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Just saw the channel 6 news on Murt's site- the book is back on- per CA.
Not a tell-all, a what to do for others parents of missing children....

"Step 1 --
Wait 31 days before you contact LE; or until car turns up smelling of decomp, whichever comes first."

WTF! :rolleyes:
Cindy, said they had started to receive gifts from people for Caylee

Who in their right mind would send a gift to Caylee after GA & CA bagged up all the stuffed animals sent to Caylee in the beginning, and they threw them in the garbage (supposedly they smelled of smoke)??
ok, found some film from Greta. at about 6:45 shows KC's room. i don't know how to do screen shots and upload them, so I'll give you the link and someone more knowledge, please help us out. (Titled Caylee Marie Anthony Greta OTR Aug 11 Part 1)

Seems I came across some other ones, so I;m still looking.

I did notice that the pics above the bed from when KC took the shot has also change and appears to be in frames now and not just a collage tacked to the wall.

I'll look as long as I can, but may not be long, it's past my bedtime. :confused:
IF KC slept in the A's bedroom, no way do I believe she slept on a blowup mattress. She and CA, no doubt, shared the bed with GA kicked to the floor. The princess must be kept comfy. :rolleyes:

LP said that GA slept on the couch.......
i'm sure some caught the bit that CA didn't want to talk about the pics of KC partying while Caylee was missing. Guess she hasn't yet figured the spin she needs for that. Betcha one will surface though such as "well you know she was so stressed she needed to let off some steam once in a while. You know, like what I do weilding hammers and bats at people"

I didn't see the hug between CA and the reporter, but at BP when CA showed up at the dive, she was hugging up RD, trying to lay her head on his shoulder and all. You could tell it was pretty much a one way hug only coming from CA.

I'll try a few more minutes trying to find more greta pics in KC's room
Seeing Casey's room.....all the pictures and things devoted to Caylee.

I'm starting to question what really happened. I don't know that I continue to believe it was an intentional, violent crime. Her room looks like my house does. Covered with pictures and things associated with her baby. That isn't what someone does who hates or wishes they didn't have a child. JMO.

Cindy is the one who hung those up, jmo. We really have no idea what KC's room used to look like.
Just saw the channel 6 news on Murt's site- the book is back on- per CA.
Not a tell-all, a what to do for others parents of missing children....
I'd call it the "What Not To Do". How has anything this family done helped find their missing grandchild in any way?
Just saw the channel 6 news on Murt's site- the book is back on- per CA.
Not a tell-all, a what to do for others parents of missing children....
I'd also hate to break this to them...they are NOT the parents. Maybe if THEY had behaved more like parents their daughter wouldn't have gotten away with as much as she did. My G-d, she stole from her own grandmother and there was ABSOLUTELY NO accountability.
ok, found some film from Greta. at about 6:45 shows KC's room. i don't know how to do screen shots and upload them, so I'll give you the link and someone more knowledge, please help us out. (Titled Caylee Marie Anthony Greta OTR Aug 11 Part 1)

Seems I came across some other ones, so I;m still looking.

I did notice that the pics above the bed from when KC took the shot has also change and appears to be in frames now and not just a collage tacked to the wall.

I'll look as long as I can, but may not be long, it's past my bedtime. :confused:

Thank you for finding! I'm making captures of the video you posted-- sorry they are sort of blurry because the original video is a little blurry.

The Greta interview shows that Casey's room used to look very different.
The bed used to be next to the window:
on August 5:

On November 19:
The bed is moved and perpendicular to the window:

Interestingly, the bed is currently placed in the position it was in when Caylee was a baby, before all of this happened:
THe ultrasound pics: can anyone identify how far along the baby was in them? I thought she didn't admit that she was prego until after Rick's wedding (month 7).. Usually the ultrasound pics are done early on (at least for me they were..
I'm thinking if the ultrasound pics are early, then maybe the 7 months prego thing was not accurate. OR Casey was lying to her parents but such a responsible mom-to-be that she had sought ob/gyn care from the start, secretly. (I have my doubts on that, but who knows..)
Second set of u/s usually occurs around 20 weeks. So where did KC hide them that CA found them?
Second set of u/s usually occurs around 20 weeks. So where did KC hide them that CA found them?

Maybe they aren't even Caylee. I can't get a good enough look at them to tell. Cindy could have brought them home from work.
Please tell me I am not the only one that thinks this "interview" was a crock! It was a pr stunt set up by MN to humanize the A's. I would bet my last dollar that all those photos just went up recently.

A walkthrough of the A's home with Greta was videotaped back in early August, and there were many photos of Caylee and KC on the walls in that video as well.
That was my exact thought, I had posted this about a month or so ago I thought that she might have killed Caylee in her room that evening she fought with her mom and then left in the afternoon with Caylee when her dad seen her telling her dad that Caylee was sleeping and carried her out to the car and put her in her car seat and told her dad she was taking Caylee to the nanny's house because she had to go to work and then tried calling the house, her mom and dad several times to make sure her dad was gone and her mom was still at work making sure the house was clear so that she could take Caylee back to the house and bury her and on the 18th I think that is when she moved Caylee from the backyard, from there I believe she had Caylee in the trunk until she got rid of her precious little body.

That is a good theory.

Who is the bloke in the last picture on that link ? with casey who has a hat on that says "birthday"
The Anthonys said they have proof that Caylee is alive, and they plan on holding a news conference later this week to discuss the details.


Really ?
I'm beginning to think their is way more to this family than meets the eye. Yes the room was a set up. Obviously alot of these pics are there for the reporter's sake. I'm not saying I believe what CA says. Her track record isn't very good here, but to say that your 22 YEAR OLD daughter slept in your room and that you slept with her as she clutched a teddy bear is odd.

If it's a set up or not, it still gives us a very deep look into the thoughts and actions of Cindy. The manner in which she views Casey is clearly NOT one of a mother and adult child relationship. Casey is still very much a baby in her eyes.

This could explain a bit why Casey was so 'jealous' (and I think she was jealous) of Cindy and Caylee's relationship. With Caylee out of the picture, Casey went back to being the baby of the family.

This family is way left of dysfunctional. We're into pretty questionable mental health issues here.

ITA with your comments. I'm a nurse, work at a psych hospital.
You should hear what some of the staff say about this case and especially the Ants!
Other staff just roll their eyes and think those of us that are following/discussing the case
are a bit touched ourselves....... :)

Re the sentence above that I bolded and underlined...
there are 3 incidents that stick out to me:

1. When CA was so upset, angry, and had a conniption fit over KC and Jesse watching TV in KC's bedroom, sitting up on the bed, with the door open. These were two 20+ yr old adults, a couple in a (somewhat) serious relationship, who had a child (and sex) together. :eek:

You'd think CA was talking about catching her bare naked 12 y/o daughter in an upstairs bedroom, behind closed doors, prostituting. The A's house is small, with all the rooms close together... and the door was open!

2. When CA talks about when she "tucked Caylee and KC into bed that night".
It was as though she were tucking in her 2 toddler daughters. :rolleyes:

3. When TL, in his interview w/ LE, stated that KC would jump up right after they had sex, put her clothes on,
and rush out the door... ( "I felt like the girl." ...... :waitasec: ).
KC was rushing home so that CA (Mommy Dearest) wouldn't be upset with, disappointed in KC for staying out so late!

I really am trying hard to distance myself from this case.
I get so annoyed with the Ant's behaviour, their attitude, their lies.... and that Caylee hasn't been found yet!
And I'm annoyed at myself for being so interested. :banghead:

All day long, everyday at work I see and hear about bizarre cases....
but nothing like this one! :mad:
Originally Posted by Pattymarie
What's with this family and "event planning?" Is CA the only one to actually have obtained a job that requires education?

The event planning, and we hear it alot, is from the perp who never was one, but borrowed that tidbit from her brother.

Geesh, every single word from her mouth is a lie containing bits and pieces of movies, tv shows, news clippings, and people's identites....bugs me.

The event planning, and we hear it alot, is from the perp who never was one, but borrowed that tidbit from her brother.

Geesh, every single word from her mouth is a lie containing bits and pieces of movies, tv shows, news clippings, and people's identites....bugs me.

If the A's are not directly involved, they certainly know all about what happened to Caylee. They have had years of training living with this demon.

Can't comment on education...when CA became a nurse, it was a 2 yr degree. Don't know about GA.

After seeing "The Tour of the Ant's House".....
I got the feeling Cindy's a wanna-be event planner, tour director,
actress... working in the entertainment business, too!

I guess it's *advertiser censored** the nursing job now!
With what (whose) money is she buying these gifts? Gimme a break!

BTW, what does Lee do for a living?

Lee probably has a new job selling "gift items" on Ebay....:bang:

Could not resist that after reading 2 new threads...these people are...well cannot find the perfect word...

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