Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #81

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it is creepy how she smiles talking about sex with Travis and almost glows, she gets giddy at times when she spars with Juan. Also creepy, visiting all her exes along the route to kill Travis...might she have been picking up blackmail money along with gas cans and stuff? Getting her "allies" in place.
Jodi seems to the type to always have the "goods" to blackmail people, taking notes and pictures--hiding behind that camera, watching every move of everyone. ..taping calls without their permission. Stalking. Darryl probably feared losing his son.

She is creepy no matter which 'Jodi' comes out. I really did think though that she would stick with the baby-faced, baby voiced Jodi on 48 hours. But she didn't. She lost weight, changed her appearance for trial (really bad mistake on her part) which makes her look even creepier. So ugly. She decided she'd get all smug and arrogant with JM. Little does she realize that he's using every word, smirk and laugh of hers to nail her!
I just don't understand where all that cash was coming from. She wasn't working at a high end restaurant and had considerable expenses in car rental, gas, gas cans, a GUN, air tickets, etc etc. Where do you guys think this money was coming from???? was she stealing from her grandparents???

I am also curious if Travis had any cash in the house or in his wallet that she may have taken? I wouldn't put it past her.


I think she had the knife out because she was telling Travis she was going to kill herself. Yada yada yada.
Then when that didn't work, she started her rage.

I too think JA had threatened to kill herself just prior to photos where TA is believed and seen seated on the shower stall floor - but I believe the threats were feigned. Miss Manipulator did what she does best - manipulate! JMO

Subsequently, TA may have made a play to disarm JA when she then attacked with the first and very deliberate stab/shot. JMO
but she had already taken a week off for her road trip. the murder was on june 4, a wednesday, and travis wasn't scheduled to leave for cancun until june 10, the following tuesday. could she blow off work (or quit)? did she have a passport? I think there was some discussion of this during the jury's questions but I missed it.

IMO she would have dropped anything if Travis decided to take her along. Nothing would have mattered except spending time with Travis and being able to keep Travis and Mimi from spending any time alone together.
Who drove her to obtain the rental car 90 miles from her home?

I thought she testified that she went from Yreka to Redding where her sister lived, then her BIL took her to the car rental place.

One other thing that has somewhat stuck out to me and made me go HMMM. She purchased a gas can at Walmart. 2 bottles of sunscreen and some facial cleaners. I just have to wonder why the sunscreen?

She was going to be driving through the desert sun for hours and hours, and sunscreen would prevent getting a "trucker's tan" (just one arm is tanned from driving with the window down).

I'm j*zz sayin' ...

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The "lost and found" cell phone charger is the premed clincher for me. She said she felt more secure with gas cans driving through the desert at night, but no cell phone??? Single woman alone at night with combustable material smelling in tha back of the car, but no concern @ cell phone. Filled up at two gas stations and did not buy another charger?
Those pesky cell phone chargers always hide under the seat when ya need 'um!
Because the water in the trunk was boiling hot and tasted like gasoline?


Seriously, the water should have been in an ice chest in the passenger compartment, if it ever existed.

I hear ya but then, why bother bringing water then? A case?? Surely a gallon would've sufficed in case of an emergency especially if she was counting pennies as she has us believing?

She was only going to Utah....not trekking across Death Valley!
There is no proof there was a case of water in her trunk anyway.

I think Jodi made up integral nonsensical details just for the sake of embellishing her story being the egotistical raconteur she is!

Anyone else can't stand when she says "And um...." ??
She irritates me greatly and I give props to Flores for not hauling off and schmacking her across her lying face during those two interviews. Shows a great amount of restraint!
I've wondered about that as well. Because if she really did plan to kill travis as the primary goal of her trip, then staying at his house for hours while his roommates could be in and out seems problematic. But if someone was in her car, as a lookout, she could be comfortable knowing if anyone was coming or not. A companion could also help her move the body back to the shower, and share all that driving. I don't know what was found in the way of footprints, but maybe that's what jodi was trying to do by wiping the floor--erase tracks.

An unrelated fact that troubles me is if she was there all day, how did she know travis wouldn't call or text someone at some point saying "guess who's here?"

Do you think it's possible she told him (if in fact she did go there early morning and Travis was too kind and polite to tell her to get out of his house)
that she just stopped on her way (as part of her road trip) to return money or something. That she was sorry about her past behaviour etc? And could she have said ' hey, you know, don't tell anyone I'm here. I don't want people to think we're together again. I'm really through with that part of my life. I'll be on my way in the afternoon sometime. This time let's really part for good.'

Something like that. She's a master manipulator. Possible?
I went back and listened to Ryan Burns testify and was surprised to hear that he said that he and Jodi also had phone sex (after her visit to him). That's quite telling since they weren't even having real sex. Did anyone else catch that?
I'm trying to remember the Arias answer to jury question #91: Why did you move from Big Sur to Mesa? My recollection is that she wasn't, shall we say, candid. It was to be near her friends in AZ and the good wards there or something. Is that close?
I am also curious if Travis had any cash in the house or in his wallet that she may have taken? I wouldn't put it past her.



If he did hide cash in his house I'm sure she'd be the one person to know where it was as she'd combed every square inch of his house while pretending to be "housekeeping". :furious:
You're speaking of Matt McCarthy, right? If so, I think he's more involved in all this than what we think.

I think he might've been the one who burglarized JA's grandparents home and stole the gun. (side-note: why is a 28 year old living w/her grandparents anyway?) I think Jodi has something over on Matt and that's why she's so cocky when saying he won't betray her!

I also think he might've been with her part of the trip because she referred TWICE to someone else in her car when she said: 'we drove' ......when going over her road trip in southern California to Flores.

I also think Daryl isn't as clean as we think either.

Why were there three bank deposits immediately after picking up the gas cans that morning (June 3rd)? Did he give her money?
Someone pointed out she might've deposited the money initially in the wrong account that's why there were two more deposits. But still....where'd this money come from?

Who drove her to obtain the rental car 90 miles from her home?.... because there's no mention that her car was left at the rental place for 4 days.
And in the same thought-process: who picked her up there on June 6th? What does her cell phone records show?

(already asked but....) did Budget charged her for the missing mats?

I hope it's just us who are confused and not the jurors because there are so many open ended and non-clarified points of interest in the convoluted case.
Even on the stand, when she was talking about the leg of the trip from Redding to Monterey, she uses "we"...

I thought she testified that she went from Yreka to Redding where her sister lived, then her BIL took her to the car rental place.

She was going to be driving through the desert sun for hours and hours, and sunscreen would prevent getting a "trucker's tan" (just one arm is tanned from driving with the window down).

I'm j*zz sayin' ...

I just thought with a rental car that she probably planned on using the AC.
I am also curious if Travis had any cash in the house or in his wallet that she may have taken? I wouldn't put it past her.



June 4th.
Did the two roommates pay Junes' rent???
If Cash?

If she's a cold blooded murderess would a thief be that out of character? I doubt it!
I thought she testified that she went from Yreka to Redding where her sister lived, then her BIL took her to the car rental place.

Brother-in-law? If so, did he also pick her up on the 6th?
You're speaking of Matt McCarthy, right? If so, I think he's more involved in all this than what we think.

I think he might've been the one who burglarized JA's grandparents home and stole the gun. (side-note: why is a 28 year old living w/her grandparents anyway?) I think Jodi has something over on Matt and that's why she's so cocky when saying he won't betray her!

I also think he might've been with her part of the trip because she referred TWICE to someone else in her car when she said: 'we drove' ......when going over her road trip in southern California to Flores.

I also think Daryl isn't as clean as we think either.

Why were there three bank deposits immediately after picking up the gas cans that morning (June 3rd)? Did he give her money?
Someone pointed out she might've deposited the money initially in the wrong account that's why there were two more deposits. But still....where'd this money come from?

Who drove her to obtain the rental car 90 miles from her home?.... because there's no mention that her car was left at the rental place for 4 days.
And in the same thought-process: who picked her up there on June 6th? What does her cell phone records show?

(already asked but....) did Budget charged her for the missing mats?

I hope it's just us who are confused and not the jurors because there are so many open ended and non-clarified points of interest in the convoluted case.

What we here at websleuths do is much different. We want to know and get the facts . But when it comes down to it, for those on the defense team and their minions maybe reading here, it. Does. Not. Matter!

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Why were there three bank deposits immediately after picking up the gas cans that morning (June 3rd)? Did he give her money?
Someone pointed out she might've deposited the money initially in the wrong account that's why there were two more deposits. But still....where'd this money come from?
Respectfully snipped and BBM ...

Rumor has it that Arias borrowed money from Paul Stern in Big Sur ... that would have had to occur somewhere after 11 PM on 6/2 as Arias was still in Lodi at 8:41 PM. Not hard to believe that she did borrow this money and then head back to Monterey to hook up with MM ...
So she had, between both accounts, approx. $800? And she also said on cross she had cash in amount of $80-200 on her, correct?

Taking the $400 back out of #8006 to transfer it to #7148 would leave her with

#8006 148.65
#7148 340.43

so $489.08 total.
I went back and listened to Ryan Burns testify and was surprised to hear that he said that he and Jodi also had phone sex (after her visit to him). That's quite telling since they weren't even having real sex. Did anyone else catch that?

I didn't catch that but Daryl must be really pissed or feels foolish seeing she cut him off from all sex because she 'was saving herself for marriage'.

Hmm, does that mean she planned (in her warped mind) to marry Travis?
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