nose look smaller. And another thing about Botox, it does give the skin a waxy, smooth appearance that makes your skin look better.( No, I havent had this done, it grosses me out) And I agree this does speak to her character and credibility in that 1.) she is in a state of mind to be concerned with her public appearance at this time, and 2.) they are in the money now!
HAHAHA. My opinion on her nose is this: (and both my daughter and I have had rhinoplasty so we are experts) I dont think she has had her nose worked on, the bruising and bandaging is very obvious for this procedure. It appears to me she has a large spot of sun damage on the bridge of her nose, I have noticed that from the beginning. I am surprised she hasn't had that removed yet. But if she is having mini-facelift or peels done, and there are many that can be done in a doctors office with no obvious after-effects, combined with Botox, that would tighten up her face and make her nose look smaller. And another thing about Botox, it does give the skin a waxy, smooth appearance that makes your skin look better.( No, I havent had this done, it grosses me out) And I agree this does speak to her character and credibility in that 1.) she is in a state of mind to be concerned with her public appearance at this time, and 2.) they are in the money now!

Thank you for your insight-- that makes sense re: her nose. Everyone I've seen after rhinoplasty looks like they've been in a car accident for a few weeks. And I agree that if our speculation is true, this casts a really strange light on Cindy's state of mind and priorities. I'm all for people doing what they need to do to look and feel their best, but in the current context this strikes me as a really disturbing move on Cindy's part-- I just don't understand... I guess the upside is that I imagine this REALLY annoys Casey.
The tour through the Anthony home yesterday just had me fascinated. It has now become a monument to Caylee, I can't believe that all the pictures in the Anthony home of Caylee were always there. It's Cindy's make-believe world. Listening to Cindy say that Casey slept in their room and held a teddy bear made me sick to my stomach. I have thought from the beginning that Casey was jealous because Cindy was starting to like Caylee better. Casey wanted to be the baby, and Caylee was taking that away. She finally got her place back in the Anthony home after Caylee was missing, on her parents bedroom floor??? Cindy made her sound like she was a two-year old. She's a nasty, lying full grown woman, who said incredibly horrible things about and to her parents such as talking to them was a "waste". She "messed up" they "covered up". She remained silent, they defended her. What kind of excellent mother and wonderful daughter could talk to her parents this way??? Losing Caylee is just what Casey wanted. All the attention to herself. She should have been scared while she was hopping from one man's bed to another, or when she was forging checks on a camera at Meijer and the bank or maybe she should have thought about how scared Caylee was in the trunk of the car. This family makes no sense whatsoever, and it's ridiculous to listen to Cindy Anthony anymore, she is just gone, and George has his own personal reasons for standing by her. Lee grew up with them, what do you expect????? This is only MY opinion.

This interview makes Casey come off even more infantilized. I'm surprised she didn't claim Casey sucked her thumb in her sleep or started wetting the bed too. Give me a break!
Hi, this is the first time I have posted-but have been following this case along with you all from the beginning. I just have to say that I am so impressed with everyone's hard work and dedication to this case.

I wanted to offer a bit of information on the ultrasound pictures. I have been an ultrasound tech for about 8 years and I believe the pictures shown on the "home tour" appear to be of a more developed fetus. The 3d picture shows the baby has a substantial amount of fat, which is indicative of a later term pregnancy. The 2d picture also shows a well developed fetus. Above the foot, you can see the placenta which looks like it is a grade II, which is typical for a mid to late 3rd trimester pregnancy.

Hope this helps!!!

It does, and you deserve a raise for being so good at identifying!

This interview makes Casey come off even more infantilized. I'm surprised she didn't claim Casey sucked her thumb in her sleep or started wetting the bed too. Give me a break!

you know I was thinking in one of the interviews with kc she mentioned that everyone told her that she was such a good mom...that she did good with Caylee...perhaps CA wants everyone to think she is as well..that she can fix and make things better...I don't know--sick family--jmo
I noticed this too!!! The muscles in her lower cheeks/jaw and around her mouth did NOT move. And her skin did look really great. I felt odd for noticing this, but IMO she's been touched up relatively recently. I don't get it.

Isn't it strange how beauty is in the eye of the beholder? I noticed the 'difference' but didn't see it as a good thing. To me it looked like her skin was kind of hanging off her face, not an improvement. This ordeal has aged her badly.

People actually pay money for this? I just don't get it.
The Anthonys are trying hard to put a different spin on this in favor of their daughter. All those pictures on the wall of Casey and Caylee were NOT there when Greta Van Sustern toured that house months ago. Granted Cindy can decorate her house anyway she sees fit. But to announce a "tour" and then take a video camera around with a reporter is off the chart stupid. What's the purpose? Anyone who has been following this case knows the rooms have been staged. Cindy is the one who wanted her daughter arrested in the first place for stealing money and her car. Does she think the "tour" and showing Casey's room full of pictures of Caylee will make people believe how loving Casey was towards Caylee? Does it change the facts what her daughter did for 31 days? It doesn't change what law enforcement knows one bit. Nor does it change what most logical people think either.
I think CA appears to have lost weight and that's understandable. The dark mark on her nose did puzzle me. You know, the way CA has handled this horrible and unbelievable situation is just beyond me. Probably because I have never been there and I pray to God I never will be there. BUT, I can tell you this for sure---if I am ever in trouble, I want her on my team, not out in the front (for obvious reasons), but somewhere out there fighting when all hope is lost.
I noticed this too!!! The muscles in her lower cheeks/jaw and around her mouth did NOT move. And her skin did look really great. I felt odd for noticing this, but IMO she's been touched up relatively recently. I don't get it.

I think partially it is explained by maybe a professional makeup artist? I screenshot'd these two pics of her from the greta interview and from the one yesterday.. what do you think?


  • CA Before and After.jpg
    CA Before and After.jpg
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I think partially it is explained by maybe a professional makeup artist? I screenshot'd these two pics of her from the greta interview and from the one yesterday.. what do you think?

Her hair is much blonder now, too. That donation money sure buys a lot of fancy beauty treatments, doesn't it? She still looks like an evil witch to me, Botox or not.
This interview makes Casey come off even more infantilized. I'm surprised she didn't claim Casey sucked her thumb in her sleep or started wetting the bed too. Give me a break!

ITA. This, IMO, is along the lines of them planning to show Casey's baby pics at trial.
IMO, once you kill your child and go on a 31 day drinking/shopping/pasta-cooking binge, what you did before is a moot point. Hopefully the jury will see it that way, too...
Caylee's room and KC's room was empty and he sleeps on the couch. That is freaking weird!

I want to hope maybe this was in an effort to protect his family at the time from the lunatic protestors. Sorry, but they honestly were out of Central Casting, straight out of a carnival horror movie the way they were tossing things at the house, complete w chants, jeers, cursing, good Lord... now THAT is not only weird, it's primitive and barbaric. Poor GA may have had every reason to sleep on the couch--with both eyes open, one on this tribe, and one on his daughter, geeeesh... JMO
I want to hope maybe this was in an effort to protect his family at the time from the lunatic protestors. Sorry, but they honestly were out of Central Casting, straight out of a carnival horror movie the way they were tossing things at the house, complete w chants, jeers, cursing, good Lord... now THAT is not only weird, it's primitive and barbaric. Poor GA may have had every reason to sleep on the couch--with both eyes open, one on this tribe, and one on his daughter, geeeesh... JMO

I tend to think that GA slept on the couch so that he could view/be aware of everything going on in the house. Making sure that the female bounty hunter and the others didn't get into anything they shouldn't.
Just from my experience with friends my age (old!) who have had 'facial enhancement' surgery, the photos EgyptNug posted show the same 'more space' between the upper eyelashes and the inner arch at the highest peak of the brow as all my friends do when they've had an eye lift.

I personally know seven friends/family/aquaint that have the eye lift and the first thing I've always noticed was all the extra space between the upper lash line and the eyebrow...same as Cindy shows in the side-by-side photos.

Although, in the most recent s-b-s photo, her eyes look droopy, almost like she just woke up or very sleepy.

The Greta interview...I watched it at least a half dozen times.
There have been many more photos of Caylee added to that bedroom since the Greta Interview.....almost shrine-like.
I understood the parents anger, it was because KC was not supposed to entertain male guests in the home when G or C weren't there. It's their home, they make the rules, if KC didn't like it she could move out any time.


I totally agree with you regarding "the rules" concept.....
and even understand CA's and GA's anger! Kinda.

(I think I'm getting the hang of not understanding the what/why/when/where in regard to the things CA and GA come up with ...
and that which they say and do. :confused: :waitasec: :bang: )

What I don't understand is the actual rules CA and GA had in their home.
Rules IMO should be age and/or circumstance appropriate.

I don't think any of their rules, that pertained to KC, were either one.

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