Inside the Anthony Home

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I didn't find it, but I think there are a few sticky threads that could contain pictures-- I'll keep looking, but please post if you end up finding the Greta home tour stills!

Ok -- more on Casey's room and how it's changed:
Local6 zoomed to this photo in Casey's room:

I believe the pearl necklace draped over the mother-child picture is the same necklace as the one Casey wore in some of the infamous Fusian pictures:

I decreased the size of the image because it was really large, but the pearls look just the same-- varied larger and smaller beads, etc.
Again, it's my opinion that Cindy Anthony made the room look as it does now-- I think that adorning the mother-child photo with the necklace is representative of the way Cindy processes things-- moving things around and rearranging incongruous parts to fit into her vision of what must be true-- what has to be true for Cindy to go on...
Casey was out partying in those photos the media wouldn't stop broadcasting and she was wearing that necklace, but I know that Casey was a beautiful young mother who loved her baby-- see, i'll just put the necklace here on this picture of Casey and Caylee-- look how happy Casey is here, this picture shows the REAL Casey. The real Casey would never hurt Caylee.

You seem to understand the thinking. My mother is the same way. I could carry a dying body and put it in front of her and admit to doing it and she would not believe me- honestly! She would make up her own story with me being the hero... every time! God Cindy makes me want to spit!
Yes Nancy, that was the pic I was thinking of when I posted earlier on this thread. I knew the room had changed! No hats hanging on the hooks, no dresser scarf, etc.

I had just found this pic then I saw you already had it here. 'I saw the pics with Greta in the "sticky section" under the photo thread. If I don't see it here later, I look again. Have to go for now. Usually only have time to do quick checks on my fav threads.

The ROOM HAS CHANGED!!!! Instead of looking for baby, she redecorated!
notice how GA sometimes looks at CA.........body language. IMO
the pearl necklace has a cross on it like a rosary again..........
I think that Casey's room has undergone a lot of changes and that a lot of the pictures and memorabilia are relatively new additions to Casey's room.
I'm trying to find the early Greta interview which featured shots inside the Anthony home, but haven't located it yet.
Here's a still from a video shot while Caylee was a baby, note that there are far fewer Caylee photos and items:

Here is a video which shows Casey's room on Sept 12:
When I cross-reference the Sept 12 video with the local6 video from today, it appears that Casey's bed has been relocated and a lot of Caylee images are new to the room.
I think the images and video we've been able to see from pre-July 16, to present, reveal that Casey's room has evolved into a sort of shrine to Caylee and Casey's motherhood. It is, of course up, to interpretation as to who added all the photos and memorabilia and what motivated the additions.
Personally, I think Cindy Anthony added these things to Casey's room. I also imagine Casey did not appreciate that while she was in and out of jail, her mother made her bedroom a sort of shrine to Caylee.

The local6 report reveals that Casey allegedly slept on the floor of her parents' bedroom when she was under house arrest. Personally, I don't think Casey slept there because she was haunted by all the pictures of Caylee in her own room, but because when she was in the bedroom with just Cindy and George, everything was the way it was supposed to be-- she was the baby again, not Caylee. Caylee had a babydoll named Momma, but now Casey would clutch her teddybear:

If anyone has video or stills from Casey's room at any point, please post them because I think it would be interesting to do more cross-referencing to see what has moved/changed.

I completely agree with you. I remember the Greta visit and the first thing I thought of when I saw Casey's room tonight was that those pictures were not "plastered all over the wall" as NG puts it. There were some, but not that amount. Even LP said they weren't there. And the story about Casey clutching the teddy bear so she could fall asleep made me want to puke. BTW, on the TV Guy's site someone posted that Jessica D'Onofrio was caught on tape hugging CA. The poster asked the TV Guy if he thought that was inappropriate and he said that while reporters will strike up a relationship with an interviewee, hugging CA was definitely inappropriate. I bring this up because she definitely appeared sympathetic on NG tonight. Here's the link:
Pictures of Caylee wallpapered the rooms walls. Do you blame her for wanting to sleep with her parents? :)

Also, I think Casey's bedroom was the one near the front door. She probably also wanted to sleep with Cindy and George for protection from the maddening crowd outside!

Yep, that was my first thought. Casey was afraid.
Truth came out from LBH to LP.........JB did NOT want KC near LBH.........GA slept on couch.......that is why KC slept in parents bedroom!!!
Specs on the A's home:

4937 Hopespring Drive, Orlando, FL

Public Facts:
Single family
4 beds
2.0 bath
1,472 sqft
Built in 1986

So 4 bedrooms...1 for CA w/ KC sleeping on an air mattress, KC's room, Caylee's room, extra room and George on the couch. Where was female bounty hunter sleeping?
Seeing Casey's room.....all the pictures and things devoted to Caylee.

I'm starting to question what really happened. I don't know that I continue to believe it was an intentional, violent crime. Her room looks like my house does. Covered with pictures and things associated with her baby. That isn't what someone does who hates or wishes they didn't have a child. JMO.

Sorry, but I feel CA redecorated the room because when Greta went through at the beginning the room was not like we see now! IMO, PR........
a 22 year old mother hugging HER (KC) teddy bear???? did I hear that right?
kc is the type that cannot be alone....ever. Not capable...never will be.

She needed caylee in bed with her....not the other way around.

And the poor precious one was used to accomodate the sicko.

You seem to understand the thinking. My mother is the same way. I could carry a dying body and put it in front of her and admit to doing it and she would not believe me- honestly! She would make up her own story with me being the hero... every time! God Cindy makes me want to spit!

Exactly! And she'd believe her own story too, I imagine. My mom's a borderline too and so when I see Cindy do the things she does, I just shake my head and sigh. I think she just believes her own cognitive distortions and now she's using Casey's bedroom as the canvas on which to paint her own perfect picture of the Anthony family. I feel sympathy for Cindy because I really think her own blinders have left her in the dark-- like IMO she actually doesn't really understand what's going on re: the unfortunate likelihood that Caylee is not alive and that Casey is responsible.

I completely agree with you. I remember the Greta visit and the first thing I thought of when I saw Casey's room tonight was that those pictures were not "plastered all over the wall" as NG puts it. There were some, but not that amount. Even LP said they weren't there. And the story about Casey clutching the teddy bear so she could fall asleep made me want to puke. BTW, on the TV Guy's site someone posted that Jessica D'Onofrio was caught on tape hugging CA. The poster asked the TV Guy if he thought that was inappropriate and he said that while reporters will strike up a relationship with an interviewee, hugging CA was definitely inappropriate. I bring this up because she definitely appeared sympathetic on NG tonight. Here's the link:
ooh, interesting. I wonder why it was inappropriate to hug Cindy. Personally, I think Cindy will either want to hug you or wave a hammer at you, so if you want to keep covering the story, you better hope she wants to hug you. And you better hug back :)
Also I was deeply grossed out by the teddy bear clutching too. Revelations about Casey never fail to disgust me :furious:

Does anyone have the video from Greta's tour of the house? Or specific links to the stills from the Greta tour? I want to identify more changes!!
You seem to understand the thinking. My mother is the same way. I could carry a dying body and put it in front of her and admit to doing it and she would not believe me- honestly! She would make up her own story with me being the hero... every time! God Cindy makes me want to spit! very true, you just described my mother...but not with her daughters, only her sons...her sons can do no wrong no matter what the evidence...LOL
Specs on the A's home:

4937 Hopespring Drive, Orlando, FL

Public Facts:
Single family
4 beds
2.0 bath
1,472 sqft
Built in 1986

So 4 bedrooms...1 for CA w/ KC sleeping on an air mattress, KC's room, Caylee's room, extra room and George on the couch. Where was female bounty hunter sleeping?

I would imagine the 4th bedroom was originally Lee's room and now serves as a guest room. I would guess the female body guard slept in that room, but that's just a guess.
Bolding above is mine.

All I've got to say is it must be one DOOZIE of a story that KC has told JB, CA, GA, LA. Seriously. For any able minded, reasonable, semi-intelligent adult to not be able to put the pieces of this carzy jigsaw puzzle together, and come to the conclusion that KC did away with her daughter....just boggles the mind.

And even if CA and friends believed the tall tale that KC has given, i.e., somebody took her, or she gave her to someone, WHY OH WHY are they not the least bit "peturbed" at KC???????:mad:

I think KC told them that she got into some kind of trouble & "Some Very Bad People" took Caylee & they promised me that if I said anything to LE then they would Kill Caylee........It has to be something along those lines.

KC probably admitted to them that the "Nanny" story was a lie but that she lied for a reason.....

Thats what Liars do when they get caught in a lie.

They just tell another one....Usually bigger than the 1st lie

She probably threw some truth into the lie too......for effect

I just can't figure out whether or not Cindy actually believes the lies or if she's just playing along to protect KC........

Bolded by Boston
Please tell me I am not the only one that thinks this "interview" was a crock! It was a pr stunt set up by MN to humanize the A's. I would bet my last dollar that all those photos just went up recently.
Please tell me I am not the only one that thinks this "interview" was a crock! It was a pr stunt set up by MN to humanize the A's. I would bet my last dollar that all those photos just went up recently.

I am completely anesthetized to anything the A's say or do now. They have effectively killed any possibility I have of ever believing a word that spews from their mouths. And it's reached a point where I don't even feel the anger I used to feel watching them, all there is now is a numb, empty, couldn't-care-less feeling. I could have been watching paint dry is how much emotion I had in watching Cindy's latest "cameo". I'm just totally and completely and finally OVER them.
I am completely anesthetized to anything the A's say or do now. They have effectively killed any possibility I have of ever believing a word that spews from their mouths. And it's reached a point where I don't even feel the anger I used to feel watching them, all there is now is a numb, empty, couldn't-care-less feeling. I could have been watching paint dry is how much emotion I had in watching Cindy's latest "cameo". I'm just totally and completely and finally OVER them.

My sentiments exactly!
If the ES call had not gone directly to LE when she was seen it's most likely she'd still be missing today..My guess is CA gets this drift too but she's still hell bent on pimping out only their Hotline..WHY?..It's not fear LE won't investigate (like she claimed on the NG clip shown tonight) but because they already know there are NO credible tips out there.

This game by the Anthony family will go on until the trial begins and later this week, if it happens at all, the plan is to play it out to the hilt..

It's impossible to imagine Casey "hugging the teddy bear to sleep" after the many party animal photos..CA is well aware most have seen them but that didn't stop her from trying to portray her daughter as a "10 year old"..Her PR person and JB must be praying for that gag order.
Just saw the channel 6 news on Murt's site- the book is back on- per CA.
Not a tell-all, a what to do for others parents of missing children....
Just saw the channel 6 news on Murt's site- the book is back on- per CA.
Not a tell-all, a what to do for others parents of missing children....

So let me get this right...Her book is going to be a how to manual about how to swing hammers, call media maggots and parasites, lie to LE, refuse to give evidence etc....

Yeah I want this book.:rolleyes:
THe ultrasound pics: can anyone identify how far along the baby was in them? I thought she didn't admit that she was prego until after Rick's wedding (month 7).. Usually the ultrasound pics are done early on (at least for me they were..
I'm thinking if the ultrasound pics are early, then maybe the 7 months prego thing was not accurate. OR Casey was lying to her parents but such a responsible mom-to-be that she had sought ob/gyn care from the start, secretly. (I have my doubts on that, but who knows..)

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