Interrogation Tactics

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Whether they thought her words were lies or not, I wish they would have let her keep going...maybe if they had they may have gotten more clues out of the interview..ya know, 'there's usually some truth even in the lies"? What do you all think?

If your child was late and you asked them about it. And your child told you they were at steves house playing videos.. and later you found out he/she wasn't at steve's house and you ask again..

As soon as your child said "At steve's house", most folks are going to stop them right there and say that is a lie, tell me the truth.

The "usually some truth even in the lies" happens during the first telling. When the story is first told.

I'm on the other side. I'm frustrated when I hear her saying the same BS. They do their best to explain the many different ways they know it's a lie. How much damage the continued lying will harm herself and her family.. yet she continued to repeat what the Police all ready confirmed to be a lie.
Everything that has been released so far in the tapes and the 400 pages of inteveiws is still with police working with June 9th as the date. Casey knew she wasn't at Sawgrass on the 9th, Casey knew the correct date was the 16th and has all along. Her friends and family I am sure all had follow up interviews after the right date was determined.
this is a tactic that police use. they often give suspect choices to choose from.
Usually when they do, it ends up in a confession because there is no way out once a suspect deciedes to travel the path offered by a detective.

I'm sure Casey isn't the first alleged sociopath they have come across. Based on a profile I read elsewhere, the way to get through to her is to make it all about her.

IMO, they were trying to do that when they offered her various "outs" and by trying to figure out who she felt more influenced by. However, that type of person often simply does not crack. Jeffrey MacDonald still swears he is innocent. Diane Downs never cracked either.
To weed out fact from fiction. I don't think we can determine everything that KC has lied about if we don't first figure if the information used by LE during the intergation was truthful or not.

How can we say that she did not drop off Caylee at the sawgrass, if a video never existed to prove otherwise?

Well, the apartment she pointed out had been vacation for a long time. Since she's now changed her story about where "Zanny" took Caylee from her, I'm not even sure this is still relevant. Thanks. :)
I don't remember where, but it was disclosed that Sawgrass kept all of theirs for a minimum of 6 months and sometimes longer because of the corporate office's rules. (I don't know who the main corporate entity is for that complex)

Many apartment complexes in my area have the digital and keep them for up to a year in case there is a "slip and fall" or other instance which they need to defend in court. My friend works as a manager of one who keeps them for a year.

Someone said there would not be tapes of the stairwells. That is one of the main places the ones in this area have taped, because of accidents and muggings.

That makes sense.

I think it would cut down on false reporting, if a person made such a false report, that they could be sued for the amount they were requesting. :) Such BS is raising the cost for everyone else. Like the cost of this camera system to protect the complex.. someone has got to pay for it. The rent is raised to cover the cost. Sad. But needed.
this is a tactic that police use. they often give suspect choices to choose from.
Usually when they do, it ends up in a confession because there is no way out once a suspect deciedes to travel the path offered by a detective.

If you don't mind me asking I'd like to know what your area of expertise is in police interrogations? Thanks.
LE can lie. People being interrogated by LE cannot. Rather simple if you ask me. It is why she is being charged with it:

#Bond Amount: 100.00
Police Case Number: n/a
Court Location: CIRCUIT
Arresting Agency: Orange County Sheriff Office
Charge/Court Case Number: False Official Statements
Case Sequence: 206
Case Status: Presentenced
#Bond Amount: 100.00
Police Case Number: n/a
Court Location: CIRCUIT
Arresting Agency: Orange County Sheriff Office
Charge/Court Case Number: Obstruct Criminal Invest-False Info To Leo
482008CF0010925O (Bolded by me)
I think anyone who listened to the recordings caught the camera mistake by that detective. IMO they had already confirmed enough of her story to see that she was lying about numerous things including that no one had lived in the apt. she stated for 4 months. No phone records for anyone, she didn't work at Universal, (that was verified in the 400 pages, beforehand) Amy immediately found she had stolen her checks. Just the fact that she didn't report Caylee missing for 30 days and her excuse is enough for a shakedown imo. By the way when she did talk at the end she told more lies.

I don't care what LE lied about at the time to try and get to the bottom of where Caylee is. Casey certainly wasn't any help. I don't know her and thought she was a lying fool in that interview. Obviously Casey's lies are far greater than anything LE has invented. Pretty bad when you have to scare the S@#$ out of a mother to find her child.
You can interrogate a sociopath until the cows come home..but until it is completely to their benefit they are not going to crack. Just ain't gonna happen. Now when the time comes she is faced with either DP or LWOP ...then she will sing like a bird..because she 'll want to save her azz from the DP..but not until that time will she cave, even a little bit.
To weed out fact from fiction. I don't think we can determine everything that KC has lied about if we don't first figure if the information used by LE during the intergation was truthful or not.

How can we say that she did not drop off Caylee at the sawgrass, if a video never existed to prove otherwise?

It may or may not be true that Sawgrass has video from that time period.

But since Casey swore several times that this was the honest truth, LP and RD have come forward to say Casey is now saying she was mugged and Caylee taken at Blanchard Park.

It sounds like SHE isn't saying anymore that Caylee was taken at Sawgrass.

To weed out fact from fiction. I don't think we can determine everything that KC has lied about if we don't first figure if the information used by LE during the intergation was truthful or not.

How can we say that she did not drop off Caylee at the sawgrass, if a video never existed to prove otherwise?

Her statement of Jun 9th was a lie proven by fact by the June 15th video. Reminder Casey was with Caylee over night at AR house on the 9th and left on the 10th.

Fact telephone and in person interviews were also done while Casey was running the Detectives and LE in circles and there were also written statements backing up those interviews.
It may or may not be true that Sawgrass has video from that time period.

But since Casey swore several times that this was the honest truth, LP and RD have come forward to say Casey is now saying she was mugged and Caylee taken at Blanchard Park.

It sounds like SHE isn't saying anymore that Caylee was taken at Sawgrass.


After the taped interigation and before LP and RD made that statement, Didn't Cindy say that Casey knew who had her daughter but was not saying, to protect the family.....

Which I understood at that time to mean, that cindy knew the ZG story to be false and that KC had to tell a false story to protect the family from some bad guys. And to protect Caylee from the people that had her.
It may or may not be true that Sawgrass has video from that time period.

But since Casey swore several times that this was the honest truth, LP and RD have come forward to say Casey is now saying she was mugged and Caylee taken at Blanchard Park.

It sounds like SHE isn't saying anymore that Caylee was taken at Sawgrass.


LP is saying all those things about Blanchard Park. Casey as far as I know has said nothing about it.
JB has not said she has changed her story at all. Even if she did, i doubt he would tell the media.
I don't believe the bounty hunter LP to be a credible source. By his own admission he was in the house one time and was not allowed to talk to Casey, or even approach the subject of Caylee. I'm just not sure where he gets his information from and none of it can be confirmed. Everytime he opens his mouth a new rumor comes out. A silly ruse by him to keep his face in front of the cameras.

I'm just not real sure about the things LP says, i question his motive in the case.

Is there a video at the Saw Grass apts that has Casey on it. Or was it used as an interrogation tactic to get Casey to confess?

I believe it was a tactic.
Rob Dick was the one who said KC changed her story. She told him while he was driving her around. There is an interview with him confirming this info. So it's not coming from LP.

But, nice try, I guess.
I think interactions between the Padilla group and Anthony's were recorded.

I am guessing that because the question of whether any of this what-so-ever would happen wasn't directly answered by TP. And because it would seem they'd have backup to protect themselves from future Anthony accusations.

IIRC when the investigators told Casey they had video from sawgrass, didn't they say.."and they don't show you being over there"..
Could they have meant that she hasn't been looking for her in a few days? I mean I don't think they were specifically saying that she didn't drop her off there, but that the video was showing that she hasn't been there in the time they had video for, discrediting the fact that Casey said she was looking for Caylee.
IIRC when the investigators told Casey they had video from sawgrass, didn't they say.."and they don't show you being over there"..
Could they have meant that she hasn't been looking for her in a few days? I mean I don't think they were specifically saying that she didn't drop her off there, but that the video was showing that she hasn't been there in the time they had video for, discrediting the fact that Casey said she was looking for Caylee.

You might be on to something. That could have been all that was to that comment.
they could have thrown it out there as bait to see if she would take it, and where she would lead them to next.
You might be on to something. That could have been all that was to that comment.
they could have thrown it out there as bait to see if she would take it, and where she would lead them to next.

This was my initial thought when I first heard the audio. They didn't specifically say, "Casey we seen the video from that day you said you dropped her off.."
I think they were discrediting her story of actually looking for Caylee, and any of the video from maybe the week prior to her being arrested did not show them she was looking in the places she last seen her at all..
I may be wrong, this is just what I understood them as saying..
Can you please post the link to the transcripts??
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