Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #80

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Hey guys~
Just a little reminder to change/move our clocks up one hour tonight~

Lordy B, we are losing an hour and I don't have an hour to spare!
I just watched questions again. This boyfriend/girlfriend crap is so 7th grade. Most 20 somethings say they are a couple not boyfriend/girlfriend. It is amazing how immature she is even today.

It also amazes me with her long long letter/journal writing. She is probably the most selfish, self absorbed person I have ever seen. To send his family an eighteen page letter after she kills him is just unbelievable. What the h#ll would it take 18 pages for her to say to them. I wonder if they have read the letter?

100% agree with this post.

She has the emotional maturity of a toddler and lacks the capacity to understand that ANYONE who has two brain cells to rub together won't believe a word of it. It's something that would take place in a parallel universe that only exists her her mind. Ludicrous.

Post murder, her behavior was utterly disgusting. When it came to light that she had sent Travis's grandmother the irises, I swear I lost all feeling in my body.
I think she stabbed him when his back was turned...after several quick blows, he turned around and caught the fatal one to his heart...thereafter, it was psycho ***** flailing away. Struggle ensues, while TA is coughing up blood and running down hallway to escape, she finishes him off at the end of the hallway. She slit his throat, therefore the pool of blood on the carpet. Shoots him in the head while he was incapacitated from the stab wounds.

Just writing this wants me to drive to AZ and do bodily harm to this .
I asked this question on another thread, but it didn't receive any replies so I thought I would try here.

Does anyone recall this past week JA making a short quick comment about TA's gun being a secret and then her mentioning something about TA's grandfather, but before she could say any more she was cut off by an objection, sidebar or something?
I can't recall exactly how it went, but it was never brought up again and I haven't heard any mention of it.

I think Arias is trying to get Travis' early family life into the trial and it did NOT work for her
I'm no legal eagle, but the way I understand it is.....

If Jodi is given DP, the state is obligated to fund any and all required and necessary appeals, including providing counsel to prepare, file and argue.

If Jodi gets LWOP, she must provide (fund) her own services for any appeals. Parole hearings are State funded.

Is this correct?
And she claims that she inflicted these wounds in an attempt to defend herself.

Self defense in this case is hogwash. I've never had to defend myself but I would think if you came across a weapon, you would use it to stop the person long enough to try and get away. This killing just speaks to the rage and betrayal she felt toward TA. Who stabs, cuts someone's throat and then shoots in self defense? jmo
100% agree with this post.

She has the emotional maturity of a toddler and lacks the capacity to understand that ANYONE who has two brain cells to rub together won't believe a word of it. It's something that would take place in a parallel universe that only exists her her mind. Ludicrous.

Post murder, her behavior was utterly disgusting. When it came to light that she had sent Travis's grandmother the irises, I swear I lost all feeling in my body.


Reminds me of another torture-murderess.

The one set free by the Pinellas County Twelve.
I really think she stabbed him in the back while he was coughing up blood in the basin.

I'm undecided on which was the first stab. I do agree she attacked his back at the sink and maybe down the hall, but I think she could have attacked his back in more than one location, including in the shower.

Though I also think it's also possible by just using the element of surprise she may have been able to get to his chest even if he were looking.

Hilarious. I didn't know how on earth that came in .. can you imagine the attorney's reaction when they saw that list of questions for the first time? I think they all would have laughed, even Nurmi and Wilmott.

On that, why on earth didn't Wilmott take her through the sex talk questions, seems to have struck a very bad note to watch Nurmi do so?

Good point.

Seems more palatable for a woman do deliver that stuff, rather than a DA who specializes in sex crimes. Not sure if the jury was able to do any recon on him, but it would seem to exponentially up the creep factor if the jury is listening to Nurmi ask indelicate questions, rather than Wilmott.
is there a transcript of between jm & ja?
Is there a place to read her journal in full & the text megs in full-TIA
I 've only seen half pgs
That is what gets me. As soon as they found him everyone points to her. She thinks because there were no gas receipts or cell pings she would skate free?

One thing Flores told her was it looked bad for her cell not being used for 20 hours.


and the phone expert for the state already testified that all of her attempted calls TO Travis were consistent with him not answering.

In other words it is highly likely she never talked to travis

There is also evidence that was presented by an expert for the state that she accessed his voice mail after she killed him (most likely checking a message she had left for him)
I'm against it. These people aren't qualified investigators/interrogators. As much as I LOVE the *advertiser censored* question (and I truly do) I think it's kind of outrageous for a juror to be taunting a defendant in the middle of a trial. Not to mention it has the capacity to prejudice other jurors before they commence deliberations.

we're probably in the minority here but i totally agree with you and for all the reasons you stated. it's kind of like they're already deliberating. THEY may like it, but i really don't.

with this judge, she may just let them keep going until they stop asking, but i think she should tell them at the start wednesday that if they have any more, to ask them now because the trial has to move on. after over 200 questions, i think that's very reasonable.
I have made this trek many times.

Taking the I-17 to Highway 89 is shorter distance in mileage terms, but the road itself is a long stretch of 2 lane, plus it winds around the Grand Canyon.

Going from Phoenix through Las Vegas is a bit longer of a drive, but it is mostly freeway driving.

Believe me, I don't mind tacking on an extra hour or so going through Las Vegas. A little safer, as far as driving.

Plus she wanted to give off the impression of driving from Pasadena to Salt Lake City, which would require her to be on I-15.

Would this account for the extra miles? Taking the route you described above?
Here is another possibility: after the photo at 5:30:30 (TA's lower half of body sitting in shower), maybe JA handed him the camera (it looks as if water is off at the time of that photo) telling him to look at the pics see if he likes them. While he is looking at them she makes her first attack with the knife and HE takes the blurry ceiling pic at 5:31:14 by accident as he begins to try to fight her off.
Does it make a difference when it comes to the charge of felony murder? He doesn't look happy in those nude photos and the only evidence we have of them having sex comes from her nasty mouth.

Why would it? Whether they had sex or not has nothing to do with anything. It could serve to look more like a crime of passion or her scenerio of his attacking her, but all her lies and the evidence of premeditation aren't going to sway anyone to her third and final story that this was self defense.

There doesn't even have to be much time between an incident where someone reacts with passion for it still to be premeditated as long as it is agreed that it was enough time for a reasonable person to recognize that killing the person was wrong.

For example, there was a story recently of a man that ran out of gas on a dark road and had his kids help him try to push his vehicle 150 yards to his house. The kids were behind the vehicle pushing when a car came from behind driven by a drunk driver who hit and killed the kids. He was unconscious in his car, and the father than walked the 150 yards to his house, got his gun, walked the 150 yards back to the accident scene, went up to the vehicle that had killed his kids and shot the unconscious driver in the head killing him.

He was arrested for murder since it was agreed that he had plenty of time during that walk back and forth to get his gun and shoot the driver that he should have realized his actions were unreasonable and criminal. A crime of passion is an instantaeous response but still doesn't preclude murder, just makes it more likely that a jury would feel compassion depending on the circumstances and only agree to manslaughter. That, of course, always depends on the circumstances and the jury.

Sorry, but once again I've gotten way behind in reading the thread.
we're probably in the minority here but i totally agree with you and for all the reasons you stated. it's kind of like they're already deliberating. THEY may like it, but i really don't.

with this judge, she may just let them keep going until they stop asking, but i think she should tell them at the start wednesday that if they have any more, to ask them now because the trial has to move on. after over 200 questions, i think that's very reasonable.

It's totally a deliberation. Especially when a juror can listen to the question posed by another juror and write his/her own separate question as a follow up.
The medical examiner disagrees. That shot went through just above his right eyebrow and lodged in his left cheek bone. The ME says that the shot alone would either have incapacitated him completely or killed him outright. Seeing as he managed to get himself out of the shower, hang onto the sink to drip blood from his chest wound from the knife all over it and manage to get down the length of the hallway says that he was shot last. The chest wound was the first attack wound according to the ME followed by the other stab wounds - note that he had typical defensive cuts on his hands trying to ward off the continued stabbing and most of the stab wounds were in his back indicating he was either already on the ground when he reached the end of the hall or collapsed during the continued stabbing onto his face. With him lying there, she then slit his throat. She then got the gun, rolled him over onto his back and shot him in the face.

I don't think she really wanted to have to use the gun at all because of the noise that neighbors might hear, and believed that the single knife wound to the chest would kill him. I believe at that point she left the bathroom and was astonished to find he wasn't dead in the shower conveniently having all the blood evidence wash down the drain and discovered he had gotten out of the shower and the bathroom and got himself down the hall. It was at that point I think she freaked out and continued to stab him in a frenzy to make sure she actually killed him.

In this case, I don't think it was entirely rage killing but also hysterical frenzy being so shocked and scared that the single knife wound didn't kill him. I don't believe she ever imagined that there would be any blood all over the place needing to be cleaned up, and that she illogically dragged him back to the bathroom and stuffed him back in the shower in a nutty attempt to force the situation back to what her original plan invisioned would happen and thus attempt to force the control of the situation back to what she expected with her being entirely in control of the situation.

I respectfully disagree. I agree with minor4th's and wilsoh's posts about the sequence of events and the reasoning behind them. They are posted here.
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