Interviews 10/17/2011 All interviews #2

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Oh come on, cats and dogs can run away on their own accord. Running around calling LISA! and posting flyers is not going to help. The child is all over the news.

One of the things that they did that made me suspicious in the beginning is that they said they ran around the house calling her name. How is a 10 month old baby going to get out of the crib?

LOL, that was just an analogy about the pets. The point I was trying to make, was wouldn't most people put as much effort into finding a baby as many of us do with our pets? While I would have the utmost faith in LE, and would appreciate the media coverage, I would still be doing everything I could to be a part of a proactive effort to find my baby!
Moo, I'm leaning toward this same type scenario. I think she was abducted...mainly because I don't think either DB or JI is intelligent enough to pull this off.

As for the inconsistencies in their story--if you retell the same thing over and over and will begin to change. Fatigue, stress..and yes, alcohol, all factor into their explanations.

For those saying she couldn't possible be drunk or pass out with that few drinks--I'm a very large woman and my alcohol tolerance is near zero. Half glass of wine and I'm snookered. Of course, I'm a very rare drinker, so that may play into my lack of tolerance.

While I'm still leaning toward an abduction, your theory makes perfect sense. Would also explain a 2:30 call. He got home, found her gone/not breathing, etc. and placed a call for help.

I would agree with you, if it weren't for the them changing their opinion of the screen. In the interview today they both said absolutely they thought someone came in the window. In an earlier interview they both said no one could come through that window. I was on the parents side, I honestly believed them, but not after this interview.

It is upsetting to me that the parents were not truthful from the beginning and also that a house 4 blocks away wasn't searched until 2 weeks later. Poor little Lisa, she is being forgotten in all of this. Parents not asking for her return and LE having such a limited search area.:sick:

Deborah and Jeremy say they refuse to let detectives re-interview Lisa’s 8 and 5 year old half brothers.

Deborah says, “They [Lisa's brothers] say they heard noises but, I don’t if that was before umm, we went to sleep or after...I have not sat down and talked to them about it…specifically to not have to put them through anything else.”

This bugs me terribly. While I could NEVER choose between my children, if one were missing, I'd pick the other apart looking for ANYTHING that may help find their sibling. What could possibly emotionally scar them more than for their sister to be missing and no one listening to them to hear that they know what happened? IF the boys know something, it WILL come some point.
THIS ^^^^ makes me so angry. She is not going to talk to them about it so they do not have to 'go through anything else." Is she serious? Talking about it is EXACTLY what they need to do. Does she think they should ignore it and hold it in? After a trauma like that she is going to just not talk about it? AARRGGHHHHHHH:mad:

Unfortunately, I bet a lot of people are under the assumption that every time they talk about it, they relive the trauma, so they should be allowed to get over it by not having the subject brought up.
I think it's pretty obvious no one came in through the window.

I disagree with this, but I could be misinformed. I have never had a black out and I drink on a regular basis. The people I do know who have black outs are people who get DRUNK on a regular basis.

I don't think I've ever even once heard of someone who has blackouts and doesn't get drunk regularly.

If you guys would like to chime in otherwise I'll take it into consideration. But the idea that she blacked out seems impossible if she's not a chronic drunk. The fact that she says it's possible is very telling.

Also, why did she admit it? Well the obvious answer is that they asked her where the box of wine was that she got that night and it was empty. She says she was alone, they put two and two together so she's going to fess up.

I'm not sure what a blackout is. Is that where you can't remember what you did when you wake up in the morning?

There was a night out with the girls when I was much younger, when I woke up in the morning wondering why I was still in my clothes. I drank only on rare occasion. :crazy:
I'm not sure what a blackout is. Is that where you can't remember what you did when you wake up in the morning?

There was a night out with the girls when I was much younger, when I woke up in the morning wondering why I was still in my clothes. I drank only on rare occasion. :crazy:

Lol yep this is a blackout. They can be caused by alcohol, but also by other drugs, including some rx drugs.
LOL, that was just an analogy about the pets. The point I was trying to make, was wouldn't most people put as much effort into finding a baby as many of us do with our pets? While I would have the utmost faith in LE, and would appreciate the media coverage, I would still be doing everything I could to be a part of a proactive effort to find my baby!

I can guarantee I've put quadruple the effort into finding a lost dog or cat than this family has put toward finding Lisa, and this thought has crossed my mind many times. Not all of us can relate to a child missing, but we've all had some experience that we can point toward and say I KNOW I would be doing everything I could to bring my baby back.
Kidnapping is a federal offense. If your friend asked you to kidnap a baby and then this media circus exploded wouldn't you go straight to the cops?

Who in their right mind would do this?

Ok yes maybe some crazy woman who was pretending to have a baby or a deranged drifter or some other freak.

But the evidence we look at based on the interviews shows us that the Mother admits to possibly blacking out. The fact that she didn't even admit to drinking even after the box of wine emerged, shows she had something to hide. If you bought a box of wine and drank some then you'd say "I put the baby down and had a glass of wine and watched some tv and went to bed"

She omitted it.

Additionally the open door, lights on and phones missing point to her doing a black out walk.

That's just what it looks like to me having grown up in a home with someone who had blackouts.

Yep, blackouts happen, people get drunk, leave their kids in a soiled diaper - I'm right there with you......but, what happened to Lisa?
Wow. Does that make sense to anyone? Anyone who's ever lost a cat or dog knows enough to post flyers around the neighborhood and drive around calling the pet's name. Would you not even do that much if your precious baby was abducted from your home? What is the thought process there? I'm pretty outraged and bewildered.

I completely agree...Some folks dont watch the news so hanging posters in the hood or at grocery stores or walmarts brings more attention to the missing child.

It was Nascar that the family (dont believe the parents were there..not sure)passed out flyers
I feel that one reason that DB claimed she was black out drunk that night is so it will appear there is no way she could have driven off with the child to despose of her body so I do think this is just one more piece of the defence she is getting together... I still am perplexed about the 3 phones no kidnappers is going to steal 3 phones that will ping the direction of travel the went when kinapping a baby, but someone who watches cases on missing children would be fully aware of what those same pings could mean for her.
I'm not sure what a blackout is. Is that where you can't remember what you did when you wake up in the morning?

There was a night out with the girls when I was much younger, when I woke up in the morning wondering why I was still in my clothes. I drank only on rare occasion. :crazy:
Before I went off to college, I'd had a beer here and there with high school chums, but never a big drinker. The first time I got really smashed was in college. I woke up fully clothed, curled up in a closet. I didn't have a memory of that night at all. Still don't.

Of course I was young, dumb, and invincible back then, but a rare drinker...the first year anyway *cough*. Anyway, I basically thanked God I was all right and never, ever drank that much again. So I don't think someone has to be a regular drinker to experience a blackout, IMO.
Not all of us can relate to a child missing, but we've all had some experience that we can point toward and say I KNOW I would be doing everything I could to bring my baby back.

Nothing CLOSE to this scenario, but when my son was 4, we were at a water park. I turned my head for maybe 20 seconds to check on my other child and when I turned back, he was gone. It took us 45 minutes to locate him (dd only 14months older, sighted him floating around lazy river:innocent:). He's autistic and at that time he was unable to tell you his name. That was the longest 45 minutes of my life. I fought panic the entire time; was fighting between running in search of him and collapsing in fear. I can easily see how their reactions may not necessarily fit what we *think* they should be doing.

Another time, he slid out the front door in one of the FEW times we slipped and left it unlocked. Found him two blocks away (other side of a huge intersection during rush hour traffic). I add this one to say that I KNOW I'm a good parent, but even being diligent in trying to keep my little flight-risk safe, we slipped once or twice. No alcohol involved; just human error. It happens. If someone had asked me, "Was the door locked?" me and my hubby would have sworn it was--because that was our NORMAL routine. But we didn't lock it that time ;).
Before I went off to college, I'd had a beer here and there with high school chums, but never a big drinker. The first time I got really smashed was in college. I woke up fully clothed, curled up in a closet. I didn't have a memory of that night at all. Still don't.

Of course I was young, dumb, and invincible back then, but a rare drinker...the first year anyway *cough*. Anyway, I basically thanked God I was all right and never, ever drank that much again. So I don't think someone has to be a regular drinker to experience a blackout, IMO.

Thank goodness we both woke up alone with our clothes on!

One of the MANY things today that stuck out to me was LB stating that at 6:40, Lisa had been really fussy and she had to put her down.
How? Lay her down with her Barney or a binkitini?
Well I suppose that you don't have to be a regular drinker. But someone did say that she drank 2-3 times a week. She's setting the stage for something. Intoxication is an excuse. She was in her home at night with her kids and may have drank too much but is providing a back up story that she would have slept through an abduction or if it ends up pointed back at her she can say she blacked out and didn't remember so she wasn't technically lying to the police.
I feel that one reason that DB claimed she was black out drunk that night is so it will appear there is no way she could have driven off with the child to despose of her body so I do think this is just one more piece of the defence she is getting together... I still am perplexed about the 3 phones no kidnappers is going to steal 3 phones that will ping the direction of travel the went when kinapping a baby, but someone who watches cases on missing children would be fully aware of what those same pings could mean for her.

It's my understanding that DB does not drive. This has been posted here at WS but no one seems to know the reason why Deborah doesn't drive (beyond a somewhat lame excuse about her not being insured). I can't help wondering if she has ever had a drivers' license, if it has been suspended or revoked, and reasons behind this action?
I couldn't watch the interviews today. I just can't stomach those two right now. But I'm curious to know if any of the interviewers asked DB and JI why they haven't been pleading for the abductor to return their baby in the media? And why they haven't they been actively involved in searching, posting flyers, command posts, prayer vigils, etc. Did anyone ask and how did the parents respond?
I'm not buying into the "Drunk" scenario at all. I will even state that anything she says I will not take as FACT. Her stories has changed and too much going on. Not believing her one iota!
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