Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #79

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why risk being picked up on a surveillance camera? why not just load your car with gas so you FOR SURE don't have to stop? she did the smart thing....for a murderer trying to get away with it, IMO.

Unlike the guy in NC who killed his wife...on his way back he gets gas and is trying to pay cash and is all kinds of p*ssd when he has to go inside. He yells at the clerk...who of course then remembers him and identifies him at trial. :rocker:
IANAL nor am I from AZ, so I can only go on what I have heard & seen in the AZ courtroom. As to why the things TA has said about her cannot be told in court, from what I have heard during this trial including TH's, would be AZ's hearsay law. If TA had written this down somewhere & perhaps emailed a friend, that might be admissible, but the Judge will not allow anything anyone has told a witness to be offered as evidence.

This is JMHO based on what I have observed thus far. I hope some AZ attorney will quickly correct me if I am wrong. I speak from opinion only, not any authority whatsoever.

i understand the law and i get the reason for it. but having said that, i feel like it's very unfair that the defendant has been able to weave a tale full of lies for all these days and that's just fine, and if even one juror buys it, the state gets to have a re-run of this circus.

the other character in her bogus story is dead---because of her----and can't refute it. and his friends who know differently, can't testify as to what he told THEM about her. i know it's the law. but sometimes the law stinks, IMO.
i recreated it! She got behind him, he was on his back on the floor, dead (she did NOT shoot him in the shower at the end, his would would be facing the back of the shower, she would have to step in over him and shoot that way)

She lifted him up while standing behind him at his head, her arms under each of his arms, and she walked backward dragging him, she stepped backward, into the shower pulling him in, just enough to get his bottom over the thing and in, the she squeezed out and from the front of the shower just pushed his torso more in, pushed the legs in...

he looks "shoved" in if you see photos, as if she barely got him in, the shoved arms and legs in, pushed.. sort of awkward.

Monet, van Gogh, Arias, and Hart! :giggle:
:seeya: She should be charged with defamation -- especially for the FALSE "pedofile" accusations against Travis !

Now ... IF a BIG IF, she does not get DP or LWOP, and she gets the next sentence [which info on how many years is posted here on this thread] ... then I sure hope Travis' Family will be able to file a Wrongful Death Suit against her ...

Even if she has nothing, it's the "principle" IMO !


All of us old timers learned this lesson a long time ago during the Casey Anthony case. you cannot be prosecuted for slander while you were in court. It cannot be done. you are protected In court statements from such. Moo

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I think she said she didn't recall exactly where she parked it but she thought it was in the driveway.

I agree, the roommate would have seen it, which leads me to believe she parked somewhere else in order to hide it.

i saw a picture of travis house with a white car in the driveway, i'll look and see again if i can find it. it didn't say who the white car belongs to tho. does anyone know what color jodi's car was, not the rental. what color was travis pruis and bmw, just for curiosity?
i saw a picture of travis house with a white car in the driveway, i'll look and see again if i can find it. it didn't say who the white car belongs to tho. does anyone know what color jodi's car was, not the rental. what color was travis pruis and bmw, just for curiosity?

Jodi had an Infinity G35 I believe. Nothing like what I've seen in front of Travis' house...nor would her car be there for crime scene photos.
That information right now I consider rumor. The station is now Shell. How do we know . link please. calling somebody that is a night employee there is not in my opinion verifiable and a few people have said that it is now a Shell station. I do not believe this yet.

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Tesoro Corporation, a Fortune 150 company, is an independent refiner and marketer of petroleum products. Tesoro, through its subsidiaries, operates seven refineries in the western United States with a combined capacity of approximately 675,000 barrels per day. Tesoro's retail-marketing system includes over 1,375 branded retail stations, of which over 590 are company operated under the Tesoro®, Shell® and USA Gasoline™ brands. The seven refineries are located in:
i recreated it! She got behind him, he was on his back on the floor, dead (she did NOT shoot him in the shower at the end, his head would would be facing the back of the shower, she would have to step in over him and shoot that way) so that was anytime before he was back in. (Or first, that works based on where he was sitting)

She lifted him up while standing behind him at his head, her arms under each of his arms, and she walked backward dragging him, she stepped backward, into the shower pulling him in, just enough to get his bottom over the thing and in, the she squeezed out and from the front of the shower just pushed his torso more in, pushed the legs in...the blood is dripping all out and over the shower ledge, very easily could have been made as he was dragged back over, the back of him is covered in blood.

he looks "shoved" in if you see photos, as if she barely got him in, the shoved arms and legs in, pushed.. sort of awkward.

I love your posts - you always have great insight. And this post with picture has me giggling nonstop. I am thinking we could get this a very special place in a museum for you... just sayin'!

Edited to note: I am laughing at the picture and not the content...hope that's understood!
I am so hyped!!

And the fact is she practically brought this on herself!
She's the one who's been LYING under oath about the gas can!
And now Juan Martinez has proof she's been LYING.
After all the BS she told the jury after they asked her..

"After all the lies you told, why should we believe you now!?"
For them to find out she's been lying to them while supposedly she's been telling the truth, finally coming clean in a sense, will make them doubt everything she's said on the stand.

I need for Juan to TEAR her testimony apart in rebuttal and show the jury that even when she was telling them "believe me NOW, I'm telling the truth NOW" she was lying to them!!
Grrr... posted this on the last thread not realizing it was about to close. So...

OT: Is there any way to find out if someone quoted a post of mine (without having to scroll through the entire thread)? I asked a couple questions last night but went to bed before I saw any answers. I don't want to annoy anyone by asking the same questions over and over. TIA

P.S. Has the board been suuuuuuper slow for anyone else??

"Search this thread" with my name shows NO RESULTS (even on past threads.) If I just use "Furiously" as a keyword I get too many results unrelated to me. I have been wondering the same thing though--how to find when I am quoted--to follow the comments/answers.

YES this site has been slow for me, too--maybe because of volume of traffic? But it took me a long time to realize all of the Thanks I was giving to others were not always going up. So I have resorted to refreshing, which puts me WAY behind in keeping up with the discussions.:banghead: But I still LOVE IT HERE!!!
What I remember is one of the roomates told the detective that he was there and spent the night at the house on June 3 and left on June 4 either for work or for something else, but came back around 3-4 and left again. He did not see HER that day, or knew that she was there...unless I missed something, anybody else recall?

That is why JM was pinning JA down on the 2:00 time she said that she put luggage in car, before roomate got home...Again where was her car??

He is obviously wrong about seeing Travis Wed night. but this is from the police report: (Enrique and Zach are the roommates)

"I conducted the follow-up interview with Enrique while Det Kaufman re-interviewed Ashley. I had Enrique go over what was going on at the house the week of June 2nd. He remembered only five people had been in the house that week. These people were Travis, Zachary, Amanda, him and his girlfriend, Kim. The last time he remembered seeing Travis was on Wednesday 6-4-2008. He remembered talking to Travis that morning and he told him he had a conference call scheduled that day. Travis also told him he hadn't slept very much, only getting about 45 minutes of sleep that night.

The last time he thinks he remembered seeing Travis was on Wednesday evening, after he got home from work. Enrique said he normally gets home from work at 1800 to 1830 hours (6:00 or 6:30pm). He remembered Travis on the phone, possibly on a conference call."
Changing channels, Jose is on HLN.

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What's the bet when JA snuck into TA's house at 4am and was on the computer without him knowing she was deleting emails and FB posts on his side, thinking, stupidly, that this would delete them permanently .. the only way to do that would be to then download a lot of LARGE files to cover up all the unallocated space. I would love to see the records of activity on that computer for the day.

In regards to FB I think deleted IM messages etc are retrievable by the company .. someone may be able to correct me on that as I'm not sure.
Tesoro Corporation, a Fortune 150 company, is an independent refiner and marketer of petroleum products. Tesoro, through its subsidiaries, operates seven refineries in the western United States with a combined capacity of approximately 675,000 barrels per day. Tesoro's retail-marketing system includes over 1,375 branded retail stations, of which over 590 are company operated under the Tesoro®, Shell® and USA Gasoline™ brands. The seven refineries are located in:

Oh good thanks I looked it up earlier when someone said it was now a shell station and could not find it again. Computer shut off on me while I was looking at it earlier and by the time I had time to look again I forgot where I saw it.
Mormon Attorney

Thanks for your insightful posting this afternoon!

I would like to hope I am somewhat responsible for it by posing my earlier question so I am back for another round.

Jodi seems to be the most hated person on the planet at least her on WS by countless posts of LIAR or I hate her.

At the risk of becoming the most hated poster here at WS let me state I have never hated her, not even close. People kill and murder people everyday, if I hated just a few of them I would be filled with hate. It seems that since Jodi is under the microscope, she is hated for every single thing she does, including the way she blinks her eyes. Her photography is horrible, her lying, her art, her appearance, down to how she holds her glass of water, all are just lower than the low.

So here comes my question, forget everything we know and lets change the circumstances.

Hypothetical, had Jodi been raped and murdered in a viscous manner where she was the victim and had never done anything wrong herself.....Do you feel that all (maybe not all) of her lies would somehow become truths. Would her photography be great and would she be described as having such a promising career whose life was cut short?

You are not hated poster. I do think you are mistaken about the motives of people who comment on her.

Psychopaths and sociopaths are extremely frightening people. They look like us, hold jobs like, have kids, and they don't wear a scarlet letter on their chests to identify themselves. However anyone who has had the misfortune of allowing one into their lives will be scarred by the person. And in the worst case scenarios, like Travis', it may end in death. What you're seeing here is not so much hate, as horror. To see Jodi continuing to hurt people even after Travis' death horrifies people. It horrifies me. We want to look at her and demystify her. So fun is made of her glasses, a cold sore, her paintings, etc…, because it makes her less scary and more normal. I think she is guilty and I do think she is danger to society. Of course that is only my opinion.

No one is hated for posting a difference of opinion. I, for one don't believe in the death penalty. Many posters do (as well as my husband by the way), but I'm not afraid to say it. As long as we all respect each other, a healthy difference of opinion is a good thing.

BTW, :waitasec: but come on now have you seen her artwork?
HLN just posted on FB that the location of the transactions is only open for gas sales at the pump from 1-6 am and has NEVER been any different. She could have only bought gas and only with a card.

Can you please give us a link? I went to HLN's facebook and I'm not seeing that anywhere.

Oh good thanks I looked it up earlier when someone said it was now a shell station and could not find it again. Computer shut off on me while I was looking at it earlier and by the time I had time to look again I forgot where I saw it.

Yes. Tesoro and Shell are one and the same.
OK, I'm about to ramble a little, lol.

I understand Travis a little. A lot of people ask "why did he keep seeing her!?" She was stalking him. She was crazy, etc, etc. But based on what he know he was mostly surrounded by "good mormon girls (JA words in their conversation/texts if I'm not mistaken" and Jodi was the only one he could (for the lack of better terms) fulfill his needs with. So now you have a young man who's been introduced to all kinds of hot sex by a pretty girl and she's the only one he can do these things with because he's practically living a double life now. He's supposed to be a virgin but he's not. He's enjoying the sex a lot while he shouldn't be having any.

I'm catholic and I've been surrounded by family members that are pretty strict about the rules of the church. I do think it can create a sort of guilt/shame and inner conflict when you're doing things you've been told your whole life you shouldn't be doing. And I do believe that Travis feeling this way gave Jodi a lot of power over him. He didn't like her much, but he loved the sex so he kept letting her in his life. He couldn't turn to another woman because well, he's not supposed to be having kinky sex! So Jodi kept sneaking and he kept allowing her back in. And ultimately that ended up going horrible for him.

agree 100%. It doesn't make T a bad person- it makes him healthy and human. IMO. Here's to a strong libido! :cheers:
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