Interviews Lisa's Parents Good Morning America, Fox, The Today Show 10/17/2011 #2

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I sure wish they had asked her what meds she was on.

Why didn't she?
How can a mom not check in on her child (let alone the child being sick) after that many hours? Unreal!

I know. I'm far from a perfect parent (far far far, lol!) but honestly my youngest is 7 and I still peek in on her before I go to bed myself. If she's sick (which she often is with asthma) I check even more often. A young infant who was ill and left unchecked from 6.40 onwards? Crazy.
About the drug for anxiety, her response was

"do you take any drugs?" NO
"are you a drug user?" NO
"are you on any drugs?"

"NO, but i take anti anxiety medication, but, um i mean it's not narcotic"

And when you take antianxiety drugs and then drink wine on top of it?
About the drug for anxiety, her response was

"do you take any drugs?" NO
"are you a drug user?" NO
"are you on any drugs?"

"NO, but i take anti anxiety medication, but, um i mean it's not narcotic"

DB would probably say that wine isn't alcohol. jmo
I wonder.......................

Here in Florida, we have had several cases where the mother rolled over on the child when they were passed out from being drunk and ended up smothering them to death. LE did end up charging them also.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm Could she have??? OR is this going to be her next lie....?
Honestly...I hate to say it but this reminds me of the Caylee Anthony case. I don't care if I was drinking and smoking crack and prostituting myself, I would risk going to jail if it meant telling the police the TRUE and accurate story to get my child back.

Why would DB LIE? Doesn't she want her baby found? Unless she knows something we don't know and isnt in a rush to find her because she knows Lisa wouldn't be found alive....

I always suspected DB from the start, and I still hope I'm wrong, but this story is not right.
The effect of Xanax only makes the alcohol more "effective", and more debilitating. (My own experience and what reports say, as well)

We don't know what she is on, or the dosage, but every one of them has a little red sticker on the outside of the bottle that says, "Alcohol could intensify the effects of this medication."

Negligence! :twocents: MOO
She sure seemed cheerful in Megyn's interview, except for the one time that she began to cry...but that could easily have been authentic if Lisa was accidentally killed. If it were me, I wouldn't be able to get up off the floor crying...even after 3 weeks - let alone being flippant and giggling. Very sad case...
I agree that when people say they drank one or two they're often lying.

But her skin is flawless - her nose is small and smooth, and pale. I don't see any evidence at all of her being a really heavy drinker.

Yes BUT- She is still only 25!!:waitasec:
Ok - I've read and watched all the interviews (except the FOX one - I can't get that one to open)

Anyway, ever hear that there's always "a little truth" in every lie?

This quote is from the People mag interview:

She put Lisa down in her room around 6:40 p.m., she says. Only once more soon afterward did she check on Lisa, finding her standing in her crib before tucking her back in.,,20537543,00.html

Hmmmm - standing in her crib? Was this new? And how many of us mothers have had children that we find standing in their crib - only to try to lay them back down and they are like lil boomerangs? Right back up.

I don't know the statistics on this and I do know all about how children - especially young infants can bounce - BUT

Could DB have laid her back down - told her to go back to sleep and left. Then at 10:30 to check on her again - only to find her on the floor, with a broken neck? It is possible for Lisa to have fallen out of that crib and broke her neck? Yes, very possible and with DB drunk - probably not checking on her at all - Lisa could have been gone for at least an hour - if not more.

Out of all the interviews this morning - THAT line sticks out to me the most and it was only in the People mag article - never said anywhere else.

I think we're getting closer to the truth here - only hope we're getting closer to finding Baby Lisa.

Per my pediatrician.....babies do not suffer serious injuries falling out of cribs...especially onto a carpeted floor. It's a concern that parents have, but a child Lisa's age would probably not be harmed.
mommy has an attitude in this interview because Megyn Kelly isn't buying her bull and she knows it. I love Megyn Kelly!!!!

Huge difference in this interview and the one that Dan (poor deborah) Abrams did on The Today Show.

I agree! Megyn is making her show more of her true personality.

And I apologize for misspelling Megyn's name, Y'all.
What did everyone think about her insistance that she wasn't a drug user? I really wish I had recorded this because something about the way she answered bothered me but I'm not sure what. Not that I think she is a heavy drug user but I'm wondering about some recreational use during her "adult time".
Why the heck does she keep looking up and to her right every time she answers a question? Driving me batty....
She needs to SHUT. UP!!! If she is guilty, she is implicating herself with every word. If she is not guilty, she is making it impossible for LE or anyone else to believe she *isn't* involved. MOO, involved or not, I think she's losing it, and she needs to get out of the media spotlight for the sake of the other kids if not her own.
What did everyone think about her insistance that she wasn't a drug user? I really wish I had recorded this because something about the way she answered bothered me but I'm not sure what. Not that I think she is a heavy drug user but I'm wondering about some recreational use during her "adult time".

Taking a prescription anti-anxiety or antidepressant is not considered being a drug user, nor is it recreational use.
Honestly, I think we can rule that out.

Getting a baby to drink wine would be no easy feat.

Um, no. Horror story from the 80's. Took a co-worker home from work one evening. Invited in. Co-worker gave 6 month old baby bottle with Jack Daniels in it. Baby drank it, mother said it made the baby sleep. Asked 2 year old to go get the bag for mom. It was a bag of marijuana. I nearly had a heart attack! I never went inside again, always said I was in a hurry and had to be somewhere else.
I wonder.......................

Here in Florida, we have had several cases where the mother rolled over on the child when they were passed out from being drunk and ended up smothering them to death. LE did end up charging them also.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm Could she have??? OR is this going to be her next lie....?

Shhhh........that could possibly be her defense.
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