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Personally, I do NOT believe 1 word out of CA mouth...........I want to hear what the lady bounty hunter says. All 3 in the same room? making up lies more stories,
Yeah. GA slept on floor while mommie dearest held KC? I would of been confronting the truth out of my daughter and we would not sleep at all. GA/CA feel guilty over the huge fight the night KC stormed out of that house with Caylee. As for the interview, as a grandma, seeing those pics and being in there, I would be torn apart crying and hugging Caylee's things, missing her so. CA just seems like she isn't all there.......IMO.

:clap: I don't either PF...CA lies and lies...

Just wading through this thread without viewing the video yet...IMO the A's are throwing this spin out there to make KC "a little put upon girl clutching her teddy Bear in mommy and daddys room."

CA said her herself weeks ago...that poor lil KC is JUST as much a victim as Caylee...more crap thrown out there for potential DONATERS and JURORS.

I ain't buying what they are selling...:mad:
Bolding above is mine.

All I've got to say is it must be one DOOZIE of a story that KC has told JB, CA, GA, LA. Seriously. For any able minded, reasonable, semi-intelligent adult to not be able to put the pieces of this carzy jigsaw puzzle together, and come to the conclusion that KC did away with her daughter....just boggles the mind.

And even if CA and friends believed the tall tale that KC has given, i.e., somebody took her, or she gave her to someone, WHY OH WHY are they not the least bit "peturbed" at KC???????:mad:

~~ my bold

two, three, four...
If the ES call had not gone directly to LE when she was seen it's most likely she'd still be missing today..My guess is CA gets this drift too but she's still hell bent on pimping out only their Hotline..WHY?..It's not fear LE won't investigate (like she claimed on the NG clip shown tonight) but because they already know there are NO credible tips out there.

This game by the Anthony family will go on until the trial begins and later this week, if it happens at all, the plan is to play it out to the hilt..

It's impossible to imagine Casey "hugging the teddy bear to sleep" after the many party animal photos..CA is well aware most have seen them but that didn't stop her from trying to portray her daughter as a "10 year old"..Her PR person and JB must be praying for that gag order.
You know what seemed strange to me was in the tour of the house, the teddybear had a t-shirt on it that said mommy. That's what Caylee's baby doll name was, mommy. What's up with all the mommy's?
Leonard stated on NG last night that all those pictures were not up when he was there. It looked like the prop crew had been working on the house. I noticed the gifts that people had allegedly started sending sitting in a pile . . . amazingly all bagged alike. It reminded me of the fake gifts I recently made for my son's theater production.
Leonard stated on NG last night that all those pictures were not up when he was there. It looked like the prop crew had been working on the house. I noticed the gifts that people had allegedly started sending sitting in a pile . . . amazingly all bagged alike. It reminded me of the fake gifts I recently made for my son's theater production.

I believe LP when he says the pictures weren't there before. I wouldn't put it past CA to stage the entire thing.
Leonard stated on NG last night that all those pictures were not up when he was there. It looked like the prop crew had been working on the house. I noticed the gifts that people had allegedly started sending sitting in a pile . . . amazingly all bagged alike. It reminded me of the fake gifts I recently made for my son's theater production.

Made me think of all those stuffed animals sent for Caylee that George threw out, and all the flowers and stuffed animals sent for Caylee to the prayer service at Blanchard Park that Dennis M of Kid Finders stole and reportedly threw out.

I guess the As will wait until Xmas day, and then throw out all the Xmas gifts sent for Caylee.

ETA: I wonder if the prosecution can use the throwing out of all those gifts in some way. Cindy, George, and Lee, family of the murderer and victim, know Caylee is dead, will therefore never be able to use all those gifts, so they threw them out.
THe ultrasound pics: can anyone identify how far along the baby was in them? I thought she didn't admit that she was prego until after Rick's wedding (month 7).. Usually the ultrasound pics are done early on (at least for me they were..
I'm thinking if the ultrasound pics are early, then maybe the 7 months prego thing was not accurate. OR Casey was lying to her parents but such a responsible mom-to-be that she had sought ob/gyn care from the start, secretly. (I have my doubts on that, but who knows..)

I don't put too much stock in the U/S pics being anything shocking. I've never believed that CA/GA didn't know about KC's pregnancy. Yes they lied about it to everyone else, but I've known several families who have outright lied to family and friends about a teen's pregnancy. It's still not something that people are 100% proud of, so most will try to hide it in someway.
Can anyone compare current pics of Casey's BR to the previous pics shot in her bedroom? I know I saw them somewhere. Seems like the room is a shrine now. No way do I believe that Casey has always had that many pics of Caylee in her BR before.

It seemed to me that CA was soliciting gifts. Probably wants to return them after Xmas when the stores get overwhelmed with returns without receipts. She could use a store credit if not cash back.

Also, CA stated that when KC did start sleeping in her own room that she then slept with her. I've always wondered where the BH slept.

I haven't read this entire thread but I wondered the same thing ... has anyone checked the footage of when Greta toured the house? I do not remember there being all of those pics in Casey's room. Suspect she printed all those photos out when she was at home, at night after spending all day with JB because she had nothing better to do and also to create the appearance that she was a loving, adoring mother.

Clearly a defensive move, probably at the behest of legal advice.

LP did an interview a while ago on Nancy Grace I think and he did say that KC slept w/mom cuz of Baez. So he's not saying it just now. (cant remember which day it was)
Also, Lee said KC was a very messy person-the rooms look way to clean.
CA is in control of all.
ITA with your comments. I'm a nurse, work at a psych hospital.
You should hear what some of the staff say about this case and especially the Ants!
Other staff just roll their eyes and think those of us that are following/discussing the case
are a bit touched ourselves....... :)

Re the sentence above that I bolded and underlined...
there are 3 incidents that stick out to me:

1. When CA was so upset, angry, and had a conniption fit over KC and Jesse watching TV in KC's bedroom, sitting up on the bed, with the door open. These were two 20+ yr old adults, a couple in a (somewhat) serious relationship, who had a child (and sex) together. :eek:

You'd think CA was talking about catching her bare naked 12 y/o daughter in an upstairs bedroom, behind closed doors, prostituting. The A's house is small, with all the rooms close together... and the door was open!

2. When CA talks about when she "tucked Caylee and KC into bed that night".
It was as though she were tucking in her 2 toddler daughters. :rolleyes:

3. When TL, in his interview w/ LE, stated that KC would jump up right after they had sex, put her clothes on,
and rush out the door... ( "I felt like the girl." ...... :waitasec: ).
KC was rushing home so that CA (Mommy Dearest) wouldn't be upset with, disappointed in KC for staying out so late!

I really am trying hard to distance myself from this case.
I get so annoyed with the Ant's behaviour, their attitude, their lies.... and that Caylee hasn't been found yet!
And I'm annoyed at myself for being so interested. :banghead:

All day long, everyday at work I see and hear about bizarre cases....
but nothing like this one! :mad:

You are right on all these points and I'm sure that if we took the time to examine Cindy's statements, we could find so much more to back this idea up. I'd forgotten her remark about Jesse and Casey sitting in bed watching tv! She never allowed Casey to be a mature adult. It's like she stunted Casey's mental growth in a sense. I'm not laying full blame for Caylee's murder on Cindy, but she does carry quite a burden, imo.

Can you just imagine being in that house and viewing the daily goings on? It's a psychologists dream to be able to research a family which has so many issues going on at the same time. I am certain we have underestimated the depth and complexity of the relationship Cindy and Casey have. It's beginning to look as though Cindy views Casey as an extension of herself. More than a mother should, I mean. And therefore, she would have laid claim to Caylee as a mother figure as well.
Who in their right mind would send a gift to Caylee after GA & CA bagged up all the stuffed animals sent to Caylee in the beginning, and they threw them in the garbage (supposedly they smelled of smoke)??

Bolded by me. There's your answer right there.
You are right on all these points and I'm sure that if we took the time to examine Cindy's statements, we could find so much more to back this idea up. I'd forgotten her remark about Jesse and Casey sitting in bed watching tv! She never allowed Casey to be a mature adult. It's like she stunted Casey's mental growth in a sense. I'm not laying full blame for Caylee's murder on Cindy, but she does carry quite a burden, imo.

Can you just imagine being in that house and viewing the daily goings on? It's a psychologists dream to be able to research a family which has so many issues going on at the same time. I am certain we have underestimated the depth and complexity of the relationship Cindy and Casey have. It's beginning to look as though Cindy views Casey as an extension of herself. More than a mother should, I mean. And therefore, she would have laid claim to Caylee as a mother figure as well.

Re underestimating their twisted relationship, I am quite certain "we" haven't lol. Guess you missed my 500 posts in two months, have said repeatedly that CA, as all narcissistic parents indeed views KC as an extension of herself and has played a major supporting role in this tragedy. JMO
Who in their right mind would send a gift to Caylee after GA & CA bagged up all the stuffed animals sent to Caylee in the beginning, and they threw them in the garbage (supposedly they smelled of smoke)??

Ah, but not everyone knows about that. Just those of us who really follow this case. It's not like the new media keeps bringing up that wild one.

They should. they really should. Right after showing that clip of CA saying folks will be sending Caylee x-mas gifts.... Then the Report should say that she/he wonders what the A's will do with them if the gifts do show up.. then show the clip of the A's throwing them out.

They should run it once a week. Just to remind folks what kind of family this group is.
Re underestimating their twisted relationship, I am quite certain "we" haven't lol. Guess you missed my 500 posts in two months, have said repeatedly that CA, as all narcissistic parents indeed views KC as an extension of herself and has played a major supporting role in this tragedy. JMO

Yep! LOL!
Originally Posted by Pattymarie
What's with this family and "event planning?" Is CA the only one to actually have obtained a job that requires education?

The event planning, and we hear it alot, is from the perp who never was one, but borrowed that tidbit from her brother.

Geesh, every single word from her mouth is a lie containing bits and pieces of movies, tv shows, news clippings, and people's identites....bugs me.

After seeing "The Tour of the Ant's House".....
I got the feeling Cindy's a wanna-be event planner, tour director,
actress... working in the entertainment business, too!

I guess it's *advertiser censored** the nursing job now!

Well I am not trying to bash CA but in line with the bolded quote above, last night I saw a clip of her talking and the woman has "absolutely" had Botox and maybe more work done since this started. They did a close-up and her face did not move at all as she spoke, that's the giveaway, and her wrinkles are either softer or GONE. I worked in the beauty industry as a make-up artist for many years so I know what middle-aged womens faces look like and NONE of them ever have perfectly smooth faces. Her tan is always fresh, too. These procedures are not cheap so there is money coming from somewhere and it isn't a security guard salary, LOL.
And I have to say that the tour may backfire on them, hoenstly they didnt come across to me as grieving grandparents, they looked like business people planning their next corporate move. I was feeling really bad for them with the holidays coming up but I really don't since seeing that interview, it seems as if they are just trying to get more milage out of the holiday season.
Well I am not trying to bash CA but in line with the bolded quote above, last night I saw a clip of her talking and the woman has "absolutely" had Botox and maybe more work done since this started. They did a close-up and her face did not move at all as she spoke, that's the giveaway, and her wrinkles are either softer or GONE. I worked in the beauty industry as a make-up artist for many years so I know what middle-aged womens faces look like and NONE of them ever have perfectly smooth faces. Her tan is always fresh, too. These procedures are not cheap so there is money coming from somewhere and it isn't a security guard salary, LOL.

I think we all know exactly where that money is coming from. :mad:

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