Inside the Anthony Home

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they have her missing poster hanging on the bedroom wall! WTF?!
Kc is the type that cannot be alone....ever. Not capable...never will be.

She needed Caylee in bed with her....not the other way around.

and the poor precious one was used to accomodate the sicko.

KC's description of the "phone call" from Caylee sounded like a description of the video she found on her camera and loaded onto her computer a couple of days after her daughter "went missing". I also think that the answering machine messages that Shirley claimed to have received could very well have been the same video being played over the telephone.


I've been thinking the same thing, Pink Panther. It would have been easy enough for Casey to play the videos of Caylee to carry on her charade.
Personally, I do NOT believe 1 word out of CA mouth...........I want to hear what the lady bounty hunter says. All 3 in the same room? making up lies more stories,
Yeah. GA slept on floor while mommie dearest held KC? I would of been confronting the truth out of my daughter and we would not sleep at all. GA/CA feel guilty over the huge fight the night KC stormed out of that house with Caylee. As for the interview, as a grandma, seeing those pics and being in there, I would be torn apart crying and hugging Caylee's things, missing her so. CA just seems like she isn't all there.......IMO.
What's with this family and "event planning?" Is CA the only one to actually have obtained a job that requires education?

The event planning, and we hear it alot, is from the perp who never was one, but borrowed that tidbit from her brother.

Geesh, every single word from her mouth is a lie containing bits and pieces of movies, tv shows, news clippings, and people's identites....bugs me.

If the A's are not directly involved, they certainly know all about what happened to Caylee. They have had years of training living with this demon.

Can't comment on education...when CA became a nurse, it was a 2 yr degree. Don't know about GA.
I think that Casey's room has undergone a lot of changes and that a lot of the pictures and memorabilia are relatively new additions to Casey's room.
I'm trying to find the early Greta interview which featured shots inside the Anthony home, but haven't located it yet.
Here's a still from a video shot while Caylee was a baby, note that there are far fewer Caylee photos and items:

Here is a video which shows Casey's room on Sept 12:
When I cross-reference the Sept 12 video with the local6 video from today, it appears that Casey's bed has been relocated and a lot of Caylee images are new to the room.
I think the images and video we've been able to see from pre-July 16, to present, reveal that Casey's room has evolved into a sort of shrine to Caylee and Casey's motherhood. It is, of course up, to interpretation as to who added all the photos and memorabilia and what motivated the additions.
Personally, I think Cindy Anthony added these things to Casey's room. I also imagine Casey did not appreciate that while she was in and out of jail, her mother made her bedroom a sort of shrine to Caylee.

The local6 report reveals that Casey allegedly slept on the floor of her parents' bedroom when she was under house arrest. Personally, I don't think Casey slept there because she was haunted by all the pictures of Caylee in her own room, but because when she was in the bedroom with just Cindy and George, everything was the way it was supposed to be-- she was the baby again, not Caylee. Caylee had a babydoll named Momma, but now Casey would clutch her teddybear:

If anyone has video or stills from Casey's room at any point, please post them because I think it would be interesting to do more cross-referencing to see what has moved/changed.

Great find...and excellent post! Especially your opinion on Casey sleeping in the parents room.
I think that Casey's room has undergone a lot of changes and that a lot of the pictures and memorabilia are relatively new additions to Casey's room.
I'm trying to find the early Greta interview which featured shots inside the Anthony home, but haven't located it yet.
Here's a still from a video shot while Caylee was a baby, note that there are far fewer Caylee photos and items:

Here is a video which shows Casey's room on Sept 12:
When I cross-reference the Sept 12 video with the local6 video from today, it appears that Casey's bed has been relocated and a lot of Caylee images are new to the room.
I think the images and video we've been able to see from pre-July 16, to present, reveal that Casey's room has evolved into a sort of shrine to Caylee and Casey's motherhood. It is, of course up, to interpretation as to who added all the photos and memorabilia and what motivated the additions.
Personally, I think Cindy Anthony added these things to Casey's room. I also imagine Casey did not appreciate that while she was in and out of jail, her mother made her bedroom a sort of shrine to Caylee.

The local6 report reveals that Casey allegedly slept on the floor of her parents' bedroom when she was under house arrest. Personally, I don't think Casey slept there because she was haunted by all the pictures of Caylee in her own room, but because when she was in the bedroom with just Cindy and George, everything was the way it was supposed to be-- she was the baby again, not Caylee. Caylee had a babydoll named Momma, but now Casey would clutch her teddybear:

If anyone has video or stills from Casey's room at any point, please post them because I think it would be interesting to do more cross-referencing to see what has moved/changed.

Yes Nancy, that was the pic I was thinking of when I posted earlier on this thread. I knew the room had changed! No hats hanging on the hooks, no dresser scarf, etc.

I had just found this pic then I saw you already had it here. 'I saw the pics with Greta in the "sticky section" under the photo thread. If I don't see it here later, I look again. Have to go for now. Usually only have time to do quick checks on my fav threads.
remebering the house tour and a day in the life of drew p. his PR guy thought it would be good for DP image..........backfired!!!!
I'm beginning to think their is way more to this family than meets the eye. Yes the room was a set up. Obviously alot of these pics are there for the reporter's sake. I'm not saying I believe what CA says. Her track record isn't very good here, but to say that your 22 YEAR OLD daughter slept in your room and that you slept with her as she clutched a teddy bear is odd. If it's a set up or not, it still gives us a very deep look into the thoughts and actions of Cindy. The manner in which she views Casey is clearly NOT one of a mother and adult child relationship. Casey is still very much a baby in her eyes. This could explain a bit why Casey was so 'jealous' (and I think she was jealous) of Cindy and Caylee's relationship. With Caylee out of the picture, Casey went back to being the baby of the family.

This family is way left of dysfunctional. We're into pretty questionable mental health issues here.
The manner in which she views Casey is clearly NOT one of a mother and adult child relationship. Casey is still very much a baby in her eyes. This could explain a bit why Casey was so 'jealous' (and I think she was jealous) of Cindy and Caylee's relationship. With Caylee out of the picture, Casey went back to being the baby of the family.

This family is way left of dysfunctional. We're into pretty questionable mental health issues here.

I have to agree. I think someone could make their reputation writing a book on that aspect of this case.
Bolding above is mine.

All I've got to say is it must be one DOOZIE of a story that KC has told JB, CA, GA, LA. Seriously. For any able minded, reasonable, semi-intelligent adult to not be able to put the pieces of this carzy jigsaw puzzle together, and come to the conclusion that KC did away with her daughter....just boggles the mind.

And even if CA and friends believed the tall tale that KC has given, i.e., somebody took her, or she gave her to someone, WHY OH WHY are they not the least bit "peturbed" at KC???????:mad:

(bold mine) Since my words were quoted, I should clarify that before knowing the totality of evidence, I can not rule out negligence and drowning... notwithstanding this significant sticking point even now I am, like most, totally aghast at the collusion and there is still the culpability of the cover-up, and disposal of Caylee's tiny corpse. JMO
I'm beginning to think their is way more to this family than meets the eye. Yes the room was a set up. Obviously alot of these pics are there for the reporter's sake. I'm not saying I believe what CA says. Her track record isn't very good here, but to say that your 22 YEAR OLD daughter slept in your room and that you slept with her as she clutched a teddy bear is odd. If it's a set up or not, it still gives us a very deep look into the thoughts and actions of Cindy. The manner in which she views Casey is clearly NOT one of a mother and adult child relationship. Casey is still very much a baby in her eyes. This could explain a bit why Casey was so 'jealous' (and I think she was jealous) of Cindy and Caylee's relationship. With Caylee out of the picture, Casey went back to being the baby of the family.

This family is way left of dysfunctional. We're into pretty questionable mental health issues here.

That's IF we believe half the crap Cindy is shoveling....

IMO, it's more likely that all her comments are simply designed to help clean up Casey's image but she might behave/speak/think in a completely different way when there are no cameras or reporters around.

If Cindy always treated Casey as a child, she could have simply raised Caylee (like she was doing) & let Casey assume the role of a big sister. No reason to expect Casey to be responsible for the baby.

Sorry, I just do not believe ANYTHING Cindy says.
Truth came out from LBH to LP.........JB did NOT want KC near LBH.........GA slept on couch.......that is why KC slept in parents bedroom!!!
LP doesn't remember all those photos of Caylee in KC room before...........
Yes Nancy, that was the pic I was thinking of when I posted earlier on this thread. I knew the room had changed! No hats hanging on the hooks, no dresser scarf, etc.

I had just found this pic then I saw you already had it here. 'I saw the pics with Greta in the "sticky section" under the photo thread. If I don't see it here later, I look again. Have to go for now. Usually only have time to do quick checks on my fav threads.

I didn't find it, but I think there are a few sticky threads that could contain pictures-- I'll keep looking, but please post if you end up finding the Greta home tour stills!

Ok -- more on Casey's room and how it's changed:
Local6 zoomed to this photo in Casey's room:

I believe the pearl necklace draped over the mother-child picture is the same necklace as the one Casey wore in some of the infamous Fusian pictures:

I decreased the size of the image because it was really large, but the pearls look just the same-- varied larger and smaller beads, etc.
Again, it's my opinion that Cindy Anthony made the room look as it does now-- I think that adorning the mother-child photo with the necklace is representative of the way Cindy processes things-- moving things around and rearranging incongruous parts to fit into her vision of what must be true-- what has to be true for Cindy to go on...
Casey was out partying in those photos the media wouldn't stop broadcasting and she was wearing that necklace, but I know that Casey was a beautiful young mother who loved her baby-- see, i'll just put the necklace here on this picture of Casey and Caylee-- look how happy Casey is here, this picture shows the REAL Casey. The real Casey would never hurt Caylee.
I'm beginning to think their is way more to this family than meets the eye. Yes the room was a set up. Obviously alot of these pics are there for the reporter's sake. I'm not saying I believe what CA says. Her track record isn't very good here, but to say that your 22 YEAR OLD daughter slept in your room and that you slept with her as she clutched a teddy bear is odd. If it's a set up or not, it still gives us a very deep look into the thoughts and actions of Cindy. The manner in which she views Casey is clearly NOT one of a mother and adult child relationship. Casey is still very much a baby in her eyes. This could explain a bit why Casey was so 'jealous' (and I think she was jealous) of Cindy and Caylee's relationship. With Caylee out of the picture, Casey went back to being the baby of the family.

This family is way left of dysfunctional. We're into pretty questionable mental health issues here.

Did you ever read the article I linked about Borderline personality disordered homes?
did anyone notice this? First sonar grams of Caylee on the wall in frames? I thought 'A' family denied KC was pregnant in her 8th month???? So truth was she did see a doctor in the early stage of pregnancy for the sonar. ANOTHER LIE CAUGHT TO THEIR OWN FAMILY 4 years ago! If KC wanted to adopt Caylee out, why keep sonar??? Seems like CA did the decorating.............and lately!!! no Zanny pix with baby either! IMO

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