Interracial Couple Denied Marriage License By Louisiana Judge

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But then, how many times have we heard from some people the phrase: 'He's not MY president.' I doubt this guy views Mr Obama as anything desirable.
I shall now sit down and be quiet.

We also heard the same phrase from some people about GW Bush.
And now from the Deadly, I mean the Daily Star, out of beautiful Hammond, Looziana . . .

A justice of the peace said he refused to issue a marriage license to an interracial couple last week because of concern for the children who might be born of that relationship.

Keith Bardwell, justice of the peace for Tangipahoa Parish’s 8th Ward, also said it is his experience that most interracial marriages do not last long.

“I’m not a racist,” Bardwell said. “I do ceremonies for black couples right here in my house. My main concern is for the children . . . ”

(Stay tuned, folks - the Sunday edition follows)
Just as an FYI, I cut and pasted the thread title directly from the link I posted when I started the thread.



I think the national media may be forgetting about our Napoleonic legal system here in Louisiana. He's definitely NOT a judge, but he does have very limited authority and the legal right to perform marriages.

As a resident of Louisiana, I can only say that this man makes me feel dirty. He is obviously a racist, or insane, or flat out back-woods stupid. Whatever, he needs to immediately be removed from his position. There is a strong call in his parish for him to resign or be forced out. I hope he is gone by tomorrow.

I think it was the mayor of Hammond who said, "He says he is concerned about the mixed-race children who could result from such a marriage. I wonder if he is afraid they will grow up to be president?"

For those of you who don't live in Louisiana, please know that this man has no support from any of us. He is an embarrassment to the citizens and government officials of Louisiana.
I think the national media may be forgetting about our Napoleonic legal system here in Louisiana. He's definitely NOT a judge, but he does have very limited authority and the legal right to perform marriages.

As a resident of Louisiana, I can only say that this man makes me feel dirty. He is obviously a racist, or insane, or flat out back-woods stupid. Whatever, he needs to immediately be removed from his position. There is a strong call in his parish for him to resign or be forced out. I hope he is gone by tomorrow.

I think it was the mayor of Hammond who said, "He says he is concerned about the mixed-race children who could result from such a marriage. I wonder if he is afraid they will grow up to be president?"

For those of you who don't live in Louisiana, please know that this man has no support from any of us. He is an embarrassment to the citizens and government officials of Louisiana.

^^^ second that, all but the 'backwoods' part LOL im 'backwoods' and i/we aint that stoopid!!!
I also wander is it just black/white marriage or all mixed races, like would he have married jon and kate gosselin? (Well maybe that was not a good example LOL) I don't think it has anything to do with race but how committed you are to stay in your marriage. It's so easy now for people to just walk away from a marriage, whether your white, black, purple, or pink But of course these are just my opionions.

He probably would have married George and Cindy Anthony. :rolleyes: :loser::crazy:

He let's them use his toilet? LOL

That kind of reminds me of when I posted pictures of my kids on here and someone gave me a compliment saying, "Oh my gosh they are so clean!" :waitasec:

Any personal attack on another member is a big deal to me. I'll see if I can find it, thanks for the info.

I'm guessing that the person didn't mean it as an insult, rather as a compliment. Unfortunately a compliment from a clueless mind. I worked with a Mexican girl born in America and every now and then people would tell her she spoke so well. They weren't insulting her. In their minds, they thought they were complimenting her.

If I am not mistaken Pastors can decline to marry persons for reasons such as they are not the same denomination as the church, or they are not member, or they have not completed pre marital counseling, but even so I have never heard of a pastor refusing to marry someone because they are different races. Escpecially the Justice of the peace, they are a part of the state, which should have no discrimination what so ever. If he has a problem with it that much he is in the wrong profession. But I guess louisiana does things a little differently then the rest of the world.

A Catholic friend of mine had the hardest time finding a priest to marry him and his Jewish wife. That was 18 years ago. The priests didn't think the marriage would last. From what I understand it was much easier to find a Rabbi for their other ceremony.

^^^ second that, all but the 'backwoods' part LOL im 'backwoods' and i/we aint that stoopid!!!

I had a job answering phones from every state for a national company once. A woman called from the Florida panhandle and said during the conversation; "I wus tawkin to mi hussbend, no wait 'twas my brother..." It was very hard to keep from bursting out with laughter. After the call I told a lot of people about it, including the director of the call center. He had the call transferred to a CD and took it with him for a national company meeting in Las Vegas.

^^^ second that, all but the 'backwoods' part LOL im 'backwoods' and i/we aint that stoopid!!!

I'm sorry! I realized way too late that them could be fighting words! :blushing:
I think the national media may be forgetting about our Napoleonic legal system here in Louisiana. He's definitely NOT a judge, but he does have very limited authority and the legal right to perform marriages.

As a resident of Louisiana, I can only say that this man makes me feel dirty. He is obviously a racist, or insane, or flat out back-woods stupid. Whatever, he needs to immediately be removed from his position. There is a strong call in his parish for him to resign or be forced out. I hope he is gone by tomorrow.

I think it was the mayor of Hammond who said, "He says he is concerned about the mixed-race children who could result from such a marriage. I wonder if he is afraid they will grow up to be president?"

For those of you who don't live in Louisiana, please know that this man has no support from any of us. He is an embarrassment to the citizens and government officials of Louisiana.


Yeah ya right.
He probably would have married George and Cindy Anthony. :rolleyes: :loser::crazy:

I'm guessing that the person didn't mean it as an insult, rather as a compliment. Unfortunately a compliment from a clueless mind. I worked with a Mexican girl born in America and every now and then people would tell her she spoke so well. They weren't insulting her. In their minds, they thought they were complimenting her.

A Catholic friend of mine had the hardest time finding a priest to marry him and his Jewish wife. That was 18 years ago. The priests didn't think the marriage would last. From what I understand it was much easier to find a Rabbi for their other ceremony.

I had a job answering phones from every state for a national company once. A woman called from the Florida panhandle and said during the conversation; "I wus tawkin to mi hussbend, no wait 'twas my brother..." It was very hard to keep from bursting out with laughter. After the call I told a lot of people about it, including the director of the call center. He had the call transferred to a CD and took it with him for a national company meeting in Las Vegas.



OMG, ya killin me
What Cyberlaw said.

My favorite part of the article;

"I'm not a racist. I just don't believe in mixing the races that way," Bardwell told the Associated Press on Thursday. "I have piles and piles of black friends. They come to my home, I marry them, they use my bathroom. I treat them just like everyone else."

Bardwell said he asks everyone who calls about marriage if they are a mixed race couple. If they are, he does not marry them, he said.

But they better stay away from his water fountain.
As angry as folks like this guy makes me, I'd have to say he has done a bit of a service here. All too often, a lot of people feel the same way he does, but in secret. It's kind of good to have jackasses like this come along to spark conversation and bring things like this up and into the open. I mean, if people feel stuff like this, I'd rather it be open, as you can't fight the hidden kinds of injustice as easily. MOO.
As angry as folks like this guy makes me, I'd have to say he has done a bit of a service here. All too often, a lot of people feel the same way he does, but in secret. It's kind of good to have jackasses like this come along to spark conversation and bring things like this up and into the open. I mean, if people feel stuff like this, I'd rather it be open, as you can't fight the hidden kinds of injustice as easily. MOO.

What they said! :thumb:
I was in complete shock when I heard about this happening. I know of many interracial couples in Tangi. My question would be...The people that he has turned away & refused to marry before, were they all white & black couples? wonder if he would refuse to marry any other interracial couples (asian & black, hispanic & white, etc)
Do people asking to be married by this man need to take a test to prove their race? What does he do if a mixed person wants to marry? What if a person's appearance is different from their actual race?
As angry as folks like this guy makes me, I'd have to say he has done a bit of a service here. All too often, a lot of people feel the same way he does, but in secret. It's kind of good to have jackasses like this come along to spark conversation and bring things like this up and into the open. I mean, if people feel stuff like this, I'd rather it be open, as you can't fight the hidden kinds of injustice as easily. MOO.

My parents went through this in 1953, back then it was still against the law for a person of color to marry a white person in some states and so they had to travel to a different state to be married. They were married for 50 yrs before my mum passed from cancer.

I agree with you Duck that this stuff needs to be out in the open and I am angry too but also sad that in 2009 though the laws have changed, it's still a reality for people. Makes me want to cry that people are still so ignorant.
This makes me so angry. Creep. SOB. I bet his town is really proud of him.

I was born and raised here in Louisiana and I love this state. I am embarrassed. We are all human beings and bleed red blood. We are created equal.

It is a shame that racism still exists in this country.
It is truly horrible that there are still such ignorant people like this, but I guess I'd try to find the positives:

1) now everyone knows what an ignorant racist loser this guy is.
2) wouldn't it be awful if he had married them and they found out later what he thought of them? I don't even want that person AT my wedding, much less officiating!

I wish them a long and happy marriage!
The thing is he has the authority to marry people. He doesn't have to marry anyone.
There are usually a group of magistrates in each local. Most don't feel that way. He shouldn't be penalized for his beliefs any more than the couple for theirs. I find this goes on in the South more.

It would be nice if everyone realized that we are all Americans and all defend this country and die for it. I don't agree with this guy, but I defend his right to believe as he wishes. JMO
Perhaps you're right Granny and perhaps he has a right not to marry those he disagrees with.

This to me is an example of abuse of authority and power.

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