Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #81

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I think she had the knife out because she was telling Travis she was going to kill herself. Yada yada yada.
Then when that didn't work, she started her rage.
I think he is saving some of these for later. Some he started launching last week, but was just getting started and some things will be better left for other witnesses. My thoughts in red by yours above, great list!

To this, I would add:

19- her statement during testimony that surveillance probably existed but long gone by now
20- that darn left ring finger (listed above 2 times, but so good it deserves 3 mentions in a list this size
21 - her bank statements - we have only seen a small portion of 1 page, I suspect there is much more evidentiary value in those.
22 - her cameras - one was talked about as recording video that day
23 - we were shown a CVS receipt, States Exhibit #237.009, CVS Pasadena CA, 6/03/08 8:31pm, Health Care Eligible $6.37, but it does not show us what was purchased...YET. A quick scan of items near that price point that are health care eligible (qualify as FSA expenses) include condoms and contact lens solution, remember the I never had glasses till tried someone's on for fun in 2010 and was shocked at how much sharper everything was, hmmm....
24 - The Valero receipt: States Exhibit #237.004, Valero, 6/02/08 8:41pm, MC 2015. We have not been told if it was for fuel, how much, or where it was, nor can we see any of those items (yet) on the exhibits, it was folded over.


possibly a bottle of KY Liquid Lubricant?
I don't remember where I've posted anything at this point but a couple of quick updates:

1. I'm on Tricia's radio show again tonite as a guest...please call in with any questions. This was a BIG WEEK so will be reviewing it I think.

2. Janine Driver IS coming to court this week and will be sitting with yours truly for the main purpose of reading the jury. This was her FB post to me (she put it on my wall so I feel ok sharing it):


I'm thinking of flying into Phoenix tomorrow night so I can be in the courtroom on Monday and Tuesday. I must see this jury. My life's mission is to stop bad people from doing bad things and I need to get a feel for how this jury feels about Jodi. How do you get inside the courtroom and could you get me in? We could go together and I can share my analysis with you!!! ;)

(I told her court was dark mon/tues so she's flying out Tues to attend Wed and hopefully Thurs)

I've rearranged my schedule to go all day on Wednesday to be there with her. And hoping I can convince her for Happy Hour after court. Pinching myself as I've been following her since before this trial. I need to go out and buy her book "You Can't Lie to Me" today. :great:
3. Jodi Arias will be convicted by this jury and sentenced to death (imo of course). Just thought I'd throw this in here as long as I'm making a list. ;)

what time? is there a link?
I think she gets less sympathetic the longer she's up there too.

The ironic thing to me is that if she would have just driven straight there, phone off, shot him (not w/gp gun but another), and left, she probably could have gotten away with it. No pics, no dna, no hand prints. The time off the phone she could have explained as she was exhausted and stopped to sleep and turned it off intentionally. But she had to have the last word, a window into her mind, I think.

Exactly, this has bothered me a lot. To think that such a grizzly murder took place and the only DNA is a hair and a hand print. The other like the camera etc were stupid. But we often times wonder in cases how can there be no DNA evidence and how did someone get a way with murder. Now we can clearly see that yes if she would have just went there, shot him and left etc as far as crime scene evidence she may have definately gotten away with it. Of course all her other actions would have been enough for her to be found out. But I think most people do not leave such trails and stalking etc. I really would have expected much much more in the DNA evidence part of this crime even with her pathetic attempts at cleaning.
I'm sorry. That's just speculation on my part. It's been brought up a few times that she could have done so. No proof.

Dang! I've been scouring the internet b/c I really wanted that to have been true to show yet another thing that she is capable of doing.

I'm in shock and awe watching her lie and scam everyone around her and this would have been the icing on the cake.

I have a feeling that Juan will have more of these kinds of discoveries in the next couple of days and I just can't wait.
what time? is there a link?

Here's the link to Tricia's post about it w/ info:

[ame=""]Sunday March 10th KatieCoolady on Tricia's True Crime Radio. - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
I see what you are saying Rose, Jodi had to hustle (and perhaps she was at that) to recoup money for outstanding loans from friends/men along the way. She also had expenses coming to play her part for Travis' memorial service, flowers sent to Grandma, get-away rental car, new gun and possible knife, etc.
Sorta like when JA's mother went to the NE with forged letters to print and they refused, ran a nasty letter about JA instead? Why is it that JA has her mother and possibly the Aunt, with "finding" the lost cellphone doing her dirty work?
Also, I find myself feeling more empathy towards her father since his behavior in court is more appropriate then the mother and aunt. The mother and aunt sure have dolled up since the beginning of court, imho.

Has her dad been in court more than just the one day?

I agree that the twins are attempting to look more put together, which makes me think it's only because they realized they looked like slobs on TV, not out of any respect for the court.
I see what you are saying Rose, Jodi had to hustle (and perhaps she was at that) to recoup money for outstanding loans from friends/men along the way. She also had expenses coming to play her part for Travis' memorial service, flowers sent to Grandma, get-away rental car, new gun and possible knife, etc.

I just don't understand where all that cash was coming from. She wasn't working at a high end restaurant and had considerable expenses in car rental, gas, gas cans, a GUN, air tickets, etc etc. Where do you guys think this money was coming from???? was she stealing from her grandparents???
Thanks! I just hope the jury doesn't accept Jodi's answer. Poor Travis, the insult on injury is that she, I believe, is the one who introduced Travis to anal sex. What a piece of work this Jodi is. I don't know why of all the things she said about Travis, this one makes my skin crawl. moo

Nah, I wouldn't worry. Provided they can keep focus off that herp sore threatening to eat her face, it's a lock they won't believe any of her contrived bs. :)

She was a shapeshifting snake- she bet on hooking Travis with sex, and that was the only way he would greenlight it given his faith. She was too stupid to realize that no man rewards that sort of sexual bravado BEFORE marriage. Her arrogance and miscalculation about whatever "power" she thought she had, was part of what made him lose respect for her, moving him further away from seeing her as a potential wife.

This tactical failure on her part (imo) is a reason why I don't believe she is even close to as smart as people think she is.
I AGREE! I think he paid her for it. That's where the deposit money came from on 6/3. And I think MM paid her for the stereo. She probably accidentally switched the remotes.

Or those pesky skaters did it!

You're speaking of Matt McCarthy, right? If so, I think he's more involved in all this than what we think.

I think he might've been the one who burglarized JA's grandparents home and stole the gun. (side-note: why is a 28 year old living w/her grandparents anyway?) I think Jodi has something over on Matt and that's why she's so cocky when saying he won't betray her!

I also think he might've been with her part of the trip because she referred TWICE to someone else in her car when she said: 'we drove' ......when going over her road trip in southern California to Flores.

I also think Daryl isn't as clean as we think either.

Why were there three bank deposits immediately after picking up the gas cans that morning (June 3rd)? Did he give her money?
Someone pointed out she might've deposited the money initially in the wrong account that's why there were two more deposits. But still....where'd this money come from?

Who drove her to obtain the rental car 90 miles from her home?.... because there's no mention that her car was left at the rental place for 4 days.
And in the same thought-process: who picked her up there on June 6th? What does her cell phone records show?

(already asked but....) did Budget charged her for the missing mats?

I hope it's just us who are confused and not the jurors because there are so many open ended and non-clarified points of interest in the convoluted case.
I think she gets less sympathetic the longer she's up there too.

The ironic thing to me is that if she would have just driven straight there, phone off, shot him (not w/gp gun but another), and left, she probably could have gotten away with it. No pics, no dna, no hand prints. The time off the phone she could have explained as she was exhausted and stopped to sleep and turned it off intentionally. But she had to have the last word, a window into her mind, I think.

Absolutely! She's definitely jumped the shark in her testimony days/weeks/months/eternity. What on Earth is Nurmi thinking with his mind nurming days and days of nothingness?
Perhaps, I thought she might have been delivering drugs along the way. Who knows? She's evil and without morals.
One other thing that has somewhat stuck out to me and made me go HMMM. She purchased a gas can at Walmart. 2 bottles of sunscreen and some facial cleaners. I just have to wonder why the sunscreen? Did she think a trip to kill Travis would result in long walks in the desert?? Or did she think she might get a last minute invite to Cancun and wanted to make sure she had sunscreen? Any thoughts on that one? Most folks who buy sunscreen are planning time outside and usually only need one bottle.
I think she gets less sympathetic the longer she's up there too.

The ironic thing to me is that if she would have just driven straight there, phone off, shot him (not w/gp gun but another), and left, she probably could have gotten away with it. No pics, no dna, no hand prints. The time off the phone she could have explained as she was exhausted and stopped to sleep and turned it off intentionally. But she had to have the last word, a window into her mind, I think.

I don't know if Juan can do it, but he said that record about that she could have gotten away with it, she will go over the edge! narcissist and sociopath don't like to hear that stuff. On second hand, I think he will say that!

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I just don't understand where all that cash was coming from. She wasn't working at a high end restaurant and had considerable expenses in car rental, gas, gas cans, a GUN, air tickets, etc etc. Where do you guys think this money was coming from???? was she stealing from her grandparents???

ITA. I sort of got the impression that she lived a Peter-robbing-Paul type of lifestyle. She was always borrowing from one to pay the other. I think she had a large network of people she used like that. Only other explanation I have is sex for money.
It wouldn't surprise me in the least if she had a network of "johns" that she serviced.
ITA. I sort of got the impression that she lived a Peter-robbing-Paul type of lifestyle. She was always borrowing from one to pay the other. I think she had a large network of people she used like that. Only other explanation I have is sex for money.

At first I was all :what: on this as I read it "I have sex for money". lol
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