Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #79

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I'm really beginning to feel uncomfortable with this public flogging of Jodi. This has turned into a bullying session just like the ones we try to teach our children is not okay.

Jodi is guilty of murdering Travis. She knows it, we know it. She will spend the rest of her life in prison.

HLN is making lots of $$ from the Jodi show. The quality of advertisers has gradually increased. We even have cheer leaders under the guise of highly paid 'commentators'.

Enough is enough. It's getting gross.
Funny, my husband said the same thing....I try to stay away from bashing JA and hate on her for the circumstances she put herself in, I'm even shouting at the tv when shes on the stand to cave and admit, cry and be remorseful, just so I can have some real compassion for her.

I believe it was MormonAttorney that really brought out some good points on these type of people, lucky for me I can say I've never been around them (I don't think anyways), so for that I do have some sympathy, in that, they can never live.. feel alive.. and love unconditionally like most of us do. That is what is so sad. I think Travis was really taken with her in the beginning and than slowly she started showing who she really was and he had never experienced anyone with those types of problems and reacted like we all would. Tried to connect and help show her the possibilities of who she could become. At least that is what I hear his friends say that he was special, loving and caring about people. IMO anyways. God love him!

I though do believe we have to put our faith in the court system and the process and turn our tvs off!
SHE may have played part of it to him. This might be what sparked the really angry email he sent her.

Tape was March 10, 2008 When was that angry email?
Minor4th has posted the timeline of that somewhere. It's May 26 or 28 I believe. The "you're a sociopath and the worst thing that's ever happened to me" one.
I don't hate her. I don't really hate anyone. We know she is a liar. That has been proven.

She was not killed or taped so I don't know how this hypothetical works.

She is who she is. Imagining she is someone else is just fantasy.
I think she needs to be punished and I think the death penalty applies here.

The victim is Travis. Not JA.

I can feel sympathy for someone who makes wrong turns in life. This is not a wrong turn. This is premeditated brutal murder followed by slander if the dead man.
IMPO, you don't hate the person, you hate the act.
But (and it's a big but!!!!)...I hate what she's done to Travis' family in the name of saving her sorry a$$...and I truly truly hate that Travis isn't here living the life he dreamed of living. So I guess, in some roundabout way...I do hate her. And I always thought I was a good person. lol
I'm really beginning to feel uncomfortable with this public flogging of Jodi. This has turned into a bullying session just like the ones we try to teach our children is not okay.

Jodi is guilty of murdering Travis. She knows it, we know it. She will spend the rest of her life in prison.

HLN is making lots of $$ from the Jodi show. The quality of advertisers has gradually increased. We even have cheer leaders under the guise of highly paid 'commentators'.

Enough is enough. It's getting gross.

I understand what you are saying. However this is not someone who has said, I did this. I planned it and I killed him and I am sorry.

This is someone who says I did it but only because he made me. I did it but he was a pedophile. I did it but don't remember. I did it but its not my fault.

Kwim ?

She brings it on herself.

She is not a good person she is a liar and a murderer and while her victim is now dead at her hand she is still beating him up.

I respectfully disagree : WS does NOT allow "public flogging" of anyone -- not even the murdereress !

JMO ... but it is Jodi who has brought this all on herself -- not the "public" ...

- Jodi is a killer ...

- And Jodi is the one who LIED and changed her "story" about Travis' murder ...

- Jodi is the one who has defamed Travis' Memory ...

- And Jodi is the one who "claims" Travis abused her -- which he did NOT !

- Jodi is a serial liar ... and you can bet your boots will be a "serial killer" IF -- IF she does NOT get the DP or LWOP ...

Remember : she bought a gun AFTER she killed Travis, which IMO, was for the "next person" if they did not cooperate or corroborate her story about Travis' murder ...

MOO and MOO !
I feel like its JA who is doing the flogging of travis and his family
Just saying
A little off topic, but does anyone know why Wilmott was not the one directing questions to JA, instead of Nurmi? Was this a calculated strategy, or did they feel Wilmott just did not have the experience?

I know disparaging remarks are discouraged here - but let's face it, Nurmi is such a disgusting, long-winded, perverted slob that I think the jury now hates him almost as much as JA. They are done with his nonsense. He is clearly detracting from the defense presentation at this point.

The only time I saw Wilmott on the floor, she actually seemed fairly likeable.

Mr. K. Nurmi is her "Attorney" he is the primary Attorney on her case. Ms. Willmott is there only because this is a Death Penalty case and she is Death Qualified and Mr Nurmi is not.

Same thing as the Florida case. Jose Baez was Casey's Attorney but it was a Death case, he is not Death Qualified but Cheney Mason was.

So Willmott (Cheney) are there to guide them on this high stakes, death case as a Consultant more or less..

It is possible now, in both cases, Nurmi and Baez would now be Death Qualified. (after they conclude the cases)
Anger and fury toward a Defendant comes from the Defendant disparaging their victim. Not only did they butcher someone and stuff an innocent person in a shower, but then they spend years telling horrible lies about them for the sole purpose of avoiding a death sentence, or avoiding life in prison.

If this person would finally just say, OK i did it, I was angry, he didn't love me, I don't know where this anger came from, I killed him.

Even a teeny tiny bit of remorse for what they did, cry for him and his family not for herself.

We would back off. I speak for myself in that I do find it hard to forge ahead with my fury if someone really breaks down and says "Oh god what have i done to him! what did i do???"

I doubt we will hear that.. Not even as they put the needle in. She will say something like "i pray for Travis soul that he gets help in heaven for his pedophilia problem"

Amen! And, can I just say, I live in Alabama. I wouldn't even know about this case OR this trial had it not been for Jodi's 48 Hours "Ninja" interview.

She invited this media attention. She craved it. And she is loving EVERY moment on the stand. She's finally in the spotlight. At this point, she doesn't care what people are saying about her. All she cares about is that they are saying SOMETHING about her. :twocents:
I'm still a little confused about the gas cans. If her goal was to avoid being detected while in arizona, why not just pay cash? even if there were security cameras, LE couldn't possibly check every minute of every tape from every gas station looking for her car, or her rental car.

and on a different matter, didn't she just change her story when she discusses getting the gun from the closet? I was pretty sure she went out of her way during cross to say she used only one hand. but for the jury she claimed to use both hands (one grabbed the lip of the shelf while the other grabbed the gun).
SHE may have played part of it to him. This might be what sparked the really angry email he sent her.

Tape was March 10, 2008 When was that angry email?

Wasn't the text about that on the 26th?

Yes, I'm sure. I agree .. he found out about the phone sex taping. He was wild, as you would be. If that is right, I hope JM can prove it and turn her one piece of evidence to rip into Travis against her.

And on the bagging out of JA .. maybe she shouldn't have jumped up on the stand and spent 5 days regaling us about her sex life, made up horrible stories about a man that she killed in a vain hope she'd save herself from justice, and lied her 'posie' off about it continuously on TV and in the witness box.

Hey maybe she shouldn't have killed a guy just because she couldn't handle the truth of what he thought of her because of how she treated him.

She brought all of this one herself .. you know, law of attraction and all that.
Here's a rough timeline of what happened leading up and just after the murder:

5/10/08 - Phone Sex
5/18/08 - Travis' Gold Digger/Axe Murderer Blog Post
5/26/08 - Sociopath Text & FB Direct Message (referenced as email in Text)
5/28/08 - Grandpa's Gun Stolen
6/2-6/3/08 - Rent car, visit BF's of Christmas past, gas cans, SBux
6/4/08 - Murder
6/5/08 - Meet, grind & adjust new potential BF
If the point the OP was making is that is kind of petty for the TH's to ridicule JA because she has a cold sore or because her pants are frumpy then I totally agree, especially after reading the insightful posts by Mormon Attorney earlier today. It does get a little tedious on this forum when I am trying to keep up with an intelligent discussion about a fact or something that happened in the courtroom, but have to slog through four pages of posts of debate on whether or not JA's glasses are real or fake. I don't think anyone here is a JA supporter in any way shape or form, but you must admit that sometimes the personal bashing, especially coming from grown-ups, is a little bit silly. Just sayin'.

Sorry but if you don't think that herpes sore is HILARIOUS, I just can't get with you.
I understand what you are saying. However this is not someone who has said, I did this. I planned it and I killed him and I am sorry.

This is someone who says I did it but only because he made me. I did it but he was a pedophile. I did it but don't remember. I did it but its not my fault.

Kwim ?

She brings it on herself.

She is not a good person she is a liar and a murderer and while her victim idle now dead at her hand she is still beating him up.
ITA. There is absolutely NO CONTRITION...or none that has come across yet. I imagine that will happen come sentencing time.

PS- I hope that I will be around to hear the victims' impact statements. G-d bless Travis' family.
Here's a rough timeline of what happened leading up and just after the murder:

5/10/08 - Phone Sex
5/18/08 - Travis' Gold Digger/Axe Murderer Blog Post
5/26/08 - Sociopath Text & FB Direct Message (referenced as email in Text)
5/28/08 - Grandpa's Gun Stolen
6/2-6/3/08 - Rent car, visit BF's of Christmas past, gas cans, SBux
6/4/08 - Murder
6/5/08 - Meet, grind & adjust new potential BF

then i BET she did share with him she taped it. God forbid he may have been trying to get her to turn it over.. to the end... and she would not. She may have said "I brought the phone, i'm in town, i'll stop in.. and we can delete it...

and there was some ruse that he let her in.

FOR him a recording like that would be the end of his Church. He would be so humiliated! FOR me i would be livid but mostly worried it would end up on Facebook and so i would have to laugh it off and say you think thats bad, you should see my sex videos.. But see, I would not be worried that any employer or church would come after me? i would be more like "oh so what!"
"Bullying" implies that she is being "needlessly" harrassed and made fun of, for no reason.

IMO she is fair game. I say again, it is her OWN fault that she is being talked about/flogged.

I agree. Bullying is ridiculing or harassing someone who is, in a sense, innocent and either won't or can't defend themselves, often because of fear. That, in no way, defines JA IMO.
I'm still a little confused about the gas cans. If her goal was to avoid being detected while in arizona, why not just pay cash? even if there were security cameras, LE couldn't possibly check every minute of every tape from every gas station looking for her car, or her rental car.

and on a different matter, didn't she just change her story when she discusses getting the gun from the closet? I was pretty sure she went out of her way during cross to say she used only one hand. but for the jury she claimed to use both hands (one grabbed the lip of the shelf while the other grabbed the gun).

Interesting question. :waitasec:

Could she have been able to pay cash at 4am at the gas station? :waitasec:
You could then ask why not go when you could be able to pay cash? I'd say she wouldn't want to be seen more than she'd have to.

OR - Maybe she was paying with a credit card that doesn't allow you to withdraw money from it? :waitasec:
Here's a rough timeline of what happened leading up and just after the murder:

5/10/08 - Phone Sex
5/18/08 - Travis' Gold Digger/Axe Murderer Blog Post
5/26/08 - Sociopath Text & FB Direct Message (referenced as email in Text)
5/28/08 - Grandpa's Gun Stolen
6/2-6/3/08 - Rent car, visit BF's of Christmas past, gas cans, SBux
6/4/08 - Murder
6/5/08 - Meet, grind & adjust new potential BF

When did the Helio phone with the phone sex tape get stolen...I mean, lost in Grandpa's car...I mean, oh, fiddlesticks, when did Jodi hide that cell phone and report it to the police?!? :please:
Since she has been allowed to slander TA so badly and to drone on and on about her entire existence I do not understand why these TRUTHS about her behavior cannot be brought to this jury?????:waitasec:

IANAL nor am I from AZ, so I can only go on what I have heard & seen in the AZ courtroom. As to why the things TA has said about her cannot be told in court, from what I have heard during this trial including TH's, would be AZ's hearsay law. If TA had written this down somewhere & perhaps emailed a friend, that might be admissible, but the Judge will not allow anything anyone has told a witness to be offered as evidence.

This is JMHO based on what I have observed thus far. I hope some AZ attorney will quickly correct me if I am wrong. I speak from opinion only, not any authority whatsoever.
When did the Helio phone with the phone sex tape get stolen...I mean, lost in Grandpa's car...I mean, oh, fiddlesticks, when did Jodi hide that cell phone and report it to the police?!? :please:

This is what I want to know .. it's darned interesting that it reappeared when she came up with this trial strategy we see before us. VERY convenient.
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