Interviews 10/17/2011 All interviews #2

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I am pretty sure a parent can be present when LE interviews the child.
Especially if the child heard something and the baby is missing, why would you be more concerned with the five year old than with a missing baby (who knows what is being done to a little baby by a kidnapper)?
That's a false dichotomy.

Well, Jenny, suffice it to say my view is unchanged. Let's just agree that I'm in the extreme, or whatever your opinion of me might be; I respect your right to your views of this case and me. However, I feel like I'm derailing this thread with this conversation.

Let's just pray neither of us are ever faced with such a scenario.

I'm still having trouble figuring out the basis of your opinion. What I got from the story is that the son in the Riley Fox case was only interviewed once, by an interviewer from a non-LE agency who asked him leading questions and the son got upset in the interview.
To be honest, I don't care.

I just feel like my conversation wrt my personal views are derailing this thread, and I apologise for dragging it off course.
That's a false dichotomy.

Well, Jenny, suffice it to say my view is unchanged. Let's just agree that I'm in the extreme, or whatever your opinion of me might be; I respect your right to your views of this case and me. However, I feel like I'm derailing this thread with this conversation.

Let's just pray neither of us are ever faced with such a scenario.


How is it false? One of the boys is 8 years old, by the way. Elizabeth Smart's little sister was 9, and she was able to eventually correctly figure out who kidnapped Elizabeth, because his voice sounded familiar. And she didn't figure it out right away. DB had claimed the boys heard noises. So why won't she let police to interview them again?
I work at an airport as a dispatcher, but I also work with LE who are contracted out from town. They rotate out so they are real LE. I am going to pick their brains. I also work with K-9 for explosives, but many are retired K-9 regular LE so I will pick their brains also, concerning a body wrapped in a container.
How is it false? One of the boys is 8 years old, by the way. Elizabeth Smart's little sister was 9, and she was able to eventually correctly figure out who kidnapped Elizabeth, because his voice sounded familiar. And she didn't figure it out right away. DB had claimed the boys heard noises. So why won't she let police to interview them again?
Again, I'm unwilling to discuss this anymore because I feel like I'm derailing this thread.

I've made my personal view clear enough several times; I've not been shy about it, and have offered a general explanation for it. That's the only explanation I'm willing to give on a public forum. Anything else is within the realm of my personal philosophy, which I'm unwilling to share with strangers. If my explanation was insufficient, I'm OK with that.

Unfortunately, I bet a lot of people are under the assumption that every time they talk about it, they relive the trauma, so they should be allowed to get over it by not having the subject brought up.

I'm one with that assumption. My assumption is based on research. However, an infant child is missing. If it is necessary to subject oneself or one's child to trauma in such a situation, than it is a necessary evil, IMO.

Megyn Kelly's interview was by far the best out of the three I've seen.

I wanted to hear DB say, "I drank alot. Damn! I wish so bad I hadn't! I was irresponsible!" Nope, instead she downplays her responsibility in the disappearance of her daughter. I'm further convinced that she killed Lisa, accidentally, by passing out on top of her (LKB even theorized this on Joy Behar).

I really think she was drunk, and a horrible, horrible accident occurred. I only buy the accident theory because she was drunk. I know, some of you think this is what the defense will want us to believe, but the fact that she's seen buying wine, and her husband wasn't home that night, tells me she had a night to herself and she let loose. Now, if she will only admit it.

I'm not sure how the accident theory is so popular. Like the ME in Caylee's case said, parents don't make an accident look like a kidnapping. I think that if it was not an abduction, one of the parents abused Lisa and she died as a result, or intentionally killed her.

sick kid and mom wants to "let loose" sounds like benedryl or nyquil time to me.

Maybe overdosing.

Overdoses of children from cold medications have plummeted since 2007 when stringent new laws regarding such medications were implemented. I imagine it would be hard to overdose a kid on the medication available at this time. I also imagine that a parent finding their child dead in the crib would not immediately conclude it was from an overdose. Finally, I imagine that a parent finding their child dead from an overdose or accident would do everything to revive the child, including calling 911, or running screaming down the street for help, because one's instinct is not to say, "Oh darn, she's dead. Let's hide the body so we don't get in trouble." One's instinct is to refuse to accept such a death and to believe in the possibility of saving the child. Even in the face of a cold and blue, little body, stiff with rigor mortis.

Not to me, not more than the one time. I do not for one moment trust anyone affiliated with LE to question my 5 year old. That said, I would take him to a child psychologist who could work with him and pass on every single scrap of information he remembered to LE.

The fact that DB won't allow the boys to talk with anyone at all, not even her, is what set off my alarms.

Again, that's just me. I respect others feel differently.

That's fair.

Note that this is an old article. The real killer of Riley Fox was eventually found and he confessed after his DNA was matched with that found in Riley's body.

Thanks. I fail to see any similarities to Lisa's case. In Riley's case, it was a smaller community, the interrogations were problematic, including the son's initial interview and the father's confession was coerced. I don't see any of that in Lisa's case.


Well, we don't know what went on in questioning involving Lisa's brothers. I think it is hard to say you don't see any similarities when we have no idea what happened when those boys were questioned.

But here's a solution to those wanting to avoid the horrible, forceful questioning that happened to Riley Fox's brother, or any other nefarious tricks on the part of LE. Go with the child to the interview and sit behind the glass, with access to live-time audio of the interview. If they don't allow that, then don't allow the interview.
To be honest, I don't care.

I just feel like my conversation wrt my personal views are derailing this thread, and I apologise for dragging it off course.

Oh. I didn't realize you weren't being honest when you bashed LE and said they can't be trusted. My mistake and apologies.

~snipped part not directed to me~

Well, we don't know what went on in questioning involving Lisa's brothers. I think it is hard to say you don't see any similarities when we have no idea what happened when those boys were questioned.

But here's a solution to those wanting to avoid the horrible, forceful questioning that happened to Riley Fox's brother, or any other nefarious tricks on the part of LE. Go with the child to the interview and sit behind the glass, with access to live-time audio of the interview. If they don't allow that, then don't allow the interview.

Yes, we do have an idea regarding some details. I don't see any similarities to the Riley Fox case as far as sibling interviews. It is known that LE has already interviewed Lisa's siblings. It is also known that the problematic interview in the Fox case was the first interview with her brother, not a subsequent interview.

Riley's body was found fairly quickly and it wasn't the sibling's interview that placed Dad in a jail cell, it was Dad's coerced confession.

Unfortunately, I bet a lot of people are under the assumption that every time they talk about it, they relive the trauma, so they should be allowed to get over it by not having the subject brought up.

DB said the boys did not see anything and possibly could have heard sounds. Doesn't sound like "trauma" to me. I say let a professional question them. What can it hurt? It's not like they witnessed a murder, for heaven's sake. Unless, of course, they did, and that is why DB won't let them talk.
Ok, another theory: I keep thinking of the tub. Lets see, boys and neighbor girl are watching movies, DB puts Lisa in the tub then goes to sit outside with neighbor and drink. Realizes she forgot Lisa in tub and finds her drowned. Dresses her, puts her in crib, and her and neighbor figure out what to do. Older kids fall asleep, and Mom and neighbor dispose of body.

Probably far fetched, but JMO.

That's exactly what I've been thinking as well. It would have been silent... Maybe no one else blood or evidence... and she could have just put her in her crib until she had dealt with the boys and then decided how to handle it. She might not have called 911 because she was drunk etc etc
No; I've addressed that in another post.

Of course I would want my missing baby back, but I still have another helpless child depending on me, who is most likely confused and scared already. A child psychologist (none affiliated with a LEA) could work with my son and pass along every single bit of information to LE; I just would not let LE personally interview him more than once, especially if I were innocent. I don't trust any LEA to be ethical just because he's 5.

the huge prob with LE interviewing children is that it's painfully easy to get any answer you want out of a child for lots of reasons - one huge one being is that kids think there has to be an answer to any question they are asked, no matter how nonsensical to them the question is (for example if you ask my 4 year old which weighs more, the sky or tuesday, he will answer tuesday, but if I tell him I think the sky weighs more, he will say yes, the sky.) so they will give whatever answers please the questioner.
Bill S and Tapocina are on The Today Show, BS says he thinks baby is still alive...more being said. Video usually up on The Today Show in half an hour or so.
Joe Tacopina on the Today Show saying DB will "absolutely not" be arrested.
Of course she won't! She has a $750 an hour attorney now!
Bill S and Tapocina are on The Today Show, BS says he thinks baby is still alive...more being said. Video usually up on The Today Show in half an hour or so.

They are on GMA right now.:seeya:
I really do not like it when joe says that LE didnt give DB a blood test. That makes me nervous. Thus the drunken defense. moo!!!
Haven't seen anything mentioned, but have the parents been seen putting up posters or passing out flyers or doing anything along those lines to try to find Lisa? The interviews I've seen I notice they aren't holding up pictures or anything.
I had a feeling yesterday after the press conference there would be a media blitz and there it is today with the hitting the morning shows.
This sounds rational! That would explain their *protecting* the boys from further interrogation. Maybe it was only the oldest boy...not both boys were awake. Lord, I pray this isn't the scenario. For that poor child to have to live with that guilt!

I just don't see a small boy, accidentally dropping a baby hard enough to kill her instantly. Something else happened. I don't want to believe that the boys did something to her on purpose, but it has happened in other cases.
As I drifted off to sleep last night, I was thinking about the lastest changes in the stories. JI now claims that when he came home, he went into the bedroom and talked to DB for a several minutes. During that time, he asked her what was going on with the lights being on, the door open and window in the computer room. At that time, she jumped out of bed and immediately ran to Lisa's room.

We also learned yesterday that DB drank enough wine to be drunk. If she were drunk at 10pm, but not passed out drunk, I believe it's possible that she could have been sober by 3:30am when JI returned home from work. In my younger days, I have had comversations when drunk that I didn't immediately recall the next morning until something triggered that memory. I'm starting to belive that DB did something to Lisa while drunk; what I don't know.

I know that some believe that the story changes that came out yesterday point to DB and JI's innocense but I'm leaning the other way.
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