Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #82

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Thanks folks, I don't want to miss a single syllable today, hehe.

I am really confused with this DST, I am in the EST zone and for the life of me, as simple as it sounds, I still can't figure out this time change carp.

Tigerbalm your time zone map really helps, thanks!

We and they are in Mountain Standard Time. EST is two hours ahead
That place is torture to read. I haven't lurked there in weeks. I stopped after one nutcase wrote, "I hate Travis so much" and one woman's description of the murder (it was so dehumanizing). They're so evil, hating on a man who has been dead for 5 years and who is now being murdered again at the trial of his murderer.

The Jodi supporters fall into three categories.

1. Man haters
2. Mormon haters
3. White knights in shining armor (think Carr)

They're a sick bunch. I find the "white knights" the most offensive. Some of them have even expressed fantasies to marry her when she is "acquitted".

I would add a 4th:

4. Crazy people who think ANYONE on trial for murder is innocent. Not that they deserve a fair trial. But that they are innocent.
I think she was just lying trying to paint Travis as easily riled up as part of her self-defense strategy. Other than an occasional exception, Californians are good drivers, and for the most part polite ones. A salesgirl who moved here from Europe said her family didn't believe it when she told them she didn't know where the horn was! Because nobody uses it here.

BBM- good point

What's really bizarre is the DT thinking that everyone should have a laid-back type of personality, otherwise it's some indication of danger. (Even if true) what does it matter if TA got honked off in LA traffic? I've lived there, it's TOTALLY normal.

Just because you are passionate and animated, it doesn't automatically imply the emotions are directed at another person. A fiery personality doesn't equal a violent one.

I'm half Italian and half Irish- everything looks red to me. If I were on the jury, hitting a steering wheel (which we can't even corroborate) is nothing of note. :twocents:
We and they are in Mountain Standard Time. EST is two hours ahead

Oops...I wasn't hip to Arizona not observing DST. Just Google Arizona time and it will tell you what time it is right now. Court starts at 10:15
I feel exactly the same way! She has already acclimated herself very well to being locked up. She's got her a girlfriend, won the American Idol singing contest. Being alone 23 hrs. a day would be devastating to her. Nobody to listen to her bullchit. Maybe even take her pencil away, so she can't sell her drawings on ebay :giggle:

Once she's found guilty, I'm not sure if she can sell her art, or, if she can, whether she'd be allowed to keep the proceeds.

WS lawyers, can y'all answer that?
I understand why people are wondering how the roommates didn't sense that something was amiss but in all probability, they did. It's just that when you smell a bad scent, you're far more likely to think, "wow, someone needs to take out the trash," not, " wow, maybe there's a dead body upstairs."

Exactly. And as his roommates and friends explained it,

Enrique Cortez Jr.: "With how Travis traveled, we didn't know he was dead in the bathroom. Your car doesn't have to leave, just you. I was used to my previous roommate always taking off. You also have to remember how big the house was (4000-5000 sq ft) and how the master suite, including the bathroom, occupies only one side, with the other bedrooms on the opposite side of a huge loft from the bathroom's location. That Monday night was the first time I was noticing the smell because it took that long to finally leave the bathroom and reach that side of the top floor."

Taylor Searle: "It was not abnormal for Travis to be gone for long stretches. His roommates at the time and he kept to themselves."

Zachary Billings: "Same as what Enrique Cortez Jr. said. Also I was in Restaurant Management at the time and there was very little [sic]. Just to sleep for the most part.

Enrique Cortez Jr.: "My work was usually from 8-4:30 in Tempe doing check fraud. At the time I was using the bus because gas was over $4.00/gallon. I would drive to Superstition Springs Mall, catch the 61 westbound, and got off at Priest and Southern. The ride was probably around an hour and 15 minutes. That bus ride home that day was probably what kept me from walking into a bad situation since I probably got home around 6 or later. You have to come to the understanding that I wasn't meant to go in and see the scene. Everything played out the way it did for a reason."
Collecting $ for Jodi? Her defense is paid for by the State of Arizona. She doesn't need many $ for her prison misc account. Those $ they are collecting are for themselves.

Remember how many people were sending money to CA in jail? NG kept us informed of what type items CA was buying from the commisary. I just don't understand the minds of some people who do this type of thing for the obivious guilty:banghead:
I am very interested in todays cross exam by Juan- something big is on the horizon and I want to bear witness to it!

So good to see you Tuba! Cannot wait to hear some of your thoughts and insights!
Do you all remember this post from me?
My daughter's think I'm obsessed over this trial. When they call..I'm like I am watching the trial! When they come home I have Live stream on the computer and In session on the TV. So Thurs. night they came in with a big box for me, and said UPS just delivered this. I opened it up and It was orange scrubbs, (my daughter's a vet tech) and a pair of spiderman underware!! and the letter said :

Arizona State Pen
Dear Debbie,
Thank you for for watching me today, yesterday, and every minute, every second, and every hour of everyday. I sent you a pair of my jailhouse jumpsuits, and the famous spiderman underware.
Didn't I look pretty today?
See you Monday!!!

Love Jodi

PS Take a pic in them & send it to me

Well this morning when I got up, this picture was on my screen saver !!
I about peed my spiderman panties laughing at what my daughter had done

Dang I can't get it to print. They have the pic saved as benjodi, I don't see a url no. on it...Can anyone help? I promise you it will be a good laugh before trial
Once she's found guilty, I'm not sure if she can sell her art, or, if she can, whether she'd be allowed to keep the proceeds.

WS lawyers, can y'all answer that?

I think she can as long as it does not refer to or depict the incident in any way. And, yes, keep the proceeds as well.
Thanks PP. So, she says she inadvertently took that photo while he was sitting in the shower because that's something he usually does while bathing? I've never known anyone to sit in a shower. Won't the jury think that's strange, too?

I'm thinking that might have been the result of his first stab wound to the heart .... maybe slid down the shower wall ... then that last photo (up close) strange, haunting look in his eyes ... I have always wondered if he had already been stabbed in the heart ... then somehow managed to get up and stagger to the sink .... he looks so defeated and "wounded" in that last picture. I just can't get it out of my head.

He may have found the strength to stand up ... grab for the knife (thus the picture of the ceiling in the shower) .... stumbled to the sink (stabs in the back) ... crawled down the hall trying to find help ... more stabs and throat slash ... dragged back to the shower ... shot in the head. What a heinous, heinous murder. Nobody in their right mind could see anything other than premeditated, cruel and unusual ... murder.

I think I need a break from all of this. I am having sleeping problems and horrible dreams ... my husband is starting to get concerned. :sheesh: Whenever we talk about this trial ... he tells me I would make a terrible juror. I always argue with him that I am not speaking as a "juror" ... I am speaking from my heart and expressing my disgust and disdain for this "monster" (plus I have a LOT more knowledge if the facts ). I think he just likes to rattle my chains a little ... lucky for him I'm not violent :banghead:

Oh well ... at least I know I have support here on this board :seeya: .

Luv You guys!!!! :thumb:
Once she's found guilty, I'm not sure if she can sell her art, or, if she can, whether she'd be allowed to keep the proceeds.

WS lawyers, can y'all answer that?

*not a lawyer btw.
I think she can as long as it does not refer to or depict the incident in any way. And, yes, keep the proceeds as well.

Too bad prisons aren't as anal (pardon the Jodism) about mundane things such as pencils, pens, etc as the TSA is.
I actually enjoyed the break from the trial and didn't read here much or watch ongoing coverage of the case. I'm looking forward to more testimony today as JM challenges Jodi on her lies and bull@#$%. I'll be watching livestream on CNN and joining you here for discussion. With the time change, DH will be able to watch some of the trial with me when he gets home.
I'm pretty sure TA's family can 'attach' any income JA would have from any source.
The way around that is her family can just send her the money to put in her account at the prison.
Re: JA/TA Case Timeline

Very good timeline already exists at:

A few have asked for the timeline I've gathered for this case. It started out only as tracking the hair color and dates for JA and has since evolved to include more info. As such, it is still missing a lot of info - will add and re-post periodically if helpful.

Please note: This is in pdf form - you will be asked if you'd like to open or save it. This timeline is in no way complete. If you see gross errors and/or think certain info should be added/deleted/edited, please let me know. However, I'd like to keep it relatively fact/corroborated based. IOW, I'd prefer not to include JA's mountain of uncorroborated fabrications. Thanks and HTH!


  • JA TA Case Timeline.pdf
    294.6 KB · Views: 29
I can see Juarez Mexico from my house. It ain't pretty. We get to breathe lots of horrid things from there BTW. And, isn't it fascinating that it's illegal to transport "soil" from there, even if it's on your car. If it's on your car, the Mex. bridge people make you wash the car. Idiotic considering the fact that we have daily dust storms that transport the same soil.

So, you live in/near El Paso. Is that big smelter still in the middle of the city? I read somewhere they were thinking of re-activating it. Sorry for the threadjack.
As for why the roommates did not notice the smell - it made me think of this video:

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